Twenty seven

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I forgot about the training that was required to be done after lesson. Thanks to Blake who so kindly reminded me and then proceeded to drag my lazy ass out of my bed by force I may add and carried me though the halls as I cursed at him every name under the sun throwing a little tantrum as I hung over his shoulder like a stubborn child who wasn't getting their own way. He was kind enough tho to make sure my skirt didn't fly up. Not like that would matter especially since I was about to spend the next 2hrs on the shoulders of guys I really wasn't in the mood to be around and they even went to the trouble of selecting the desert terrain so I couldn't just spend my time in the trees. 
"Did you carry her the whole way here?" Jason asked sounding surprised 
"She refused to come so I didn't give her a choice." Blake said simply. 
"I'll make you hurt." I threatened. 
"I'm sure." Blake said not believing what I was saying. 
"Ok desert terrain what are five necessary things we need?" Ian asked looking at everyone and no doubt my ass too. 
"Shade water eye protection sun cream" I said simply. The simulation was already active so if I were put down it would end. I understand that so didn't really complain and not only that I was going to be carried around for the next two hours so lazy me comes into play right now. "Ideally since carrying around regular sun cream would be waisted space. Shade and shelter can be made into one object. So a large piece of sheet like material preferably waterproof that way it has many uses. Four of them extendable poles again many uses not just in this terrain. And rope. That should be all that is needed to make a moveable shelter. Actually grab five poles." I said.
"For someone that didn't want to be here you are very opinionated." Blake said 
"If I don't have to move I don't care." I said simply. "Unless you want me to shut up and leave you all to work it out yourself." I said simply 
"What are we making?" Ian asked 
"Basically a giant umbrella. Use four poles so they stretch from corner to the middle with enough tension to hold themselves up." I said simply 
"Wouldn't the foldable Flexi poles work better?" Dante asked. "In a tent when they bend it holds the tent up. If we applied that similar method to making an umbrella then we would use less space in our bags." Dante added. I thought about it for a moment 
"Theoretically it could work. I just don't know if them Flexi poles will be able to hold the weight of the waterproof sheet." I said softly looking around. "Try it. I mean creatures and other competitors don't appear in the simulation until the four time we do this terrain so we have the time to spare to work everything out exactly" I added. They changed the poles and got to work I moved so I was basically piggybacking on Blake for now. In thirty minutes I'll move to someone else. 
"The poles won't stay in the one spot." Dante said looking at me. His idea was working but the moment there is any movement the poles slip out of place and the whole thing collapses. "For now just use duct tape to secure them. But use a marker to put a mark where we should add loops to the sheet that way we don't compromise the waterproofing but can still use it as an umbrella." I said they nodded and did as I said and with one of the stronger poles used in the middle to hold it up. They all had to lift it up now to get it above us. 
"That took us half an hour." Jason said panting before Blake handed me off to Ian. 
"It's very unbalanced." Dante said sounding concerned. "Any wind at all and we will lose it." He added. 
"What if we use two poles that say it lightens the whole thing with two people holding the weight of it and stabilises it. I would say three but then we are really pushing space." I said. 
"Try two. Get some desert breeze going and as if we should have a third one." Blake said everyone nodded slightly and they got to work instantly. The two poles weren't enough we needed the three in a triangle to give the needed support. 
"Great now we have shade." Jason said sarcastically. 
"With lack of shade in the desert you require more water. We know we go in with empty bottles and we don't know what terrain will come up first. So having the shade will reduce the need for water." I said softly trying not to lose my shit at him. 
"Ok we have shade. Next we should search for a water source but being a simulator it's not necessary we just need to work out what would be needed for the environment right now." Dante said. I nodded 
"Ideally now we would be trying to work out shelter of a night time in the desert where I can not touch the ground." I said simply. "So let's say we set the shelter in the sand for the night. Then what. You can all just crash out on the ground on some blankets." I said simply. 
"Well." Blake said. "Jason and I talked. Of a night time shifting would be better for us because full moon and we would be Alerted first of anyone approaching us. So we though if we laid side by side you would be able to lay on top of us without touching the ground." Blake said. Cuddle up to two werewolves while shifted. Yes please. Nothing is softer and warmer then werewolf fur 
"Ok. That solves that problem but it would be ideal to test to makes sure it's possible." I said 
"Full moon isn't for another two weeks. We can try then?" Bake said. I nodded slightly. Jason Actually looked happy about it too which was no surprise. 
"Wait. Dante are you affected by the cold?" I asked him. Blake and Jason will be shifted and fine
"My wings can keep me warm." He said simply
"What about you Ian?" I asked remembering he is a funny vampire who likes hot things. 
"Cold doesn't affect me. I do like to be warm but that's a choice thing it's not necessary." Ian said. I nodded slightly against his shoulder 
"So shelter and sleeping arranged what about food for this terrain?" I asked. They all looked like they were thinking. 
"Logically what order would the terrains be happening in?" Dante asked me 
"Logically. Desert deep water then dense forest. Desert because it will throw everyone off especially since none of the schools specialise in desert activities. Followed by deep water so everyone can sooth their sun burns in the water to heal as well. This will be the female school advantage they do specialise in underwater activities which is why you are all going to go swimming with Thurso tomorrow." 
"Fuck no!" Jason said alarmed. I laughed at him 
"Chicken." I said simply. "But that will be followed by dense forest were our school will be better at. What I don't understand is why there is no snow terrain. The boys school would be at the advantage there." I said softly
"There is." Ian said, "it's in the dense forest terrain. You have to climb the mountain to the snowy tops. Normally the dangerous creatures are up there and those who go up end up losing. So it's not really spoken about." He added. 
"Ok well that is helpful." I said with a smile before I was moved to Dante. 
"And worst case what order?" Dante asked 
"Forest desert deep water. You would be lured into the false security of the forest and then being thrown into the desert low on supply's if you still have any. And when I are at exhaustion you then get thrown into deep water where if you float you will look like food to anything swimming by." I said softly. "Either way you don't want to be caught in the desert with no supplies and you don't want to go into deep water without proper training." I added. They all nodded slightly before dismantling the umbrella structure and moving it all to a table of supplies that will be going into the games with us. 
"Why don't we head off to the creature room."? Blake said. "None of us are really good at swimming so we should really focus our attention there." Blake said 
"I'm not getting in the water with a kelpie." Jason said bluntly. Blake grabbed Jason and started dragging him along as we made our way towards the creature room. My lack of motivation to walk had Dante still carrying me. Getting up to the edge of the pool Dante put me down. 
"I'm going to change first." I said simply 
"Changing won't be an option in the games." Jason said 
"Yes but I also won't be in my uniform which is actually very heavy when it gets wet." I said simply going to a bathroom changing into some shorts and a singlet. I returned and the guys were just in their pants and it took a lot of effort to not look at them and gawks at how all of them looked so damn hot after all their training and the muscle they had built. I walked to the edge of the water and held my hand out. Thurso surfaced and his nose hit my hand. "One rule while in this water. Stay away from ivory and her cave. If you approach her then Thurso will attack you and try and kill you." I said before taking the five strands of sailors weeds from Thurso.
"You are kidding right?" Blake asked 
"No. I'm not." I said before I grabbed divers watches handing them to each of them "do not go any deeper then 40 feet. You don't have the proper training and if you did your own body cannot go below 130 feet before run the risk of dying. My ability to manipulate air to my will means I can dive deeper because I can pressurise my body to survive the dark depth." I said simply 
"Who knew swimming could be so complete." Dante said softly. 
"I can hold my breath for ten minutes before I'm required to surface but. This is sailors weed. Consuming one strand of this will allow you to breath under water for 30 minutes. As soon as you begging to get nauseous you need to surface. There is a high chance you will throw up because that is how you body will remove any water you took on to pressurise your body. If you resist throwing up you will likely drown yourself even after you are out of the water." I said. They just looked at me now. 
"You want us to eat that?" Ian asked 
"Yep." I said simply. "You don't have to if you don't want to. But when it comes to the deep-water terrain. Remaining above the water will not be easy for long periods of time especially if you have to watch for anything coming up from below you." I said simply 
"Any side affects?" Dante asked hesitant as he took one of the purple strands of seaweed 
"Just throwing up at the end. The time underwater varies person to person. It last 27 minutes for me Exactly but with my added time of being able to hold my breath for 10 minutes I can push my 27 minutes to 37. So timing how long until you start to feel sick is vital. You will need to know this stuff because if you are down to long you can take one wrong breath and it will kill you. Which is why I say time yourself. The moment you throw up the first time is how long you have after consumption. This way you can push it to the last second." I said before I jumped in the water. I choked down the seaweed before I just waited for them Dante was first to jump in he looked like he was struggling to keep it down. He was also holding his breath "you can breath under the water. Holding you breath is not necessary." I said. He looked at me for a moment before he took s breath 
"Is this how you stay under for so long?" He asked me. 
"Yes. With being able to breathe under water and bring able to pressurise my body I can swim up to two thousand meters deep. Which is where most of the creatures in the water live. Where is is dark and undiscovered." I said softly before Ian and Blake jumped in. They weren't as hesitant as Dante was and actually took a breath without being told to. "Is Jason being a chicken?" I asked amused. 
"Wait you can talk under water?" Ian asked 
"If you can breath you can talk. But as you can tell by now little you can hear the sound doesn't travel as well." I said they nodded slightly before Jason jumped into the water. He looked at us all before taking a breath. 
"Ok now I don't think you are a mermaid." Jason said and I laughed 
"Mermaids are violent creatures who take enjoyment from ripping the flesh from anyone who enters their water. They are creatures with a conscious but only because they are part human. A siren however you do not want to piss off." I said before I took a dive. 
"Where are you going?" Jason yelled panicked i stopped and looked up at them. 
"You need to move around. Learn to breath under water while trying to fight or escape." I said simply before I grabbed Thurso main as he came swimming last me at an incredible speed. After he came to a stop and I looked at them. "This is a salt water pool. Whether or not the deep-water terrain is fresh water or salt water will change what creatures we will encounter. But one this is for certain. If you can gain the trust of a specific water creature they can communicate with their entire species that you are trustworthy." I said to them 
"Kelpies can do that?" Blake asked 
"No." I said. "Hippocampi can." I said before there was a beam of light thought the water I looked in that direction 
"What was that?" Jason asked. An egg hatches. Oh my god an egg hatched! 
"Nothing stays there." I said before swimming away from them and down to the cave. I went inside and saw 3 little baby hippocampi swimming around. Entering the cave they looked at me before swimming up and nuzzling my neck. I laughed now. They were about the side of a puppy. They were so cute. I smiled before they returned to ivory and I swam away. I saw Jason heading this way and I looked at him "any deeper and you will do damage to your body." I said simply swimming up towards him. 
"I don't believe you." He said simply. 
"Without proper pressurisation you will start to be crushed by the water. I have had years of practice. So you should be careful until you learn to use sailors weed." I said with genuine concern and Jason just nodded slightly swimming back to the others before I gave them instructions on how to fight under water and they practiced against each other.

After the training I had a shower in the creature room changing back into my uniform before going to dinner. I was exhausted so had very little of an appetite. Luca ate more the me before I managed to bail back to my room. I changed and just crawled into bed under the covers enjoying the darkness that surrounded me and the silences. I wanted to get to sleep before anyone else returned to the tower. And if I managed that I may have a peaceful nights sleep. And with how exhausted I was. It didn't take long for me to doze off into dreamland. But my dream turned into my nightmare quickly. Before I even killed the first person in my dream I was shaken awake violently. I opened my eyes breathing heavy and Dante leaning over me 
"What the fuck?" I snapped at him. He looked annoyed and then I heard all the yelling and screaming outside 
"We have been trying to wake you for the part twenty minutes!" Dante snapped at me before he practically pulled me out of the bed. 
"What is going on?" I asked pulling my arm away from him. Dante grabbed my arm and pulled me to the window 
"What is that? No one can stop it!" He said angry. I looked out the window at the massive dragon. 
"It's a dragon you fucking idiot" I said bluntly 
"No one can see it." Ian said. I looked at him. "We can hear it and see the destruction. But no one can see it or see how big it is." He added trying to hide how worried he was. I looked out the window again. I need to get up near its head but I can only lighted myself enough to float 10 feet off the ground and this dragon was 100 feet tall. Flying isn't an option the pain will put me out of commission. 
"Someone needs to throw me." I said bluntly before climbing out the window. 
"Gemini!" Blake yelled. But Ian followed me out of the window and to the roof. Dante and Blake followed before the dragon went to blow fire at the school. I took a deep breath and blew air to cancel out the flames. They dragon stopped and it saw me.
"Throw me now." I yelled. Ian acted first and he threw me into the air. I used my breath to alter my direction enough to come close to the dragon. It saw me and the first thing it did was open its mouth to eat me. I redirected myself enough to miss his mouth but fell past it. I grabbed the edge of the dragons open mouth. The dragon instantly tried to flick me into his mouth but the scales were large enough to climb so I climbed them up until I was on his snout. The dragon stopped and his eyes looked at me. Oh my. I thought. This isn't a regular dragon. The way his eyes looked at me told me this dragon could think. 
"Get off me!" He growled and threw me up into the air instantly breathing fire at me. I sucked in air and blow it back extinguishing the flames before I landed back on his snout 
"Please. You are endangering students. You need to calm down." I begged holding my hands up in defence. He roared at me and shook his head violently I held on until he throw his head back and I went tumbling down his back. I managed to get some balance so I was sliding and then I saw the sword that was wedged in one of his wings. I kicked of his back heading for the sword I grabbed the handle of it and ripped out from his back. But I had now where to land except the ground. With a puff of air I managed to land on the ground without hurting myself but I did hit the ground with enough of an impact to knock me off balance. I tried to get to my feet to move away but I fell over again because of the sudden pain in my ankle. I twisted it. I crawled away as the dragon's head came down towards me. I stopped looking up at the white dragon who had two sets of wings and was bigger then the school. Blue eyes looked at me. Before he huffed blowing my hair back off my face. 
"That is how you can see me." He said to me "your ghost eye is that of another level. You'll be able to see us. The creatures that are invisible to almost everyone." He said before he began to shrink inside until he wasn't much bigger then me. 
"I- I-" I was in shock I could hardly speak. 
"My name is Wes." He said looking at me. Wes? That a pretty ordinary name for a dragon
"I expected something a little more ancient." I spoke in a side tone my voice only just audible making him laugh at me. 
"Weisslogia is my name. But I prefer Wes." He said before I slowly got to my feet. 
"I am Gemini." I said with pride now. He looked at me 
"Are you a human child?" He asked me curious as he examined me 
"Umm. No I'm fully grown." I said embarrassed 
"Gemini!" I turned seeing Blake Ian and Dante running tho way. Wes growled getting aggressive 
"No please." I said to Wes holding my hands up "they are my friends. They won't hurt you." I added. He calmed down slightly but was still ready to hurt them. 
"What happened?" Blake asked 
"They still can not see me until I choose so." Wes said being proud now. I looked at him for a moment. 
"The situation under control for now." I said calmly looking back at Blake. Before there was a growl. I looked up seeing Luca got protective and had come running out of the school at full-size. "Luca heal!" I yelled and he came to a stop in front of me. I held my hand up and he began to shrink back down to his baby size before I picked him up. 
"I have not seen a wolf Cerberus before." Wes said approaching me. I just looked at him 
"Luca is my companion." I said softly placing Luca on my head and Wes huffed at me blowing my hair back again. 
"I like you. I think I you will be my human." He said simply 
"What!" I yelled. 
"Consider this a privileged. Now where is your room."? He said and started walking towards the school on his four legs. I was just in shock now. 
"You can only stay if other people can see you. I won't be having you make me look crazy." I said simply. 
"No." He said simply and kept walking. I was lost for words now. 
"Are you ok?" Dante asked. 
"Umm." I said before looking at them "please tell me I'm still sleeping." I said 
"You aren't." Blake said softly. 
"What just happened?" Ian asked 
"You said dragon what type?" Dante asked 
"General dragon four legs two sets of wings. But he is white, which is extremely rare, and his scales are edged with gold. Plus he can speak and has a conscious." I said softly with a blank expression on my face "Are you sure I'm not dreaming?" I asked. 
"Yes." they said. I nodded slightly looked at where Wes had gone 
"Shit!" I said alarmed and started running after him because I lost sight of him. I ran toward the black tower and upstairs the door was open. I kept running into the common room and up the stairs towards my room my door was open and Wes was laying on my bed taking up the whole bed. I just looked at him now. "That's my bed!" I yelled annoyed now 
"It's mine now." he said like he owned everything anyway 
"No! You are not going to-"
"Silence human!" He snapped at me sitting up "you are my human and you will do as you are told. Do not talk back to me." He said harshly and that pissed me off now. 
"Listen here buddy!" I said just as harshly "I don't follow orders from anyone. Now get your ungrateful ass off my bed before I stick that sword back into your wing!" I snapped at him and he growled at me. 
"I will tear apart this school!" He said making himself bigger but the bed broke under his weight as he ripped though the mattress from the shock and became stuck. I started laughing at him. 
"Serves you right you arrogant asshole!" I said laughing at him. 
"Get me out of this mess now!" He yelled at me 
"No!" I snapped at him. "Not until you agree to be nice. And return to a size small enough to manage." I said crossing my arms looking at him. If he shrunk down now he would get tangled in the sheets pillows and blankets. Wes growled at me before he tried to get out from the mess before Blake Ian and Dante showed up. They were followed by Jason who was curious. 
"What the hell happened to your bed?" Jason asked 
"Had a party you weren't invited to." I said he looked at me. 
"What?" He asked confused and offended all in one. 
"She's kidding." Ian said laughing. 
"Help me!" Wes growled in anger at me. 
"Be nice and I'll help you." I said bluntly. 
"Says the bitch." Jason said. "Who the fuck are you talking to?" He added confused I just looked at Wes 
"A dragon he's invisible and he can talk." I said simply. 
"What can you see him?" Jason asked 
"Yes." I said simply Wes sighed softly 
"Fine." He said annoyed now. "I promise I'll be nice and more considerate. I'll even remain in a small size unless required to be bigger." He said 
"Good." I said and walked over to him. I stepped up onto the bed and he began to shrink and I grabbed him before he fell into the mess. I jumped off the bed placing Wes on my shoulder. He made himself visible now as he slumbers over my shoulder and the others looked at him. 
"So which one is your boyfriend?" Wes asked 
"None." I said simply "how long will it take to have my bed fixed?" I asked Looking at Blake 
"Won't be until tomorrow." Blake said softly still looking at the dragon on my shoulder "I thought you couldn't control those with a conscious?" He asked 
"Who said she had control over me?!" Wes snapped at them but they couldn't hear him. I worked that out when Blake's expression didn't change 
"I suppose only I can hear what you say." I said softly. 
"In this form yes. Only the person I chose to serve me can hear me." He said I rolled my eyes 
"I don't have control over him he is just basically using me for his own personal gain." I said looking at Blake. "I'm going to see if the girls will let me crash in their room for the night." I said softly and walked out of their past the guys and into crystals room. She looked at me from where she stood at the mirror brushing her hair. 
"Can I help you?" She asked 
"My bed was destroyed can I share with one of you?" I asked 
"No!" They both yelled before Jewels pushed me out of the room and closed the door. 
"ok then." I said softly slightly confused but then remember neither of them likes that I was a lesbian. 
"You can share my bed." Jason said. I looked at him 
"I would sooner get into bed with Dante then you. But good thing I don't have to since I have Blake and Ian first." I said with a smile. Blake and Ian smirked. "Obviously whoever's bed I take will be sleeping on the ground." I added. 
"Obviously." Ian said softly slightly disappointed 
"What if we refused?" Blake asked me. 
"Then Dante it is." I said Dante looked happy about that. "You would still sleep on the ground." I said simply. 
"Better then nothing." he said 
"She is sleeping in our room." Blake said getting slightly jealous. 
"Do they like you?" Wes asked me. I nodded slightly. 
"They are always fighting about it too." I said softly as I turned to head towards black and Ian's room. 
"Why?" Wes asked 
"They all claim to be desperately in love with me." I whispered to him. "But I don't know how true that to be anymore because they all say they love me for my eyes." I whispered. 
"Yes. You have the eyes of the goddess Freya. She was a goddess of love sex beauty fertility sorcery war and death." Wes said. I looked at him before walking into Blake's room and going to sit on the window seat 
"Ok explain." I said sitting him in front of me now. 
"Your normal eyes not the blue one. Is very similar to that of Freya. The darkness and depth of it. You'll find anyone with power will be attracted to you and will fight for your love. But the important thing for you is to hold onto your love until you find someone worthy just like Freya did." He said softly looking at me. "I knew her before she left earth. And she found that by wearing something of value around her neck distract those from her eyes and prevented the wrong ones falling in love with her." Wes said before my shoulder was touched. I looked up and Ian was handling me a beer I took it from him with a smile. 
"Wait so how old are you?" I asked him. He laughed at me. 
"Those of us with a conscious as you put it are the originals. We are called the originals we helped create the world. Occasionally one of us is killed and our heart creates an egg to keep the element alive. We each represent an element and if we die permanently that element will soon perish after us." He said. I just looked at him "we are invisible to the eyes of everything out there. Your ghost eye is special and they are so rare that we have forgotten that those with the eyes can see us." Wes said and I nodded slightly. 
"Well in that case since you are so old." I said and he glared at me as I smiled. "Think you could give me a list of all the originals and details about them since they are in the black games next term." I said looking at him. 
"No." He said turning away from me. 
"Damn." I muttered opening my beer looking at the guys. 
"You are strange." Jason said simply 
"So" I said crossing my leg over the other one leaning back against the window. They just looked at me now. But no one said anything. 
"No one speak at once." Wes said and I chuckled. "What's that guys deal?" Wes asked 
"Which one?" I asked 
"The weak one." He said 
"Jason. No idea." I said simply 
"He looks at you like he is going to eat you." Wes said looked at me "but the other wolf doesn't look at you like that. That other wolf looks at you like you are his reason for living." He said 
"Blake." I said simply. 
"Vampire?" He asked 
"And the other thing?" He said I laughed 
"Angel and Dante." I said he nodded looking back at the guys who were clueless 
"Angel of what?" Wes asked 
"Demon devourer." I said and finished my beer. 
"A human with the eyes of Freya has captivated the hearts of three different species." He said 
"And a female witch." I said with a grin 
"You are in no way happy about it so why are you smiling?" He asked me I shrugged simply catching a new can of beer. I tapped the top of it to settle the beer before opening it. 
"Not much else I can do about it." I said simply. "Will you four stop looking at me like I am crazy.!" I snapped in annoyance. They just looked away from me now. I'm surprised Wes hasn't asked how I managed to get on top of him and cancel out his flames. There was a knock on the door and Jason got up opening it. 
"Professor Floral!" Jason said alarmed and the guys quickly hid their beers before she barge. I looked at her for a moment and she had the book in hand. I was across the room in less then a second taking the book from her 
"Oh my god! He gave it to you!" I said alarmed and way too happy "What did he want in return?" I asked looking at her. 
"He wanted vitality." She said simply. "He is dying of cancer and wanted a temporary fix so I gave him a vitality potion to put his cancer into remission for two years." She said added. 
"I hope it comes back and kills him." I said with a smile taking the book to go sit down. " Just tell me what you want in return and I get it for you." I said with a smile as I opened the book up. 
"Continue to teach monsterology for the term." She said simply I looked up at her alarmed 
"What? I did one day and i already want to kill myself." I said with wide eyes. 
"Tailor the classes to suit you and the way you teach." She said with a smile "that is all I want from you." She said and went to leave 
"But-" she looked at me "Yes ma'am." I said looking down. She looked at the beer can in my hand. 
"Are you even old enough to legally drink?" She asked me 
"I own a bar." I said with a shrug 
"You are 18." She said. I just smiled at her before she walked out of there closing the door behind her. 
"Fuck me." I muttered turning back to the book that rested in my lap. 
"Who was that?" Wes asked 
"Professor Floral. Monsterology, potions and spells teacher." I said simply 
"And what is that?" Wes asked. 
"Last edition of the monsterology books. All about the originals." I said with a grin. 
"Seriously?" Dante said getting up "can I see?" He asked I looked at him and he just sat back down 
"You scare them that much?" Was asked me 
"Yep." I said softly before I yawned. I shivered feeling something slither up my back. Looking up the tank was empty. The Amphiptere was out of his tank again. I put my hand behind my back and he slithered onto my hand before I held him out for Ian to collect. "You seriously need to work out how he keeps getting out." I said softly before Ian took him from my hand and took him back to his tank. 
"Are creatures normally drawn to you like that?" Wes asked me 
"Yes." I said softly turning though the pages of the book. My eyes felt heavy now. I yawned again rubbing my eyes. 
"She's cute when she is sleepy." Dante whispered. 
"You should see her in the morning." Ian whispered. "She's adorable until she speaks." He added and Wes started laughing at what Ian said. I hit him with a pillow and he hit the ground. 
"I'm sitting right here Ian." I said looking at him. 
"So It's true." Ian said with a smile. I just rolled my eyes before I closed the book. I got to my feet and rubbed my head. 
"Alright get out I'm going to sleep." I said looking at Jason and Dante. 
"Alright." Dante said getting up and grabbed Jason when he didn't move. Dante pushed Jason out of the room and shut the door. Blake and Ian looked at each other for a moment before they held up their fists and did Rock Paper Scissors. Ian did rock Blake did scissors. They said nothing as Blake got up and grabbed his pillow off his bed. 
"I'm guessing I'm sleeping in Blake's bed." I said softly 
"Yeah." Blake said softly. I nodded slightly and placed the book on the desk before I knelt down and patted Luca on the back because he was asleep in his bed. I got up and walked towards Blake's bed and pulled the covers back. 
"Thanks for letting me stay in here." I said softly. 
"You are always welcome in here." Blake said softly as he set up some blankets on the ground. 
"Why not just share a bed?" Wes asked me. 
"Because I almost killed them last time." I said looking at him as he jumped into the bed. 
"You are human." Wes said 
"And I though you were smart." I said looking at him. 
"You appear human." He said simply. "What are you if not a human?" He asked 
"Chimera." I said crawling into the bed intentionally kicking him out of my way. 
"You don't look like a chimera." He said 
"I'm human werewolf vampire and angel." I mumbled as I grabbed my pillow getting comfortable. 
"Oh." He said sounding clueless. 
"I'll explain tomorrow." I said as the lights got turned off. "Luca." I said. He jumped onto the bed growing in size and laying on top of me. After the nightmare earlier tonight I'm taking precaution. Luca lays on top of me when I get nightmares because then I can't hurt anyone else and no one else will come near me. 
"How is that comfortable?" Wes asked 
"Lucas my baby and he can sleep with me however he likes and he is being protective because of you." I said scratching behind the ear of the middle head, which was still blind. "He's also jealous of you." I added in a mumbled the smell of Blake in his sheets invaded my sense and put me to sleep in a few minutes even tho Wes was still talking to me. I just fell asleep.

Supernatural Academy (First Year)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant