Twenty eight

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I woke up in the morning to Luca pulling on my sock, which was shaking my leg. I snapped my fingers and he stopped moving over to my hand, which was hanging off the side of the bed. I patted him before lifting him up onto the bed and he curled up in the nook of my neck. I groaned when something heavier then Luca jumped on me 
"Wake up." Wes said in my ear and I smacked him in the face with my hand. 
"Fuck off you fucking elephant." I said annoyed and that was followed by two sexy morning laughs. 
"I'm a dragon. Not an elephant." Wes said 
"You weigh a tone." I said and pushed him off me. He hit the ground before growling at me. I pocked my tongue at him before I squealed when something began to slither up my pyjama shorts. I knew instantly what it was and pulled out the Amphiptere glaring at him. It looked at me and I growled at him before he flew away in a panic returning to his tank to hide. 
"What just happened?" Ian asked I looked at him. 
"You companion tried to slither into my pants. I mean he is worse then you." I said and Blake just started laughing. He was practically in tears but Ian just smirked at me. I got to my feet fixing my sock before I picked up Luca. "I'm going to get ready." I said softly rubbing my head 
"Before you go." Ian said I looked at him "can you fix my tie?" He asked 
"I'll come back and do it." I said picking up my book off the desk 
"Thank you." He said I smiled at him before leaving the room and going to my room. My bed was still in pieces. I sighed putting Luca down and closed the door 
"Hey!" Wes yelled before coming though the doggy door 
"What?" I asked looking at him. 
"You are rude." He said 
"Stay out of the bathroom." I said and went to have a shower. When I got out I got dressed in my uniform before fixing my hair then headed out of there. I collected a book off my shelf before I picked Luca up and placed him on my shoulder. 
"Can I ride the other side?" Wes asked me
"Sure." I said. He flew up to my shoulder and laid himself over it looking at the book I had in my hand. 
"You really like creatures if you have all the originals." Wes said softly. 
"I do. Creatures understand me better then people do." I said closing the book. "Now that I have them all I'm going to have them copied and given to the schools. Their books lack information about so many creatures and so many aren't even recorded." I said as I left my bedroom. I walked back to Blake and Ian's room letting myself in. Ian stood there with his shirt-unbuttoned pants hanging low on his hips and tie hanging around his neck. Black was shirtless and drying his hair with a towel his pants also hanging low. I should have knocked. I thought. 
"You ok?" Blake asked 
"What?" I said, "Yeah I'm fine." I said with a smile. 
"You literally just spaced out staring at them." Wes said 
"Shut up." I said to him. "You wanted me to fix your tie." I said looking at Ian. He smiled at me before handing it over. I put it around my neck and tied it off before handing it back to him.  I looked at Blake. 
"Mine is fine." He said with a smile. I looked at his tie. It was in a knot. A very ugly knot 
"No it's not." I said holding my hand out for it because he held it in his hand. Blake rolled his eyes handing it to me. I undid it before tying it again handing it back to him "I'm going to breakfast." I said leaving the room pulling the door closed 
"You like them." Wes said 
"I said shut up." I said bluntly before Dante walked out of his room and almost ran into me 
"Sorry." He said stepping back. 
"It's alright." I said and kept walking 
"Hey you ok?" Dante asked walking beside me. 
"Yeah I'm fine." I said softly. He touched my hand and I shoved him back "don't do that." I said bluntly because as I now know angels can read emotions though skin contact. 
"I'm just worried." He said softly. I looked at him for a moment before I shook my head. 
"I'm tiered." I said simply and walked away from him. 
"Gemini." Dante said following me 
"This guy is actually worried about you." Wes said 
"Say another thing and I'll leave you here." I said to Wes. 
"I'm just saying." Wes said softly "besides. I'm curious why you lock away your feelings. It's obvious you like Blake Ian and Dante. So why deny it." He said before I walked out of the common room and made my way down the stairs 
"They are my friends." I said simply 
"Is that what you say or is that how you feel? Wes asked. I didn't answer him. I just kept walking. "If you love them why do you deny them."? He said
"Because just choosing one of them isn't possible ok. If I pick one the rest will leave. I personally don't care if Jason left I hate him. But the others I care about they are my friends and I'm not willing to lose two of them just to have one in my bed. So just let it go." I said annoyed at him. 
"For someone who is really tough you have a vulnerable heart." He said softly. 
"I know." I said softly as I reached the bottoms of the stairs and started towards the dining hall. "People I love tend to die around me because of me. So I won't let myself love someone any more. They guys will never be anything more then friends to me." I whispered. 
"Do they know this?" Wes asked concerned. 
"Blake and Ian think I'll pick one of them. But I won't." I said softly 
"And Dante?" He asked. 
"Dante's only just recently started falling into the mix of people I care about." I whispered and Wes nodded slightly. I sighed running my fingers though my hair. "I have tried to make them stop liking me by being cruel but that only hurt me as well." I whispered. 
"Love isn't easy." Wes said softly I just sighed again but didn't respond. I went into the dining hall and sat down to have breakfast.

After breakfast I headed off before the guys arrived and just went to the class sitting on the desk. I crossed my legs over reading though my book. Wes was in the creature room because I said he couldn't come to my classes. Luca was lying under the desk. A few students walked in and let out a groan when they saw me. I just sat there and waiting until everyone was here. They took their time about settling down and I didn't speak until everyone was quiet. Looking up from my book everyone was looking at me. 
"Is anyone here younger then 21?" I asked scanning the crowed. No one responded. "No? Ok. For anyone who can get an A by the end of term I will give you a VIP card that will gain you one free entry into the Vixen bar and one free top shelf drink." I said looking at them. 
"The Vixen Bar?" One of the twins asked. I looked at him. "That's the most exclusive supernatural bar in America! Only 100 people are allowed access a night." He added sounding excited. 
"I went there once and it was insane. Human bars don't compare to that place." The other twin said. "And the top shelf? Seriously. That's like $100 a shot!" He said equally excited as his brother. I leaned forward on my book and smiled at them 
"Pass the class and you will have VIP access." I said with a smile "now. Who can tell me what a shachihoko is?" I asked. Three people flew their hands into the air. Jason included. I pointed to the blonde girl 
"It's a fish with the head of a tiger!" She said sounding excited now. "They say that a sh- shark- the fish brings rain and wards off fire." She said unable to pronounce the name 
"Correct learn to say the name shachihoko." I said with a smile she nodded slightly. "Now I'm only teaching these classes because I owe professor Floral. And since I don't particularly care that much. Learn it yourself and if you have a question ask. So open your books and study what a shachihoko is and write a 500-word essay in this time. If you are unable to complete it you will have until morning class tomorrow." I said simply everyone nodded and they looked at their books before Blake and Ian walked in they looked at me. 
"The library is occupied by the blue class can we work in here?" Blake asked. 
"Sure." I said simply and turned back to my book reading. Blake and Ian sat down and looked around confused 
"Shouldn't you be teaching."? Blake said 
"I am. They are working." I said not looking at him 
"If we get an A in the class we get VIP passes to the Vixen bar." Jason whispered to Blake. I looked up at them now Blake looked confused. So did Ian. 
"What is the difference between VIP assess and normal assess?" Ian asked Jason 
"I don't know I have never been. I just have seen pictures and videos from the bar. I don't even know where it is." Jason said. Dante rolled his eyes at Jason 
"Shouldn't you be working." I said. They looked at me 
"I don't want the VIP access. The owner likes me so I'll get in anyway." Dante said with a smile. Everyone stopped now and looked at Dante. 
"Can you take me!" A girl yelled. Dante smirked now 
"Dante." I said simply. He looked at me. "If I tell Talia no. Your sweet talking won't work." I said with a smile. He looked embarrassed now. 
"Do we get a chance at winning these things?" Ian asked. I looked at him. 
"No. You aren't in this grade and not my responsibility to make pass." I said with a smile. He shrugged it off "but you are welcome to a job there if you like." 
"Absolutely not." Ian said and I laughed at him. 
"What's wrong with working there?" Crystal asked 
"Bartenders are male and are required to be shirtless." Jewels said "The female bartenders wear short leather pants and a bikini top. I'm pretty sure that's just because of Gemini being a lesbian and wanting to look at half naked woman." She added. Everyone just looked st me now 
"Could just be to please the public and make sure we get both male and female attending because a male wouldn't come to a bar full of half naked guys." I said simply. "That is why their are nights dedicated to both male and females and mixed nights on the weekends." I added she just nodded slightly and returned to her work. And I just turned back to my book as everyone kept working. 15 minutes passed and Professor Floral walked in and dropped Wes. He hit the ground and she walked out annoyed 
"That was rude." He said getting to his feet 
"What did you do?" I asked him as he flew over to me and landed on the desk beside me 
"May have tried to eat a baby Minotaur." He said I shocked my head at him. 
"If you as hungry just say so. Don't eat other creatures." I whispered to him. He nodded slightly laying down going to sleep beside me. 
"Umm excuse me Gemini." I looked up at one of the girls. 
"Yes?" I asked with a smile she looked at the dragon beside me 
"What is that?" She asked me 
"This is Wes. He was what caused the destruction last night because he was hurt and out of control. I helped him and now he followed me around like a lost puppy." I said and Wes growled at me 
"I do not! You are my person and you serve me!" He yelled at me. I looked at him 
"They can't hear you say that so you can't defend yourself." I said amused. He jumped from the desk and grew in size looking at everyone 
"My name is Wes. I am not Gemini's companion she is my human companion. She is to serve me the way a companion would serve her." He said and everyone just looked at him "I am a creature with a conscious and in no way does she have any control over me." He added. I just looked back at my book before I smiled 
"Yes but if you don't do as I say I won't look after you." I said simply "now you are disrupting my class so shut up" I said looking at him again. He huffed at me blowing my hair back off my face but my blue eye was covered with a brown contact lens. It surprised him but he seemed to understand why I keep it hidden. Wes did as I asked and shrunk back down to his smaller size and laid back on the desk to go to sleep for the lesson

I bribed all the classes with the same thing. VIP cards. My lessons have never been so easy. So in the second monsterology classes everyone actually knew the answers to my questions. Which made the lessons breeze past but after classes I still have to go to training with the guys. When I arrived I was the last one and Professor Floral was there. She looked cross 
"How did you get information on the games?" She asked me angry 
"Olivia and victor. They spilled everything to me without me even asking but they don't know what we know." I said with a smile "as far as they are concerned I'm not participating in the games." J said with a smile she nodded slightly. 
"Victor lied to you." She said simply. "Yes multi terrain but they won't change you will have a choice of where you wish to go. Deep-water dense forest desert Snow Mountain or the sky. There will be one conscious creature in each zone." She said we all nodded slightly. 
"The Thunderbird will be in the sky." I said simply "it's the only flying original." I said softly 
"No it's not." She said
"Well other then the dragon but he's." I looked at Wes next to me "probably not playing." I added. She looked at him. 
"That explains why there is no volcanic zone." She said softly. I nodded slightly. 
"Oh can we lighten my shoes as much as possible for the games. I don't want them weighted for the games." I said looking at her 
"Won't you float away?" She asked laughing lightly 
"I can control my density. But it will make it easier for them to carry me around if I weight nothing." I said simply. She nodded slightly. 
"Can we still be eliminated?" Blake asked professor Floral. 
"Yes." She said holding up a staff "of you are hit hard enough with one of these you will be eliminated everyone will get one and once hit they will be transported back to the start of the games and you belonging abandoned on the terrain." She said we all nodded slightly. 
"So basically if you eliminate the others in the team the one in the shoes is fucked?" Jason asked. 
"Yes basically. Unless the one in the shoes knows how to get around without touching the ground." Professor Floral said softly. "Now the other schools won't know about the shoes until the day before the games and won't have time to practice avoiding the ground. So Gemini. I want you to practice more on that as well Incase the others get eliminated and you are left alone." She said softly. I nodded slightly before she pulled up a multi terrain simulation. 
"What do we do?" Dante asked 
"Keep up with her." Professor Floral said handing us a stick each. "The red targets are enemies. The blue targets are creatures. Hit the red targets with the stick the blue ones with the crystals." She added handing us an amber crystal. 
"What are these?" I asked 
"Prisons. Well not the real ones these are just for the simulation. But in the games you will capture creatures in these. Each Crystal holds ten creatures so be careful how many you take into the games because you have to fit them in your bags as well. For now it won't matter how many targets you hit. But in the games the Crystal will turn purple when it is full." She said. I nodded slightly and looked at the guys. "Wait." She said 
"What?" I asked she held up some bags 
"These are weighted to 10 kilograms as a rough estimate of how heavy your bags will be." She said. We all sighed and took one bag each. Thankfully they had clips otherwise I would lose mine instantly. Once my bag was secured I removed my contact lens from my eye and tied my hair back. Jason just looked at me 
"What?" I asked him 
"He didn't know remember." Blake said. 
"Oh right." I said softly "yes I have one blue eye. It is how I can control creatures and why this asshole likes me." I said nodding to Wes. 
"I'm so confused." Jason said. 
"Its more powerful then the eyes of a vampire or a werewolf. If obstructed it limits the power I can use with it. And why my power level is so high. I can look into the forest and find the quickest path to the other side collecting as many creatures and avoiding the enemies at the same time. This is also why Blake and Ian didn't argue with me being in charge. I can predict attacks before they happen." I said to him 
"So I never stood a chance in that fight?" He asked 
"No." Blake and Ian said at the same time 
"We just let her fight you so she could kick your ass." Ian said 
"And if we tried to stop her she would have done it without permission. "Blake added Dante laughed now. 
"Anything else or can we go?" I asked looking at Professor Floral. 
"You can go. But as soon as your feet leave the ground you can not touch the ground again." She said "same in the games you have five minutes to get your feet off the ground after the games start." She said I nodded slightly before looking at Blake and Ian. They both nodded slightly automatically picking up on what I needed. I ran at them and they flung me up into the trees. I caught a brand and pulled myself up onto it before looking back st them 
"You need to throw me higher next time." I said back to them. 
"How much hire do you need to go?" Ian asked as I stood up on the branch. 
"I want the thunderbird. So you will throw me high enough to get the thunderbird." I said 
"We will work on out outside." Blake said I nodded slightly before I began to move though the branches as they followed me. 
"How can she do that?" I heard Jason ask 
"It's all in the eye." Ian said simply. "She will asses the track she takes what branch to step on where on the branch to step and how much power to put into her legs to reach the next one all in a matter of seconds." Ian added there was a clearing coming up. I wonder if we can have radios. I thought before I jumped from the tree. I blew enough air at the ground to propel me to the next tree I only just made it 
"How powerful is that breath of hers?" Dante asked 
"No idea." I heard Blake say 
"Will you keep up!"? I yelled swinging though the branches touching the crystals against the targets as the guys hit the red targets still moving forward. And in no time we were at the other side of the simulation. I landed on the ground and it cleared. Professor Floral looked at us across the room and then at her stopwatch. 
"4 minute." She said surprise as we headed back to her. "You almost hit the ground early tho." She said looking at me. 
"I miss calculated." I said simply. The weight of the bag throws me off." I added rubbing my neck. 
"You said you needed to go higher." Professor Floral said looking at me I nodded slightly 
"Yes. The thunderbird won't land. I know that. She would circle the arena the entire time. So the only way to catch her would be to get up there." I said. She nodded slightly 
"Well off you go. This is something that will take time. So alternate what days you try and get higher and what days you teach them four to swim at great depths." She said I nodded slightly and so did the others before we went outside to the training grounds we only take one bag because they have to throw me with that added weight. 
"We need a height to aim for." Ian said looking at me. 
"Wes can you set a height for us to aim for." I said looking at him 
"I'm not your training dog." He said bluntly 
"Favour for a favour." I said simply. He changed his size and flew up to the sky. We all watched until he stopped and began to circle at the height. Maybe 2 miles up could be more. 
"I don't think that's possible." Blake said looking at me as I took my shoes off. 
"See who can throw me the highest first and the two who can get me the highest can see if they get me closer to Wes." I said softly "without 10 feet of him will be close enough." I added they all nodded slightly before I took the bag off. 
"Don't you need that?" Jason said 
"For now no. We need to focus on my weight and not added weight as well. Once we get the right combination then -"
"I can just fly you up there right." Dante said simply 
"Thunderbird doesn't like males. If you get to close she will disappear in the lightning." I said but paused. "But you could be used as a booster." I added. 
"A What?" He asked 
"If none of you can get me high enough then Dante you can fly up as high as they can throw me and then basically throw me again at that high. A booster. That should get me high enough with the added weight." I said looking at him. 
"Jason weaker then us." Ian said 
"He won't be able to throw you higher then we can." Blake added. 
"I can't tell if you two are being jealous or serious." I said simply crossing my arms. Although true they didn't need to say that. Jason wouldn't have volunteered to throw me up. He is strong but he is only strong because he can take a beating and keep fighting. Unlike Blake and Ian who can fight but can't take a beating and as soon as they get injured once they grow weak. But now Blake and Ian looked embarrassed. "Just throw me as high as you can." I said simply. They nodded now
"What do I do? Jason asked everyone looked at him. 
"If I am right and I normally am. The moment we try and do this in the games the other teams will swarm you all to try and eliminate them because they will be unprotected and leaving me without a landing. So you will be required to keep an eye out for an attack or run the risk of losing." I said softly. He nodded slightly. 
"And if I screw up we lose." Jason said 
"Not really I can survive without you guys. But it is team work so I am required to work with you all." I said softly. "And to be honest if they do swarm you all they will work together. Olivia and victor are aware of some of my skills after I dealt with that krampus. So they will most likely see us as a threat and work together to stop our team the moment they find out I'm in the games." I said. They nodded slightly. 
"Let's give this a try shall we." Ian said. I nodded slightly walking over to them. They took my left foot before they flung me up into the air. I didn't even make it halfway up there and now that I think about it I we need to have someone on recovery if I make it. Because from that height I won't be able to grab a branch to stop my fall I'll have to use the air to blow off the ground meaning I'll need a clear space or it won't work. I blew off the ground before I dropped to my feet 
"Change of plans Jason." I said 
"What?" He said 
"You are on recovery. As soon as I get into the air it's your job to make sure that you find where I am going to land to catch me. From that height I won't be able to land in the tree and I'll hurt myself if I aim for the water. I have to land in a clearing for a safe landing but I won't be able to touch the ground." I said 
"Why not Dante he can fly?" Jason said 
"If Blake and Ian are targeted then Dante will be required to get them out of there and to safety. You are less likely to be attacked because they know I don't like you." I said simply. Jason nodded slightly. "So learn to catch me now as well." I said he nodded again 
"Are you seriously going again?" Blake asked 
"Yes. Dante go to that maximum height I was just at." I said Dante nodded slightly before he turned into his angel self disappearing from the guys eyes. He took to the sky and I went back over to Blake and Ian before looking up at Dante "ok go." I said they nodded before they throw me up into the air. As soon as I reach Dante he grabbed my arm and used all his strength to throw me up again but it also propelled him down. But it was enough because I was able to use a breath and get myself the next 10 feet to grab the tail of Wes. He looked at me 
"Get off me!" He snapped before he flicked me off him making me do another 20 feet into the air. Which was now a problem. I won't be able to slow myself down at the speed I'll pick up now. Not with my breath. 
"Luca!" I yelled. He grew to his full size. Before he launched himself into the air and caught me in his jaw carefully and landed tearing up the ground with his claws. I sighed in relief before he put me down good boy." I said stroking his head 
"What was that?" Jason asked slightly annoyed "don't trust that I'll catch you?" He asked me 
"Not it wasn't that. Wes throw me higher and the speed build up would have broken your arms if you tried to catch me." I said out of breath. "I can only use my breath to alter my speed within ten feet of the ground. I wouldn't have been able to slow myself enough. And if you tried to catch me we would have both been injured." I said before sitting on the ground I was a little light headed now. 
"You ok?" Dante asked me 
"When I use my breath as often as I just have I get a bit light headed because I'm expelling all the oxygen in my lungs to be able to use it. And if I'm not careful I can cause my lungs to collapse." I said softly just hanging my head and closing my eyes to stop my head from spinning. "I just need a short brake." I added. 
"Damn a weakness." Dante said amused 
"She's also scared of normal snakes." Ian said and Dante started laughing. 
"You can deal with a basilisk but not a normal snake?" Jason asked 
"I can control supernatural creatures not regular animals. A basilisk is pushing my limits of control over creatures because they are basically a regular animal but with supernatural abilities which is why I won't own a basilisk unless I raised it myself." I said softly rubbing the back of my head. "One more then I think that's enough training." I said getting to my feet 
"If you want to rest it's not a problem." Blake said softly 
"One more then I'm going to bed. And if anyone wakes me up tonight I'll hurt them." I said simply they nodded slightly before I walked over to Blake and Ian. They didn't waist a second to throw me into the air. Dante changed how he was going to throw me and he used the sling shot method, which got me to the right high without me needing to use my breath to get higher. Wes looked at me as I came up near his face. "We are done training." I yelled to him before falling though the air again as I got closer to the ground I blew a breath at the ground which slowed me down enough for Jason to catch me but he lost his balance and hit the ground the others laughed at us now. 
"I wasn't expecting an impact like that." Jason said. 
"Well you didn't drop me and my feet didn't hit the ground so either way that was successful." I said getting up off him 
"Did she just praise him?" Dante asked looking at Blake and Ian and they nodded slightly shocked. I took my hair out messing it up so it fell into place over my face again. 
"Are you done training?" We all looked at Professor Floral and nodded "Ok. Gemini. The headmaster wants a to see you regarding the red games next week." She said. I nodded slightly 
"Why?" I asked her confused
"I'll let him explain." She said I nodded slightly before pulling my shoes back on before I collected Luca and headed off to see the headmaster

Walking into the headmaster office he was talking to Dylan who had taken over the red class since that Henry guy took over the blue class and Henry is a second year blue students so it made more sense. Dylan looked at me as I walked into the room 
"You asked to see me?" I said softly they both nodded slightly 
"The five students to go off to the red games are all females. And because the games are being held at the all boys academy in Russia we want you to accompany the girls along with Blake Ian or Dante. Whoever you chose. They will be the protection but you are to watch over the girls in places the guys can not go." The headmaster said softly. "Same with the girls from the all girls academy." he added 
"If we are to watch over ten girls wouldn't it be better if all four of us go? And you didn't mention Jason?" I said 
"Jason is behind in his studies and won't be allowed to leave unless he catches up. And if you want them all to go I will allow it. You are all to take your companions. Blake includes. This is for added protection. And if necessary you are to step in." He said. I nodded slightly. "But no matter what happens Dylan is the advisory and he is in charge. You just make sure the girls are protected." The headmaster said. I nodded again 
"I want to take some sylphs with me." I said simply 
"Why?" He asked 
"Sylphs are invisible to the others but not to me. So I can use them to watch the girls at all times and they will alert me if something happens." I said softly. He nodded 
"I'll allow it." He said, "You may leave." He added I nodded and left before going to the Black tower I headed towards the boys room and knocked on Jason and Dante's room as I passed it before going to Blake and Ian's room going inside. I really need to start knocking. I though seeing them both shirtless. 
"You in trouble?" Ian asked laughing before Dante and Jason came up behind me 
"You knocked." Dante said 
"We are on protection detail next week at the red games for the females. Jason unless you catch up in your studies you won't be going. Otherwise the rest of us have to watch over the girls from our school and the girls from the all girls academy. 10 of them plus the advisory and whatever protection they bring." I said simply 
"And you signed us up for this without asking?" Dante asked 
"Going is your choice but I don't have a choice I'm going. But since I have been instructed not to hurt anyone. I need some muscle to throw the hits for me if one of the guys from the all boys academy steps out f line and harms one of the girls." I said with a smile. "You are also required to bring your companions. You too Blake." I said 
"I don't have one." Dante said softly. I looked at him for a moment 
"Use Wes." I said simply. 
"No!" Wes yelled 
"Then you stay here all alone." I said looking at him on the ground 
"Fine." He mumbled 
"Good little dragon." I said before laughing at him. "Don't mention he is an original either. Just say he is an albino dragon. Suited for angels." I said looking at Dante. He nodded slightly 
"And if I go?" Jason asked. I looked at him 
"If you are able to go. I will find a creature to accompany you or you can find your own companion in this time." I said he nodded slightly "any questions?" I asked 
"Yes why am I taking drake. He is too big." Blake said. 
"Kayda." I said to him "say it with authority and order and the drake will shrink down to his baby size. To make him grow to his full size say drake with the same authority and order." I said with a smile. He nodded at me. 
"Any others words?" Blake asked 
"Ryoto. Will make the dragon juvenile size." Wes said. I looked at him 
"Ryoto. Wes just said it would make the dragon juvenile size." I said and Blake nodded "that is all. Good night." I said and walked away from them going to my room to shower have some blood and sleep.

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