Thirty nine

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The next morning I woke up to Blake crawling out of bed. It was rather early morning and he just sat on the edge of the bed looking at his phone rubbing his neck we have checked into a hotel. Penthouse because I love luxury at times. And them it was the only room available with a king bed. Which ended up being a California King bed. 
"You ok?" I whispered keeping my voice low because Ian's as still asleep. Blake looked at me and smiled lightly 
"Yeah everything is ok. Mum wants me to come around for breakfast so I was just looking at cab fairs to get out there." He said softly. 
"Take my car." I said softly
"You need it today." He said softly 
"I have another car Blake." I said with a smile. "Take my car just be back at Talia at 11 ok. I don't do teleportation travel well and my legs won't allow me to run the distance again so soon. So I don't want to miss the train." I said softly. He nodded slightly. 
"Thank you beautiful." He said and leaned over to me before kissing me. "It's still only 4:30 so get some more sleep." He added 
"I will. If you need money or anything there's like I think maybe two or two fifty in the glove box." I said softly "hundred." I clarified at his confused look 
"I doubt I'll need any money." He said softly 
"I'm letting you know Incase. Because I don't know how much fuel in in the car." I said softly he smiled and kissed me again 
"Roll over and go to sleep. I'm a big boy I can look after myself." he said in a sarcastic tone I just stuck my tongue out at him. He just smiled at me placed another kiss on my head before going to have a shower. I rolled over in Ian's arms and it disturbed him. But he didn't say anything after looking around tho he did hold me tighter in his arms and laid back down to sleep. I just smiled light to myself before closing my eyes returning to sleep.

Waking up again it was a little past 8 and Ian was already up and showered and he had ordered room service. 
"Morning." He said with a smile as he got up. 
"Morning." I mumbled rubbing my eyes to wipe away the sleep. He looked really happy today. "What are you excited about?" I asked him as I sat down to eat with him. 
"I get to spend a few house with you today." He said with a grin. 
"But you still have to go face your family remember." I said softly "you already called them to ask to see them." I added 
"Blake took the car we can't go anywhere." Ian said like he was winning. I just smiled and leaned in the table looking at him. 
"I told Blake to take the car because I have two of them. Which will turn into 3 when I get to change to buy by a new one." I added. 
"Why so many?" Ian asked no longer that excited but still happy. 
"Well. I'll have one for me and that way you and Blake can use my other cars or just have them if you like so over the holidays you two can do as you like without having to ask to use to a car." I said with a smile. He just looked at me now 
"You are a minimalist but you have s lot of expensive things." Ian said confused 
"I'm a collector. Talia is a minimalist." I said with a smile "although I do not own a lot of things that is because I do not have anywhere to put them. Given the chance to do turn into a shopaholic and buy unnecessary things, which is why my bank had a restriction on how much I can spend a month unless I'm purchasing a car or a house. Which I will also be doing next holidays." I said with a smile. 
"When you say house?" He asked 
"I mean my own place so I'm not living with Talia. And I will have creatures there as well" I said before I got up. "I'm going for a shower now. Once I'm done we can get going." I added he nodded and I kissed his cheek before walking away to the bathroom to have a shower. After washing my hair and body I got out and got dressing in some basic jeans and a shirt before heading out to where Ian was waiting. I pulled my boots on and approached him since he was at the door with his phone just looking at it. 
"Ready?" He asked me with a smile 
"Yeah I am. Is everything ok?" I asked him 
"Nervous that's about it:" he said softly. I nodded at him before we left the hotel room and made our way downstairs. We had to walk to the long term parking building down the street where I collected my car and Ian got in as well before we drove off.

The coven was on the opposite side of town to where Blake's family lived but they were closed to the train station. We could actually walk there from here so I began to contemplate if I have Talia come pick up my car from the train station and bring Blake back there because there was no point in Ian and I driving back into town to come back out here. I mean it would be a smart idea. Especially since Talia is doing nothing today anyway. Walking into the mansion Ian was holding my hand. It was for his comfort tho and I don't blame him. His father is a piece of work at times and can be a real asshole. And his mother oh my god his mother is the kind of person who you want to stab the second she opens her mouth. She is always insulting people. I mean. The woman is quite powerful for a coven queen. She is even in line for the vampire seat on the council because of her power. Maybe second or third if I remember correctly. 
"Rhain!" We both looked up and saw Ian mother yelling and then a second later Ian's father walked in. Rhain. And Ebony the two most ruthless vampires alive and they were so viscous back in the 18th century that they were put under house arrest indefinitely. And then like I think they have maybe 70 kids in total. Ian being the youngest and last after the council came and made it impossible for either of them to have any more children. But in saying that. They were both the most elegant vampires I have ever meet. Their only flaw was they reeked of sex and it was disgusting. Ian gripped my hand tighter and I actually held my breath because the smell inside was sickening to me. 
"Mother father." Ian said bowing his head to them. 
"What is it that you wish to talk about boy?" Rhain snapped at Ian before he looked at me and saw our hands. "I know this girl from somewhere." He added looking at me. 
"Yes sir. A few of your girls work for me." I said being polite because this was about Ian and not me. 
"Is this why you are here Ian? To introduce us to your girlfriend?" Rhain asked annoyed now 
"No sir." Ian said softly looking at the ground "I wish to come home and have a coven again." Ian said softly. Rhain crosses his arms in annoyance 
"How dare you come back here and ask to join us again?!" Ebony snapped at him "you disgraced our family name by being friends with that dog!" Ebony yelled at him as she approached us 
"Mother pleases." Ian said trying to remain calm but his grip on my hand told me otherwise. 
"Not only that! You being this good for nothing blood bag into our home as your girlfriend and expect her to be safe when no one in this coven likes you! As far as anyone else is concerned she is free game!" She yelled the last sentence was loud enough for everyone in the house to hear. But Ian wasn't worried. I'm guessing because I wasn't worry about it he knew I could handle myself. 
"Gemini is mine Mother. No one is allowed to touch her." Ian said getting protective now and standing up to her. "If anyone tried to touch her they will be hurt." He added. I love how he didn't specify that he would hurt them. I thought as the lights became dimmer leaving this subtle glow. And then one by one sets of eyes began to appear from the darkness of other rooms. Although my blue eye was covered I did not wear my contact lens. So I could clearly see them all and they were all males. I turned my head slightly seeing Ian's sun glasses hanging from the pocket of his jeans and without question I took them before I slid them onto my face to hide my eyes now. Ian didn't question my actions. He understood what I was doing because Blake was very strict about me keeping my eyes covered around groups of males. 
"Rude arrogant human." Ebony snapped at me. I just gave her a toothy grin before my canine teeth extended out turning into my fangs. 
"I can be arrogant if I like. I out rank you." I said with a grin it wasn't true. Currently she was maybe 150 points ahead of me. But she didn't know how to check. And either way if it ended in a fight. A vampire doesn't have the stamina like I do. I know that for a fact. They can only fight a full power for a max of 30 minutes and that is if they have just feed. After that they slow down dramatically. Unlike me. I can fight for up to two hours at full power. But I will collapse unexpectedly if I go over that. Given I don't take any damage as well. 
"You are lying!" She snapped at me 
"Am I tho? I mean. You power level is 2430. Although impressive. My power level is 2543. And as you would be aware being a royal. You should know that when someone's power level excises 2500 they can self manipulate their power level being able to decrease their power output to throw off ones opponent." I said with a smile. The other vampire backs off instantly and left out of fear. Rhain and Ebony looked at us for a moment 
"You are welcome back but only because of her." Ebony said simply. "But I will never acknowledge you as my son again. So stop calling me mother." She added turning away from us crossing her arms 
"If that is the case. Ian. I know better covens would would happily take you in and respect your better then your own family will." I said simply. Ian gave me a slight nod before we could walk away Ebony stopped us 
"I was kidding." She said with a smile. "I am so happy to have you back Ian. You are my son. And my last born. I couldn't be more proud to have you back." She added clearly lying but it satisfied Ian. 
"Anyway mother father. We have to be going. Our train back to the academy leaves soon and we need to collect our things." Ian said with a smile "I'll be back in a few weeks for the summer holidays." He added 
"Of course you and your girlfriend are welcome to stay here." She said with a smile 
"That won't be happening. We will be staying in her house. I will visit over the holidays but I will return home to Gemini at the end of the day." Ian said softly they just nodded and Ian gripped my hand pulling me out of there and back to the car. He said nothing to me as i started the car up driving away. 
"Are you ok?" I whispered to him 
"Yeah I'm alright. But that was stupid of you to challenge her knowing she is stronger then you." Ian said looking at me.
"Yes but there is one thing Ian." I said softly taking his hand to comfort him "no matter how much stronger someone is. You vampires and the werewolves can only fight at full strength for half an hour. Where I can fight at full strength for two hours. Even if someone is stronger then me. I can just wait them out until they grow weak from power use." I said with a smile. He just looked at me for a long moment as I drove. 
"I don't want to ask but would you mind lending me money?" Ian whispered to me. I chuckled lightly. 
"Lending means you will give it back. And the only way I ever want money back from you or Blake is if you work one or two nights at the club." I said with a grin. 
"Yes because possessive Gemini could totally handle us half naked in a club full of woman." Ian said sarcastically and I grinned at him. 
"Yes but I'm scary remember. But either way. One rule on my club is extremely strict. No one can touch the bartenders male or female. Touching will have them banded from the club indefinitely." I said with a smile. 
"Damn you really thought about it." Ian said 
"Sure have." I said with a smile. "There is money in the glove box anyway. Did you want to go to the shops?" I added. 
"Yeah would you mind dropping me there? I need to get a few things." He said with a smile. That was a very subtle way of saying you aren't coming with me.
"How about I just go to Talia's and you drive yourself?" I said with a smile. He chuckled lightly 
"You don't mind I'm not asking you to come with me?" He asked me 
"Everyone needs their space. I wish I could get away from myself at times too." I said with a smile. He laughed at me before we got to Talia sand got out. Ian kisses me and hugged me before leaving and I headed inside. Talia looked at me from the couch 
"Where are you boys at?" She asked 
"Blake's with his family Ian's gone shopping for who knows what. So I need to get back to the hotel check out and then organise a few things before I leave. Want to help?" I asked. She nodded slightly and got up grabbing her shoes. 
"I'm driving." She said grabbing her keys bag and phone before we left the house.

After I had finished everything I needed to do Talia had taken us three to the train station and some how all three of us had a bag of things to take back. I questioned what the guys had. I had junk food because I quit smoking and now I keep eating sweets to get past the cravings. 
"Hey Blake Ian Gemini." We all looked at Dante as he approached us. "You three weren't on the train." He added 
"We teleported." Blake said. 
"I ran." I said. He just looked at us 
"Why not teleport?" Dante asked I shook my head at him. 
"I don't teleport well. I get extremely sick from it and virtually makes me useless for about six to eight hours depending how far I travelled." I said softly. Dante nodded slightly before he looked at us individually like he was assessing us. I saw the corner of his mouth twitch slightly and he began to resist his smile. 
"So what did you do over the weekends?" He asked with a small smile now both Ian and Blake didn't know how to answer. I mean. Blake can't tell anyone his family is alive and Ian looked like he had a secret to keep. But Dante was mostly talking to me. I looked around slightly to make sure no one was in earshot. 
"Dante." I said softly. "I'll rip your throat out if you speak a word of it understood?" I said to him. 
"That depends what am I not speaking a word off?" he asked and I glared at him "not a word. Never. To no one." He said rambling looking away from us. 
"Anyway. We just had some shopping to do and I had to see Talia." I said with a smile. 
"Judging by the hickies on your neck. It's not all you did." Dante said. I stepped closer to him and he stiffened up. 
"How do you know they aren't from Talia?" I asked him. He just looked at me. 
"Right." He said softly before the train arrived.
"You sitting with us?" Ian asked putting his arm around my shoulders looking at Dante. 
"Umm." Dante said softly. "I don't know if you are threatening me or not." Dante said softly. 
"We are asking what you plan on doing. Because if not then that means we don't have to share food." Blake said putting his arm around me as well. The fact they can do that and have it look completely normal and not like a relationship thing. Dante looked at them both for a moment before he decided to speak again. 
"I'm going to sit with Jason and try and convince him to be more cooperative for the games." Dante said softly. 
"Good." Ian said with a smile. 
"We didn't want you there anyway." Blake added and I rolled my eyes at the way Blake and Ian were acting. 
"Let's go." I said shaking their arms off me and headed off to the train. I didn't mind but they were also leaning on me and they were really heavy. 
"Wait for us." Blake said following after me with Ian behind him. We got to an empty room and I dropped my bag on the ground before stepping onto the seat to grab a pillow off the shelf. I heard the door close before my waist was grabbed. 
"Can I help you?" I asked looking at Ian. He just smiled at me. 
"Making sure you don't fall." He said with a smile. 
"I'm sure." I said before he helped me down. I placed the pillow on the chair seeing that the curtain on the door had been closed giving us privacy. Good because I'm fucking starving. For blood. I didn't get a chance to have lunch. 
"So After seeing how well you lied to my mother. I wanted to see how well you can bluff your way though poker." Ian said with a grin 
"What are we going to use to bet with?" I asked simply dropping down onto the seat with my feet up on the other seat. 
"I was going to suggest strip poker but that could wait until we get back to the school." Ian said with a grin. I laughed at him. 
"How about we use skittles to bet with?" Blake asked 
"Who has skittles?" I asked him. 
"I know you do. But I also bought a family bag as well so we can just use that and you don't have to waist your supply" Blake said with a smile. I nodded slightly. 
"Yeah that sounds fun." I said with a smile. "But I am hungry." I said softly. 
"So am I." Ian said moving towards the door "I'll grab some lunch and stuff before we play." He added leaving the door closing the door behind him. Blake looked at me 
"You weren't talking about actual food were you?" He asked me as he sat down 
"No." I said softly before getting up and moving toward Blake. He grabbed a hold of my waist as I straddled his waist. 
"Ian's probably is going to be hungry too." He whispered because of how close I was to him. 
"Mm we can deal with that when he gets back." I said softly Blake smiled lightly before he kissed me. I kissed him back before I slowly moved to his neck. My lips dragged across his skin and I heard Blake take a sharp breath before I bit his neck. A slight moan escaped his Lips as he gripped my hips tight pulling me closer to him. I'll never get enough of the taste of Blake's blood. It's so good. And he was so satisfying. If I could moan I would but if I did I would spill his blood and I didn't want to spill Blake's blood. Actually if I did I would just lick it up and Blake would most likely enjoy that. 
"Gem." Blake whispered sounding dazed and that told me I had to stop. God I didn't want to. I thought before releasing my fangs from his neck. I licked up the blood from his neck and he smiled at me. I smiled back as he cleaned up the blood around my mouth. "You can't control yourself can you?" He asked me.
"Not that well when I'm hungry. I forget that I have to stop sometimes." I said softly he slid his hand to the back of my neck and pulled me closer to him so he could kiss me. I kissed him back for a moment before I heard the door open and I pulled away from Blake looking at Ian. Thank god it was Ian. I thought. 
"I feel like an idiot." Ian said soft looking at us before he closed the door laughing lightly "I didn't even think for a second that you meant blood." Ian said softly. 
"Yeah. I did mean blood." I said softly before getting off Blake's lap. "But you had left before I could say anything" I added. 
"Did you still want this?" He asked. Holding out a chicken salad sandwich. 
"Yes I do." I said with a smile sitting back down before I started eating the sandwich. I need to wait at least an house before I can physically feed Ian and then after that I'm better off sleeping because I will be really hungry by the time we get back to the academy. 
"Did you have intentions on sleeping the whole trip?" Blake asked looking at the pillow. 
"Some of the trip. Mostly later in the evening" I said softly as I finished eating. Ian was shuffling a brand new deck of cards. And he was very focused on it too. 
"Maybe we should have asked Dante to sit here that way it makes the game more interesting with more players." Blake said. 
"Well go get him," Ian said looking at Blake. 
"Are you going to bite gem?" Blake asked Ian just looked at Blake with a blank expression. "I mean so we don't walk in on you two. You deserve your privacy. I personally don't want you watching her feed off me. So I don't know if either of you care about that." Blake said explaining himself. 
"That's just strange Blake. You'll watch me have sex with her and me watch you have sex with her but feeding deserves privacy. How do you come to that conclusion?" Ian asked 
"Simple. We are both still included in sex but feeding is something that's only ever going to be one on one. So As we agreed. We don't interrupt one on one time." Blake said and Ian shrugs 
"That makes sense." Ian said with a smile before he looked at me "I'll wait till later tho. Gem gets this sweetness about her when she's frustrated." He added winking at me and if made me blush the way he talked about my blood. 
"Do you intend on making her frustrated?" Blake asked Ian just grinned at him. 
"I know she will get frustrated when she loses." Ian said amused by his plan. 
"You know I'm good a bluffing so what makes you think I would get frustrated?" I asked he didn't answer me he just smiled at me continuing to shuffle the cards. I rolled my eyes before Blake left to get Dante. Ian and I extended out the table that was against the wall and it now sat in the middle in the middle of the small room. A few minutes later Blake joined us again with Dante and Jason. Jason looked at me for a moment. 
"I don't like you but I'll cooperate and be nice as long as you do the same. I won't have you belittle me like before." Jason said. I just gave him a smile 
"That's ok. I still hate you for the way you handled Luca. But I'll be civil as long as you aren't an ass." I said with a smile before Ian moved and I was now between Blake an Ian Dante and Jason across from us. Blake has begun to handout the skittles as betting pieces before a knock came to the door. We all looked up and saw crystal and jewels. 
"Enough room for two more players?" Crystal asked with a smile. 
"We can fit one more person in." Dante said softly. 
"Na they can join." Ian said before I was shifted I squealed from the actions and Ian sat me on his lap. I glared at him 
"Can I help you?" I asked annoyed at him but before I could move back to my seat Blake had moved over into it and Jewels sat beside him and crystal sat beside Dante. "You two suck." I said simply 
"He's the only one who sucks." Blake said pointing to Ian and everyone laughed because it was a mix between a sexual joke and the fact he was a vampire. The small smirk in Ian's lips told me he had a comeback but it would embarrass me. So he just grinned at Blake. I simply turned around so I was now leaning against the window and my legs were up on Blake's lap. 
"Oh before we start." Ian said looking at Dante. 
"What?" Jewel asked 
"Dante do you need that eye patch?" Ian asked 
"Kind of do or i scare people." Dante said confused. Everyone was confused by Ian's question. Even I was 
"You happen to have a spare?" Ian asked. 
"Why?" Dante asked pulling a spare from his pocket Ian took it form him and hand it to me
"You will cheat." Ian said simply. 
"Damn almost go away with it." I mumbled taking the eye patch. I knew it was to cover my blue eye since it will pick up on everyone else's bluff. 
"I don't understand." Jewels said softly 
"I have a unique ability that helps me assess and brake down things quickly. So I'll won't be able to tell if you are bluffing but I would be able to see you cards. Unless my eye is covered." I said softly placing the eye patch over my eye. "Maybe I should make a trip to Vegas and play some games." I added with a smile 
"You need to be 21 first." Blake said simply 
"Yeah yeah I know but it would be a good idea." I said with a smile before Ian dealt the cards out. I looked at my cards as they sat there upside down. If I turn them up everyone will be able to see the reflection in the window of my cards. But if I turn them away from the window Ian will see them. 
"Not checking your cards?" Jewels asked me 
"Nope." I said simply as everyone began to place their starting bets. I just placed my starting bet looking at the five cards that were face down on the table. 
"Why?" Jewels asked 
"Between Dante able to read emotions. Ian able to glance over my shoulder Blake able to read my bluffs and the reflection of the window I'm going to just fluke it." I said with a smile before the first three cards were turned over. It was a ten ace and Jack of diamonds. I looked down at my cards again before a small smile touched my lips. Ian didn't shuffle that well. I thought before everyone placed low bets and I raised the bet higher with five skittles. I couldn't help but laugh at that thought
"What?" Crystal asked 
"Just that thought of raising a bet with skittles makes this game sound like some kids game." I said laughing. "Reminds me of how I use to bribe other kids with skittles and other sweets and heckle them." I said giggling. 
"How you just use money and sex." Jason said. I looked at him. 
"And that was totally uncalled for." I said simply. As Ian called my bet so did Blake but crystal and jewels folded Dante called and Jason folded. Ian turned the next card and it was another ace. Spades. 
"It's true tho." Jason said 
"No it's not." I said simply before Blake placed his bet. Dante called I raised the bet and Ian folded. "I have never used sex or money as leverage before." I added. 
"I'm sure." Jason said rolling his eyes at me. 
"I don't need to bribe people with sex or money when it's easier to just beat the shit out of them." I with a smile before the last card was turned over. It was another ace. Clubs. Blake bet Dante called I raised the bet to the point I had nothing left and it confused me 
"You were eating them." Ian said 
"Agh shit." I mumbled and they laughed at me. 
"Blake and Dante called my bet. 
"Alright show cards." Ian said Blake turned over his cards he had a king and queen of hearts. Dante had a pair of twos. "Blake has a straight and a pair of ace Dante had two pairs. And Gemini?" 
"Royal flush." I said turning my cards over to show the king and queen of diamonds. I smiled at them "I win." I added scrapping all the skittles over to me  
"How did you do that?" Jewels asked alarmed I tapped my eye. 
"My vision is restricted but not void so I can see my own cards and Ian's cards since he is close enough." I said with a smile 
"Is that why you keep it covered?" Jewels asked me. 
"Yep." I said simply as the game continued

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