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I woke up in the morning and Talia was gone. I sighed softly rolling over seeing a note on the pillow beside me. Gone home. Apologise to Blake and Ian or I'll kick your ass. Love T. I rolled my eyes before I sighed getting out of bed. Having a shower and blood before heading downstairs in my uniform with Luca on my head, Dante tried to stop me in the common room. Victor tried to stop me at the bottom of the stairs and Jason tried to stop me at the dining hall. So when I walked inside and saw Blake and Ian. I was already exhausted and prayed they wouldn't try anything. Being required to sit in our assigned seats I sat down beside Ian and across from Blake they both looked at me for a moment. But I just poured myself some coffee not really wanting to talk. So I just kept a blank expression on my face. 
"You are very ignorant today." Jason said. I just rested my head against my hand not saying anything. "Hello. Earth to Gemini. Are you even listening to me? Or anyone." Jason said. The little sleep I got last night left me with a headache. 
"Jason." Ian said when he went to say something again. "Just shut up." Ian said annoyed. 
"Just because you and Blake gave up on her doesn't mean I'm going to." Jason said before he smiles "less competition." He added sounding smug about it 
"I'm sitting right here you prick." I said bluntly "I'm also not a fucking prize. So if you are going to talk about me like I am a damn trophy can you politely not do it where I can hear you." I said looking at him. They were all surprised by my calm tone and how I worded that nicely. It felt quiet at the table and I just put my head back in my hand before my eyes began to fall closed as everyone ate in silence. 
"Gemini." Blake said and I jumped slightly opening my eyes 
"What?" I asked rubbing my eyes 
"I asked if you did the power level assignment." Blake said 
"I didn't have to. You all had to because I was better." I mumbled putting my head back in my hand. I felt something move up my leg and knew it was Nigiri. I could feel the snake body. 
"Hey has anyone seen Nigiri. She's missing again and we are leaving very soon." Victor said approaching us. 
"No. You really should keep a better eye on her." Blake said looking at victor. 
"She's wrapped around my leg." I muttered. 
"And you are so calm about that?" Victor asked. I put my hand under the table and Nigiri moved to my arm. I held her up to victor who stood behind me 
"She's harmless. So I don't really care." I said simply as he took her from me. 
"You don't have this affect on Olivia's owl." Victor pointed out. 
"An owl isn't a supernatural creature so no I do not have that affect on them." I said softly taking a drink from my coffee 
"She's in a strange mood." Jason said simply. "She politely told me to shut up." He added 
"You listened too." Dante said chuckling and it made victor laugh. 
"I'll see you at the next games Gemini." Victor said sounding please 
"No you won't." Blake said "the blue water girls are hosting the next green games and your guys are hosting the red games next term. You won't see her until third term for the black games." Blake added. 
"Wait seriously?" Victor said, "When was that announced?" He asked. 
"This morning. When you didn't show up to the meeting." Blake said simply. 
"Damn." Victor mumbled. I yawned slightly covering my mouth. 
"You know she's a werewolf yet you still chase her? Why?" Dante asked victor. 
"Because my coven doesn't frown upon mix race mating. They encourage it." Victor said sounding pleased.
"Seriously that's gross." Jason said bluntly "a werewolf and a vampire should never be in a relationship let alone mate and have kids. I get that's why Ian backed off her. He has nothing to lose but wouldn't risk it knowing a lot of covens hate mix race mating." Jason said. Everyone just looked at him. Even I turned to look at him. 
"Jesus." I said in shock. 
"What?" Jason asked 
"I didn't realise how small minded you were until now." I said looking at him in complete shock. 
"You wouldn't screw a vampire would you?" He asked I just looked at him. 
"Is he being serious because I can't tell?" I asked looking at Ian 
"I think he is." Ian said and I just looked at Jason again unsure of what to say 
"Dude she already had sex with Ian remember." Dante whispered to Jason. 
"She has sex with Blake not Ian." Jason said looking at Dante. Thank fuck no one else was around. I thought becoming embarrassed now. 
"And this is where I leave." I said standing up 
"Seriously you are a child for walking away." Jason said. I looked at him 
"I'm sorry. I don't think my sex life is an appropriate Breakfast conversation." I said simply. He just looked at me now
"Well did you?" He asked me I just looked at him for a moment. Denying it would upset Ian. Telling the truth would piss off Jason and he will probably do something stupid. 
"Jason." I said simply. He just looked at me waiting for me to continue. "You had my things confiscated. Why would I tell you anything?" I asked him 
"Because. I can get your stuff back." He said smirking now I chuckled shaking my head. 
"Wow. You really are stupid." I said before turning to leave again 
"You didn't answer my question." Jason said standing up. I looked at him again 
"Of course I had sex with Ian. He isn't the first vampire I screwed either." I said with a smile and it really pissed off Jason even tho the second part was a lie. Jason was the last person I had sex with. But he doesn't need to know that. I turned and left when nothing else was said. Victor followed after me tho 
"I have a question." Victor said walking beside me 
"Don't you have to leave?" I asked looking at him as I stopped walking. 
"After I ask you this questions I'll leave." He said 
"Alright." I said simply. 
"Do you mind if I write to you?" he asked with a smile 
"What?" I asked confused as I looked at him 
"Write letters. Emails and phone calls aren't possible so would you mind?" He asked. 
"Don't except a reply." I said simply. 
"Well I hope I can chance you mind," he said with a smile before walking away. I rolled my eyes and headed off to class early.

I sat in monsterology with my head on the desk just dozing and waiting for everyone to get to class. I maybe for two hours worth of sleep this morning. So all I wanted to do was go to sleep right now. I yawned as people began to walk into the room taking their seats. But when people noticed me they started whispering. 
"I can't believe she managed to hide that she was a werewolf." 
"She isn't completely a werewolf." 
"She couldn't shift properly." 
"Maybe She was turned. I heard that's possible in some cases" 
"Who would have turned her?" 
"It could have been an accident." 
"She was attacked by a werewolf. The venom must have turned her." 
"Don't humans die when werewolf venom gets in their system?"
"Normally yes but she must have been one with the right DNA code to be able to survive." 
"Silence!" Professor Floral yelled walking into the room. "I know there have been whispers about Gemini being a werewolf and many questions as to how she became like this. So I will clear the air now. She was attacked by a werewolf and survived because the venom bonded to her blood. She was very lucky to survive." Professor Floral said in her teacher voice that demanded authority. 
"Where are Blake and Ian?" I heard Jason ask. 
"Blake and Ian have returned to their own studies. They no longer have to watch over the class or make sure you are all able to find your classes. From now on they are your class advisories and not your babysitters." Professor Floral said frustrated. "Now Jason why don't we start the lesson with you. Please tell me -Gemini if you are going to sleep in my class you should have just stayed in your room." Professor Floral said 
"Then can I just go back to bed?" I asked raising my head just enough to look at her. She was angry with me. 
"Off you go." She said in a calmer tone. 
"What?" Jason said, "You are just letting her go?" Jason said angry as I got to walk down the stairs 
"Yes I am because Gemini studies are four weeks in advance. She doesn't have to attend my class at all next term if she doesn't want to and it won't affect her grade." Professor Floral said calmly 
"You are favouring her." Jason said 
"Of course I am. She is my favourite student." Professor Floral said she smiled at me and I gave her a weak smile as I left the room. I walked though the hallways with Luca beside me. I dragged myself up the stairs to the tower not even wanting to do that. I was just burning out. I stumbled into the common room removing my tie unbuttoning the top two buttons to my blouse. Blake and Ian were sitting at the coffee table and I just collapsed onto the sofa closing my eyes. 
"You ok?" Blake asked. I just grumbled covering my head 
"Sleep." I said simply. 
"Why don't you go to your bed?"Ian asked 
"Too far away." I mumbled curling up. Actually I crashed here because they were there and if they are there I'll sleep better. "If I'm bothering you I'll go." I added 
"It's fine. Just asking Incase you were sick again." Ian said. I just nodded slightly closing my eyes. 
"What the fuck?" Blake asked confused
"What?" Ian asked 
"They want an essay on what we believe the Loch Ness monster was." Blake said 
"What?" Ian said now confused. 
"It was a hippocampus." I mumbled. "The only seas horse with front fins and a long enough neck to be similar to that if the Loch Ness." I mumbled. 
"Go to sleep." Blake said simply. I couldn't help but laugh lightly. "And stop showing off with your creature knowledge." He added 
"Sorry. Habit" I muttered getting comfortable again to sleep again. But I was now too interested in their essay to fall asleep.
"What do we know about hippocampuses?" Ian asked I giggled a bit. 
"Hippocampi is plural of hippocampus." I said softly. 
"Shush." Blake said simply. "We know that they lay eggs." Blake said 
"Shush." Blake said cutting me off and Ian chuckled. 
"They turn to solid gold when they die and sink to the bottom of the ocean. If removed they turn to dust." Ian said softly. I peeked our from behind my pillow looking at Blake. He looked frustrated. 
"Why did it have to be a creature we know next to nothing on?" Blake mumbled. Ian saw I was looking and he winked at me. It made me blush but I just covered my face up. Jerk. Sexy jerk. Mm. He tastes so good tho. What the fuck woman? Just thinking about it made me hungry for their blood. Both of them. Blake sighed in frustration. "Gemini?" He asked 
"Yes Blake?" I asked looking at him with a grin. He tried to refrain from smiling at me 
"Can you tell us what you know on hippocampi?" Blake asked me. I grinned at him and sat up 
"Of course I can. What do you need to know?" I asked hugging the pillow. 
"Umm." He said looking at the paper in his hand. 
"You know volume 6 of monsterology has information about hippocampi tho right?" I added looking at them both. 
"So now you tell us." Blake said getting up going to the shelf. "Where is it?" He asked. 
"Oh that's the thing." I said looking at him "someone burnt the copy of it." I said looking at Ian. 
"No I didn't." Ian said alarmed 
"Yes you did." I said simply "well not you specifically but the green glass. They asked to borrow they book specifically and someone gave it to them. They burned it as a prank." I said simply 
"That was the only copy in the school." Blake said angry 
"I know. The sixth volume is very rare. And normally had a few pages missing anyway because they were trying to cover up one creature in particular." I said softly 
"How do you know this?" Blake asked sitting down I smiled leaning forward 
"Because I have the original hand written copy of every monsterology book every written." I said with a smile. They looked at me alarmed now 
"How? They are worth millions!" Ian said. I shrugged 
"That necklace I was wearing last night was a 30 million dollars blue diamond." I said like it was nothing. "I know things and see things I shouldn't do people pay me to be quiet." 
"See things you shouldn't?" Blake questioned. I tapped my blue eye that was hidden by my coloured contact. 
"You would be amazing how many angelic people want to keep their sinning secrets a secret." I said with a smile. 
"So you are evil." Ian said softly 
"I'm not evil and I'm not good. I'm a good balance right in the middle." I said 
"Can I borrow your copy of monsterology?" Blake asked 
"It's at home. I wasn't bringing it here." I said softly. 
"Good choice." Ian said laughing. 
"When's the essay due?" I asked 
"First week of next term." Blake said. I nodded slightly 
"Well I can tell you everything I know the books cover to cover." I said with a smile. "Or you can ask professor Floral." I added 
"I'll accept your help." Ian said with a smile. 
"Yeah ok." Blake said and I slid down to the ground in front of the coffee table "why aren't you in class anyway?" He asked 
"I don't have to show up to classes for a while because I'm ahead in the class." I said with a smile.
"Of course you are." Blake said softly looking at the table. Damn he was really moody. I thought only I got this moody. Maybe I should apologise. Agh. I don't know what to do. I don't like Blake being upset with me. 
"Well you can make a start." Ian said scratching his neck. "I'll be back in 15." He added getting up leaving the common room going upstairs. 
"Asshole." Blake mumbled to himself not looking at me. It was awkward silences now. And it was eating away at me especially with Blake muttering under his breath. I couldn't make out much of it except that he was cursing out Ian for leaving the room 
"I'm sorry." I said. Blake paused and looked at me 
"What?" He asked 
"I'm sorry for how I treated you. I didn't mean to say what I did last night. But that's my wolf. She likes to hurt people like that because of her pride in being the best. And I would personally hate to find out what my vampire side would have said if that slipped." I said softly leaning on my knees. 
"Uh huh." Blake said turning back to the papers 
"I know what you and Ian are trying to do." I said softly 
"What do you mean?" He asked 
"Talia doesn't do anything without my approval." I said softly. "She once had me plan my own surprise party," I said laughing lightly but it didn't amuse Blake and I sighed again. 
"So you know. I don't think it would change your mind." He said not even looking at me. 
"Look I suck at apologies ok. And I'm trying to apologise but I have no idea what to say. I was scared of killing you and Ian that I thought it was best to just make you both hate me." I whispered, "I don't expect you or Ian to forgive me. I don't deserve to be forgiven for anything I did." I said before getting to my feet to go upstairs. I grabbed my blazer and tie going to walk away but Blake grabbed my hand. 
"Sit down." He said softly 
"You don't want me here Blake." I said softly going to pull away but Blake's grip tightened on my hand and he jerks on my arm. It caught me off guard and he managed to pull me to the ground. I was now on the ground with Blake leaning over me and he has my arms pinned to the ground. 
"I want you more then you know. But I can't stand sitting close to you and pretend like I don't love you. That hurts. So don't make me do that." Blake said softly as he looked at me I was too exhausted to try and fight him off me. And I kind like it. "So what is happening Gemini? Are you going to keep treating us like shit? Or are you going to trust that we can handle you?" Blake asked. Jesus I couldn't focus. I was too distracted by being under Blake and his shirt wasn't buttoned up so it exposed his tone body. Blake's frustrates expression reminded me I have to speak for him to know my answer. 
"Sorry. I got distracted." I said with a sheepish smile. "There will be boundaries. For one. You can't come near me if I'm having a nightmare. Anyone that comes near me will be seen as a threat and I'll hurt or possibly kill them." I said softly. He just looked at me blankly. 
"Is that it?" He asked softly I don't know. 
"I didn't really think about it that much." I said softly. 
"What about sex?" He asked 
"No. Not until you are both stronger then me." I said softly.
"You know nothing bad happened the first time right." He said 
"Yes but that was both of you. Even I know you both won't always want to share." I said softly. He rolled his eyes. "We will come back to that after the holidays." I added 
"What about during the holidays?" He asked smirking now. 
"Family vacation we will be out of town the whole time so you and Ian will be in Talia's care the whole time." I said with a smile his smirk fell. "Careful she likes to get her legs around hot guys." I added laughing at him.
"Only legs I wanted wrapped around me are yours." He said in a mischievous tone with a smirk. 
"Cute. Now can you so kindly get off me? I don't have the strength to make you get off and my wolf is acting up because we are pinned down." I said softly. Blake just smiled at me before he got off me and helped me sit up. I rubbed my face because of the subtle pain that ran though it. "Did you want help with the essay? Or can I go to sleep? I didn't sleep last night." I said softly 
"Why don't you come over here and sleep?" He asked offering me his lap to sit on. And I was very tempted. 
"Tempting. But I'll probably bite you if I'm that close." I admitted and he chuckled. 
"I thought you had your thirst under control." He said softly. 
"I do." I said softly "but it's not that simple. It's knowing you aren't hungry but you see a candy bar and eat it anyway." I said 
"Are you calling me a candy bar?" Blake asked 
"Yes." I said with a grin. "You taste like butterscotch." I added and he laughed at me. 
"And Ian?" Blake asked curious 
"Coffee. Has the same affect as coffee too." I said simply. Blake just shook his head before Ian walked in.
"Sounds like you aren't angry anymore." Ian said 
"I never said I was angry." I said simply
"I was talking about Blake." Ian said laughing. 
"How long you been ease dropping?" Blake asked
"Like the whole time." Ian said laughing as he sat down. 
"Seriously?" Blake asked him Ian shrugged smirking 
"She didn't like you being angry at her. And I knew you wouldn't talk to her if I left and it would make her apologise." Ian said 
"Prick." I said bluntly "I'm the sleaze. You aren't meant to be better then me." I added
"It's not the first time we did that to you." Blake said amused.
"Uh huh." I said crossing my arms "I am fully aware of how you played on my ego in being the best to make me brake into your room. I was awake when you had that conversation. Well. Kind off awake. I was very out of it." I said and they laughed at me. I rolled my eyes at them both before I yawned. 
"Go get some sleep." Blake said softly smiling at me. 
"Make me." I said acting childish because I was very annoyed at how easily they played me then. Blake and Ian looked at each other and they smirked now. My eyes widened as they both moved towards me and I squealed crawling away behind the couch before they got me. "So not nice." I said laughing at them. 
"Whoever catches her gets to kiss her?" Ian said smirking 
"That's not fair now I want to be caught." I said and they both laughed before I bolted upstairs and to my bedroom. I locked the door before I climbed out onto the rooftops and ran across the roof to Blake and Ian's room. I climbed inside and went out the door sneaking down the hallway. I looked up the stairs hearing them in my room. I smirked and went the common room door and opened it. "Need to do better then that!" I yelled before hiding behind the open door. Blake and Ian ran downstairs and then out the door but they stopped just outside 
"Creature room?" Ian asked 
"Too obvious." Blake said. I looked though the crake in the door st them both before I pushed the door closed and then ran back upstairs only I climbed directly out the window and onto the roof. 
"What room?" Ian asked 
"Split up." I hear Ian runs to his room and Blake to my room. I slipped down to the window again carefully before they both went up to the towers. 
"How is she doing this?" Ian called out across the towers. They couldn't see me. 
"She must be hiding in the common room." Blake called out before they went back inside. I pulled myself up onto the roof again trying to hard to contain my laughter. 
"There isn't really anywhere to hide." Ian said I didn't hear a response from Blake. It was just quiet now. Ok. What are they thinking? I thought before I lowered myself onto the windowsill. I couldn't see them. I carefully stepped inside the hallway looking around I smirked slightly there you are. I thought using my vampire eyes and picking up on their body heat. They were hiding just behind the wall so if I stepped down one step they would catch me. And my shadow gave me away. They knew I came in the window and were waiting on me to move forward. I licked my lips now. This was fun. 
"It's difficult when you can't track a scent isn't it." I said with a smirk on my lips they didn't say anything tho not wanting to give away their hiding spot. "Imagine how much harder this would be in the obstacles course." I added. 
"You wouldn't." Blake said rounding the corner looking at me. I smirked at him 
"I think this is fun." I said with a smile. "You catch me you get a reward isn't that just tempting?" I asked stepping up into the windowsill 
"Are you going to jump?" Ian asked looking at me. 
"I have jumped from higher." I said with a smile before throwing myself back out the window. Wind rushed past me and for a moment everything seemed to slow down. But only a moment because I knew I was falling though the air. I sucked in some air before blowing it at the ground and the air slowly me down so I landed on the ground nicely. I looked back up at the window I jumped from Blake and Ian looked out at me. "Hurry up!" I yelled at them. Before they vanished from view and I ran off into the obstacle course maze. It's a mock maze for training for the games. Anyone can use it and I use it a lot myself. I know every turn and obstacle so reaching the middle was easy. I have never seen Blake or Ian use it tho. So I don't know how they will fair in this. 
"Where are you?" Blake yelled out 
"In the middle. Come find me! Be careful!" I yelled out before I laid down in the middle on the grass with a smile on my lips. I could hear them struggling to get around the place. 
"What the fuck?" Ian yelled and I laughed lightly just listening to them yelling because of how difficult it was to get past the traps and though the maze. Actually it took them longer then I expected because I stared to doze off. I was laying half on my side my arms folded under my head and my leg tucked up. I was so tiered and right now the grass was comfortable. 
"Gem." I heard Blake whispered before my shoulder was touched. He chuckled lightly "I can't believe you fell asleep out here." He said softly before picking me up in his arms. 
"Is She ok?" Ian asked sounding worried
"Yeah she fell asleep." Blake said laughing lightly and so did Ian. 
"Make is run around for an hour for a kiss but fall asleep before we get our reward." Ian said 
"Just wait for her to wake up" Blake said softly as they exited the maze now the traps disabled making it easier to pass though. I could totally wake up right now but I didn't want to. I wanted to sleep so they can have their kiss later. I thought as they walked in silence and I fell completely asleep as Blake carried me.

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