Twenty six

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The blue class knew everything and with minor
Corrections I had them wrote two five hundred word essays on Nue and Enenra. The red class was just as clueless as green and black and I did the same thing to them as I did to the black and green class. But it was lunch now and I was just reading over the note I had gotten from Blake Ian and Dante. Dante offered to let me bite him again. Although tempting I know he would enjoy it as well. So no. Ian offered me his bed to watch Netflix in for a weekend. No he would enjoy that as well. Blake tho. Blake was smart. He offered me service. He would do whatever I asked from him without question for a whole day whenever I wanted within reason like he won't hurt someone for me or do anything to damage his stay at the school or anything sexual with another male which I found funny that he had to state that. Walking into the dining room I made my way towards my seat. The three of them looked hopeful now. I just handed each of them a folded up piece of paper. Ian and Dante's said no in big red letters and Blake's actually had information on it. 
"What's with the notes?" Jason asked confused. 
"Nothing." Dante said handing me another one. Ariel training. Ok. Yes I wanted to learn how to fly and fight in the air. I already know it won't be easy. I pulled another piece of paper from my pocket and handed it to him "Yes." He said sounding happy now. 
"Seriously what the fuck?" Jason asked angry as Ian handed me a note. I opened it. A week worth of Blood room services. He will bring me my bags of blood when I need them so no one else will catch me going down to the basement. And since my fridge only holds two days worth of blood I do need that help. I just handed Ian the other piece of paper I had in my pocket and he smiled now reading it. "Are you conspiring against me or something?" Jason asked 
"Trading favours for information about Enenra." Ian said smirking now. It's funny because all three of them played on the information they knew about me and where I needed help. Jason doesn't have that leverage. 
"I won't be an asshole for a week." Jason said simply looking at me. 
"I doubt you would be able to do that." I said simply. 
"You are trying to fail me." He added. I smirked at him 
"Actually there are only 4 basic facts about an Enenra. One of them is their Origin and everyone knows that because of the book states that they are Japanese." I said simply. 
"You set us up to fail!" Jason said bluntly
"Actually I just wanted them to give me shit. If they were anywhere near as smart as they claim to be they would have noticed my original copy was open on my desk with all the information about Enenra which would have taken less them a minute to memorise." I said with a smirk. Dante Blake and Ian looked horrified now. 
"Fuck." Blake said looking away from me 
"You are a sneaky bitch." Dante said glaring at me 
"The book was even turned to face us." Ian said putting his head in his hands. I just laughed at them. 
"You had nothing to give me Jason otherwise I would have roped you into it too." I added. 
"You are evil." Crystal said from beside me and I smiled at her 
"It's called taking advantage of the situation." I said with a smile "I mean come on if you had four guys obsessing over you what would you do?" I asked 
"Have them wait on me hand and foot." She said with a smile. "At least until I got bored with them." She added with a shrug. 
"I only take what I need and manipulate my way into getting it." I said with a smile before looking at the guys "you really thing trading me was your idea?" I asked Dante. He looked at me. 
"You got into my head!" He said alarmed. I smiled now. It's a vampire trick. A vampire can manipulate person's thoughts and put ideas into someone's head while their blood is still in the vampires system. Not all vampires can do it. Ian can He can't to me tho. And I know crystals can she does it to the human guys. 
"You know more about me then everyone else here you should know that getting into peoples heads is something I'm very good at." I said with a smile 
"Damn the STA for teaching you that shit." Dante said and I laughed again "speaking of which. I asked about you over the holidays and they said you no longer work for them and they wouldn't tell me why." Dante said. I stopped laughing looking st him 
"What did they tell you?" I asked 
"Not much. Just a few months following the attack you were dismissed from working for them. Your entire existence in the system has been erased." He said softly sounding concerned. "Did someone you were working with die?" He asked me 
"No it wasn't like that." I said simply looking at my plate. "You heard of the breeder?" I asked him 
"The breeder?" Blake asked 
"He's a human and kidnaps and forces different species to cross breed. Takes the surviving offspring and raises them away from their biological parents. Normally between the ages of 4-10 the child becomes insane and out of control which he then dumps the child out in the open. STA normally have to track down and kill these children before their thirst for bloodshed became a problem." Dante said softly "one child was left to live once and then the next day the kid killed every person in a small town about two thousand people. It was only 6." Dante added looking at Blake and Ian. 
"Why is this guy still alive?" Ian asked angry. 
"Because He is a massive human icon and I can't name him to avoid someone going to kill him. Because if he was killed even by an accident they would investigate his death instantly and expose the supernatural race he will have to die of old age." Dante said softly he was angry tho. "What did he do to interfere with your work?" Dante asked. 
"It was my choice to let that child live." I said softly. "When I looked at her and how scared she was of being different I sympathise with her. And I thought that she would have been capable of staying in control and that choice of mine cost more then two thousand people their lives because I couldn't harm a child. After that they dismissed me from working a STA again." I said softly 
"Seriously?" Jason asked, "you were fired because you wouldn't harm a child! That's fucking stupid. Killing a kid isn't something easy to do for anyone unless you are a psychopath." He added sounding concerned now 
"That wasn't a child it was a monster." Dante said simply "the child was so deformed and monsters that letting it live would have been torture." Dante said before pulling a picture from a book he had in his jacket and showed them. It was the little girl who had half a lizard face and half a lion face with vampire eyes and legs of a goat and arms that were wings. But the picture was of her dead.
"She was still a child. And she wasn't in pain she was just confused." I said simply. "She was conflicted and hungry and she didn't know what to do. If the STA took her in to care she would have been able to control herself. She had the will power to do so. But no they told her to live in the woods and fend for herself." I said annoyed 
"No one can withstand that kind of conflict in their mind." Dante said bluntly. I just looked at him. I had no words. He knew I was a chimera and one who was in control. The only reason I slipped up yesterday was because my emotions got the better of me and so did the pain. But I couldn't say anything. Neither could Blake or Ian. Not in front of anyone else. 
"And you wonder why I hate you." I said simply. "I know it was you who killed her. And they refused to allow me near any of the children after that because they knew I could teach them control and how to over come the conflict. But they didn't want that. The STA wasn't to eliminate any hybrids because they are afraid of them. They are afraid of what someone can do with that much power." I added 
"Shit. I'm sorry-" Dante said but I just stood up 
"I have classes to go prepare for." I said simply walking away from them and without even eating my lunch.

I just sat outside on a high-rise bench with a smoke in my hand waiting for the class to arrive. Black and green class. I took a drag from my smoke before blowing it into the air before students arrived in large groups. All of them whispered about me smoking now, I just waiting until everyone arrived did after I finish my smoke. I crushed it against the seat before looking at everyone 
"Did anyone find any information about Enenra?" I asked in a monotone voice pulling another smoke from my pocket and just held it between my fingers. 
"They are smoke demons." Dante before else could speak because he knew I would try and fail him. But I already manipulated his memory and he didn't realise 
"Wrong." I said simply. He looked horrified. 
"They are smoke people." A girl said softly hugging her book 
"Yes they are. People. Not demons." I said softly 
"They are created from fire the bigger the fire the more powerful they are." Blake said looking at me. I nodded slightly 
"They are considered the divine of darkness and are pure good. Nothing evil about them." Ian said I nodded again. I went to speak but Crystal spoke 
"They take the shape of humans who are familiar to you. Sometimes their voice can pass messages on from the dead. But only if you have pure intentions can you see and hear an Enenra." Crystal said. I looked at her 
"You stole my book." I said simply. She held up her phone 
"I took a photo of the page when it was open on the desk." She said with a smile. I just shook my head. 
"As Crystal said. Only those with a pure heart can see an Enenra." I said looking at my cigarette in hand before I began to burn the tip of it to create smoke. "The divine of darkness. Although information about them is very limited because keeping one around long enough is difficult enough especially in daylight. But with the right knowledge that comes with experience. You can create one with just a little smoke and air." I said before blowing on the top of the cigarette the smoke began to gather and a small Enenra formed in front of me. No bigger then an infant. Because it was an infant. Some Enenra were once people and they never passed on. Many infants. After a moment the smoke cleared and everyone just looked at the empty space. And infant everyone can see. 
"How did you do that?" Jewels asked. 
"Like I said with experience. And Enenra has to come to you. You cannot call upon one at random. You need to have an attachment to someone who had died for one to become visible to you." I said softly 
"You summoned an infant." Blake said softly. I nodded slightly 
"My twin brother. Died at 20 weeks but nothing could be done without killing me too. So when I was five that was when I first encountered and Enenra." I said softly. They all looked at me sympathetic now. "Now who can tell me what a Jubokko is?" I asked. They all started looking thought their books. 
"Is this part of the lesson?" Dante asked "or just annoyance?" He added 
"Neither. There is one here right now and I want to know if someone can identify it before it moves." I said simply. We were just inside the woods at the clearing where Professor Floral always does creature display. And over the past couple weeks I have seen the Jubokko also known as a bleeding tree moving closer and closer to this area. "What about a Kinoshimobe?" I asked them. No one answered I sighed and hung my head in annoyance. 
"Seriously if this isn't apart of the lesson why ask us?" Jason asked before the Kinoshimobe emerged from the woods and screeched at them. They panicked. 
"A Kinoshimobe. Protector of the forest will kill anyone who damages the forest." I said simply. "A Kinoshimobe and a jubokko are two creatures who have a symbiotic relationship. The Kinoshimobe will bring people who damaged the forest to the jubokko where the jubokko will absorb the person into the tree soaking the ground in blood and their face will appear on the bark of the tree. If you get to close to a jubokko you will be put in direct danger of it capturing you and killing you. I am telling you this because of the fact one is on school grounds and if you can not identify one it will kill you and it will be your own fault." I said bluntly before getting to my feet the Kinoshimobe looked at me for a moment before it walked away. It was a tree person. Seven foot tall and basically a walking tree. Or an uglier deadlier version of grout from Guardian of the galaxy. Not a tree you want to hug. 
"She is such a bitch." A guy whispered. I just ran my fingers though my hair. 
"Two hundred words on both Nue and Enenra by tomorrow morning. Any questions?" I asked 
"Do we have to write two essays?" Jason asked 
"It's either that or a thousand on them both. Which would you all rather." I said simply. No one said anything now. "You can all go." I added and everyone just left. I sat back down and just leaned forward on my legs looking at the ground. I don't get why people sympathy's me because I had a twin who died before he was born I mean. Sure I see his spirit but it's not like it means anything. 
"You ok?" I looked up and saw Dante there 
"What do you want?" I asked him 
"To apologise." He said softly "I forgot that you are fighting your own conflict between everything that runs though you and didn't even think for a second you could relate to them children. I was being a jerk because I felt guilty about killing children." He said softly 
"I don't care Dante." I said simply. "I didn't want to work for the STA anyway. They didn't give me a choice either." I added looking at my hands. 
"I know. And I have something to ask that may cause problems." He said softly. I didn't answer him. "Were you the one sent in to have Blake's pack eradicated?" He asked 
"No. I was dismissed before that happened. I actually tried to stop it because I had friend in that pack. But they locked me up for the next eight days so I couldn't stop them. I knew what was happening and couldn't do anything to stop them." I said softly 
"Do you know why they were eradicated?" Dante asked. I nodded slightly. "Why?" He asked. 
"For Blake." I said softly. "A profit predicted that an alpha born from the pack would one day assist in the supernatural and human race coexistence. Although I was unable to save the pack I did erase Blake's existence from the STA. I just never expected to meet him." I said softly. 
"What else did the profit say?" Dante asked. I shook my head 
"She was killed before she could finish her prediction. As far as I know. Profits no longer exist and the STA killed the last one." I said softly. 
"Is that why you are friends with Blake?" Dante asked. I shook my head no. 
"No. I just genuinely like him. I didn't work out who he actually was until you started bringing up the STA. I don't really think about my time working with them so I never even thought about Blake actually being the guy I saved from meaningless slaughter just so humans and the supernatural can coexist." I said softly. 
"Are you going to tell him?" Dante asked 
"No. He doesn't need to know either of us were involved in his family's slaughter. He would hate us." I said softly 
"You mean you." Dante said. 
"Yeah. Blake's the one person I can't stand being angry with me. I don't know if it's my wolf play submission with him or just the fact he was the first one to care about my existence here." I said running my fingered though my hair in frustration "trying to understand multiple layers of emotions gets exhausting which is why it is so much easier to just deny everyone. My wolf like Blake. My vampire like Ian. I use to like Jason and even tho he is an asshole now there was a time I loved him and the memories are conflicting as well and now with this angel presence it's just another layer of emotions I had to fight though. I mean seriously you definitely noticed the change this morning in how I treated you." I said softly 
"Yeah you were nice to me." Dante said softly 
"Exactly the angel presents is nice because it sense your angel presence and supernatural emotions will always be stronger then my own human ones." I said looking at him. I just shook my head tho. "Just don't tell Blake about what the STA did. Not with so many people around. He may lose control and if he is angry at me I won't be able to calm him down enough to make him shift back." I said softly. Dante nodded slightly. 
"Summer holidays are 6 weeks long." Dante said softly "will you be in school grounds that entire period?" He asked me I shrugged 
"I may go home to Talia. My parents my hate me but she will always welcome me home." I said softly. "But I'll be honest I do not want to spend six weeks with you four. Here or there. I don't care I won't be in the same area as you four. I need my space and it's the only time I'll ever get it." I said simply. He nodded slightly before there was chatter for my next class 
"See you at dinner." He said softly before walking away. I sighed softly tuning my fingers though my hair ready to repeat the same thing.

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