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Despite not wanting to go to this ball at all I knew I had no choice. So I borrowed a dress off Crystal before I went to get ready for the party. I stood under the warm water allowing it to wash over my tense body because I had made myself sick earlier for the way I treated Ian. And I heard him and Blake get into a fight. Everyone heard them fighting. Luca barked at me and I looked at him from outside the shower. He just looked at how miserable I looked and me. 
"Go lay down Luca." I said softly as water ran down my face. I was leaning against the wall looking at the ground. Water hit the back of my head and ran down my face and body. Black blood dropped from my face again and I just watched it swirl down the drain. My wolf had been pressing forward because I was upset and it's been hurting me because it's outside the shifting time. I sighed softly washing my face before climbing out of the shower. I pulled on a strapless bra and some underwear before I dried and straightened my short hair. Once my hair was straight I applied some makeup to my face. I decided to go a bit extravagant and did black smoky eyes and deep red lipstick before I got dressed in the long black off the shoulder dress that had a split that went from my thigh down. I grabbed a chocker necklace from my jewellery box. It was a black velvet ribbon with pendant attached to an it. A 10 carat blue Diamond pendant set in a white gold with regular diamonds surrounding it. The pendant is worth about 40 million. And why do I have it? Well. It was a gift. From someone very high up in the supernatural world who wanting nothing from it and me was a thank you for saving her husbands life after he was possessed by a demon. I tried to refuse but they wouldn't accept the refusal and now I wear 40 million on my neck like its costume jewellery. But that's only because blue diamond in the supernatural world are powerful things. In fact they are just like my ghost eye. If used correctly you can look though a blue diamond and see the things you normally couldn't see. But damn was it beautiful. I thought before I sat down and put my heels on. Once they were on I secured Lucas tie to his neck and got up with him in my arms. Lucas tie is magical just like mine and will get us back into the tower. Leaving the tower I was the last one here so no one saw me. I was thankful. I wasn't even ready to fake a smile yet. I sighed again as I made my way down the stairs but I paused when I heard talking. 
"Waiting for her is a bad idea." I heard Ian say in a hush tone. 
"I don't care you are going to apologise for what you did today." Blake said annoyed. I just shook my head and kept walking down the stairs. I reached the last flight seeing Blake and Ian standing there waiting. They both looked at me for a moment but I kept walking and walked past them without a glance. 
"Gem wait." Ian said. I stopped and looked at him he flinched slightly before looking away from me and I kept walking away. 
"Nice job." Blake said annoyed at Ian "Gemini just wait a minute." Blake said running up to me and grabbed my arm. I looked at him 
"Let me go." I spoke harshly trying to scare him like I did Ian.
"Just hear us out please." Blake said pleading with me. I shoved him back and he lost his grip on me 
"Do not touch me and do not talk to me unless it has something to do with school. We are not friends. We never will be. If I have to repeat myself again you will both regret it?" I snapped before turned walking away. 
"You can't keep this up forever Gemini." Blake called after me. "This isn't just something you can ignore until it goes away." Blake added. I paused for a moment. They won't stop until I do something really bad. I thought. Jason stopped after he saw me kiss someone else. Maybe they will as well. I thought and headed off again ignoring them calling my name.

Walking into the dining room I looked around at everyone who were having a good time. My eyes landed on Talia who was over near the massive bowl of punch pouring a bottle of vodka into the bowl. She paused for a moment and looked up scanning the room. Her eyes landed on me and a smile spread across her lips. I smiled now before she put the bottle under the table to hide it as I made my way towards her. She was much quicker in her movement towards me. Reaching each other she wrapped her arms around me tightly
"Oh my god I missed you." She said softly. 
"You literally just spent a week with me." I said softly as she pulled away from the hug. 
"What can I say? I miss you in my bed." She said in a playful tone giggling a bit. I rolled my eyes at her. 
"I need a favour." I said looking at her 
"Anything for my girl." She said, "who's ass looks killer good in this dress." She added licking her lips 
"Focus." I said when her eyes began to slip down my body again. She looked at me. 
"What?" She asked. I rolled my eyes at her before pulling her closer to whisper in her ear. 
"I need to get the boys off my back so a little sexual annoyance may be able to convince them I'm not interested." I whispered in her ear her hands found my waist almost instantly. 
"What are you thinking?" She whispered back definitely sounding please. 
"Remember that recording we made?" I whispered. 
"Come to my room tonight and we will play that to keep them from coming into my room." I whispered 
"And what will we be doing exactly?" She asked 
"Cards." I said simply. 
"Awe. Take my fun away." She said sounding miserable and I chuckled lightly before I kissed her cheek stepping back 
"You know it's still fun." I said smiling at her 
"Everything with you is fun." She said licking her lips again because I had turned her on by being that close to her. I looked at her she was in a short black tube dress that hardly covered anything like normal for her. 
"You could have covered up some more." I said looking at her. 
"Me cover up?" She said acting like I offended her "oh baby. You know I would prance around naked if I was allowed to." She added with a grin 
"I'm surprised you don't at home." I said with a small laugh as I looked at her. 
"I do. Obviously when you aren't there tho. Because you don't like it when I do that." She said before her eyes shifted behind me. "They are cute." She said licking her lips I turned slightly. All five of them had gathered and were watching us 
"Talia." I said looking at her 
"Is that Jason?" She asked 
"Yes. And Blake Ian Dante and a new guy victor." I said crossing my arms. I was actually slightly jealous she was looking at Blake and Ian. 
"Damn baby." She said before she smirked at me "I'm so glade I'm allowed a piece of your ass." She added with a grin. The same grin she has before she kissed me. I didn't really hesitate. I mean. I did want them to leave me alone so when Talia kissed me. I did kiss her pack. Way better then I ever kissed Blake or Ian. 
"Gemini!" I jumped pulling away from Talia looking at professor floral. 
"Yes?" I asked unable to help the smirk on my lips because of how dazed Talia was. 
"What are you doing?" She asked 
"I thought that was pretty obvious." I said looking at her. She did not look happy at all. 
"She's an omega!" Professor Floral said annoyed at me. But I was stunned now. Yes I know Talia is an omega. But seriously? I was lost for words because she had this look of disgust now 
"What are you trying to say?" I asked her annoyed  
"Omegas are weak. For someone of your power you shouldn't waist your time." Professor Floral said and Talia stepped back she looked upset now. I was just lost for words. I couldn't necessarily yell at Professor Floral for what she was saying. It was true. Talia was too weak to be with me and we both knew it. But to hear someone else say it. Professor Floral jumped back when I lost control for a moment and my wolf lashed out at her 
"Don't talk about her like that!" I growled at her 
"Gem." Talia said softly interfering and making me step back. Talia wasn't even considered for the school because she was 'too' weak. "Stop it's alright." She said with a small smile but everyone had seen my partial shift and me lashing out at Professor Floral. Everyone including the headmaster who wasn't happy. 
"You said you had it under control." He said approaching me 
"I have control as long as people are disrespectful and judgmental." I said bluntly looking at him. 
"She is right tho." The headmaster said "someone of your abilities shouldn't waist your time with an omega." He said I clenched my fists tight enough to draw blood. I couldn't calm down. Talia is the one person I'll never allow to be disrespected. I flip out too easily over it. 
"Baby." Talia said softly "calm down before you do something you regret." She added softly being gentle now. 
"Go back to your room Gemini." The headmaster said. "You just proved you couldn't be trusted with these things." He added. I picked up Luca off the ground 
"I didn't want to be here anyway." I said bluntly before turning and walking away. 
"Make sure she gets back to her room." The headmaster said and I lashed out again at him 
"I am perfectly capable to going back to my room! I do not need to be babysat by people who are weaker then them!" I snapped. Ok that was uncalled for and that wasn't what I meant to say. I didn't intend to hurt Blake and Ian that much. But it worked because the look on their face was anger and hatred just like when Jason lost it at me. I just turned on my heel again and left the dining hall in a hurry.

I got back to my room and put Luca on my bed before I broke down in tears crying. I dragged myself to the bathroom and stripped from my clothes before getting in the shower. I sunk to the ground hugging my legs as I cried in the shower. I can't believe I did that again. I thought sobbing. I just wanted to make them think I was with Talia and I would only ever be with Talia. Not completely destroyed them like that. I looked up when the door opened and Talia walked in. She didn't say anything to me just turned the shower off and grabbed a towel before helping me up from the ground. 
"It didn't work." She said softly wrapping the towel around me practically holding me up because I wouldn't even stand up myself. "After you left all five of them agreed to get stronger. And whoever was the best could have you." She whispered sitting me down on the toilet lid. This is exactly what happened when I did this to Jason. Talia cleaned me up again and helped me though everything then. Now here she is doing it all again. Talia began to clean my face from the makeup that covered my face. 
"I don't want this." I whispered. "I don't want them." I added. 
"You can't lie to me." She said softly "I saw how you got jealous of me looking at Blake and Ian. And I saw how your wolf lashed out to protect you again because you couldn't do it yourself." She said softly 
"No that's not true." I said getting upset again. Talia smiled at me and cupped my face. 
"I know you better then you know yourself Gemini. I know how you feel for Blake and Ian even if you don't." She said softly. I just looked at her. "I'm going to help them get stronger. Well. Blake because he's a wolf and I can show him some werewolf secrets to get stronger." She said softly 
"What about Ian." I whispered embarrassed for even asked. 
"I know a vampire who knows some secrets to increase power." She said softly brushing my hair back. "They will be coming home for the holidays." She added and I panicked 
"No. You can't do that." I said alarmed 
"Don't worry. You mums arranging a family holiday out of town. I'm not sure where. I think she said camping" Talia said softly before she finished up. "Now get dressed you need to get some rest before you get sick again." She said. I nodded slightly before she turned and left me in the bathroom. I just got dressed in my pjs before I left the bathroom myself. I crawled into bed and Talia brought Luca to the bed before she smiled at me 
"Thank you Talia." I whispered hugging Luca 
"I'm always here for you baby." She said lying beside me for a moment. "But I do have to go back to the party. They are paying me." She said softly. I nodded slightly as she gave me a hug then left the room. I just lay there with my eyes closed trying to go to sleep.

I couldn't fall asleep. I lay there for hours and even heard everyone return to the tower. So I pretended to sleep Incase someone came in. And by someone I mean. Blake or Ian. Luca was asleep in my arms making soft growling noises. I heard the lock on my door click before the door opened. 
"Do you think this is a good idea?" I heard Ian whisper. 
"Absolutely not." Blake said softly. Abuse of power much. I thought 
"Are you really going to do this? I mean if the headmaster finds out-" 
"Shut up Ian." Blake said angry but remaining a quiet as possible. "The only way the headmaster will find out is if you tell him. And are you really going to tell him that we are braking the school rules just to make someone we love happy?" Blake asked 
"Well no but seriously." Ian said softly he sounding really worried. "What if she wakes up? She will never forgive us." Ian said 
"Seriously shut up." Blake said angry. 
"You better have a good reason to be in here." I heard Talia say in a defensive tone. 
"Shit." Blake muttered. 
"Well?" Talia asked trying to act tough and scary. 
"We are giving back the things we took from her because we were told to talk them by the headmaster and if we are caught we will be thrown out of the school." Ian blurted out 
"I'm never taking you anywhere ever again." Blake said disappointed Ian blurted it the truth 
"I'm sorry. But I get nervous around Gemini now. Seeing her so angry at me I lose all sense because I don't want her angry at me again." Ian whispered 
"Awe." Talia said sounding mushy now. "I know she scares the shit out of me too when she gets angry." Talia added giggling 
"You aren't angry we are in here?" Blake asked confused 
"Pff. No. I was just making sure you were doing something cute." Talia said giggling like a schoolgirl. 
"Wait whose side are you on?" Blake asked she giggled again 
"Yourself silly. Well. Both of you. I'm the one who said she probably needed two guys to have sex again." Talia said laughing lightly. "If she remained just part wolf then I would be all for Blake. But she needs a vampire too now." Talia added 
"So it was your idea for her to have sex with us both." Ian said. 
"She makes the choice herself. I just said it was a possibility." Talia said with a sassy tone. "I love the girl but she can be very stupid when it comes to people. And she will continue to hurt you both until you are both stronger then her. She will never just choose one of you." Talia added before I felt the blanket move over me. 
"How do you know this?" Ian asked 
"It's what she did to Jason. Hurt him until he hated her. It destroyed her so much. I picked her up out of the shower more times then I care to count and cleaned her up before she make herself sick from crying." Talia said sweeping the hair off my face. "I know how you can both get stronger. Get off the train when Gemini does. I'll have you both set up for training over the holidays and when you return you will have doubled your power level." Talia added moving away from me 
"Why are you helping us?" Blake asked. 
"I love Gemini. And I don't want to see her suffering so much. I know as an omega I'll never get the chance. But I'll do what I can do she can be with someone who can make her smile and laugh." Talia said sounding upset now. "I don't want anything in return. I just want her happy." She added
"Ok." Ian said softly "what do we do?" He asked 
"For one do as she asks and stay away. There is no use in trying to get her to listen to you. She won't and she will hurt you more and it will hurt her as well. Slowly Gemini will come around. Until then just do what she asks." Talia said before the door opened. "Two stop inviting her privacy it won't help you at all especially when she catches you." Talia added amused 
"I'm supposes to have a key to her room." Blake said softly 
"Then the best gift you could offer her is to leave the key behind. If she trusts you she will give it back. But don't use it to your advantage like she does." Talia said and I heard them all leave the room 
"Anything else?" Blake asked 
"Don't tell her I'm helping you she will get angry at me." Talia said before the door closed. 
"Bitch." I mumbled 
"Love you too." Talia said as she crawled into the bed beside me. "Go to sleep. You are miserable and need to rest." She added. I just rolled away from her 
"I haven't been able to sleep." I said softly "unless I'm with them I can't." I whispered and the tears welled up in my eyes again. I squeezed my eyes shut before Talia hugged me from behind 
"Then go apologise." She said softly. 
"No." I said and pushed her off me. 
"Seriously Gemini. One nightmare and you panic. They are trying so damn hard but you don't make it easy." Talia said. 
"No." I whispered. "I almost killed Ian." I added. 
"Then set boundaries." She said softly. "Like they can't touch you if you have a nightmare." She added. 
"No." I said bluntly and pulled the covers over myself and she sighed softly giving up rolling over to sleep herself.

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