Forty four

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I woke up to a low growl and when I opened my eye there was an animal standing over me. Not standing in the hammock but over the top of the hammock. I panicked for a second before I realised it was the qiqian. The fire had been stamped out and Ryker was gone. Light snow was falling from the sky and the qiqian was just standing over the top of me. I slowly reached up and ran my hand down the neck of the qiqian. He looked down at me and growled at me. 
"I heard you could see us." He said simply. 
"Yes I'm trying to rescue the creatures." I said softly he just bowed his head to me. 
"I know." He said. I placed the Gem to his head and he was absorbed into it. I smiled now before packing up my things and getting out of there because it was freezing and I didn't want to stay any longer then necessary. Making my way down the mountain I began to warm up. Day two I thought seeing the sun begin to rise over the treetops. I stoped dead in my track and grabbed a branch before I fell into a trap. I stopped and looked around breathing heavy. There was a fine trip wire that if triggered would have dropped a log down. The fact that this was rigged in a tree means it was for me. I looked at the log and calculated its swing before I tripped the wire. But when I tripped the wise a gunshot went off which startled me and I dropped a few branches down in a panic. I sighed softly before running off again to get away before anyone else showed up. I headed back to the water jumping though the trees. I was getting hungry. Really hungry. For blood. I stopped for a moment and grabbed the tin from my pocket opening it up. I grabbed two of the blood pills and stuck them in my mouth chewing them up. I sighed softly rubbing my eyes before taking a drink from the water bottle. Putting my water bottle back into the bag before I started moving again. Slowly taking my time to conserve my energy. Reaching the edge of the woods where it meets up with the water. I looked around and instantly spotted the guys school team. They were arguing about who was going into the water to get the leviathan. 
"I don't think you understand exactly how dangerous leviathans are!" Victor yelled at Kyle. 
"It's a fucking creature! We are the superior species!" Kyle yelled at victor 
"Then you fucking go get him!" Victor yelled back 
"I can't fucking swim!" Kyle yelled. I rolled my eyes before placing my fingers to my mouth and whistle 
"Levi!" I yelled. They guys looked at me 
"Get her!" Kyle yelled before Levi emerged from the water. I looked up at him. 
"You know my name?" He asked me 
"Curiosity of Wes." I said with a smile. He looked at me "Can we make this quick I have less then 48hrs to get a hole of the Sphinx when I'm not able to touch the ground." I said to him he sprayed me with water. 
"You are rude." He said to me 
"So are you." I said wiping my face before holding up the Gem. He bowed his head down to the Gem and was pulled inside it. I smirked before looking at the guys who were almost at me 
"Last original left is the Sphinx! I have the other three!" I yelled at them before running off towards the desert area. I could here them chasing after me. Ryker wasn't amongst them. Maybe he was eliminated. I thought before I got to the edge where the forest meets the sand. I had to stop. I couldn't travel any further. I heard the guys coming up closer so I climbed to the top of the tree. I twisted my lips in annoyance before looking at the orb. "This thing is very inconvenient." I said annoyed. 
"Who are you talking to?" I looked below me at victor. He didn't give me a second to answer his question or even do anything before he grabbed me by the ankle and tossed me from the tree into the desert area. I lightened by body before I hit the ground. The guys ran out after me Kyle was using his shadow to keep the rider guy off the ground. Shadow! I can use my shadow to move. Fuck I feel like an idiot. No one will even know what I'm doing because my shadow doesn't have a persona. So it will just look like I can control my floating. I was out of the guys reach but not by much. It's just going to take that wolf guy to shift and lunge at me and then I'm fucked. Ok Gemini. Focus you are a quick learner. You can do this! I thought about projecting my shadow to move across the ground but I couldn't. I could make it any bigger then the palm of my hand. Which was useless. I didn't want to but I wasn't left with much of a choice anymore. I was too far away from the tree to get back and these guys were constantly circling me to try and catch me. I was going to have to use my Angel wings. But I can't use them for an hour after I bring them out. It would be a miracle if I don't faint from the pain. 
"Give me that rope!" Kyle yelled. He was handed a room and I watched him tie a loop on the end of the rope before trying to throw it up at me. 
"Why not throw the stick at her?" The rider asked 
"Because if she eliminated she gets to keep the creatures she caught. If we take them first she loses the points!" Kyle yelled. "I want them creatures!" He yelled me. Fuck this. I'll get the Sphinx another time. I thought catching the rope in my hands. He looked at me and I jerk on the rope hard enough to pull him into the air. I tossed him to the side and he hit the ground hard. I used the rope to lasso it around the rider go and since he wasn't moving anywhere I pulled myself towards him. 
"Kyle!" He yelled 
"He's out!" Victor yelled checking on Kyle. 
"What!" The guy yelled back alarmed before I reached him. He tried to fight me off but I punched him in the face knocking him unconscious. I smirked and tied him up with the rope. 
"Alright this is how it's going to work. You two are going to drag Kyle into the desert and this one will follow him and so will I. If you try and wake Kyle it in anyway interferes I will eliminate this guy and win the games. Got it?" I asked. They both growled at me. "I asked if you got it?" I snapped at them. 
"We got it!" Victor yelled both of them grabbed Kyle by the arms and began to drag him. I held onto the rider guy and was pulled along with them. That worked out better then I expected. I thought as I looked around the area as I was hoping to find the Sphinx. Some foot pints or a sinkhole or some kind of sign of her. I covered up my normal eye again and looked around further in the distance. I saw something black moving around in the distance. 
"Victor." I yelled 
"What!" He snapped at me He was pissed off. 
"Go left a bit more." I said bluntly he grumbled but did as I asked him. They were headed towards the Black dot now. I smirked now as I successfully made my way thought the desert. I would have rather my own team help me but they are assholes. I looked at the orb before I put my finger up at it "fuckers." I said simply before turning to look back at the black dot. I could see now it was a wolf. I frowned slightly werewolf would have to be. It doesn't look like a normal wolf. I'm going to say its Ryker because Blake has a brown wolf. I haven't seen his wolf. But he did tell me that. And since there wouldn't be any other werewolves around it would have to be him. He wasn't that far off now. 
"What do we do? We can't allow her to hijack us like this." The guy said softly. 
"Yeah well do you have a plan? Because I sure as hell don't want her to kick my ass. She scares me." Victor said bluntly. 
"Sever the shadows connection catch him She is left stranded." The guy said simply. I rolled my eyes at them. 
"You know I can hear you right." I said looking down at them. They looked up at me now "don't push your luck. I'm not in the best of moods." I added rubbing my head. I looked up ahead seeing the wolf. He had turned to look at us and almost instantly he turned back and damn did i get and eye full of Ryker naked body. He looked delicious. 
"Ryker Thank fuck! Help us out!" Victor yelled at him. Ryker looked at them and then up at me 
"Do I get my jacket back?" He asked me crossing his arms over his bare chest. He had pants on but judging by the fact he had no belongings he lost his shirt. Damn. The sweat glistening on his body made him look delicious. 
"Did you want it back?" I asked him 
"Yes." He said. I took it off and throw it down to him. He caught it and turned it inside out before pulling it on leaving it unzipped. 
"Why did she have your jacket?" Victor asked annoyed. 
"Well I lent it too her since she was up in the mountains catching the qiqian. The original creature up there I decided to come out here hoping to get ahead of her to at least get one original before she snatched them all." Ryker said crossing his arms. 
"I didn't say you could stop walking!" I yelled at victor and the other guy. 
"Bite me bitch!" Victor snapped at me. 
"Don't fucking tempt me now walk!" I snapped at him. They groaned and started walking. I sighed softly rubbing the back of my neck. I'm so fucking hungry. And this guy is started to smell really good to eat. 
"Got any water?" Ryker asked. 
"Where are your things?" Victor asked 
"I don't know." Ryker said running his fingers though his hair embarrassed. "Something made me shift uncontrollably and I don't remember when it where I shifted. I got to the edge of the forest when I regained consciousness so I decided to head out here to get the Sphinx." Ryker said 
"With What Gem?" The guy asked. Ryker paused. 
"Yeah ok wasn't my smartest move." Ryker said bluntly. I snickered a bit.
"You are like the smartest guy in the school so what the hell is going on?" Victor snapped looking at Ryker. 
"It's called fatigue." Ryker said rubbing his head. "I haven't had any rest yet and with this heat has made me dehydrated." Ryker added annoyed. I'm feeling the heat and dehydration already. I'm hoping the Sphinx makes an appearance soon. Once I catch her I'm quitting.  
"We need to find some water out here." The guy said. 
"Victor you are the fastest why don't you go back and fetch water for everyone." I said they looked at me. 
"You aren't the boss of me!" He snapped. 
"Guess we will all die from element exposure then." I said looking at him for a moment 
"Fuck you!" He snapped at me 
"You wish." I said amused before I laughed at him. I dropped down one of my water bottles plus the one that was on the waist of the rider guy. He picked them up and sighed. 
"Fine. Don't go too far ahead." He said softly before collecting all the water bottles and running off. I grabbed my other empty water bottle and opened my bag. Inside the bag was the cooler bag with the blood Dante was carrying. Without pulling anything from my bag I transferred the blood from the blood bag into the bottle. I needed the blood. I was so hungry. And if I didn't I was going to bite the guy. Closing the bag up I drank the contents of my bottle as Ryker and the guy dragged Kyle. I had to drink it quickly because the blood became hot it didn't bother me but too hot and it would turn bad. Placing the bottle back into my back I pulled the hammock material from the back and used it for shade. I saw a large rock not far away. It would be a good place to rest until victor returns 
"Stop at them rocks." I said to them. Neither of them argued they just hurried to the rocks. Ryker and the guy dropped Kyle and then looked up at the rider and me. "You got shelter supplies?" I asked them. They nodded slightly 
"Yeah but it won't be any use for you and him." Ryker said simply. I moved before grabbing hold of the shadow underneath the guy. Making myself heavier I dragged the guy down with me and as soon as I was in reach the guy tried to grab me. I kicked him in the face and he hit the ground hard. 
"Don't fuck with me. Once I have the Sphinx I'll touch the ground myself. Until then don't push me." I said simply letting go of the shadow. "Now get the shelter up before I decide to eliminate you." I added. They nodded slightly before Ryker and the guy got the shelter up quickly. I just floated there a few inches off the ground with my legs crossed. 
"Any idea how to find the Sphinx?" Ryker asked me. 
"Yes and no." I said softly. "I know that when we find her we will have to answer a riddle and only get three guesses or we die." I said softly. 
"What?" The guy asked concerned 
"Finding her is hard unless you find her nest. Her valuables. But that makes it hard because it's under ground. Like way underground. So I'm just basically hoping she makes an appearance before midday." I said softly. 
"And how are you going to know if she does?" Ryker asked 
"I can see them." I said looking at him "the originals. All of them. Even if they don't want me to see them I can. I can also hear them when they talk." I added a little proud of my gift 
"What?" He asked confused 
"You must not have heard but I can charm almost any mythical creature." I said looking at him. "That Little White dragon that follows me around that's Wes an original. He had some problems and almost destroyed the school and I was the only one who could see him." I said softly 
"And they still allowed you to participate?" He asked. I smirked now 
"I never told anyone." I said laughing lightly. "And I'm not playing the game. I'm just after the creatures." I added. 
"But you want to win." Ryker said softly I shrugged slightly. 
"If I don't the headmaster won't give me what I want." I said simply looking at the sand. 
"And what do you want?" The guy asked 
"I can't say that on live TV." I said simply before looking at my orb. "These games are a pain in the ass when you have secrets to hide." I said softly 
"Does that take a lot of concentration?" The guy asked pointing to me gesturing to my floating. 
"Actually I it doesn't. It takes more concentration to keep my feet on the ground then it does to float at ten feet off the ground." I said looking at him. "Right now I'm pretty focused on maintaining the right density so I don't go flying off. But otherwise on a daily basis I'm wearing weighted shoes to keep my feet on the ground without focusing on it." I said with a smile 
"And when you sleep?" Ryker asked me I looked at him 
"I have weighted blankets to hold me down when I sleep. Here I have been tying myself to the trees." I said before I heard victor coming. "Victors back." I added. They both looked up before he showed up at the shelter. He looked at me and then the other two 
"Why haven't you eliminated her?!" He snapped at me 
"She's the only one who will be able to find the Sphinx." Ryker said simply victor looked at me and I grinned at him. 
"You can sit down in the shade or I can eliminate you now." I said my tone threatening but sweet. He sighed and sat down handing everyone back their water bottles. I took mine taking a drink from it. Victor looked at me and I saw his eyes wonder to my neck. He must be hungry. 
"Victor." Ryker said his tone turned aggressive that was surprising because I have only heard him use mellow tones. "You should have conserved your blood bags. Don't think about biting her or anyone else." Ryker added. 
"Fuck your Ryker. I only came in with two and after the damage I took from Blake and Ian I needed them both to heal!" Victor said bluntly. Poor guy. I thought. I felt slightly guilty knowing I had two blood bags in my bag and enough blood pills to last me a day. 
"You should have packed more then." Ryker said bluntly. I grabbed my bag and opened it up I reached inside and pulled out a bag of blood throwing it to victor. They looked at me 
"It was Ian's." I said simply. 
"Why do you have it?" Victor asked 
"Stole it to piss him off." I said simply 
"You know they are still out there right." The guy said. I looked at him "after you freed them we never found them again." He said simply. 
"Well they got angry at me for saving them." I said softly. 
"Thanks I guess." Victor said opening the bag and started drinking. I averted my eyes simply because it made me hungry again. "Typical wolf. You let Ian bite you but you can't stand the sight of it." Victor said bluntly. 
"She's wolf?" Ryker asked 
"Turned." I said simply tapping the scares on my face "wolf attack." I added before Kyle stirred I looked at him. 
"You might want to move." the guys said 
"I can go up and down with my levitation. Not move around someone will have to move me." I said. Ryker held out his hand and I grabbed it. He pulled me around to the other side of him before Kyle sat up abruptly. 
"What happened?" He yelled looking around. He saw me "Why is she still here?" He yelled 
"Only she can see the originals." Victor said simply "without her we can't get the Sphinx." He added. 
"Clever" Kyle said. "Keep her hostage for our own use. Never thought of that." He added 
"Yeah." Victor said before the others could. I sighed softly before running my fingers though my hair. 
"Why did it have to be a Sphinx." I muttered looking around again. I saw Kyle shift and when I looked back at him his shadow slashed my face. I screamed holding my face. He got my good eye. "You fucking asshole!" I screamed at him. 
"I am the team leader!" He snapped getting to his feet glaring at me. My rage and the pain made me lose my senses. My vision went red before I attacked him he tried to throw me off him but I broke his upper arm before I bit down on his neck. His whole body froze. His blood spilled into my blood before I was ripped off him and I hit the rock. I expected to be eliminated but I wasn't. The blood in my mouth reminded me what I just did. I looked back at them they were all mortified by what i did. 
"I thought you were a werewolf!" Victor snapped at me 
"I'm a chimera." I said looking at him. "Wolf and vampire." I added wiping my mouth. His blood was disgusting. Sour. 
"Don't you think that's something everyone should know!" Victor snapped. I rolled my eyes 
"Your bloods disgusting too." I said grabbing my bottle washing my mouth out. 
"Says the one who lost control!" Kyle snapped. I looked at him 
"You practically tried to rip my good eye out. I'm sorry I went into survival mode." I said sarcastically rubbing my eye that was now healed. It still hurt tho. I heard a sinister laugh in my head. I paused at the sound. "Fuck me." I said angry now. His shade blood brought my shade persona back. 
"Miss me?" She asked laughing 
"I killed you once I'll do it again." I said bluntly. She laughed at me. 
"Are you ok?" Ryker asked 
"Fantastic." I said sarcastically before looking at the rock. I touched it with my hand and it should have eliminated me. Rocks count as touching the ground. Even big ones. Unless it's not at rock. "Knife?" I asked Ryker. He handed me his knife 
"What the fuck?" Kyle snapped at him. I took the knife and hit it against the rock but it pieced the rock followed by blood. 
"Fuck." I said before the whole rock moved upwards fast with me still holding the knife that was wedged into it. Yeah that's not a rock. I thought looking at the Sphinx. 
"What the hell is your problem?! Do you normally go around stabbing people?" She yelled at me 
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to" I said alarmed pulling the knife from her head I began to fall though the air. I didn't really care. I mean I could stop at ten feet easy. It wasn't that far. But she caught me and raised me back up to her hair. I was on the back of her paw. 
"Answer my riddle for forgiveness." She said simply I nodded slightly "What word in the English language does the following. The first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, and the first four letters signify a great, while the entire world signifies a great woman. What is the word?" She said. I just looked at her blankly. 
"Can you repeat that for us?" Ryker yelled. She looked at them. 
"Oh is this the games?" She asked 
"Yes." I said softly. She moved lower and looked at the guys as I stayed resting on her paw. 
"Listen closely." She said to them. They all nodded at her "What word in the English language does the following. The first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great, while the entire world signifies a great woman. What is the word?" She said slowly. Word? What word? I sat on her paw and crossed my legs. The first two letters signify a male. He? I wrote down He in the dust on her paw. The first three signify a female. She? No her maybe? I wrote her before the word he 
"Can you repeat it once more?" I asked looking up at her. She sighed softly 
"What word in the English language does the following? The first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, and the first four letters signify a great, while the entire world signifies a great woman. What is the word?" She asked me. I looked back at the two words. 
"Heroine!" I blurted out looking at her. She looked at me for a long moment. I suddenly feared I had gotten it wrong. 
"Correct." She said slowly with a hiss. She wasn't happy I got it right. "Next riddle." She said simply 
"I won!" I said 
"Two teams fighting best of three honey." She said looking at me. 
"Oh fair enough." I said crossing my arms. She clearly her throat before looking down at us all. 
"A man wants to enter an exclusive club, but he doesn't know the password. Another man walks to the door and the doorman says 12, the man says 6, and is let in. Another man walks up and the doorman says 6, the man says 3, and is let in. Thinking he had heard enough, he walks up to the door and the doorman says 10, he says 5, and he isn't let in. What should he have said?" She said. Ok what the fuck! That doesn't even make any sense! 
"Three!" Ryker yelled. "The number of letters in the word not the number halved." He added. The Sphinx glared at him. 
"Correct. That one was too easy." She said bluntly. "Last riddle. A ladder hangs over the side of a ship anchored in port. The bottom rang of the ladder touches the water. The distance between rungs is 30cm, and the length of the ladder is 270cm. If the tide is rising at a rate of 15cm per hour, how long will it be before the water reaches the top rung?" She asked. I just gave her a blanket expression. It won't. The ship would rise with the water. I thought.
"18hrs." Victor yelled out I looked at him he was confident in his answer 
"You fucking idiot. It won't reach the top. The ship would rise with the rising water. So it would never go past the first rung." I said looking at him. He was embarrassed now. I jumped from the Sphinx's paw and grabbed my bags. She smiled and bowed her head to me. I smiled touching the gem against her she absorbed into the gem. I went to turn around at tell them I was done and would be quitting but Kyle has his shadow crush down on me and I hit the ground. I coarse of electricity went though me as everything shifted to black

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