Thirty two

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When the train arrived at our school. I was off the train and gone before anyone could speak to me. I got some blood and food before I stopped long enough to contemplate having a shower first. I decided yes. So I had a shower changed into a clean uniform before I ran out of the common room and down the stairs towards the classroom. Before I could reach the class the headmaster stopped me. He didn't look happy with me either. 
"Gemini." He said before he sighed shaking his head. "You did a good job the past few days but you were instructed to not hurt anyone unless necessary and that the guys were to deal out the punishments." He said to me. Seriously that's all this is about? 
"I would have told them to but by the time any of them acted or go there it would have been too late." I said simply "and half the time they didn't take any notice of what was going on. But if there is a next time I'll take people who are more observant and less likely to worry about my own safety and who will do their job properly." I said simply he looked at me for a moment 
"Why are you wearing your glasses again?" He asked me. 
"Because. I was informed about how dangerous my eyes actually are and what they do to other supernatural." I said bluntly irritated and now late to class 
"And that is?" He asked me. 
"Any supernatural to look at my eyes wants to kill me or loves me. It's always fake emotion they cannot control. It's always fake emotions that take time to wear off because I don't know any spells or potions to remove it." I said simply. He nodded slightly
"You are free to go." He said and I just walked away no longer excited about the class. I looked around at everyone quietly studying now. They all looked at me when I walked in. 
"Alright it's been a few days. Let's see who is up to where. Raise your hand if you have completed chapters one though to five?" I asked everyone but Dante and Jason put their hands up. "Good. Now. Since it's only the end of the second week of this term and I wasn't allowed to carry on into next terms lessons so instead I will give you your term paper assignment. Five thousand words on the book. A thousand words each changer braking down what the creatures are like in that chapter. You basically have until the end of the term to complete this. But as soon as it is completed you don't have to attend this class and if you fail the paper you have a chance to rewrite it before the term is over. This basically guarantees you an A and a VIP Card to the vixen club." I said and they were smiling now. Before I could continue tho Professor Floral walked into the room she looked at me before the students 
"Dante. Jason. The headmaster wants to see you." She said simply. They both sighed packing up their things leaving. Professor Floral looked back at me now "come see me at lunch. We need to talk about the games." She said. I nodded slightly before she left and I turned back to the class explaining their assignment in detail.

At lunchtime I went to Professor Floral's office and headed inside since the door was open. She was inside working on something I just couldn't work out what. Some kind of potion. 
"You wanted to see me?" I asked her screwing my nose up at the smell that emitted from the cauldron. 
"Yes I did. Now umm first can you hand me a ravens beak." She said pointing at the table next to me. I saw a jar that said ravens beak. I expect it to be actually bird beaks but it was dust. 
"This?" I asked holding a jar up she took it before taking a scoop of the dust out pouring it into the cauldron as she stirred it with magic
"Now. I was told you haven't been sleeping." She said looking at me. 
"I thought this was about the games." I said simply. 
"Would you have rather me tell you to come see me because of your emotional problems?" She asked. 
No." I said crossing my arms. "Who said I wasn't sleeping?" I asked her 
"I'm not telling you." She said simply 
"It was Blake wasn't it. He is always picking up on that shit." I said bluntly. 
"Gemini." She said softly. "I know you must feel like everyone's out to get you and that you must hate constantly having to restrain yourself every day because you are too strong for everyone to handle. But I think it's about time we start to work out what is really wrong beneath it all." She said softly 
"What?" I asked confused 
"Your nightmares. Why you are so afraid of letting go. And why you are afraid to tell people." She said softly 
"I don't want to hurt people. And when people hear about hybrids they run screaming the other way." I said bluntly. 
"But you aren't a hybrid." She said 
"It's doesn't matter. It's how I would be seen." I said softly. She sighed softly 
"You need to work out where everything went wrong for you Gemini and fix it." She said 
"I can't just fix it-" I was cut off by her blowing the smoke from the cauldron in my face and it felt dizzy when I breathed it it. 
"You won't come out of the dream state until you believe you don't have to restrain yourself anymore." She said before I collapsed to the ground as I blacked out.

I was inside my nightmare again. I stood in the kitchen of my family's house and it was Christmas Eve. Snow fell outside, the house was decorated with Christmas decorations to the point I questioned how we had the space to store this stuff. My feet moved on their own which was when I realised I was holding a pecan pie in my hands. It must have been my turn to be Santa. Each year we take turns at dressing up as Santa and we hand out the presents. The dress was red velvet and went mid thigh on me. Half-length sleeves with white fur around the end of the sleeves. It was off the shoulder and white fur went around the top and bottom of the dress with a black leather belt around my waist. I had black boots they were heels with my white fluffy socks on as well. I didn't have a Santa hat on tho. Walking into the dining room my family sat there along with Talia Blake Ian Dante and Jason. An empty seat was between Blake and Talia. No one looked at me. My movements were involuntary as I placed the pie on the table. Just like that all eyes shifted to me. Solid black eyes of everyone looked at me. The shock made me stumble back. I head a smash and when I looked down I had dropped the pie. No I put the pie on the table. I know it did. I thought looking at where the pie should have been but it wasn't. 
"Oh no honey. Now we have to clean that up." Mum said. 
"I'll clean it up." My lips didn't move. But my voice was happy and cheerful. I resisted the urge to move and when I did I felt like something was pulled away from me before I watched a ghost of myself walk away. No this is things go wrong. I though follow myself to the kitchen. I saw myself there looking angry and stabbing the bench over and over again with a knife. Normally this part of the dream doesn't happen it normal just start here where I lose control. But I don't understand why I was so angry. I never did. I wouldn't get angry over a pie. I saw my mouth moving but no words were heard and then when I looked up at myself my eyes were different two solid black eyes looked at me looked at me. With the knife clenched in my hand I watched as I left the room and began to stab everyone violently. I was just frozen in place as I watched this happen. No one got away. No one even stood a chance. I sat down at the table everything soaked in blood before I cut myself a piece of the pie with the bloody knife. What the fuck is with that pie? I thought seeing it was no longer a mess on the floor. I placed the pie onto the plate that was soaked in blood before eating it. I felt sick by my own actions. I picked up a wine glass that was empty before but now full of blood. Tears stung my eyes as I looked at the slaughter that was in front of me. I think I'm going to be sick. I thought before I looked at myself 
"Are you going to join me or just stand there?" The ghost me spoken before looking at me. "You are afraid of me because you don't want the people you care about to die. So you lock me inside this reoccurring dream to prevent me from getting out. But every once in a while you slip up and I leak out." She added 
"I don't understand who are you?" I asked angry. She laughed at me before standing up grabbing the glass of blood as she approached me 
"I am you. But I am you before the werewolf attacked you. You were born with me inside you. But since your parents were so afraid of what you were becoming they used a witch to lock your blood thirsty self away in a dream prison and the more people you care for the more I get to kill them over and over again." She said with a smirk I never knew I could be so scary. I thought watching the blood run down her face. 
"What are you?" I whispered she laughed lightly 
"You haven't worked it out yet have you?" She asked me. "We aren't a child of two humans. We were one of them children saved from the breeder. You parents thought you were human when they found you as a baby they had just been out of contact for over a year before they were sent to the breeder to try and discover what was going on with him. They found you and you were not even a month old. Still freshly born. You had a twin brother yes but one look at him and the eyes he possessed they killed him. Well they think they did." She said. 
"What? I don't understand." I said confused 
"You were the perfect child. The breeder made his perfect chimera. But that perfection comes at a cost. Me. I am your flaw. I am the only think that's stoping you from being perfect." She said with a grin "unless you wanted to be perfectly evil and kill every living thing then we already are perfect." She added I shook my head looking at her 
"What are you? You can't be this insane without being something." I whispered. 
"I thought you were so smart." She said taking a drink from her glass. "Look around with the perfect eye of yours and work it out." She added. I did. I looked around the room and the more I saw the more I realised how this was a prison box inside my mind and she. She was a shade. She didn't cast her own shadow. Even tho everything else had a shadow. And the black eyes. They are just projections of hers. Which means none of this is real. I glared at her now and just like that everything fades away and we stood in a box nothing but darkness around us. 
"You are apart of me. But this is my body and my mind. You couldn't do anything outside this box without my permission." I said bluntly. She just laughed at me 
"You think you are so powerful." She said crossing her arms. Damn. I thought. Can I throw around any more sass? 
"I know I am and I know that you won't be able to fight me off if you got out of this box. So you can stay in here and do the same thing every day for the rest of my life. Or you can be free and do as I say and follow my ordered and never harm anyone without my permission." I said bluntly. 
"You think I would listen to you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. Seriously I'm surprised the guys haven't smacked me one with this attitude. I want to smack myself across the face for this attitude. 
"You are a shade. You can't do anything without my permission outside my body. And by releasing you. You are bound to follow my orders. You can not follow your own." I said simply. "I'll even do one better" I added and snapped my fingers. Her mouth was sewn shut now. She screamed at me. 
"You bitch." She screamed but it was muffled. 
"You can not taunt me or speak to me I will not let you infect my mind with you psychopathic ways." I said bluntly. She just looked at me now before ripping the stitches from her mouth 
"I'll never obey you!" She screamed at me before she ran at me with the knife in hand. I dodged her attacked but she cut my face. I caught her by the arm before twisting her arm back on her holding the tip of the knife against her check. "You kill me and you'll kill yourself." She snapped at me she's bluffing. I thought 
"I'm willing to make the sacrifice." I said before I forced the knife into her chest pain ripped though my own body as she fell to the ground. I looked down and saw blood soaking though my clothing as I fell to my knees. "Ok maybe she wasn't bluffing." I mumbled before collapsing on top of her and passing out.

I woke up on a small bed and it was extremely uncomfortable. I had this splitting headache and it made me a little sick. I tried to sit up but very quickly decided that was a bad idea lying back down. 
"It's been a week how much longer is she going to be under?" I heard the headmaster asked 
"That depends on her." I heard Professor Floral say simply. "When she believe she isn't a threat to people and more in control of her actions she will wake up. If she doesn't get herself killed that is." She added. 
"What?" I heard Blake snap alarmed. 
"Don't worry she is stronger then you think I have any doubt she will survive but I do expect her to take another week." Professor Floral said simply. 
"Jesus." Blake said annoyed. 
"Go sit with her if you like." I heard Professor Floral say and I closed my eyes before I heard footsteps. 
"What do you think is happening in her head?" I heard Ian asked 
"I can see what I can find out?" Dante offered. "Well What She is feeling I can find out." He clarified 
"Sure." Blake said softly. I felt Dante take my hand he made a noise that made him sound unsure.
"I don't know what she is feeling. She's like well. Blank." Dante said 
"Blank. No one can be blank." Blake said softly. 
"I can't get anything from her at all." Dante said annoyed. "It's like her emotions are concealed from me." Dante said confused before he let my hand go. I'm going to give to two minutes before he realises I'm awake. 
"Who can conceal emotions?" Ian asked 
"It's Gemini. She's always full of surprises. I mean. Remember she can conceal herself from Kyle. She isn't affect by -"
"No I mean I have always been able to read Gemini. Unless she is aware I'm trying to read her then -" Dante paused "she would have to be awake to prevent me from reading her. Unless something serious is going on in her head." Dante said. 
"Ok so she could be awake. Or she could be facing something and is on the defensive." Blake said softly 
"I know how to find out." Ian said simply. 
"How- ouch what the fuck!" Blake said. I could smell Blake's blood now. It made me hungry now. Ok. Restrain. Don't let them know. Just keep calm. "Seriously you expected her to what jump up and bite me?" Blake said 
"Well no. That's not Gemini's style. The only time she would jump on someone is if there was a snake. But it's been a week since she feed so if she was awake the simple smell would have made her fangs pop or her eyes become visible." Ian said slightly amused. 
"Well it didn't work." Blake said annoyed 
"Jez you know nothing." Ian said before I felt a few drops of blood on my lips and they slid into my mouth. Resist. Just resist. I told myself over and over again. 
"Jesus Ian!" Blake said annoyed. 
"Oh lighten up will you." Ian said simply 
"I'm sorry. But unlike you two I actually do love her and wasn't just some spell." Blake said annoyed 
"Hey I many not love her as much as you do now but that doesn't change the fact I still care about her." Ian said annoyed. 
"Years of devotion don't just disappear so easily. I maybe know my real emotions now but that doesn't change the fact I remember how I felt for her and I actually want that back." Dante said simply. 
"Ian if she woke up right now and saw you putting a snake on her she would punch you in the face." Blake said bluntly 
"She is cute when she is scared." Ian said 
"And She is just as cute beating the shit out of someone too. So be my guest. I would love to watch her beat you up." Blake said being very sarcastic but not at the same time. 
"Ian." Professor Floral said bluntly "if you are going to interfere with her then I'll forbid you to see her." She added annoyed 
"Yes ma'am." Ian said softly. "We just thought she was awake." Ian added and I heard him sit down because the chair scrapped across the ground. He must have dropped into the chair. 
"She will wake when she is ready and she will be weak. Giving her a scare or forcing her into a feeding frenzy will damage her body." She added and I heard her feet retreat away from me. It was just quite now. The silence felt awkward and tense. I heard someone yawn but I wasn't sure whom 
"Go to get some rest Blake. It's been two days since you last slept." Ian said softly 
"No I'm alright." Blake said bluntly. 
"Just go before you put yourself in the infirmary because of sleep deprivation." Ian said and Blake growled at him. It scared the crap out of me because of how viscous the growl was and because I never thought Blake would threaten Ian like that. But now I lay on the ground in more pain then I was before. 
"Nice going." Dante said. 
"Gemini are you ok?" Blake asked softly as he helped me sit up. 
"Nope." I said instantly laying back down because of the spinning in my head. The floor was now my new best friend. 
"Umm." Blake said sounding confused. 
"Vertigo." I mumbled. 
"Professor Floral." I heard Ian call out. I groaned at his voice because it made my head hurt more. 
"Why happened?" She asked alarmed 
"I think Blake accidentally scares the crap out of her and she hit the ground now refuses to move." Ian said softly. I felt Professor Floral take my wrist and checked my pulse before she felt my forehead. 
"Normal pulse no fever." She mumbled to herself before prying open one of my eyes but instantly fell back. 
"What?" Blake asked alarmed. 
"I don't know. Something pushed me." She said alarmed before moving closer to me. She touched my face lightly before checking my eyes with a light "non responsive to the light. Her minds just on the fritz at the moment she will be fine in 24hrs. A dark room to rest in would be ideal for her right now that way she won't have any damage to her eyes." She added. 
"We will talk her back to her room." Blake said softly 
"Carefully. Slow moments or she may be sick. Judging by the way she is loving the ground at the moment she can't tell up from down." Professor Floral added before I was picked up. My head felt like I had been on one of them rides that spin you really fast. And it felt like I have been on it for hours. Every slight moment made me feel worse. The regular 20-minute walk from Professor Floral's office to my bedroom felt like an hour long before I was placed in my soft bed in pure darkness then left alone to sleep

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