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After sneaking back into the black tie tower and into my room unnoticed I got my glasses and pulled them on. I looked up at jewels and crystal as they walked into the room 
"Did you even do anything?" Crystal asked annoyed 
"Umm I just got back." I said confused "have you been in the library all this time?" I asked her 
"Of course we have. We have been studying like you should've been doing." Jewel said annoyed with me 
"I don't need to study. You need to catch up to me remember." I said before I picked up Luca. 
"You were with Blake and Ian again." Crystal said. 
"What's your problem?" I asked annoyed 
"You are my problem you don't even like them!" She yelled at me. I Just looked at her I didn't know what to say. I mean. I did like them. But I couldn't admit it to Crystal and Jewels. Admitting I liked both Blake and Ian equally would cause problems. Problems I couldn't deal with. Not now anyway. 
"Why are you so upset about it?" I asked her 
"She like Ian." Jewels said softly. I sighed softly 
"I'm sorry but I don't mean to interfere." I said softly "anyway I have to go feed the hippocampus and the kelpie." I said simply before leaving the room. It was a lie. I just didn't want to talk to her. I sighed entering the common room. 
"You ok?" I looked up at Dante
"I'm fine." I said dining 
"You don't look fine." He said softly 
"Just leave me alone Dante." I said annoyed 
"I'm trying to be nice ok." Dante said "I didn't mean to inflict fear on you ok. That was accident. So can you let me be nice to you?" He asked me 
"I don't like people ok. I don't even want friends. I just want to get though school get a job and work with creatures for the rest of my life in peace. Is that to much to ask?" I asked him 
"Sorry." He said softly looking away from me. I just shook my head leaving the common room. I walked downstairs before I began to make my way to the headmaster's office. A girl with a red tie ran up to me. 
"Hey. You are Gemini right?" She asked me with a bright smile 
"Yes why?" I asked her giving her a gentle smile 
"Just making sure." She said with a smile. I screamed as this warm liquid poured over me. My eyes were squeezed shut. So I didn't see what it was. I heard people laughing around me now. Opening my eyes looking at the ground this thick red liquid covered me and surrounded the ground around me. 
"What's going on?" All the students seemed to disappear at the voice. I just stood there for a moment the smell of blood penetrated into all my senses. I felt sick. Because some of the blood had gotten into my mouth. 
"Jesus Christ! Gemini!" I heard Ian yell. "That is blood." He added 
"whose blood?" Blake asked. 
"Many people's blood." Ian said. I stumbled a bit and fell to my knees throwing up. I heard people laughing now. 
"A black tie student who can't handle the sight of blood." I heard a guy laugh 
"This is against the rules!" Blake yelled. 
"Gemini." I heard professor Floral said alarmed and felt her touched me but I throw up again. They have a point. I don't have a problem with a little blood but this is like five bodies worth of blood. But the blood was also making it hard to stay in control because it made me panic and the smell caused my wolf to act as if we were in a battle. Professor Floral helped me to my feet but I had no strength in my body and collapsed again. All my strength was keeping my wolf at bay. "Take her to the infirmary now!" Professor Floral ordered as two arms wrapped around my waist and my arms were pulled around two people as I was lifted up. But I passed out. I didn't black out. I passed out. So my wolf wouldn't take control.

I woke up in the infirmary in clean clothes and I was clean. I sat up looking at Luca who was lying beside me. My head hurt so much. I was in my pyjamas. The ones I was wearing last night. And I had my fluffy socks on. I love my fluffy socks. I think I own more of them then I do bras. I looked up when the curtains opened. 
"Oh you are awake." Professor Floral said softly closing the curtains coming over to me. 
"I'm so embarrassed about what happened." I whispered. 
"It's ok. Everyone is different when it comes to blood." She said softly holding a clipboard in her hands right. "Something happened while you were asleep." She said softly 
"Did anyone sees?" I asked worried 
"Oh no not that." She said softly looking down "the blood you were soaked in was vampires blood" She said softly. 
"So" I asked her. She sighed handing me the clipboard I looked at it 
"I ran your blood tests again. You ingested just enough vampire blood to. -" 
"Oh god." I said cutting her off covering my mouth. "What is happening to me?" I asked her 
"I don't know." She said softly. "But I think you are basically an endless chimera. Venom blood. Anything that carries a DNA code and comes in contact with you blood and you take on that DNA code as well." She said softly 
"So I'm part wolf part vampire part human!" I yelled at her 
"Yes." She whispered. 
"I just got use to being part wolf!" I yelled at her upset. "Get it out of me! Do something!" I yelled 
"I cant. It's infected your muscles now and." She paused "you already got the fang." She added and like on cue fangs popped for my mouth and I covered my mouth instantly 
"No!" I yelled getting up off the bed "no! This can't be true!" I yelled 
"You have to calm down Gemini or I'll have to get someone else involved." She said standing up. I was mid panicked attack. But I took a few deep breaths before calming down. 
"I can't do this. It took me long enough to get being a fucking werewolf under control! Now I have to deal with a vampire problem too!" I yelled. She sighed softly 
"I suggest you tell your friends." She said softly 
"What friends!" I snapped 
"Blake and Ian." She said and I paused.
"No. I can't." I said softly 
"Ian can help you control the thirst." She said softly. "And rather then shut your wolf out Blake can teach you." She said 
"I just want to be human." I said my voice braking slightly. She sighed softly before my uniform appeared on the side table 
"It's dinner time. Until you can get your thirst under control I can not allow you near the creatures." She said softly I nodded slightly. 
"I understand." I said softly handing her my key to the room. 
"The headmaster has offered a few days off for you if you need it." She said. I nodded slightly and she left for me to change. I got dressed in my uniform before leaving the infirmary with my glasses on and Luca in my arms. I got to the dining room and made my way to my seat sitting down. People started whispering about me. 
"Some powerful girl. She faints at the sight of blood." 
"Now the whole school knows her weakness" 
"No one can ever amount to anything if they can't be around blood. Not in this world." 
"Fragile." Tears stung my eyes but my glasses hid them 
"You ok?" Blake asked from across from me. I just gave a slight nod. "Do you normally faint around blood?" He added. I nodded slightly before Ian sat beside me. 
"Are you sure you are ok?" Ian asked. I nodded again. "Did you want to talk later?" He asked I squeezed my eyes shut before I gave a single nod. 
"Both of us?" Blake asked slightly upset and I nodded again. 
"Suck ups." Jason said from next to Blake. He looked at me "I thought human females didn't have a problem with blood." He added 
"You are disgusting." Jewels snapped at him. "For even suggesting that a human period is even remotely close to the amount of blood she was just soaked in. Is disgusting." She added. 
"Besides it wasn't her blood so it's different again!" Crystal snapped at him. 
"I think she faked it." Jason said. My hand clenched my folk right. Thought of stabbing him with it came to my mind. 
"Everyone silence!" The headmaster yelled. "Now you were all warned about what would happen if the pranking rules were broke! Thanks to the actions of a few individuals from the red class all the pixies have gone on strike and now you will be tasked with doing the laundry of all students and faculty members until the pixies decide to return to work." The headmaster said 
"What! Why do what we did affect the pixies?" A girl yelled 
"Because the pixies Love Gemini and got very upset about what you did to her because of your own jealousy." The headmaster said bluntly. "Now Gemini for you to take a few days off was not a request. Go home for the week." He added. I just got to my feet and walked away. 
"Sir?" I heard Blake say 
"She will take a few days off." The headmaster said with more authority as I left the room.

I went to my room and pack a backpack of clothes before collecting my phone. I let myself into Blake room and up to the tower. I called mum she answered instantly 
"What's wrong honey?" She asked 
"Small accident I'm being sent home for a couple days until everything settles." I said softly 
"We still aren't home honey." She said 
"Ok. I call Talia to pick me up." I said softly. 
"Ok. Be safe." She said before I hung up and called Talia she answered after the second ring 
"Hey baby cakes." She said sounding high
"Hey Hun I need you to pick me up from the academy train station in a few hours. I'll explain why later. Can you do it?" I asked her 
"Of course baby cake." She said sounding happy. "Give you boy w kiss for me." She added. I rolled my eyes as I hung up. I sighed softly and went back into Blake's room and looked at Luca. I knelt down to him and picked him up 
"I'm sorry baby. You have to stay here. Blake and Ian will look after you. I'll be back in a few day." I said before kissing his three noses. He licked my face and I set him in Blake's bed. "You be good for me." I added before writing a note and ticking it into Lucas collar and leaving the room locking it. I headed out of the common room and walked downstairs leaving the school.

Pulling up at the train station I boarded at I got up and got off the train. It was almost midnight and I was tiered. 
"Over here baby cakes." A thick southern accent from a female spoke. I looked though the darkness and saw a cherry of a cigarette in the shadows. 
"Why you hiding?" I asked Talia before she walked out into the moonlight. Her neck was covering in hickies. 
"Didn't think you would approve." She said with a smile. "You look stressed baby." She said 
"I'm too tiered to talk about it." I said softly "can I crash at yours till morning. It's been a rough day." I said softly she nodded slightly 
"Let's go." She said softly. Talia is a wolf. She knows about my little wolf secret and responds to me like I'm her alpha. I approached her beat up old Toyota and climbed into the passenger seat. It took two go's for her car to start before she drove away. I rested my head against the vibrating glass wanting to go to sleep "you ok baby cakes?" She asked me sounding concerned. 
"I don't want to talk Talia." I said softly "I just want to go to sleep. I'll talk tomorrow." I whispered to her. 
"Oh babe." She said softly "is it that bad?" She asked. 
"It could be worse." I whispered rubbing my eyes because they were straining from trying to stay awake. Talia can read me like a book. I don't know how but probably because I let my guard down around her. "I think I'm falling in Love again." I whispered 
"With who?" She said softly. 
"Two different guys." I mumbled, "I don't know what to do about it." I whispered again 
"You have been ignoring it haven't you?" She asked me 
"Ignoring it and still feeding it." I whispered "what it's wrong with me." I said placing both my hands against my face embarrassed. 
"Maybe that's how it's meant to be." Talia said softly. "You are really strong baby. Maybe you need two guys to be able to have sex again." She said softly 
"Talia!" I said alarmed because she even suggested that. "You know I'm not like that!" I snapped at her 
"I know. Vanilla baby cakes." She said teasing me 
"I'm not vanilla so stop calling me that." I said bluntly 
"You taste vanilla baby." She said simply "if you had any spice in you. I would know. And you ain't spicy." She said 
"Yuck." I said simply "it's disgusting how werewolves and vampires can get a sexual understanding from someone just by the way their lips taste." I said crossing my arms turning away from her. 
"Give me another tastes and I'll tell you if you are still vanilla baby." She said with a smirk licking her lips. 
"I haven't kissed anyone in over a year Talia." I said simply 
"Awe." She said dropping her bottom lip. "Not even a little taste for me." She said biting her lip. 
"You drive me insane." I said simply 
"So that's a yes?" She asked 
"Only because I'm curious." I said softly as we pulled up at her house. I went to thank her for picking me up but her lips crashed into mine and I forgot how to kiss someone. But I followed the motion of Talia's lips feeling her tongue glide across mine before she pulled away. 
"Oh baby." She said with a smirk. "You got spicy." She said with a grin 
"You are insane." I said getting out of the car with my bag 
"Wait for me." She said smirking now. I could smell how turned on she was by that small kiss. 
"It's not happening Talia" I said simply 
"Awe come on." She begged me. "Just a little try." She asked me. 
"It's not safe Talia." I said softly. 
"I don't care." She said her voice soft and sweet and begging. "Please. You know I'm tough girl. I'll stop if you say stop." She said. 
"No." I said simply "I don't want to risk it. I lost control last night and after today I don't think I could control myself at all." I added 
"Awe ok." She said upset now. I felt bad. 
"I'm sorry but you're the only person who knows. I can't lose you." I said hugging her 
"I know." She whined. "Here are the keys. You got me hot an bothered now so I'm going to see my big boy." She said with a smirk 
"Ok. Don't wake me. I need some sleep." I said. She nodded and hugged me before running off down the road. I went and let myself into the house before going to her bedroom. I had a shower to wash away my day and then crawled between the black sheets of Talia's bed. It was comfortable and I melted into the sheets falling asleep so easily.

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