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I woke up in the morning with a weight on my back. My first thought was Luca. Until I remember that I wasn't at the academy and fell asleep in Talia's bed last night. I moved slightly to see who was laying on me and it was beauty. Talia's pet husky. She was beautiful and asleep with her head on my back. I didn't mind and I wasn't ready to get up. So I got comfortable again and close my eyes. But my phone started ringing from the side table. I sighed softly and answered it placing it to my ear 
"Hello." I mumbled before yawning. 
"Are you still asleep?" Blake's voice came though the phone. 
"Yes." I mumbled 
"Lazy." Ian said. 
"Bite me." I mumbled. "Why are you calling me?" I asked them because I left them my number Incase Luca acted up. 
"It's Luca." Blake said softly. "He wouldn't stop howling last night and ended up in the creature room." He added. 
"What?" I asked alarmed. 
"We are with him now but he refused to eat." Ian said softly "and by with him I mean we took him back to Blake's room to call you." He added. 
"He actually settled as soon as you answered the phone." Blake said laughing. "You are going to make a liar out of us aren't you?" Blake said and I heard him bark at them and I laughed. 
"If he acts up again tonight take him to my room so he knows I'm not there and that way he may settle down." I said softly before bells rang in the background "and don't let anyone step on him!" I said alarmed before they could hang up 
"We know." They both said before laughing 
"Bye boys." I said before I hung up laughing at them. I just laid my head down with a smile on my lips. I screamed when my ass was smacked and I shot up looking at Talia "you have issues." I said bluntly 
"You are my biggest issue." She said with a grin "I got you breakfast." She added 
"Did you cook it?" I asked screwing my nose up 
"No. I bought it." She said and I got up heading to her kitchen. Her house is a small single bedroom granny flat on a tiny piece of land big enough for one dog. But Talia has magical help and her basement is three times as big as her house and she has parties down there and no one ever complains because you can't hear the music from outside. 
"Any plans today?" I asked sitting at the table I'm pretty sure she stole from outside a cafe. 
"We can go shopping. My shout." She said with a grin. Talia is filthy rich and could wipe her ass with hundred dollars bills for the rest of her life if she liked. But she loves the simple things. Minus her underground club. 
"Sure. I could use the distraction." I said looking at the food. I was starving. I put some of the pancake I cut up into my mouth eating them quickly. When I finished I was still really hungry. "Are you going to eat that?" I asked pointing at her food. 
"No." She said handing it to me and I started eating it. "Don't they feed you or something?" She asked laughing and I paused realising how much I had eaten. I swallowed my mouthful and looked at the food. 
"Damn." I whispered. 
"Don't stop if you are hungry Gem." She said laughing again I sighed running my fingers though my hair leaning back in my chair 
"I'm starving Talia. But not for food." I said softly. 
"What do you want?" She asked pulling her phone out "I'll get you anything" She added. 
"Blood." J said she looked at me blankly. "My bloods curse me again. I'm not part human part wolf part vampire it happened yesterday and I was sent home to try and get some control over my thirst. I didn't realise how bad it would feel." I said scratching my throat. 
"Jesus." She whispered looking at me. "What kind of blood?" She asked 
"I don't know" I said softly "must be a hundred percent human tho. If I ingest another supernatural blood I'll gain their abilities." I said softly. She nodded slightly. 
"Go shower. I'll make a call." She said simply. 
"Thanks honey." I said and hugged her tight "you are a life saver." I whispered 
"I know." She said before letting me go. I headed to her bathroom and had a quick shower to wake up fully. Climbing out I pulled on some jeans and a simple back top before leaving the room. Talia close the front door and held a red cooler in her hands. 
"That was quick." I said softly 
"Let's take this downstairs." She said softly. 
"Good idea." I said softly before we headed down to the basement though a closest it had a trap door in the closest and you had to climb down a ladder. Unless you were us then you just jumped down. I followed Talia down and then we headed to the bar. She grabbed a heap of shot glasses and put them on the bar. 
"Now. I have seen this done a few times and know that some blood types taste different to others." She said softly before opening the cooler and pulled out eight bags of blood. I just looked at them and my fangs popped out instantly I covered my mouth just as quickly. 
"I'm sorry. I'm still trying to control that." I said my voice muffled by my hand 
"You are hungry. So it's going to happen it will always happen out of your control if you refuse to feed." She said 
"How often do I need to feed?" I asked her 
"I don't know." She admitted to me before filling each Shot glass with a different blood type. I just watched her for a moment licking my lips at the smell. "Remember when we did a wine tasting?" She asked me 
"Yes." I said softly not taking my eyes off the blood. 
"Try and do that. Smell the blood taste it let it sit in your mouth to make sure you like it." She said with a smile. 
"I'll try." I said softly before she slid a glass towards me. O negative. I smelled it and it smelt bitter. I hesitated but I poured the blood into my mouth and almost instantly spat it back into the glass gaging. "Nope. I don't think I can do this." I said coughing and gagging wiping my mouth. 
"Why don't we just start with smelling the blood?" She said softly handing me a shot glass with clear liquids. I shot the vodka instantly and it took away the taste of blood. "Better?" She asked. 
"A little." I said softly before sitting down 
"I have heard that the sweeter the blood smells the better it tastes so. Why don't you line up the sweetest to the most bitter." Talia suggested and I nodded slightly before grabbing the next glass a smelled it. I didn't move any around until I had smelled them all individually. Then I arranged them O negative being the worst. I sighed softly looking at the B positive glass of blood it smelt the best to me and my throat felt like it was on fire because I was so hungry. 
"I'm so disgusted by this. Yet I'm so hungry." I whispered 
"I know." She said softly "but the sooner we find a blood type you like the better." She said softly. I nodded slightly grabbing the glass I closed my eyes before I poured the blood into my mouth. I almost spat it out just because of the though of me drinking blood but it tasted that good I swallowed it. The taste. It reminds me of pineapple. It was sweet but a little sour. I really like it. God it made me. It hungry. Talia gasped and I looked at her 
"What?" I asked. She pointed to the mirror behind her. My blue eye had turned red and I had black veins around my eyes. 
"I'll leave you to enjoy you breakfast." She said hurrying out of there before I could say anything. But I didn't care I was too hungry to care and I grabbed the blood bag biting into it. The blood filled my mouth and my eyes fell closed as I moaned slightly the taste gave me this feeling of bliss. I drank the blood slowly to savour the taste and just enjoy it. I didn't want to send myself into frenzy. I was the girl with impeccable control and I wasn't about to let go now because of this amazing taste. I was better then that. I finished the bag and just stood there for a moment. I was definitely satisfied. Not wanting to tempt myself anymore I left the basement and when I came into Talia looked at me 
"I'm sorry I scared you like that." I said softly looking at her she was anxious. 
"Are you feeling better?" She asked me 
"I am actually. You know how good my control is. So I don't think I would lose control so easily." I said softly. She nodded slightly 
"I believe you. If anyone can kick this in the butt it's you." She said with a smile before standing up "go change your shirt and clean up. Then we can go shopping." She said with a bright smile. I nodded smiling at her. 
"You are the best Talia." I said with a smile. 
"I know." She said smiling as I walked away to change.

Ok Talia got really carried away with shopping. Fluffy socks. More pyjamas with profanity on them and a few sexy outfits for clubs just for me. I got myself some new-heeled boots since mine were wearing out from wearing them every day. And I couldn't help but get a shirt that said my dog is better then yours. But that was about all the excitement being at Talia's shopping and watching TV eating junk food in out pyjamas for the next four day. It was literally the laziest four days ever. I even put on 5pounds. But I was back on the train at lunchtime on Friday with a bag heavier then when I left. I wanted to go back Friday. Luca was causing many problems for Blake and Ian now and calling wasn't helping. They don't know I'm coming back tho.

Getting back to the academy I was greeted by the headmaster and Professor Floral. They both looked at me for a moment to see how I was and I was fine. Perfect actually. 
"How are you feeling?" Professor Floral asked me conceded 
"Better. Calm. In control." I said softly. 
"And you new abilities?" The headmaster asked me. 
"In control of." I said softly "sometimes when I'm hungry I get agitated but I don't lash out." I said softly. 
"And how often are you feeding?" Professor Floral asked 
"I did start with just feeding once a day in the morning but by the evening I was agitated. So now I do small feeds three times a day. I don't slip up. I'm calm and I'm less likely to flip out." I said softly. 
"What do you feed on?" the headmaster asked looking me over I pulled an empty blood bag from my bag 
"Pure human blood. Specifically B positive." I said softly. "The first time was the hardest. But I know my body and mind and I know how to keep myself in control." I said softly 
"You did lose control at the start of the week." Headmaster pointed out. I nodded slightly 
"I'll admit that I was extremely upset. I had hurt Blake and Ian over the weekend and they stopped talking to me. And I didn't realise how much it affected me until I had already lost control over my emotions." I said softly. They nodded slightly looking at me Professor Floral took the empty blood bag from me and held out two keys to me. 
"The creature room. And now your new room." She said softly 
"I have my own room?" I asked looking at them. 
"We decided it would be safer if you had your own room. And that it would be easier for you to feed in there in private rather then drawing attention in the dining hall." Professor Floral said softly. "You roommates insisted on moving your things tho. Refused to allow us to do it." She said 
"Oh that's ok." I said with a smile "may I go. Lucas been acting up terribly and its after dinner so everyone will be wanting to sleep soon." I said softly 
"Of course." The headmaster said and I jogged off with my bag and keys in hand excited to see Luca. But first. My room. I got into the common room and up stairs without anyone in the halls or common room. I just put my bag down. My room was very similar to Blake's. I left my room and went across to his room I paused when I went to knock 
"Will you leave him alone?" I heard Blake snap "He is asleep so don't wake him up. We might get lucky with a peaceful night." Blake added 
"Come on dude. It's funny." I heard Jason say before Luca started howling. I hit the door a few times now annoyed 
"Thanks a fucking lot." Ian said annoyed before the door opened by Jason who was laughing. He stopped laughing when he saw me. Breath. Don't react. I told myself before I shoved him 
"Don't touch my baby!" I said bluntly before Luca ran to me. I caught him as he jumped into my arms. "There's my beautiful boy." I said with a grin hugging Luca as he barked at me happily. 
"You are back." Blake said softly "we weren't expecting you until Sunday night." He added 
"I was missing Luca." I said giggling as Luca snuggled into my neck. 
"Would have never guessed." Ian said he looked slightly offended. 
"Hey I have a question." I said changing the subject 
"What?" Blake asked me when Ian looked away. 
"You are both second year black tie students. So you would be in the games no matter what right?" I asked them 
"Yes." Blake said simply. "Why?" He asked 
"Just making sure." I said with a smile "I would hate to go into the games with people who don't trust me. Or people I don't trust." I added. 
"Crystal and Jewels probably want you back." Ian said standing up properly 
"Oh. I got moved to my own room." I said softly. "Didn't you know?" I asked them 
"No." Blake said confused. 
"Yes the headmaster was concerned about the safety of the other students so he moved me." I said tapping my toe against the ground. "My power level also reached 586." I added. They all looked at me now with wide eyes 
"How?" Ian asked. 
"You are human!" Jason snapped 
"I forgot you were standing there." I said simply. "Come see me in the creature room tomorrow and I'll tell you." I added looking at Blake and Ian. 
"Why there?" Ian asked 
"So pepping Tom doesn't follow." I said looking at Jason. "Thank you for looking after Luca too. And I apologise for the trouble he caused you both." I added 
"It's alright." Blake said clearly it wasn't alright they were tiered and cranky 
"I'll let you get to sleep." I said and turned leaving closing the door as I left. I headed back to my room and locked the door once I was inside. I put Luca on the bed and unpacked my things. I put my clothes away. Added a few more packs of smokes to my collection and places more coloured contacts into my makeup box before I came across two bottles of whisky with a note around the next of it. 'A gift for your boys. T' I shook my head laughing at Talia. We had many conversations about Blake and Ian. I put the bottles to the side for now and continued to unpack my back. I pulled out a mystery box from my back. It had another note attached to it. 'Since I cant touch you. Touch yourself. Love you.' She even drew a winking face on the box. I opened it up and saw a vibrating dildo alone with a bottle of lube. She even throws in condoms. There is something seriously wrong with that girl. I thought closing the box and sliding it under the bed. I yawned slight and put my empty bag away going to have a shower. I got dressed in my pyjamas and fluffy socks before grabbing the two bottles Ian night still is here I thought before heading across to Blake's room. I knocked on the door softly. 
"Private party go away." I heard Ian say in an amused tone
"I bring peace offerings." I said laughing lightly the door opened very slightly but they didn't want me to come inside. I smiled at Blake. 
"Peace offering for what?" Blake asked. 
"Well a thank you for looking after Luca and a sorry for making your life miserable." I said holding up the two bottles of whisky. Blake looked at them for a moment sceptical. "I promise I didn't do anything to them. I'm not always evil or a pain in the ass." I added 
"I find that hard to believe." I heard Ian say inside the door but I couldn't see him 
"Will you just take them please?" I said holding them up. "If not I'll keep them and drink them myself. I was just trying to do something nice." I added 
"You don't do something nice for us without a reason." Blake said simply wow they really were angry with me. Damn that made me feels like shit. I thought 
"You just looked after Luca for the past four days for me." I said softly trying to stay calm. Blake just looked at me. 
"Fuck." I heard Ian say inside. The smell of blood it my nose instantly and it caused my fangs to pop I covered my mouth instantly because Blake noticed. I dropped the bottles and ran back to my room before he could say anything to me. As I went to close my door a hand hit it before I could. I looked up it was Ian "you are a vampire." He whispered looking down at me. He was actually happy around it. But he was upset he didn't know 
"It isn't like that." I said simply "well it's not that simple. I was born human." I said simply 
"So what you were turned?" He asked instantly his eyes going over my neck for a turning scare. 
"No." I said simply looking away from him, as he walked into the room "didn't Blake follow you?" I asked softly 
"He's angry." Ian said simply "because you are a vampire." He added 
"I'm not a vampire." I said bluntly. 
"Yes you are why won't you accept that." He said annoyed 
"Because I'm not just a vampire ok. I'm part wolf too." I snapped at him his eyes widened. 
"What?" He asked confused I looked at him before showing him my partial vampire face. And then that vampire face changed to my wolf face. "Jesus." He whispered 
"Like I said. I'm not a vampire and I'm not a werewolf. I am a chimera. I have three DNA codes and if I'm not careful about what I do or what I eat. I'll end up with another one ok." I said 
"How did this happen?" Ian asked me 
"The wolf was after the attack. The venom in the claws got into my blood and rather then killing me it became apart of me. And it took me a long time to keep it under control. And I slipped up the other day for the first time in two years." I said 
"And the vampire?" He asked 
"That stupid prank. It was vampire blood and it go into my system. It didn't take much for it to affect me either. And that's how I got that power boost." I said running my hand though my hair. "The headmaster sent me away to get control over myself. But it wasn't that hard." I said 
"You don't have that much control if you became tempted by my blood." Ian pointed out 
"Shut up. I have yet to feed tonight that's the only reason I slipped up then. Otherwise I don't." I said annoyed at him. He just looked at me for a moment "shouldn't you be running to Blake and telling him this stuff?" I asked 
"Do you want him to know?" Ian asked 
"He should know more then you do since he is my superior. And I wasn't give a choice if I came back I had to tell you both." I said simply. He just looked at me before he nodded 
"I'll tell Blake but he will want to see it for himself." Ian said simply 
"I know." I whispered before Ian left closing the door behind him. I just sank down into my bed hugging myself. I'll wait until Blake shows up before I feed. I don't like people seeing me feed makes me uncomfortable. But that wasn't how I wanted them finding out. I looked up when there was a knock on the door "it's open." I said before Blake walked in. 
"Not a vampire hey." He said being sarcastic but wasn't happy with me. 
"I wasn't when you made the comment." I said softly "actually it didn't happen until after I was soaked in vampire blood." I added looking up at him. 
"I want to see." He said softly. I rolled my head slightly as my wolf face appeared in the scared "How do I know that's not an illusion." Blake asked me I stood up from my bed 
"Touch it. You'll know it's real." I said softly he walked over to me and cupped the side of my head his thumb ran over the fur that sprouted from my face. 
"How can you do that when it's the wrong moon?" He asked curious werewolves can only shift on full moons but it's by choice still not by force. 
"I'm different." I said simply. 
"Can I see the other one?" He asked moving his hand away from my face. I focused and with a slight twitch my wolf faded back and the vampire was visible over the scares. The red eye and the black veins. "Why is it only that area?" He asked 
"I don't know. I don't know anything about myself either. I'm still trying to understand all of this." I said before it faded back "I didn't always have control over my wolf. Some days are harder then others that's why I had to keep my face hidden when I got here. She didn't like the place and the people and was very on edge-" 
"I understand how hard it is to control an animal in an unfamiliar area." Blake said softly. "I actually shifted once on the wrong moon because of Ian." He said softly "the cassy incident." He added looking at me. 
"Not fun is it?" I asked 
"It's painful." He said softly. 
"I know. There are days where if I lose control during the day it will hurt me." I said softly "that day the headmaster had to interfere." I added he looked at me for a moment. 
"Is this why you won't date anyone?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes 
"I can't control her. She gets aggressive." I said. Blake chuckled lightly shaking his head 
"You know that's just a wolf right. Sex is an aggressive dominance battle," He said laughing turning to leave "you should ask Ian how vampires have sex. That would either disgust you or entice you. Depending if you can hold your stomach around that much blood." He said my cheeks were flustered and I looked away from Blake embarrassed 
"Ok get out now." I said simple. He laughed leaving my room. I locked the door before crawling into bed. I had a feed before going to sleep with Luca in my arms

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