Forty one

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When the guys returned from the red games there was something off about them. I couldn't tell what. But between Blake and Ian they were so game focused it made me look like I was no longer interested in the games. I only cared about the creatures they were determined to win. So when we had our summer brake they both wanted to stay at the academy and train. I wasn't staying I didn't care how much they wanted to train the only way I was staying at the academy for six weeks is if I was tied up. That spiralled into an argument amongst the three of us until I used the family card and shut them both up. So now they agreed that they would spend the first four weeks with family but the other two were to be trained. Now I was ok with that. But what I didn't realises was I never saw them over the next four weeks. I never heard from them even when I called. It was like they never existed. Talia was a big help because I found out from her and her involvement with the pack. Basically Blake's loyalties shifted from me to another woman. She over heard a conversation between Blake and Ian finding out Ian was the same? They both found another woman but were too afraid to tell me before the games. I spent a couple days crying about it. But I realised it was for the best. So I returned to the academy a few days earlier then they did. I pushed the limits of my abilities to distract myself from my emotional mess. After spending most of the time crying on Talia's couch who was also never around either I needed the distraction. Wes taught me that song to attract the dragon and fire type creatures. And as an added distraction I made little speaker disks to scatter thought the area, which will lead them, closer to me. He also taught me a few things about the other originals I would be facing. When Blake and Ian got back to the academy there was very little talking. I didn't really want to talk about what I knew. It could wait until after the games. It was just training. They were no longer sleeping in my room. Dante noticed what happened and came to speak with me one night. I told him how Blake and Ian had both found someone else. They hair their own woman each. And then I told him how none of us had even said anything about it simply because the games were more important. I had a small cry about it and Dante just sat with me for the night to comfort me. When all the students returned to the academy it was cold and raining. We were told to prepare for wet weather. I was preparing to do this alone. Even if the guys thought they were going to help I knew they wouldn't they would be eliminated quickly. No matter how much they trained with that guy who could manipulate shadows they were all fucked. No matter how much they tried to deny it. They wouldn't survive the first day. And if they did it would be a miracle.

I sat in my room alone the day before the games. Professor Floral convinced us all to take some time alone to rest and just clear our heads it was when the fear of how badly everything could go started to set in. I could completely fail. I could get myself killed. Or worse. I could black out. I sighed softly rubbing my head messing my hair up. The others schools got here today. The whole schools. Every member will be in attendance. The dining hall was extended with magic to cater for everyone and now there were nine tables in there. There were also people here to broadcast the games to any supernatural that had access to that specific line of tv. So there was a lot going on downstairs. The only way I was leaving my room anytime before the game was if I was dragged down there. I didn't want to be interviewed. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I didn't need anyone else to feel how nervous I was. How scared I was. 
"Gem?" I heard Dante day before entering my room. I looked at him "I brought up some food and some blood for you. I didn't think you would be coming out of here until the games tomorrow." He said placing the tray on the bed 
"Thanks Dante." I said softly looking at the food on the tray. It wasn't much. A bag of blood. Some toast with jam on them. The connection Dante and I have makes it easy for him to know what I need. And the assholes been feeding off my misery as well I sighed softly and started eating the toast. 
"Did you want to talk?" He asked me we he looked at me studying my movements. 
"No. I just need to be left alone right now Dante." I said softly. He nodded slightly getting up leaving my room. I just sat there and ate in silence trying so hard to prepare mentally for the games but I just. I was frightened. I didn't know what to do about this fear. I couldn't even tell if it was my own fear. All I knew was that I needed to get myself together before tomorrow morning. I sighed again as I finished eating and drinking the blood I removed the tray from my bed before I closed the curtains curling up in bed with my PlayStation controller to distract myself from the coming problem of tomorrow.

Blake dragged me downstairs. I didn't really put up much of a fight. Especially since he didn't even ask. Just picked me up and carried me downstairs for dinner where they were going to give every all the details about the games tomorrow Blake dropped me on the chair next to Ian before sitting down beside me. 
"Hey." Ian said looking at me. 
"Hey." I mumbled looking at the food. It made me feel sick. 
"You ok?" He asked me. 
"Yeah. Just anxious." I whispered 
"Silence." Our headmaster calked our and everyone went quiet. "Can all competitors please come to the front." He added. Everyone moved. I didn't. I didn't want to. Both Blake and Ian grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of my chair dragging me to the front. 
"What did you lose all you fire?" Victor asked amused as he stood in line. I just rolled my eyes. Standing there with my arms crossed.
"When you name is called you are to display your talent" The headmaster said. I was too lazy to even attempt charming some creatures. I didn't even bother to pay attention I just closed my eyes and since I was wearing my sunnies no one knew. I was nudged and when I opened my eyes it was my turn. I sighed softly before I simply kicked off the ground lettering myself float a foot off the ground. They have yet to announce it was a Calvary battle. 
"She can levitate?" Someone whispered shocked. My feet touched the ground again and they moved on so I closed my eyes again the less I think about tomorrow the better I cope with it. 
"Hey." Blake whispered to me. I moved slightly to acknowledge him. "What's going on with you? You have been acting weird since we got back to the academy" he whispered to me. 
"I know you and Ian are seeing someone else." I whispered to him. Both him and Ian tensed up "I'm not mad or anything I got over it. Just thought you should know." I added. 
"As in got over us?" Ian asked softly. 
"Still friends. Still have the games to win. And I'll still help until you both get your lives sorted out." I said softly feeling the tears in my eyes again "I'm not going to cry about it tho because I know it is better then what was happening." I added not wanting them to know I had been crying or still wanted to cry. 
"So what is wrong with you?" Blake asked me 
"Unlike you two I have been training" I whispered to him. "I'm tiered and just want to sleep. "I added. They nodded slightly but said nothing else. 
"Now moving on." The headmaster said I shifted my attention to him "this years black games will be a Calvary battle! For those who do not know what that is. A Calvert battle is where a team must work together to carry around one of the members. You will have one rider for the three days. Your rider is not allowed to touch the ground for the duration of the games. Special shoes will be provided so if the rider comes in contact with the ground you will be shocked and then your entire team will be eliminated." The headmaster said 
"What!" Someone yelled 
"We don't have time to prepare for that!" 
"Doesn't it make it unfair when that girl can levitate!" 
"Silence!" The headmaster yelled. Everyone fell silent. But everyone was angry. "You think you are at the disadvantage because Gemini is extremely gifted. But she is still part human." The headmaster said. I looked down. Humans hesitate. That is why he said it. He thinks I will hesitate when it comes to a real fight. 
"If only they really knew." Ian whispered. 
"You will be fighting on a multi terrain arena. Forest desert water Snow Mountain and caves. There will be four conscious creatures in the area to capture. These creatures cannot be captured simply by touching the gems to them. They have to willingly go into the gems." The headmaster said. 
"Huh." I heard Blake say before he moved. "Gem." Blake said I looked at him. 
"What?" I asked 
"Where is Wes?" He asked me concerned now 
"Don't know. I'm not his keeper." I said simply. "And there is no volcanic terrain so he won't be there." I added. 
"I just thought I heard him." Blake said softly. I glanced at him before I looked up and Wes dropped down on me knocking me to the ground. I groaned trying to push him off me 
"Get off me you two tone fucking elephant." I said Wes growled at me 
"I'm not an elephant." He said bluntly crawling back off me. I sat up looking at him standing between my legs. Everyone could see him. "Just came to tell you that there are very few dragon and fire type creatures. Mostly decay creatures and blood driven creatures." He added 
"You realise that's called cheating right." I said looking at him 
"I don't give a fuck about the games this is about the lives of innocent creatures." He said bluntly turning his head away from me 
"But if you get me disqualified before it even starts I can't do anything about it." I said. He rolled his eyes at me before I got to my feet before just standing back in line like nothing happened. 
"Gemini can also communicate with creatures." The headmaster said not wanting to let everyone know Wes was an original creature. "Competitors. You are welcome to resign for the evening or join the party that will follow dinner." The headmaster said. I didn't hesitate to leave the dining hall without eating. I thought about going to bed but then I would be left alone with my thoughts again. I sighed softly and headed the other way towards the creature room with Wes beside me. 
"Still upset about Blake and Ian?" Wes asked me sounding concerned. 
"I'm more upset that they were scared to tell me." I said softly the tear pricking at my eyes again. "I would have understood. I wouldn't have done anything but told them it was for the best." I said softly. Wes sighed softly walking beside me. He wasn't much help with the whole thing. He didn't understand the human complex emotions. He is still an animal after all. 
"Where are you going?" He asked me 
"Swimming. To distract myself from everything." I added. 
"You know the leviathan doesn't like people in his water right. The moment you try and go swimming he will banish you from the water." Wes said softly. I looked at him 
"Are you familiar with him?" I asked 
"I know he likes to go by Levi. But him and me don't get along that well. He is water I am fire. We aren't a good mix." Wes said like it was nothing "but the thunder bird. Teresa. She is one of my friends." Wes said 
"Any ideas on how to befriend her?" I asked him. 
"Sorry. She bullied me into being her friend." Wes said and I laughed at him. "I think you and her would get along fine. She's got sympathy for people who would put themselves at risk to accomplish their goals." Wes said. 
"Who are the other two in the games?" I asked him. 
"The Sphinx. She is a snob. I wouldn't even attempt. And since she can disappear in the sand it makes it hard to follow or catch her. I don't even know her name because she is extremely skittish. Runs away at boo." Wes said. 
"And the fourth?" I asked him as I stopped walking. He looked at me. 
"This one isn't in the book because he has never been seen. But Qiqihar. He can't be in the sunlight a look like a hairless dog. Only on his feet tail ear tips and jaw will there be fur. He is silent and can move though the snow without a sound. He will stalk you and try and kill you. Unless you see him then he will run away." Wes said softly. I just nodded slightly. 
"So basically the originals are going to be a pain in my ass." I said crossing my arms 
"Can't make it that easy for you love." He said amused. 
"Does the qiqian have a name?" I asked as I started walking again
"I don't know his name." Wes said softly 
"You are so much help." I said sarcastically he chuckled before we turned the corner but a guy was running down the hallways and we collided. Wes grabbed the back of my blazer and tried to pull me out of the way. But because of the shock of Wes jerking me back I lost my balance and grabbed the first thing I could which was that guys jacket. The force Wes used to pull me out of the way was enough force for us both to fall over. I hit the ground first and the guy landed on top of me. He managed to brake his fall before all his weight landed on top of me. His hands landed on either side of my head. One of his legs between mine. I panicked instantly. I let his jacket go before I attempted my escape from underneath him. That failed miserably because I hit one of his arms not knowing it was completely supporting his weight. His other arm buckled before he completely fell on top of me. Since I had scrambled back away from him his face connected with my chest. Before I could panic again Wes grabbed me by my collar and pulled me out from underneath the guy who just got a completely facial of my body because of Wes. I sat up pulled my skirt down before looking at the guy who was now sitting up. He had headphones on and a book in his hands. His brown hair was sexy messy. He looked at me before removing his glasses. He isn't a human so why is he wearing glasses? He was actually really hot. I had never seen him before. 
"I'm so sorry. I didn't think anyone would be in the halls because it was dinner time." He said alarmed 
"Dinners over." I said softly looking at him "I was just leaving there." I added. He looked at me and his eyes went directly to my tie. 
"You are a black student?" He asked me. I nodded slightly 
"Who are you?" I asked. He wasn't in uniform. 
"Oh my apologies. Ryker Fitzgerald." He said holding his hand out "Black student at the all boys school. I lose track of time very easily when I'm in the library." He added I caustically took his hand shaking it. 
"Nice to meet you." I said softly unable to see his number. "Why do you wear glasses?" I asked him 
"they are magic glasses. I have extremely good vision that I can see past the words go every speck of dust on the pages. So I wear these to control what I can and can't see." He said with a smile. 
"Why do you wear glasses?" He asked me 
"Because people looking at my eyes usually end badly." I said softly. He helped me too my feet and I looked up at him for a moment "I can't read you." I blurted out 
"What?" Wes said alarmed. "You can read everyone even me. Why not him?" Wes asked 
"I'm sorry?" He said confused. 
"Oh I'm sorry. I can usually pick up on people's numbers. What they are and things like that. But I can't tell any of it." I said softly. He gave me a smile that reached his eyes. 
"I'm a werewolf love." He said looking at me "and my power rank is 2431" he said softly I just looked at him stunned. 
"He's telling the truth." Wes whispered from behind me. 
"Are you ok?" He asked me 
"Yes sorry. I just didn't expect that number." I said softly. 
"I meant after I knocked you over." He said softly slightly amused 
"Oh yeah I'm fine." I said embarrassed waving it off "it wouldn't be the first time someone didn't hear me and ran into me" I added lying though my teeth as I ran my fingers though my hair 
"Well that's good. Umm I have to go. I missed the announcements." He added I nodded slightly and he ran off. I looked at Wes and he looked at me 
"What?" I asked him 
"You totally just flirted with him." Wes said laughing 
"I did not!" I said embarrassed 
"You did too. When you flirt you always run your fingers thought your hair!" Wes yelled at me 
"I am so glade no one else can hear you." I said simply before I turned and walked away to go swimming

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