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I decided not to go watch the movie because I wanted to get some rest before Professor Floral showed me around the creature room. I slept really well with Luca in my arms again. The first night he was here with me and sent to sleep in Blake's room he howled for hours disturbing the whole school. I just waiting out crystal for her to give up and then after Luca was in bed with me He was quiet. The imposter Luca didn't sleep in my arms but at my feet and it didn't work for me. But I was so happy to have my Luca back. In the morning I pulled on some black leggings and a sports top I braided my hair back off my face because I needed to be able to see the creatures properly without obstruction from my glasses or hair. I ran downstairs without any shoes on because Professor Floral didn't wear any yesterday. I grabbed myself something to eat and when I turned around Ian was sitting on the couch. I paused looking at him making sure it was him for one. And for two why was he up this early?
"You are really loud you know that." Ian said dropping back down on the couch and covered his face with the pillow "go back to bed it is the weekend. Sleep in wills you." He added with an annoyed tone and slight frustration. 
"No." I said simply "Professor Floral gave me a key to the creature room. And like hell I'm losing any time making friends with creature just to sleep." I said. He sat up again looking at me with wide eyes that held slight jealousy not them 
"You got a key to the creature room?" He asked me. 
"Uh huh." I said sticking a spoonful of my cereal into my mouth 
"So that is why you are wearing you hair back?" He asked a smiler tugged on the corner of his mouth as I rolled my eyes at him. 
"My blue eye is what the creatures like." I explained gesturing to my eye with my spoon. He looked at me with questions in his eyes "ask." I said simply 
"Why is it blue?" He asked me without a second thought. 
"Because it grew back." I stated, "I lost my eye in the attack. Spent six months in hospital with bandages on my face when they came off. Scares and one blue eye remained." I said placing my empty bowel down. 
"That's kind confusing." He said his eyebrows knotted together trying to work it out. 
"I gave up questioning it." I said with a shrug before going to leave but I paused 
"What? Forget something?" Ian asked amused now. 
"No. But you should know now. I'll never be with you or Blake." I said simply he moved and I looked at him "it's nothing against either of you. You are both great guys and all. But I'm a lesbian." I said with a smile he just looked at me with wide eyes. It was a lie. I am not a lesbian. But they wouldn't make a move on me now. 
"So you knew?" He asked 
"Never trust that when I wear my headphones I can't hear you." I said simply he nodded slightly looking down embarrassed. 
"Is that why Dante's charms don't work in you?" Ian asked now. 
"My blue eye can see things that you all can't. Headmaster calls it a ghost eye." I said softly. "Easy dropping is rude Blake." I added looking at the stairs as he came around the corner looking embarrassed 
"Sorry." He said softly rubbing the back of his head. 
"Anyway. I am going." I said before walking out of the common room. The pixies came flying up the stairs with the silver tray and I started laughing at them taking the tray. 
"Wait." I turned around and looked at Blake. 
"Yes?" I asked him he looked at me holding the tray and he looked confused. "Blake?" I asked when he didn't say anything 
"Sorry. Umm. Why did you tell us this?" Blake asked me. 
"Saved you both being embarrassed." I said softly. "You are both full of pride. Telling you now would be less embarrassed rather then telling you when you both tried to make a move." I said with a smile. He nodded slightly 
"What's with the tray?" He asked. I laughed at him now 
"Just a fun way to get around the school." I said placing the tray on the ground he looked at me and I smiled at him before I looked at Luca next to me. "Up." I said before he jumped up into my arms I caught him and held him in my arms. I put weight on my front foot and slid down the stairs. I smiled as I slide down the stairs. I held my arm out and the pixies all wrapped these thin vines around my arm and pulled me though the hallways until we reached the creature room. I left the tray next to the door and pulled out the key. I used it to open the door and go inside. Professor Floral was having problems with the kelpie again and he was growing frustrated with her as well. I chuckled and placed Luca down with the other pups before going up the stairs.
"You are here early." She said with a smile. I laughed at her 
"Of course." I said with smiled before the kelpie moved over to me. I looked at him and he sprayed me with mud and water. "Good morning to you too." I said wiping the mud off my face as Professor Floral laughed at me. 
"He is happy to see you." She said laughing before throwing meat to him. "Come on." She said throwing a towel to me and I used it to clean the mud off myself and follow her for the stairs. 
"So what's going on?" I asked 
"Breakfast time for everyone so you can help me feed the more difficult ones." She said. I chuckled shaking my head. This place was like a maze and keeping up with her was difficult. 
"No way." I said looking up at the creature that was in this room. Fifteen feet up on a cliff face a baby hydra sat in a nest. The ground rumbled and I looked over seeing the mother. She had four head and they just looked down at us. 
"While you are Gazing at the her. You should know the games in term three are capture games. Neither the headmaster nor I approve of the games but its tradition to capture or kills as many creatures as possible. Only people with more then 500 power level are eligible." Professor Floral said before She hit a red button and a large metal bin came in and meat tipped out of the bin and all the heads started catching the food. 
"And why are you telling me?" I asked her 
"I want you to get to that level that way minimal creatures are hurt." She said softly. I nodded slightly 
"Ok I can try." I said softly 
"Blake and Ian would be able to teach you." She said simply before we moved to the next room. I looked at the heard of Minotaur's charging off in the distance. 
"Does it have to be them?" I asked rubbing the back of my neck. 
"They are the best here." She said softly. I nodded slightly. 
"Ok." I said, "Can I go look around now?" I asked her 
"Yeah sure." She said with a smile. I smiled at her and ran off to look around.

Leaving the creature room I was covered in mud gloop slim feathers I walked though hall towards the common room. It was almost lunchtime. I got to the common room but I couldn't open the door. I didn't have my tie. I sighed softly and hit the door a few times it opened up and I was looking at Blake. He instantly started laughing. 
"What the hell happened to you?" He asked trying to stop laughing but he couldn't. 
"Oh shut up." I said bluntly he chuckled again as I walked inside. Ian looked up from the couch and started laughing. I rolled my eyes at them both laughing now. I flicked them both with some slime and gloop. 
"Eww What is that?" Ian asked wiping it off himself. 
"No idea to be honest." I said before I laughed at them and ran upstairs to have a shower. Climbing into the shower it took a while for all the gloop and slims to wash off my body. But getting it out of my hair was even worse. It was so bad I mean. I was at the point I might have to shave my hair. Climbing out still not having much luck with my hair I dried off and got dressed. I went downstairs to the common room and started searching though the books for chapter five of monsterology. That book was about creatures that don't have a solid form. 
"Jesus how do you get this stuff off?" Blake asked 
"I don't know." I said simply pulling the book from the shelf and started flicking though it. I found the page about the kraken. Spits gloop. I know this. How do I remove said gloop? I don't particularly want to shave my hair off. 
"Hot water." Ian said coming back in now clean. 
"That works for skin yes." I said simply "I'm having problems getting it out of my hair. And I don't really want to shave my head again." I added reading over the pages. 
"Any luck?" Blake asked me 
"No." I mumbled annoyed before closing the book and placing it back on the shelf. "I need to make a phone call. How can I do that?" I asked looking at Blake. 
"Who?" He asked 
"My parents. Currently out of the country but are extremely smart and would know how to fix this." I said simply. He nodded slight before handing me a cell phone. 
"You'll get service at the top of the tower." Blake said softly. 
"Thank you." I said taking the phone and turning going upstairs towards his bedroom because his lead up to the top of the tower. He told me he sits out there to think now I'm curious who he's been calling every week. Not wanting to pry I just called my dads phone. 
"Hello. Who is this?" He asked annoyed answering on the first ring. 
"Hey dad. I have a question." I said softly. 
"What's wrong Gemini?" He asked sounding surprised now. 
"So long story short a kraken spat gloop on me and I can't get it out of my hair. How can I do that?" I asked him he started laughing at me. And then I heard mum laughing in the background too. "Does it come out or not?" I asked. 
"No it doesn't." Mum said composing herself better then dad ever could. "Kraken gloop bonds to hair fibres and hardens. Before modern clothing sailors had to wear furs to keep warm on the ships. So when they were spat on with the gloop they became frozen in place. Especially with the colder climate then. While the kraken destroyed the ship it left the sailors floating on the water and defenceless. That's how the kraken would catch and eat people." Mum said softly. I sighed softly. 
"So I have to cut it out of my hair?" I asked her. 
"I'm sorry honey." She said softly. 
"It's ok." I said softly. "But since I have to cut mga hair. Would you be able to send me some coloured contact lenses? Before Wednesday." I asked her softly. 
"Of course. I'll send a few pairs to the school. Anything else? I'll include it in a care package." She said laughing lightly. 
"I could do with more smokes." I mumbled. "My roommate keeps stealing mine." I added 
"You really need to quit." She said softly. I laughed lightly. "How is your schooling going?" She asked me 
"For once I'm actually the best in my class." I said laughing lightly 
"Really?" She said surprise. "Maybe it's the curriculum of the school and you pick it up better then you could at a normal school." She said softly. 
"Probably." I said softly. 
"She's really the best? No way the girl hardly pass normal school there is no way she is the best in the blue class." I heard aunt Jane say in the background. 
"Don't say that!" Mum said offended. I haven't actually told them what class I'm in. "Honey how are you calling us?" She asked me 
"My class coordinator has a cell phone and told me where I could get service." I said softly. 
"Is He cute?" She asked. 
"No boys!" Dad yelled and I laughed now. 
"You class coordinator would be Dylan right?" Mum asked me. "He is a rather good looking boy. So when are you bringing him home?" She asked 
"Mum really?" I said softly before I sighed 
"I have meet Dylan. He is smarting clever. And -"
"He isn't my coordinator." I said cutting her off. 
"Did Bryan take over the blue class then?" She asked 
"No." I said softly. "I'm not in blue." I added rubbing my head. 
"What?" She yelled. "What class are you in? You are human so red?" She asked me 
"No" I said softly "I'm in black. And Blake is my coordinator." I whispered. 
"What?" Dad yelled now. 
"I'm excelling in my classes and they want me to be one of the participants in the games." I said trying to calm them down but realised after I spoke I probably made it worse 
"That's not until term 3 tho." Mum said 
"I know. But I'm not yet eligible for it yet." I said softly before I sighed, "I have to go. I'll talk you both about everything when I come home for the holidays." I said softly. 
"Ok honey. Be safe." Mum said softly
"I will." I said before hanging up. I sighed softly looking out at the view. I sighed again rubbed my head. I have to ask Blake and and Ian about training me for the games. After four weeks of running laps every day not only does my ass look amazing but I got faster. I got to my feet and headed back inside and down to the common room. 
"Get an answer?" Blake asked 
"It doesn't come out. So I have to cut my hair off again." I said simply feeling the gloop that had hardened in my hair. 
"Oh." Blake said unsure of what else to say. 
"Can I have my scissors back?" I asked him. 
"Depends are you going to threaten to stab anyone with them again?" He asked amused now. 
"There is no one here to stab." I said simply and Ian chuckled at my response and Blake narrowed his eyes at me. "I can turn a spoon into a weapon and you are worried about me stabbing someone with my good scissors." I said simply. 
"Says the non violent person." Ian said looking at me. I looked at him 
"And I'll say it again like I have every day since I got here. I don't like hurting people. But I will if I have to." I said simply "you saw what I did yesterday when I found out Luca was missing." I added. 
"Yeah I kind of want to see you do that without being angry." Blake said opening a locked draw and pulling out a leather pouch. He handed it to me and I smiled at him 
"Thank you." I said with a smile. "And you might. You and Ian have to now train me so I'm eligible for the games." I said 
"What?" Ian asked jumping up off the couch now. 
"Oh yeah. Professor Floral and the headmaster want me to save as many creatures from being killed meaninglessly." I said putting my hand in my hip.
"But the top five from our school who enter are eligible. You are currently sitting at 6th." Ian said bluntly. 
"I'm a quick study." I said simply. "Now I'm going to fix my hair." I added heading upstairs.

When I finished I now had a short haircut the right side of my hair was shaved because that's were most of the gloop was. I can pull it off. I mean I can pull off bald. I was bald once after the attack. I just like the feel of running my fingers though my hair. I walked downstairs in some clean clothes Blake and Ian was placing chess. 
"Why are you both here anyway?" I asked. 
"I'm still technically class as a Black tie student. So I'm allowed here. I'm just required to watch over the green class." Ian said simply 
"I meant on school grounds over the long weekend." I clarified looking at the chess bored. Judging but Ian's uncomfortable thinking face it was his turn. I rolled my eyes and moved a pawn "check mate. Now answer my question." I said. 
"What?" Blake said looking at the board confused. Ian looked up at me. 
"I stayed to keep Blake Company." Ian said slimly. "And my coven disowned me after they found out I was friend with a werewolf." I looked at Blake. 
"I don't have any family outside the academy." Blake said rather harshly 
"This time last year Blake lost his pack and all his family. Well he didn't find out until he went home and there was no one left. So I started staying behind at the academy so he wasn't alone." Ian said when Blake didn't say anything else. But I could tell it upset him. 
"Oh." I said softly. 
"Now we are brothers." Ian said. 
"You still annoy the shit out of me." Blake said simply resting the chess game. 
"So you both live at the academy permanently?" I asked them. 
"Basically." Ian said turn the board so Blake was now playing black piece and Ian was playing white. I sat down to watch them. "Why did you stay again?" He asked 
"My parents are out of the country and I live with them still." I said simply. "Well. I only turn 18 two weeks before coming here." I said they both looked at me 
"You are only 18!" Blake said alarmed 
"How old did you think I was?" I asked offended. 
"23." Ian blurted out 
"I am highly offended by that." I said bluntly 
"That explains why you are so immature." Blake said. 
"Screw you both." I said standing up "I was feeling a little sympathetic about the fact you guy never leave here and thought I might not go ahead with my Pre-approved pranks just because they were malicious." I said bluntly. It was a lie they weren't malicious. But they believed me. 
"Where are you going?" Blake asked alarmed 
"To talk to professor Floral about borrowing some creatures." I said with a smile before leaving the room. Actually I didn't want to borrow creature I wanted to talk to her about myself. I walked downstairs and slowly made my way to the creature room. I let myself in and looked around. "Professor Floral!" I called out 
"Yes Gemini." She said walking out with a baby tentacle creature holding a bottle-feeding it. 
"If you aren't too busy there's something I really need to talk to you about." I said to her she looked at me before placing the baby down and came over to me 
"What's wrong?" She asked looking at me. 
"Well. I have a confession really." I said softly 
"Your ghost eye. I know." She said. 
"No. Not that." I said and sighed, "I am human. But. It's easier if I just show you." I said softly she looked at me. I growled a bit as the scares on my face changed and grew hair she stepped back as she looked at half my face has shifted to that of a werewolf. She gasped and covered her mouth before I shook my head and it faded back away. 
"What was that?" She asked. 
"I am literally a human chimera. Part human. Part werewolf. This is why I'm so hesitate about training." I said softly. 
"Oh wow." She said alarmed looking at me. 
"I'll telling you because I want to know more about how I came to be like this." I said softly 
"When did this start?" She asked me guiding me out of the room and into the hallway. 
"After the attack. When I recovered in six months with minimal damage. And then a few months later I got a bit worked up and accidentally killed some people. I didn't mean to. But I get stronger and stronger every time I give into the urges." I said rubbing my eye. "I just want to understand myself more before I'm made to become stronger." I said softly 
"I'm a witch Gemini. This is something a werewolf should help you with." She said softly 
"But I'm a chimera not a werewolf." I said softly "if you tested my genetic makeup you would see two DNA codes." I said looking at her. 
"May I test your blood?" She asked me. I nodded slightly and we walked down the hallway towards the potions room. She teaches potions as well. I sat down on a stool next to the table. 
"I don't want anyone else to know yet." I said softly "not until I know what's going on with me first. I don't want to be seen as a freak." I added
"I understand." She said softly. "Now I'm going to take some blood and then maybe you can go start basic training now. You have 2 days left to catch up on training." She said simply. 
"Ok." I said softly she nodded slightly and I held out my arm as she grabbed a needle. I watched as she drew some blood from my arm and a lot of it as well. Four vials later I was pressing a cotton ball to my arm just waiting for her to tell me I could go. 
"Alright. You can go now. If I find anything about your blood I'll let you know." She said. I nodded slightly getting up. I clenched and unclench my hand a few times to increase the blood flow in my hand and arm. 
"Thank you." I said softly. She nodded and I left the room. I walked down the hallway I don't really want to do any training but I don't have a choice. We are in March at the moment. This school runs on its own times and whenever a new season begins we get a long weekend. So we are in the start of spring, but that's not the point. I have 14 school weeks until the games. That's not including the holidays. I sighed climbing the stairs heading towards the common room. I walked inside and saw Luca playing tug of war with Blake tie. Blake laughed at Luca being adorable. I smirked now. "Bertulf." I whispered before Luca pulled back on the tie and ripped Blake off the chair. 
"Jesus What just happened." Blake said alarmed Ian's eyes shifted to me in the doorway. 
"Did you do that?" He asked. I chuckled lightly 
"Kind of." I said softly closing the door. "Know the words to empower Cerberus is helping. Like Bertulf, to be a wolf and a bear. A wolf with the strength of a bear." I said with a smile. 
"Do they only work on Cerberus?" Blake asked curious. 
"With the right kind of authority they can work on werewolves." I said simply 
"I'm sorry what?" Ian said. I chuckled lightly. 
"Fridolf. If said with authority will calm a werewolf down enough for the humanity to gain control again." I said softly they just looked at me 
"How do you know this?" Blake asked 
"Long story." I said simply 
"We have time." Ian said leaving back in his chair with a smirk. 
"No you don't." I said simply. They both stopped smirking now "14 weeks until the games not including the holidays. And like hell I'm training on the holidays. And that's also 70 days. Because I don't like to give up my time." I said looking at them. 
"You really know how to take the fun out of things don't you?" Ian said looking at me. 
"I though I was too immature before? Now I don't have any fun? Jez make up your mind." I said rolling my eyes. "Professor Floral said I had to catch up on training before everyone else returns from the long weekend." I said softly. They just looked at me. 
"You mean right now?" Blake asked 
"Yes." I said looking at him. 
"That's what we get for not getting on the train." Ian mumbled before getting up. "Lets go outside then." He added as Blake got up. I nodded slightly and we headed outside to the training grounds. Ian and Blake were both in some worn out jeans and a basic shirt. Blake wore black and Ian was wearing this dark green shirt. 
"Ian will fight you first to see where you are at with training." Blake said softly. 
"Alright but I won't make the first move." I said simply As Ian stepped onto the mat. I kicked my shoes off before stepping onto the mat. Ian kicked his shoes off as well before stretching out his arms. 
"Not going to stretch?" Ian asked amused
"I have been chasing around creatures all morning." I said to him. He chuckled shaking his head. 
"Yeah ok." He said stepping forward on his right foot holding up his fists. "Ready?" He asked me. 
"Always." I said putting my left foot forward holding my hands up in loose fists. Ian chuckled shaking his head dropping his arms. 
"Your stance is weak." Ian said amused before his eyes changed to red. "You have no muscle in your upper body." He added 
"I don't use my arms to fight with." I said with a smirk. "But please. Do continue to underestimate me. It will make beating you more fun on my end." I said playing on his pride. 
"You won't win." He said resuming his stance. Ian swung his fist forwards at me I ducked under his fist and with on swipe took his feet out from underneath him he hit the ground with a thud. Blake started chuckling. 
"This is attack not defend." Ian said getting up I rolled my eyes at him 
"Ok whatever." I said he took his stance again and I took mine. Ian swung at me again and I dodged his fist again. Before I could make a move he turned to bring his other fist down on me. I caught his fist shock ran though his eye and it stalled his actions enough for my knee to come in contact with his stomach and it dropped him. 
"Sweet Mary Jesus." Ian said on his hands and knees holding his stomach. Blake snickered now. 
"About time someone kicked you ass." Blake said 
"She kicked your ass too." Ian said couching. 
"She hit me once" Blake said 
"Find you fight her." Ian said crawling over to the edge of the mat and Blake kicked his shoes off. I rolled my eyes as Blake stepped onto the mat. He took his stance looking at me 
"I won't go easy." He said 
"I will." I said with a smirk. He swung at me and I ducked under his fists. But his other first was coming up. I stopped it with my fists but Blake didn't care. He tried to force me off balance when he lifted me up to throw me to the ground but I got my legs wrapped around his neck and throw my body weight back. Blake tumbled to the ground with my legs wrapped around his neck and me holding down his other arm. He tried to shake free but ended up hitting my leg to tap out before I was cutting off his air supply. I let Blake go and just smirked now getting up as Blake sat up rubbing his neck. 
"How the hell are you so good at this?" Blake asked. I shrugged. 
"This stuff comes natural to me." I said with a smile. Well, it naturally the wolf part of me. 
"It's your eye isn't It."? Ian said "you can anticipate attacks like a vampire can with their eyes." Ian said 
"My eye is better then your two combined." I said with a mischievous grin. 
"Is that how you steal someone else's power?" Ian asked me. 
"I don't steal power." I said simply but didn't elaborating on anymore then that. I stretched my arms above my head looking at them both in the ground. "So? Who's next?" I asked. They both looked at me 
"Seriously?" Blake asked 
"The werewolf who did this to me was a 486 power level alpha. He didn't attack me because I provoked him. He attacked me because I made him, to get his attention of human civilians. I kept his attention without injury until Dante stepped in. Dante interfered and that is why I was hurt. He distracted me from what I was doing and that resulted in my injuries." I said folding my arms over my chest. "I don't make mistakes. Especially ones where I get hurt. Now if I'm going to get stronger I need to be fighting people who are a challenge and individually neither of you are a challenge. So if I'm going to get better then you need to give me a challenge." I said looking at them. 
"It's cassy all over again." Ian mumbled rubbing his face. 
"who's cassy?" I asked curious. 
"No one." Blake said getting up off the ground Ian just got up but didn't say anything. 
"Alright. Now are you sure you can handle this?" Ian asked as he took position behind me. 
"Yes. But you can't be afraid to hurt me." I said simply. 
"Alright." Blake said simply. He was upset now. But I didn't want to press him on it. Whoever this cassy girl was they were very upset by it. 
"Alright." Ian said both him and Blake were ready. Blake moves first and I dodged his fist before Ian moved. I ducked as his fist came towards me. I kicked his foot out from underneath him and he tripped over. Blake grabbed my arm and I spun around the palm of my hand came in contact with his shoulder and it shoved him back enough for him to lose his grip. I moved my head as Ian's fist came up from behind me and I grabbed his arm but he used his vampire speed and wrapped his arms around my neck. I moved my Blake went to come at me but I used Ian for support and kicked Blake in the chest with both my feet. He flew back and fell over but the force sent me over Ian and he lost his grip on me. My fingers clasped around the front of his neck as I came down from my flip. Ian lost his balance as my body weight pulled him back down on the ground. I slammed him down on the ground and he groaned in pain. I just stood there for a moment looking at them. 
"Curious. Can you get back up and go again?" I asked. 
"No" Ian groaned covering his eyes. I looked over at Blake he was too busy trying to catch his breath. 
"Ok." I said with a shrug and placed my finger to my lip and whistled Luca came running out of the school and he jumped up into my arm. I laughed at him and held him up. "There's my beautiful baby. How about you help momma train since the big baby's aren't strong enough to keep up." I said in a baby tone. He barked at me happily 
"You are mean." Ian said. I looked down at him since he was lying at my feet 
"I'm not mean I just damaged you ego. Lucky no one was around to see you get your ass handed to you by a human girl." I said with a grin before looking at Luca. "Cerberus." I said as I throw him and he grew into his 20 foot self. I smirked now before looking at Ian and Blake. 
"You can't be serious?" Blake asked. "Trying to fight a Cerberus like that?" He said. 
"If you didn't hesitate then I wouldn't have to." I said with a smile before walking away so they could lie on the mat to recover. 
"We hesitate because you are human." Ian said 
"I'm only as human as you treat me." I said with a shrug "treat me like I'm one of you and I'll fight like one of you." I said simply 
"You can't be serious you would get hurt." Blake said bluntly. 
"So you don't learn anything without getting a little hurt." I said simply. 
"Give us 5 minutes to recover and then we will try again." Blake said. 
"Ok alright." I said simply before looking I ran my hand though my hair messing it up. "Sandulf" I said looking at Luca and he shrunk down to a regular size wolf. 
"That's kind of witchy." Ian said. 
"I'm not a witch." I said simply "if I was I would remove the scares." I added looking at them before Luca brought a rope up to me. 
"He is strange." Blake said 
"You taught him tug a war." I said simply taking one end of the rope. I gripped it tight before taking my stance and Luca began to tug on the rope growling. I laughed at him pulling back in the rope. Luca growled pulling back harder and my feet began to slide across the ground. I didn't have the body weight to prevent Luca from dragging me around. But I had the strength to hold on. 
"Jesus." Ian said softly. I Luca ripped back and the rope slipped between my fingers. I let go of it in seconds because of the rope burn. 
"Fuck!" I hissed looking at my hands. I clenched them tight as they started bleeding. Luca walked up to me whimpering snuffing my hands. "It's ok buddy it's not your fault." I said softly smiling at him. 
"You ok?" Ian asked now in front of me. 
"I'm fine." I said moving back a little bit.
"I'm not going to bite you. I have more control then that." He said bluntly. Extremely offended but me stepping back. 
"You know that actually didn't cross my mind until you mentioned it right." I said looking at him. The pain in my hands sucked so much. My jaw clenched as I closed my eyes to control the pain I was feeling and avoid losing control. 
"Show me your hands." Blake said walking up 
"Jesus its just rope burn." I said annoyed. 
"Have you even looked at how much blood you have lost from that rope burn." Blake asked. I looked down at my hands before the blood that stained the grass. I opened my hands looking at them. The skin had been shredded and I had lost so much skin. 
"Jesus." Ian said moving back. Blake place a towel in my hands 
"Clench that." Blake said simply before going over to Ian who had walked away and was keeping his eyes covered. "Dude?" Blake said concern. 
"Go sort her out." Ian whispered to Blake. 
"What's going on?" Blake asked him. 
"I don't know but I can't go near her. The smell was too much." Ian said and he sounded like he was struggling "I need to get away from her now or I will bite her without any control." Ian said before he ran off. Blake sighed and came back over to me and looked at my hands. 
"What?" Blake asked when I looked at him. 
"I have seen vampires stronger then Ian lose control faster. For him to be able to walk away like and not turn back like that. He deserves some credit." I said softly. He looked at me for a moment. 
"Why do you say that?" Blake asked looking at my hands again. 
"Because. For the weaker vampires I don't have to bleed for them to try and attack me." I said simply. He nodded slightly. 
"Let's go inside and get your hands fixed." Blake said simply. I nodded slightly before heading inside with him and Luca followed us inside and he took me directly to the infirmary. I sat down on a bed still clenching the towel in my hands while a nurse came over to me I rolled my eyes at the amount of fussing that was going on. 
"Hello." I said Because Blake was arguing with the nurse but neither of them heard me. I just got up and went to the sink running my hands under the water. The blood washed away and I splashed antiseptic over my hands cringing from the pain. Pixies places gauzes on my hands and wrapped bandages around my hands and up to my wrists and to my fingertips. I turned to look at Blake and the nurse who were still arguing I rolled my eyes again and left the room. I headed towards the temporary tower and knocked on the door. 
"What Blake?" Ian yelled though the door. 
"Not Blake." I said leaning against the wall. 
"I'm sorry. But go away." He said bluntly. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the handle opening the door. 
"No magic lock on this tower." I said simply. Looking at Ian who stood there with red eyes unable to get his thirst under control 
"You shouldn't be here." He said bluntly 
"Chill out." I said softly. "If I believe you were going bite me Ian I wouldn't be here and outside. Luca would have stopped you before you got close enough." I said with a smile. 
"Leave." He said 
"Alright." I said with a shrug before I smiled at him. "But seriously. Don't think you are weak because you caved like that. You are the first vampire to successfully walk away. And I have meet stronger vampires who couldn't." I said smiling at him before I closed the door and turned to walk downstairs. I got down two flights of stairs. 
"Wait." Ian said. I stopped and up looked at Ian. He sighed softly. "Why did you come all the way here just to tell me that?" He asked me. 
"Because. If I didn't you wouldn't be able to come near me again. Fear that you would lose control." J said simply
"What makes you say that?" He asked 
"I dated a vampire once. Got a paper cut once day and the ghosted me for 6 weeks before I went and confronted them about the whole thing. Turns out they had been beating themselves up because they were afraid of hurting me." I said. 
"You avoided using the word he or she." Ian pointed out. 
"He." I said simply 
"What happened to him?" Ian asked curious now. 
"I don't want to talk about it." I said looking away from him. 
"Did he hurt you?" Ian asked concerned 
"No." I said softly. "He got scared of me and ran away." I added trying not to think about it too much. 
"Ever dated a werewolf?" He asked curious now 
"I have." I said simply. 
"What happened to that relationship?" He asked me. I just shook my head and walked away. "I'll tell you about cassy." Ian said 
"Who say I want to know?" I asked looking at him. 
"Cassy was a human. Green class with Blake and myself. Strong. Fast. Just incredible. She stopped Blake from going into depression after he lost his family. But she played us both. One night she was with Blake the other night with me. We had no clue what she was doing until six months into it. I had walked in on her with Blake. Blake and I got into a massive fight and she was the casualty of that fight. Blake and I didn't talk to each other for the next five months. It wasn't until Christmas last year that we realised we had no one else. My coven wouldn't take me back and Blake had no one at all. The other students shunned us because we harmed a human. One we both loved." Ian said looking at me. Ok. I felt bad for the guy. Extremely bad. I just looked away from him and looked down the stairs. But I saw Blake's hand on a railing further down. 
"Believe me. Even if you both gave into your natural instincts you still wouldn't be able to scratch me." I said simply my hand tightened on the railing. "It is probably none of my business but where is Blake from?" I asked him. 
"I don't know." Ian said simply "he never told me." He added. I just nodded slightly. 
"Ok." I said simply. 
"So why did you turn lesbian?" Ian asked a small smile played on his lips. I just shook my head. 
"Do you want to know to try and convince me other wise? Or are you just curious?" I asked him. He shrugged at me. 
"I just told you my biggest secret no one else is allowed to know." Ian said simply "I mean. Our entire class who witnessed the incident had their memories wiped and were sent away. We aren't even allowed to tell you." Ian said with a small smile as he looked at me. 
"I didn't ask you to." I said simply before shifting on my feet. "I'll make it easy for you both. I will be a friend. But that is all I will ever be. I maybe a kind gentle person at heart. I may feel guilty on the holidays and even offer to have you and Blake come home with me so you aren't being miserable here. But in no way does that mean anything. It never will. I will never love someone ever again. I only say this so you and Blake don't get hurt by me." I said softly. He just nodded slightly looking down. 
"I'll let Blake know." Ian said softly 
"You don't have to." I said simply. "He's been listening in since you told me about cassy." I added. He just looked at me alarmed. 
"Shit." He whispered and just gave him a kind smile and turned around walking downstairs. Blake was still standing there. He didn't even look at me when I walked past him. 
"Who broke your heart to never let yourself love again?" Blake asked me. 
"I did." I said simply. "I broke my own heart." I added and kept walking leaving the tower.

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