Forty three

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By lunchtime it was raining again. The same material I had to use as a hammock had turned into my shelter from the rain keeping me dry. I couldn't find Ian or Blake. I'm starting to think they were eliminated. I sighed softly putting my head back against the tree. I was tiered already from all the running. I have been running from all fights and the people. And by people it's just the guys. They have managed to spread out thought the arena. I rubbed my eyes trying to work out what to do. I could just survive and keep my distance from everyone. Or I can make quick work of it and take out their rider. But I can't remember what their rider looked like. I know he was short but that was about it.  I tenses up when I heard a whistle. 
"Gemini." I heard Blake call out in a hush tone. 
"Gemini where are you?!" I heard Ian yell. I moved slightly to try and see them. I didn't want to give away where I was to anyone else. I looked around 
"Gemini! Gemini! Gemini!" Ok that's Blake's voice but not Blake. I thought crouching down spotting a fleshy. A forest shape-shifting creature that can mimic voices or appearances. They are creatures that like to cause trouble. Not dangerous but they can confuse people with how accurate they are when they mimic people. Running my hand though my hair looked down. I'm pretty sure Blake and Ian have been eliminated. I sat back down on the branch and put my head back again. I might get some rest before nightfall. I closed my eyes just relaxing in the tree.

When I woke up it was night and the rain had stopped. Packed up everything quickly before going to move. I got up going to jump to the next branch but I slipped on the wet branch falling from the tree. I tried to catch my fall but the branch I landed on snapped followed by hitting another one with my torso. But that one snapped as well. Falling though the air I was certain I was going to hit the ground but something grabbed my ankle and stopped me from falling. I looked up at my ankle and saw vines had wrapped around my leg. 
"Oh thank god." I whispered Relaxing. 
"Umm." I tensed up looking around my eyes landed on Ryker. 
"Shit." I said softly. He just looked at me for a moment before turning and looking back to where he came from. He walked over to me and pulled a knife from his belt "no wait!" I said holding my hands up to stop him he grabbed my hand and placed the knife in my hand before walking away. Ok then. I thought before pulling myself up and cutting my leg free. I climbed back up to where my bags were and collected them. I started running off in the direction I saw Ryker go. I'm growing hungry for real food. I planed to steal whatever food they had. I stopped just above them looking around at their camp set up. They had the things Jason was carrying and had used his hammock to keep their rider off the ground. I took my bags off and secured them up in the tree. Maybe I can cut the hammock and eliminate the team. I thought moving down the tree slowly and carefully. I stopped when I saw Blake and Ian tie up with shadows. Fuck. I forgot about Kyle.
"Are you sure she will come for them?" Victor asked looking at Kyle. 
"Positive." Kyle said simply. "They are a in a three way relationship after all. She will come and get them." Kyle added 
"Not anymore." Ian said simply. 
"That dissolves over the holidays." Blake added. "She hates us and doesn't think we would survive the first day." Blake added. I looked down ashamed. Not only was I ashamed because he was right. But because this was being broadcasted live. 
"Besides. Her and that angel are like bffs and they could win this." Ian added amused. 
"Ryker how about you get your nose out of the book and pay attention!" Kyle snapped getting frustrated as he paced around. 
"I have very little care for the games." Ryker said simply "I'm only here for the credits and I have reached my quota on creatures. So I'm just going to chill out until this is all over." He added. 
"You are no fucking help at all!" Kyle snapped 
"Oh I'll be some help." Ryker said simply. "I saw the girl tangled up in some vines not far from here." Ryker said simply they got yo and ran off leaving the rider and Ryker plus Blake and Ian. Well the rider can't do anything and I know Ryker won't do anything. I climbed down the tree keeping out of sight as much as possible. I wrapped my legs around the tree before lowering myself backwards behind Blake and Ian. Pulling the knife from my pockets I cut the ropes that held Blake and Ian. They looked at me surprised. 
"Grab what you can and run after I say so." I whispered they nodded slightly before I pulled myself back up into the tree. I moved around to where Ryker was. Lowering myself back down the tree I held the knife to his throat. "Now." I said to Blake and Ian. They both jumped up and grabbed their bags and the food and weapons before running off. Ryker looked up at me. 
"You know that was unnecessary right?" He asked me. The rider guy was sleeping so he didn't know what was going in. 
"I know." I said flipping the knife holding it out to him. "But they didn't know that." I added he looked at the knife for a moment 
"You might want to stab me or the other will think I let them go." He said simply 
"If you say so." I said stabbing him in the shoulder with the knife. He growled 
"I didn't actually expect you to do that." He said alarmed. 
"I left your rider alone that's thanks enough. We are still enemies." I said climbing back up the tree going to collect my bags. I caught up with Blake and Ian who were waiting for me. 
"That was fucking stupid!" Blake yelled at me 
"Hey I was only there to steal food! I could have left you and Ian tried up and taken the food!" I snapped at him. 
"You have the chance to end them all!" Blake snapped at me. I glared at them. 
"Ryker has the chance to end me as well but he didn't. So I was returning the favour." I snapped at them they just looked at me annoyed. "Fuck you both. I'll finish this without your help." I snapped at them before running off. Heading up the mountains towards the snow tops.

The higher I got the harder it was to move around because of the lack of sturdy branches. I stopped when it became too difficult to travel any further. I set up my hammock in the trees before I gathered as many dry branches as possible before starting a fire on the ground near by. I lay in my hammock just waiting for the fire to draw in the creatures. Specifically the qiqian. I had the blanket wrapped around me desperate for some warmth. My clothes weren't that warm and I was damp. So I'll probably get sick very quickly. I sat there with the Gem that had the thunderbird in it. I held it in my hands seeing the Teresa sleeping within the stone. All the creatures go into a deep sleep when they go into the stone. They won't wake up until they are released. I looked up when I heard a growl. Wolf. Not the qiqian. And not a werewolf. It was just a regular wolf. I looked at him for a moment before I growled back and he ran off. I sighed softly placing the purple gem back into my bag. I rubbed my arms before wrapping the blanket around me tighter. The fire did little for warmth for me because it was too far away. I laid back to close my eyes but when I did I heard the sound of snow crunching under feet. Crap. I thought moving to sit up again. I cover my normal eye my ghost eye scanned the woods before I saw Ryker making his way up here. I sighed softly before he came into the light. 
"I was expecting the females." Ryker said looking at me his bag hanging off one shoulder. "Kyle sent me up here to collect more creatures." He added 
"You know I don't really care right." I said softly. 
"And I'm not playing the game. I'm just after creatures." He said before looking at the fire "so you mine if I sit?" he asked me 
"Be my guest. Someone should enjoy the fire." I said softly. He sat down near the fire and instantly opened up a book. 
"What happened to your friend." Ryker asked me as I laid back down. 
"They got pissed because I saved them." I said softly. He chuckled lightly. 
"Hey you are like really smart right?" He asked. 
"Kind of." I said softly. "Why?" I asked him 
"I was sent to find a nuckelavee. I don't know what that is." He said softly. I laughed now 
"Do you have a death wish or something? " I asked him. "A nuckelavee is more scary then a wendigo. It's a type of water horse most of the year except during winter where it leaves the sea. It's got a humanoid creature sprouting from its back. With arms long enough to drag along the ground. A mouth that spreads from ear to ear filled with needle like teeth. That part of the body had no brain and just flops around back and forth. The horse part has one massive red eye on its head. And a jaw that can unhinged enough to swallow one of your limbs whole." I said softly he moved slightly to look at me 
"What else because that doesn't sound scary." He said simply but very interested as well 
"Well they don't have any flesh." I said looking at him. "You can the bones and the muscles. Yellow veins with black blood that you can see pulsate though it's body. Now I'm not one to shy away from creatures but a Nuckelavee is one creature I want nothing to do with." I said simply before I sneezed. 
"Don't like creepy creatures?" He asked laughing 
"I would rather take on a krampus then a Nuckelavee." I mumbled my body temperature was dropping and I was becoming sleepy. 
"If that is so why are you up here?" He asked me. 
"Qiqian." I whispered 
"A what?" He asked me 
"Original creature." I said softly "qiqian. A very skittish animal that can't be in sunlight. It's body would disintegrate. That is why I am up here. I'm hoping he will come to me." I added 
"You realise there is still a leviathan Thunder bird and a Sphinx to catch first." He said to me 
"I got the thunder bird. Leviathan I'll collect on the last day. And I can't get to the Sphinx because I can't touch the ground." I said rolling onto my side. 
"Oh that's right you are the rider." He said like he just realised what was going on. 
"Yep." I said popping the P before I laughed at him "I'm basically counting on the fact you aren't playing the games to save me from being eliminated." I added. He looked at me for a moment 
"I heard a little rumour that you have ever original copy of the monsterology books." He said looking at me 
"So" I said simply. 
"I would very much like to see them." He whispered looking at me. "You can only get so much from the copies the schools have and for obvious reasons you knew what a Nuckelavee was and all I knew was it's name. I didn't even know what it looked like." He added sounding hopeful. I looked at him 
"If you help me win I'll let you read them." I said with a smirk. 
"Deal." He said without a second thought. He was actually excited. 
"And if you give me your jacket." I added he frowned 
"Why?" He asked me 
"Because I'm freezing my ass off and you can turn into a fluffy dog so hand it over." I said holding my hand out being impatient about it. He glared at me 
"Wolf." He corrected as he got up from the ground. 
"I don't really care. I'm on the verge of hypothermia but I won't be leaving this mountain until I have the qiqian." I said with my usual smartass tone. Ryker handed me his big fluffy jacket that turned into a dress on me. I wrapped it around myself as well as the blanket. Instantly I felt warm and cosy. Hell I could go to sleep that's how cosy this jacket was. It was lined with some kind of fur that was luxurious. The outer side of the jacket was like a waterproof material. It even had a hood and I pulled it up as well. "Thank you." I said with a smile he just rolled his eyes at me going to sit back down beside the fire. He turned back to his book but said nothing more to me. I looked at him. He was definitely built like a werewolf but wasn't as big as Blake was. Which confused me because He out ranked Blake. Ryker was more on the gym junky side of werewolf and not body builder side like Blake was. But He was definitely bigger then Jason. I wonder what gives him such a high power level. Maybe a gift? Or is it pure talent? Maybe it's intellectual. Humans can gain points with their intelligence so i assumes so can the other races. My eyes became heavy quickly. And when I began to fight the sleep it became harder to do. I didn't trust falling asleep around Ryker. But at the same time I couldn't help it. I was going drop off no matter how much I didn't want to. I was out of willpower to remain awake. God I couldn't do it. My eyes fell shut for good as my body went limp I fell asleep in the hammock

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