Twenty one

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I woke up around lunchtime in Blake's bed. I wonder why I ended up in here and not my own bed. I thought but I didn't move. Not yet. I only know its lunchtime because of my thirst but it wasn't that bad right now. And I was very happy to just lay here for now. I felt something gliding across my leg and I thought it was one of the guy's fingers but when I looked up I saw a snake and I screamed kicking it off falling out of bed. Looking at the snake again I realised it wasn't a snake but an Amphiptere. A snake with wings. Or a dragon without legs. Depends who you ask. Rainbow feathers covered the wings of the Amphiptere as it looking at me. Blake and Ian ran into the room and looked at me before seeing the Amphiptere. Ian started laughing before picking him up off the ground and took him to a glass tank in the corner of the room placing him inside. 
"Scared of snakes?" Blake asked 
"Regular snakes. Yes. They petrify me and I didn't see his wings until after I screamed." I said getting to my feet. "What the fuck are you doing with a Amphiptere?" I asked straightening out my skirt and shirt. 
"Technically He is my companion." Ian said looking at me. "He's been off academy grounds getting medical treatment after he caught a deadly virus just after the school years started." Ian said stroking his head. I looked at Blake 
"You got any surprise companions that are going to scare the crap out of me while I'm asleep?" I asked him Blake chuckled lightly. 
"Just drake." Blake said casually 
"Just drake." I said mimicked rolling my eyes at him "leviathan drake. Dragon drake? Specifics. Actually if it's a leviathan drake I'm going to be super jealous and not talk to you because you withheld that information from me." I said and Blake laughed. 
"Wingless Dragon drake." Blake said still laughing. "He is albino tho," Blake added and that peaked my interest. 
"I have never seen an albino drake before." I said softly. 
"He's not on school grounds." Blake said softly "after he destroyed the common room last year the headmaster wouldn't allow him back so he stays with my last living relative who lives under ground anyway." Blake said I nodded slightly before looking back at Ian as he tried to catch the Amphiptere as it flew out of the tank. I held my hand out and he landed in my hand. 
"Why is He so small?" I asked softly. Ian acted shocked 
"Something she doesn't know." He said being dramatic and Blake laughed, "Amphiptere grow to the side of the area they accommodate take him outside he will grow bigger then the school. Keep him in his home. Which is difficult and he will remain small." Ian said softly 
"That's cool." I said looking at the Amphiptere closely. He was very colourful. I stroked his head slightly before blowing on him, which made him fly back to his tank. "I can't wait to get my own creature collection." I said with a grin 
"What?" Blake asked
"Oh when I graduate the headmaster is going to set me up with my own place and fund me to rescue and relocate creatures. A few minor conditions tho but nothing I'm worried about. "I said sigh a smile 
"Why minor conditions?" Ian asked. 
"Well. Not flipping out and destroying the school for one." I said with a smile. 
"And?" Blake asked 
"I have to make you two leave the school." I said with a sheepish smile. They both laughed 
"So if we stay. You get nothing?" Ian asked 
"Basically." I said softly "he won't even let me take Thurso and ivory if you two stay here." I added. 
"Damn. Talk about pressure to leave." Blake said laughing. 
"Anyway." I said changing the subject "I'm pretty sure I owe the winner the first kiss." I said with a smile. Looking at them. Blake moved before Ian could speak and he kissed me instantly pulling me closer to him. Wow that kiss made me dizzy. I though as I kissed him back. But as childish as I was I counted the seconds I kissed Blake before pulling away from him as my hunger worsened. 
"Wow." Blake mumbled. "It's different when you aren't drunk." He said I rolled my eyes at him 
"I'm going to be honest I don't actually remember that much of that night. It's just broken fragments." I said with a small smile. 
"My turn." Ian said I laughed lightly at him because he was really looking forward to the kiss. Blake moved away from me and I looked at Ian before he kissed me. He made me just as dizzy as Blake did. But I didn't kiss him any longer then I kissed Blake. Because I didn't want them getting jealous or think I was playing favourites. "Yummy." Ian said licking his lips. 
"You are as bad as each other." I said shaking my head. 
"Well you do taste good." Blake said with a smirks and I just laughed lightly. 
"I'm going to get lunch." I said picking up my boots off the ground 
"Lunch isn't for another 20 minutes." Ian said softly 
"Not that lunch." I said softly 
"Oh." He said softly. "You drink a lot of blood." He pointed out. 
"Control portions though the day. I don't drink any more then you do. I just drink from smaller bags because if I feed once a day by night I'm a moody bitch. Worse then normal." I said simply. 
"You have to feed three times a day?" Blake asked I nodded slightly "that's going to be a problem." He said softly 
"What?" I asked annoyed 
"No not what I mean. I was thinking about the games in third term." Blake said with a reassuring smile "everyone does three games we do three days in a magical maze jungle thing with creatures. We can only take in one backpack and whatever we can fit into that backpack. Cloths food shelter water. That kind of stuff. Last year Ian and I lived off the land hunted animals. Not ideal but we needed the space in the bags for shelter because it was raining heavily before that and would though the whole game. But you can't do that." Blake said softly. 
"He's right. Human blood only. And you'll be the only human in the games." Ian said concerned. 
"Oh." I said softly before I ran my hand though my hair. "Let's double back on this conversation I really need to go." I said they nodded and I left the room going to my room sitting down on my bed looking at the bag of blood. I'm such a liar. I thought. I drink 3 times as much as a regular vampire. I thought and drank the bag of blood. I finished it when an idea came to mind. An idea my chemist mother could help me with. I went back to Blake room and let myself inside. 
"That was quick." Ian said. I shrugged slightly. 
"Can I call my mum?" I asked 
"Why?" Blake asked. 
"She doesn't know I'm part vampire and we go home tomorrow." I said simply. 
"She doesn't know you are a wolf too." Blake pointed out 
"Monitor the phone call for all I care. But I may have a solution to the blood problem. Well not a problem but definitely helpful." I said softly. 
"What?" Ian asked curious 
"Dehydrated blood tables. I have heard of people doing that to their placenta after having a baby and I want to know if she could do it with blood." I said softly. 
"It's not a bad idea." Ian said looking at Blake. Blake just nodded slightly and Ian grabbed my phone from the draw and handed it to me. I smiled and went up to call mum. She answered the phone almost instantly. 
"Hey honey. What's wrong?" She asked me. 
"Hey mum. I have been going some thinking because some vampires can't get access to blood outside the academy. Would it be possible to create dehydrated blood tablets to use as an alternative food source?" I asked her. She was quiet "I can't get my head around the science of it all." I added. There was no response for a good two minutes. Which made me a little uneasy. 
"Right right sorry. I got thinking about it...Umm... Yes ok. Leave that with me." She said sounding excited now "if I'm successful then you might have just had a multimillion dollar idea honey." She said in a gleeful tone making me laugh at her. 
"Ok mum. See you tomorrow." I said before she hung up. I went back into Blake's room and they looked at me 
"You didn't tell her." Blake said 
"She got distracted." I said with a shrug a smile 
"You aren't going to tell them are you?" Ian asked in s way that kind of stated it. 
"Not if I can avoid it." I said with a smile. 
"You'll have to tell them eventually." Blake said getting up off his bed. I just shrugged slightly 
"My parents are protective and they worry too much. Plus if not for them I wouldn't be here at the school. They harassed the headmaster to make me go here. I'm pretty sure he regrets it tho." I said running my fingers though my hair as Blake pulled on a shirt. Well that was disappointing. I thought. 
"Well you should tell them before the games." Blake said grabbing his tie wrapping it around his neck. I swear that's going to drive me insane. I hate absolutely hate a tie that isn't done up properly. 
"I will. Somehow. I mean. Yeah no. I probably won't." I said with a smile. But it didn't amuse Blake. He was bothered by it. I didn't understand why for a moment and then I realised Blake lost his parents. He can't tell them an anything that happens so me lying to my parents must bother him. "My dad doesn't like werewolves and my mum doesn't like vampires. She only agreed to make the alternative blood because she's thinking of the money aspect that it will bring. My parents are extremely racist against vampires and werewolves and if they found out I was both of them they would flip out and probably never talk to me again." I said softly looking at Blake. 
"But they sent you here." Ian said 
"Mum is secretly hoping I take home a werewolf boyfriend. Dad's just doesn't ever want me to date." I said softly. He just nodded slightly before Blake went to leave. "Where are you going?" I asked. 
"Lunch." Blake said simply before leaving. I looked at Ian unsure of what to say. 
"Did I do something?" I asked Ian.
"I actually don't know." Ian said softly. I just looked at him before looking at the door again. I sighed softly. "You coming to lunch?" Ian asked. 
"No. I'm just going to pack my things. For tomorrow since I won't get a chance to pack anything before going on this family trip." I said softly. 
"Ok." Ian said softly as he approached me. I looked at him and he hugged me. "Blake probably needs some attention from you He doesn't have anyone else." Ian whispered. I nodded slightly before he kissed my head and left the room. I sighed softly before going to my room to pack a suitcase.

Blake had been avoiding me I tried to talk to him but he always came up with an excuse to go do something else. I had dinner in my room thanks to Ian bringing food to me. I was in the shower tho when he brought me my food. Getting out he wasn't there anymore so I sat down and ate my dinner and had some blood. Everyone was going to bed early because of how early the train leaves in the morning. I went to brush my teeth before I picked up Luce. Blake can't avoid me if he has nowhere to go. I thought leaving my room. The hallway was dark and I could hear everyone asleep. Damn it's only 9-I thought going to Blake and Ian's room. I let myself in quietly but they were asleep as well. I rolled my eyes before placing Luca down and he went to his basket. I just went and crawled into bed beside Blake. I lay down beside him and he moved slightly but didn't open his eyes I knew he was awake. Blake wouldn't have move if he were asleep. 
"What did I do to upset you again?" I asked softly. 
"Nothing." He mumbled. 
"You have been avoiding me since lunch." I said softly. 
"No I haven't." He mumbled again. 
"Yes you have." I said softly looking at him. "I tried to talk to you a few times this afternoon and you said you were busy with other things and walked away." I said softly. He opened his eyes and looked at me. 
"Nothing is wrong." Blake said 
"Then I'll just go back to my room." I said going to get home but he grabbed my waist pulling me back down to the bed holding me so I couldn't get up. Well if I tried I could. But right now wasn't the time to fight him. 
"Don't go." He said softly 
"Then tell me why you have been avoiding me all day?" I said softly. 
"You have a family. But you lie to your family about who you are so easily." Blake mumbled. "You shouldn't lie to them." He mumbled his head against my chest and I wrapped my arms around his head. 
"Ask Talia to take you to my parents house. How they react to both you and Ian you'll understand why I lie to them." I whispered to him. 
"Please stay." He mumbled. I chuckled lightly. 
"I wasn't going to leave." I whispered running my fingers though his hair. 
"Is Ian asleep?" He asked. I looked over at Ian and he was dead to the world. I say that because Luca was walking over him and Ian hated Luca walking over him 
"Yeah He is." I said softly. He just nodded slightly holding me tight. 
"Will this be a regular thing?" He asked rubbing my waist with his thumb.
"If you want it to be it can be." I said softly "but you'll have to alternate with Ian." I added. He grumbled a big 
"Is there a second option?" He asked 
"All three of us share a bed." I said softly. He made a low growling noise like he approved of the idea. 
"Well I'm ok with that but you have to be in the middle." He mumbled. 
"Of course." I said chuckling lightly at him. His face was pressed against my chest still and he was taking long deep breaths. "What are you doing?" I asked him 
"Making myself familiar with the way you smell so I can find you if I need to." He said I chuckled again shaking my head before Luca barked I looked up and saw him bite Ian on the nose. 
"Luca!" I said alarmed getting out of Blake's arms grabbing Luca off Ian Who was now awake and complaining about how much his nose hurt. 
"I said he always bites me." Ian said holding his nose sounding sleepy. Luca did draw a bit of blood from Ian's nose but he had healed from it. I placed Luca on the ground and he walked off to his bed crawling into it. He is grumpy because I'm always here and he misses out on his cuddle time. 
"You ok?" I asked Ian. He looked at me for a moment before he smirked 
"I had her first." Blake said pulled me back into his bed before Ian could do or say anything. 
"Not fair." Ian grumbled before I flicked Blake in the nose. He huffed in annoyance. 
"If you don't have a problem with it you can sleep on the other side of her." Blake said softly. Yeah Ian didn't have a problem with it. He was up and in bed with us in seconds. 
"Don't squish me tho." I said softly as Ian's arm laid over my side since Blake has basically gotten a hold of me to the point Ian couldn't. I felt Ian snuggle his head into the back of my neck and heard him breath in deeply. Being sandwiched between them both makes me feel really hot. Not sexually hot. Well ok maybe a little but both of them had a lot of body heat and it made it hot before I could say anything Ian's body became cold it make Blake growl in annoyance. 
"What are you are doing?" Blake asked Ian moving to glare at him 
"She was getting hot." Ian said softly. I looked at Blake and he just laid down again pulling the blanket up knowing Ian would keep me cold but Blake doesn't like the cold at all. Both of them cuddled into my body and I was now stuck. I couldn't move an inch even if I wanted too. I just closed my eyes enjoying their arms around me before I fell asleep.

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