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The next morning, I was up before my roommates. I showered, did my hair, put on a touch of makeup, and got dressed into my uniform. I sat down on my bed and pulled on my heeled boots. I love these boots. I looked myself over, before grabbing my headphones and putting them around my neck. I fixed my tie before heading downstairs to the common room. I finished buttoning up my blazer as I entered the common room. Blake was standing there in front of a mirror, trying to fix his tie. I tried not to laugh and snorted instead. Blake glared at me and rolled his eyes. 
"Getting to class early won't excuse the glasses and hair," he pointed out. 
"I haven't been able to sleep," I told him. 
"Nervous about the school?" he questioned as he pulled his tie off and shoved it in a pocket of his blazer. 
"More or less," I said with a shrug. I'm nervous about falling asleep around the type of people who have hurt me, I thought to myself. I studied the boy before me. For someone who is running this class of people, Blake is an absolute disaster. He had messy hair. His shirt was wrinkled and his blazer was missing a button. We get our uniforms fresh and brand new everyday! 
"You've been busy this morning," I said. 
"Yeah. I have been. Why do you ask?" Blake looked me over, probably judging my clean-cut appearance. 
"I wasn't asking. I was just pointing it out," I answered. Blake looked over his uniform and nodded in acknowledgement. 
"Not all students in this school are nice," he said as he approached me. "Lose the sunnies, at least."
"I can't. I'm highly sensitive to light." I pulled his tie out of his pocket and wrapped it around my neck. I tied it properly before taking it off my neck and holding it out for Blake. 
"Thanks," he said and took the tie. "Then the hair." He nodded to the hair covering my face. 
"No. Not happening. I have my reasons. And I'm not explaining," I continued as Blake opened his mouth. He closed it as I walked past him. "What time's breakfast? I'm hungry."
"6:00 to 8:00 in the morning," he answered. I nodded slightly and looked at a clock hanging on the wall. It was almost 6:30. 
"Well, I'm going to get some breakfast." I paused. "This school has coffee here, right," I asked Blake. 
"Yes." Blake laughed as he answered. I nodded again and walked out of the common room to find the dining hall. As I approached the dining hall, Headmaster was sneaking out with a plate of waffles. He jumped slightly when he saw me. 
"Shh," he placed a finger to his lips with a grin. I laughed at him. "Professor Floral is trying to get me to stop eating the waffles," he whispered mischievously. 
"I won't tell," I said with a smile. He chuckled lightly before looking me over. 
"You must be, Gemini," he said with a smile. 
"Yes. That's me," I answered, still smiling. 
"I was notified by your parents about the injuries you received. May I see?" Headmaster asked. I sighed before I moved my hair slightly out of my face. After a few moments to let Headmaster see my face, I covered it back up with my hair. "Hold this for me," Headmaster held out his plate of waffles and put it in my hands. He pulled out a pen and notepad from his pocket and wrote something down. He ripped off the slip of paper he wrote on before he put his pen and notepad back in his pocket. He took his plate back and handed me the paper before he hurried away as Professor Floral walked out of the dining hall. She hastily followed after the fleeing Headmaster. I looked down at the paper Headmaster gave me. For medical reasons, Gemini is allowed to wear her glasses and have her hair covering her face. Please direct all questions me. Signed, Headmaster. I smiled and tucked the paper into my blazer before walking into the dining hall for breakfast.

After breakfast, I headed off to my first class with Jewels and Crystal. They were telling me what to expect during class. I had changed my big, bulky pair of headphones to smaller ear buds that were practically invisible unless one specifically looked for them. I had them threaded under my blazer and my iPod was in a pocket. One ear bud was in my ear as I listened to some music. We walked into a classroom, which didn't have any tables or chairs. A few people stood around, waiting with books in hand or looking at Blake, who was leaning against the only desk in the room. His arms were crossed across his chest and his tie was undone once again. What the hell does the guy do to always have a messed up tie? He's just a mess. 
"You're in a first year class?" Crystal asked Blake, clearly surprised. Blake shook his head.
"No one from my class continued for a second year. So I'm basically required to babysit all of you and do my own studies in private," Blake grumbled. He didn't sound too happy. 
"Well, that must suck," A guy called out. Blake just shrugged. 
"I like being here." Blake ran his hand through his messy hair as the bell started ringing. A man walked into the class, looking a little distracted. He had a pen behind his ear, another in his hand, and he wore a hat that sat lopsided on his head. The hat had a large, white ostrich feather sticking out of it. His jacket hung off his right shoulder and he was writing things in a book. 
"Take your seats," the man said, not looking up from his writing. 
"There are no seats..." Crystal pointed out to who I assumed to be the teacher. 
"Then sit on the ground," the teacher said as if already annoyed at one of his students. 
"You can't be serious!" Crystal looked shocked. I simply just sat on the ground without question. Some people looked at me questionably. However, I did not have a problem sitting on the ground. It took a moment before others followed my lead. 
"Where are the chairs?" Jewels wondered. She looked at the teacher, then at Blake when the teacher didn't respond. 
"Probably some prank, Ian pulled," Blake answered her. The four classes are constantly engaging in a prank war, there are rumours of stealing classroom things and exploding food, the list is endless." 
"Can we prank them back?" 
"That's what this class is about," the teacher explained. "Most schools do friendly games like soccer or other competitive sports, but we like to do prank wars. It keeps stress levels low and makes people laugh."
"Cool," I exclaimed, slightly excited. Finally, something I'm good at. 
"However, right now we will go through all the rules and restrictions on the pranks and talk about some options for some pranks." The teacher sat down on the desk. "I'm Professor Miles, but everyone calls me Mr Ha-ha," Professor Miles introduced himself. A few people laughed at his lame attempt at a joke. 
"Mr Ha-ha?" Crystal raised her hand, curious. 
"Yes, Miss?" Professor Miles called on her with a smile. 
"Is this literally a class on practical jokes?" Crystal continued.
"Yes. It's also an elective. So you don't have to be here. But you are required to hear the rules before you wander off to do whatever you feel like doing." Professor Miles further explained. 
"What are the rules?" I asked curiously. "And are we graded?" 
"Participation marks will be given to you," he answered. "And there are four basic rules. One, you cannot harm another student or teacher. Two, making someone feel extremely vulnerable to attacks is not allowed. For example, you cannot expose someone's secrets as a joke. Three, rumours that are spread are not to be cruel or harmful. Ever. Emotionally attacking someone as a prank is not tolerated. Four, the purpose of the prank wars are to make people laugh, not to harm them. All prank ideas must be run past Blake or me before you can attempt them. If the prank is not approved by either of us, then you cannot go forth with said prank. Doing so will result in an appropriate punishment," Professor Miles finished his lecture. 
"Is that all?" Crystal asked. 
"Yes," the professor answered. Over half of the students got up. Crystal tried to pull me up but I chose to stay. She rolled her eyes and walked out of the door. I was left in the room with four other students. The twins who boarded the train with me and two other girls I didn't know. One of them was asleep, leaning against the other girl. 
"We are just here for the participation marks," the girl who was awake spoke up before she turned back to her book. They were shifters whose power levels just cleared the threshold to be in the Black class. 
"I'm here to prank people," one of the twins said excitedly. The professor looked at me. 
"I can tell my parents I'm passing a class and not lie about it," I shrugged. 
"Well, does anyone have any ideas?" The professor asked as he looked around at the remaining students. 
"Stink bomb in their common room," I said and shrugged again.
"We aren't allowed in other common rooms," Blake pointed out. 
"You don't have to. Throw it through their open windows." 
"Thirty feet off the ground?" Blake blanched.
What if we climbed the side of the tower? Then we can throw it in the window before sealing the windows from the outside?" One of the twins offered. Blake chuckled now. 
"Propelling down the side of the tower will be easier. That way you are secured and can use both hands to seal the windows." I said. "But sealing all the windows except one would be better. That way you can throw as many stink bombs in the window as possible and they can't open the others as well." I added. 
"I am loving this idea. But how do you intend on getting up there, unseen?" Blake asked. 
"Go after dark," a twin offered. 
"And the stink bombs?" Blake continued. 
"It will take a few days to make them," the girl who was awake said. "I used to make them for my brother to throw at unsuspecting people. What do you want them to smell like? Sour milk? Rotten eggs? Skunk?" 
"The worst, most disgusting smell that will take forever to remove," Blake told her, smirking. "Ian deserves pay back after spreading the erectile dysfunction rumour about me," he added and the girl blushed. 
"Who's going to propel down the side of the tower?" The girl asked, changing the subject. 
"I don't do well with heights," one of the twins said. 
"I'm too uncoordinated to do that stuff," the other added. 
"I'll do it," I told everyone with a shrug. "It's just like abseiling." 
"We will get a list of things for the stink bombs and whatever is needed to seal the windows," one of the twins said. 
"I'll start making the stink bombs once I have the supplies," the girl added. 
"And I'll just wait until everything is ready to climb the tower and execute the plan," I finished with a grin.
Professor Miles looked at all of us with a mischievous smile. "I like this class."

The following classes weren't as exciting we had Basic supernatural history, a study period, followed by lunch and Then monsterology and lastly training. Like physically beat the shit out of each other, training. I was not looking forward to training at all. I had changed into an all black outfit that was tight. Black tank top and black shorts. Everyone wore the same thing. The other classes wore their corresponding colours, but had on the same style of clothing. I just stood there awkwardly behind Crystal and Jewels because they were much taller than me.
"Yo, Blake," Ian called out. "How was your first class?" 
"Eventful," Blake answered with a grin. I peeked around Crystal to find Ian talking to Blake. 
"Anyway, what happened to that girl? The one who refused to hit you? She isn't in Blue," Ian said, curious about my whereabouts. 
"She's here..." Blake looked around, "somewhere..." he continued when he couldn't seem to find me. 
"What?" Ian's face twisted in confusion.
"Her power level was 453," Blake boasted to Ian. 
"Interesting," Ian murmured as he continued to scan the crowd, looking for me. I remained hidden behind Crystal, uncomfortable in my tight clothes. My legs felt too exposed. If my shorts were any shorter, my tattoos would be visible to the world. 
"All first year students listen up!" Blake barked out over the crowd. "You will be partnered with someone whose power level is similar to yours. This is for training purposes, and is not to be treated as a competitive fight. The only time you are allowed to be competitive is if you take on a class leader. That is Bryan, Dylan, Ian, or myself. Right now, the goal is not to injure, but to learn!" Blake paused, looking over the crowd of first years. Their eyes were glued to him, soaking in his words.
"When your class leader calls out your name, you will be paired with someone else. Move with your partner to the side until otherwise instructed!" Ian yelled out as he took over with the instructions. Dylan began to call out names, pairing people together. Ian turned to Blake. "How about a wager, Blake?" Ian said with a grin. Blake's eyebrows rose. 
"What wager?" 
"That human girl of yours won't be able to take on someone in a real fight," Ian challenged his friend. Blake crossed his arms. "I'm not wagering someone I don't know. However, I do believe she can. She is clever, but I won't put a human in danger." 
"You're no fun," Ian muttered sarcastically. Suddenly, bodies moved and I was knocked over. A guy had stepped back to avoid another person who was shoved into him. In doing so, that guy collided with Crystal, who elbowed me in the face as we all fell on the ground. As all four of us lay sprawled out, my hand shot to face to inspect the damage. Holy fuck! Pain ran through my face, which made me question if my nose was broken. Tears welled up in my eyes before I realized my nose was bleeding. Oh no. This was worse. My face throbbed with pain and my vision blurred. Someone reached out to my face. I blinked and my vision cleared just in time to see him heal my nose and fix my broken glasses. I gasped when I felt my nose shift as it was repaired. 
"That could have been disastrous," the teacher commented as he helped me to my feet. As I steadied my balance, I noticed everyone looking at me. My face flushed in embarrassment. I felt ashamed. I didn't want to be here anymore. I would rather hide away somewhere else and study rather than face everyone right now. The shame of appearing like a weak human in front of all these supernatural, sucked. However, I also detest violence. I don't want to attack anyone unless my life is threatened. I hugged myself and looked at the ground, avoiding everyone's' stares. 
"I would have won that wager, you know," Ian whispered to Blake. He sounded amused. 
"The end of the year, I'll train her to be the best person here," Blake retorted with a glare. Seriously? I looked at the two boys. Blake and Ian finally noticed me staring at them. 
"Can you hear us?" Ian directed his question to me, his eyes wide. They were fifteen feet away but my enhanced hearing could detect their hushed whispers. I gave a small nod of acknowledgement and they looked away, embarrassed that they had been caught. Good. They should be ashamed to assume that I was weak and helpless. 
"Are you okay?" the teacher beside me asked. I looked at him for a moment and pondered his question. Was I all right? Physically, yes I was. I just felt embarrassed. 
"Yeah, I'm good," I dusted off my backside and straightened myself out. I fixed my hair and readjusted my glasses so they sat on my face properly. 
"You know, that isn't a part of the uniform, right?" the teacher scolded me and gestured to my glasses and hair. In answer, I pulled out the note that Headmaster wrote from my pocket. I handed it to him and watched as he read it. "This is clearly a fake," he said with a frown. I looked at his power level. How was this guy even a teacher? His power level was less than 100, unless he was a warlock. 
"Go ask Headmaster if you don't believe me," I told him. He narrowed his eyes at me before walking away, instructing Blake to continue the lesson. I just stood there awkwardly as people started whispering. 
"She must be a mage or something?" 
"She probably spelled the Headmaster..."
"Do think Blake's taking advantage of her and is lying about her power level? Maybe he's just keeping an eye out for her." I stiffened as that particular comment caught peoples' attention. 
"I heard Blake has a fetish for smaller, weak girls," someone sniggered. 
"Not just him. Ian too..."
"I heard last year, Blake and Ian dated the same human girl and she ended up being killed." 
"Maybe this human will end up dead like her too." 
"It's not like humans belong in our world."
"They should be all killed."
Nah. They should be enslaved. They are at the bottom of the food chain." I looked at the group of wolves and vampires that had gathered over near the weapons racks. They all wore black neckties. 
"Crystal and Jewels will be paired together!" Blake interrupted the hushed gossip. 
"What about, Gem?" Jewels asked. "You didn't call her name."
"Gemini out ranks all of you. She will be trained on a separate level to the rest of you." Whispers burst out again after Blake's statement. 
"Yeah, she is definitely sleeping with him."
"Impossible! There is no way a human can out rank us!"
"She probably offered herself to Blake for protection." I clenched my fists, as the whispers grew louder and echoed in my head. How dare they! 
"How disgusting is it for an Alpha to go as low as a human for pleasure!" another voice sneered. 
"Maybe we should kill her in her sleep tonight. It would even out our numbers." 
I exploded after that comment. "Will you shut up?" I screamed at the gossipers. Everyone looked alarmed at my outburst. "Go ahead! Try and kill me! See if you can even get close enough! I fucking dare you!" I spat out as a burst of pain shot out from my eye. I clutched my head as pain engulfed my face. 
"You don't belong here. Simple as that," someone called out. Everyone heard the person's comment. I looked up and saw it was a guy. A vampire. His power level was only 420. "So how did you do it?" the vampire spoke louder after he saw he had everyone's attention. "How did you manage to lie about your power level?" He mocked me. He straightened up and puffed out his chest to try and intimidate me. However, I was more concerned about the pain in my eye. I could feel the blood running from my eye. I knew it wasn't red blood. It was black in colour. Damaged blood. 
"She didn't lie. Professor Bunny assessed her," Blake glared at the vampire. 
"That crazy bat? She can't tell up from down," the vampire scoffed. I suddenly fell to knees and everyone took a step back. I covered my eye with a hand, preventing anyone from seeing the blood. 
"Headmaster!" Blake yelled out and I heard feet running across grass. 
"What happened," one teacher asked the onlookers. 
"People were saying mean things about Gemini. But no one touched her," Blake explained, defending the students. My glasses fell to the ground as blood began to drip onto the grass. 
"Gemini," the Headmaster squatted down in front of me, but kept his distance. "Show me the damage," he ordered. 
"No," I murmured. I felt weak from the pain that was running through the left side of my head. But, I was familiar with this pain. If I get angry at the wrong times, pain runs through me instead of what should happen. What should happen is a particular werewolf shift. But shifting outside of the full moon can be extremely painful. Contrary to popular human belief, werewolf shifting is a choice, even during the full moon. 
"Everyone, go away!" The Headmaster waved his hands at the gathered crowd. People dispersed in hushed whispers and walked away. Headmaster once again turned his attention to me. "Show me," he said softly, eyes full of concern. I looked up at him and removed my hand that was covering my damaged eye. He moved my hair off my face. "You have a ghost eye..." the Headmaster was amazed. He softly touched my cheek with his finger and the pain faded away. Then he handed me a cloth to wipe off the blood on my face. After I finished cleaning off my face, I picked up my glasses and stood up. Headmaster stood up as well. 
"Thank you," I whispered.
"You're welcome," Headmaster nodded his head before pausing. "Is that eye a result of the werewolf attack?" he asked curiously as I slid my glasses back on. 
"Yes." I paused and took a breath. "The venom from the werewolf's claws didn't kill me. But it did this to me instead." I explained softly and pointed to my face. Headmaster's face grew puzzled.
"The venom must have fused with your blood," he theorized. "That would have given you werewolf instincts and your ghost eye. You would see things no one else can," he breathed out in amazement. I gave him a small nod. He was right. 
"I have enhanced hearing and a stronger sense of smell. I can also see the demon sensors and hear them as well," I listed out some of my abilities. 
"You really are talented," Headmaster gave me a genuine smile. "I now understand why your parents insisted you attended this academy." 
I frowned. "My parents told me I was selected."
He laughed. "No. Your parents had pestered me since you were sixteen. They wanted you to attend this school," he explained with a smile. I shifted my feet in slight embarrassment. "You are basically considered a werewolf, Gemini. And your power will keep growing. If you get angry like that again the venom in your blood will act up," Headmaster looked at me pointedly. I nodded, acknowledging his concerns. I cleared my throat. 
"Headmaster? My parents don't actually know about this. They know of the attack but not the abilities I have gained as a result of it," I admitted. Headmaster nodded at my confession. Then he escorted me back to my class, before walking away. I was too embarrassed to look at anyone, so I remained as inconspicuous as I could for the rest of the class.

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