Forty two

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I didn't get much sleep. Maybe two hours. I ended up packing and re packing my bag all night to make things fit better. But no matter what I would have to take someone else's bag and pray they had supplies I could use. I headed downstairs to the blood rooms and went to Ian's cold room where my blood was still stored. I had intentions on filling up on blood to hopefully make it though the next 3 days. The blood tablets help but only for a day maybe two before I get irritated. So hopefully if I get down maybe six bags before I leave I should make it until tomorrow before I have to use the blood tables. Or bite someone. I don't want to bite someone but I will if I have to. Life or death situation. The door opened and Ian walked in looking at me sitting on the counter. He paused for a moment before taking some blood off the racks hanging above us. 
"Hungry?" He asked looking at the empty blood bags beside me 
"Stress eating." I lied looking at the unopened bag in my hands. 
"We wanted to tell you Gem-"
"Don't Ian." I said softly. "I'm fine with it ok. I spend the holidays dealing with it. So don't reopen the wound on me. I got over the fact you and black lied to me and ignored me for the whole time. And I have accepted it. So just leave it as that. I don't want to talk. I don't want an explanation. I just want to move past it." I said softly getting off the bench. I tossed the bag onto the bench and went to leave 
"Aren't you taking any into the games?" He asked me 
"I don't have the room." I said and headed off. I made my way back upstairs feeling full. Getting back to my room Luca and Wes looked at me. 
"Ready?" Wes asked me 
"I don't think anyone could be ready to face something like this knowing you could die during the games." I said softly. He just nodded slightly before I hugged him. He put his wings around me. "You are my best friend Wes. If not for you I wouldn't have been able to do this. You got my numbers back up to participate." I said softly. 
"You are the best human I have ever had as a companion." Wes said softly before the bells rang. I sighed softly and let him go. It was the bells for everyone to come outside. I turned the tv on for Wes and Luca. It changes over to a blank screen my name in the top corner along with the school under my name. Points in the opposite corner that rested at zero. 
"There. Now you can watch." I said softly. 
"Good luck." Wes said softly. I nodded slightly taking my bag and headed downstairs.

Walking into the clearing with all the other competitors only students from the black classes were outside. The rest wound have been asked to wait inside and watch on the screens. I approached an orb that had my name on it and I touched it. The orb became invisible to the eyes of everyone else. But I could still see them.  I approached Blake Ian Dante and Jason. They looked at me for a moment but said nothing. I was in gym pants and a tight fitting shirt. I even had a jacket on that was zipped up. I looked around at the other competitors who were disgusting their game plans. Over at the all boys school group I saw Ryker standing there his nose in a book nodding along to Kyle. Ryker was really cute. He was cute. Fuck! I looked away when he shifted and looked my way. Dante noticed as well. Blake Ian and Jason were talking about a plan. 
"Students!" We all looked up at the headmaster. "Will your riders please step forward?" He said. I moved forward before looking over. Ness move forward as well and over at the boy's school was a guy I didn't know. We were approached by teacher from out respected schools and handed shoes. I took my boots. 
"Why does she get heels?" Ness asked pointing to me 
"Because we knew about the Calvary battle and were allowed to prepare for that." I said simply 
"After you stole the information from our school." Victor said crossing his arms 
"It's called playing the game. There were no rules against stealing information." I said simply. "And need I reminded you I didn't ask. You told me willingly." I said with a smile before sitting down putting the boots on. I took my time lacing them up making sure they were a comfortable fit because they won't be coming off for three days. 
"Now you will be transported into different sections of the arena. You have until the second bell to get your rider up off the ground. After the second bell the rider cannot touch the ground again. Your teachers would have explained in greater details of the Does and don'ts correct?" The headmaster asked. We all nodded slightly "I wish you all good luck." He said before snapping his fingers. The area around us changed rapidly and we were now in a clearing in the woods. I heard a noise and looked up instantly. Thunder bird. I secured the bag on my back probably the others did as well. The first bell rang signalling we could begin. And we did. Dante was up into the air in seconds Jason had sprinted off into the woods and I ran at Ian and black that catapulted me up into the air. Dante caught my hand before he slingshot me up the rest of the way. I grabbed hold of the thunderbirds leg and it shocked her. I should have yelled out I thought hearing the second bell as I was electrocuted. I really didn't think that though I thought falling though the air. I felt numb. My body hurt so much now. Fuck. I felt something wrap around my body. 
"Girl! Girl are you ok!" I heard a female yelling. I opened my eyes slightly dazed seeing the thunderbird had caught me 
"I'm ok." I said softly. "I didn't mean to startle you." I said softly she tossed me into the air and caught me on her back. I sat up slightly. 
"The games have begun then." She said. She was beautiful. Golden feathers two pairs of wings. 
"Yes. And I'm here to protect the creatures." I said softly. She looked at me. "I was tasked by my school to save as many as possible." I added 
"I can tell you have a good heart." She said softly. "I will give myself over to you because no one else would attempt what you just did." She said softly 
"Thank you." I said breathing a sigh of relief. "Can you land first?" I added with a laugh and she laughed at me. 
"Where?" She asked me 
"The clearing down there where I came from." I said. She changed directions before we got down to the clearing. Blake Ian and Dante looked at me. 
"Jason!" Blake yelled, "she's back here!" He added as I stroked the feathers of Teresa. 
"You are so beautiful." I said softly 
"You are incredibly sweet." She said 
"You thing a windego is beautiful." Jason said simply as he returned not happy. 
"I think all creatures are beautiful." I said softly. 
"The second bell as rung already." Ian said when I went to her off Teresa. 
"Oh. I didn't hear it." I said softly Blake approached me and I got onto his back he held me up and I held out the Amber Gem to take Teresa. She bowed her head to the Gem before warping into it. I sighed softly. "Let's get going. I want to get to the leviathan before someone else pisses him off." I said simply. 
"Are you sure?" Blake asked me 
"Yes. Ian Dante and Jason can fan out and collect as many creatures as possible if not lure them to me and I'll calm them for capture." I said softly 
"Dante is better off taking you to the water then we can lure them to you with ease." Blake said. He just don't want to be alone with me 
"Ok." I said without arguing. Dante still had his wings out. 
"Flying?" He asked me 
"Would be quicker." I said simply. He nodded and took me from Blake holding me in his arms bridal style my bag now in my arms. "Meet you all there." I said. They nodded and Dante took to the air and started flying. 
"Why did Blake refuse to take you?" Dante asked me 
"He doesn't want to be alone with me." I said softly. "You are a good friend Dante." I said softy 
"I would ask if you would be more then friends with me. But I already know you are interested in that guy with the glasses." He said softly 
"You said we were ok with being friends." I said looking at him 
"I am." He said with a smile "I'll act like a gay best friend so no one gets the wrong idea." He added and I laughed at him. 
"You aren't upset are you?" I asked him 
"No gem. I care more about your happiness then anything else. So I'll help you get that happiness." He whispered I laid my head on his shoulder. 
"Fuck!" I said alarmed 
"What?" He asked looking at me 
"I forgot about the fucking orbs. Everyone is listening to this conversation." I added and Dante laughed at me. 
"No more personal conversations now." He said before he went to keep flying but he was shot down. An arrow ripped though his right wing and he went crashing down. We landed in the trees thankfully. Dante cried in pain unable to reach the arrow in his shoulder. 
"Hold on!" I yelled at him. 
"Don't!" he yelled back falling from the tree to the ground "run now! You can't get caught!" He yelled at me. 
"Dante!" I yelled at him 
"Go!" He yelled before the females appeared. Fuck! I grabbed my bag and his from the tangled mess in the trees before I began to run along the tree branches towards the water. I didn't expect to come across anyone so soon. I heard Dante yell from behind me and then a moment later red sparks in the sky. They got him! Fuck! I kept going. I was still recovering for the electric shock I got so I couldn't fight right now. I came to a halt at the edge of the woods. There were a Good twenty meters between me and the water. I couldn't jump it. Not with both bags. And I couldn't float because I'll have no direction. I looked around hoping Jason Blake or Ian had gotten here already. I spotted Jason. I moved to yell and wave him down until I saw the Kyle had chased him down and eliminated him. I froze. Sparks followed the elimination. No. I thought. I move back slightly hiding in the shades of the trees. Think Gemini. You need to do something. I paused and opened up Dante's bag but what I saw wasn't helpful. He had three bags of my blood. No gems. No clothes. He had sailors weed. And that was it. Blood and sailors weed. Fucking idiot! I thought and took the gems from my bag and put them into Dante's along with my sailors weed. I left the clothes and my blood tables plus equipment for a hammock in the bag. I hid my bag in the tree before securing Dante's bag on my back. I went to go see if Jason's bag was left behind. Getting to where he was eliminated I saw things all over the ground. I looked down at it all. Clothes. Water bottle. Blanket. I carefully lowered myself down and grabbed the water bottle and blanket before climbing back up into the tree. I returned to my bag and put the blanket in the bag. Looking around again to check for Blake or Ian I found nothing. I was becoming anxious. I needed the gems in the water. So I needed the bag. And I could get anything else into my bag. If had a hook I could use the rope in my bag to direct myself to the water without touching the ground. I sighed softly looking around. I need to do something I thought. Blood. My blood. I can use it to lure something out of the water. Rock I need a rock. I looked around on the ground from where I was in the trees. Why are there no rocks? I moved around a bit unable to find anything. Fuck. Wait. I grabbed on of the gems from my bag before grabbing the rope as well. I wrapped the rope around the Gem and secured it. I bit my hand drawing blood dripping it onto the Gem once it was nice and coated I licked my hand the wound healed before I throw the Gem into the water. 
"Extreme fishing." I mumbled to myself as a joke. I just need something to take the bait. Hopefully kelpie. I floated off the branch holding the tree with my other hand waiting. When something takes the bait there should be enough force to pull me towards the water. Come on. Something take the bait! I begged internally. I heard movement behind me but when I turned to look something jerked on rope and I flew though the air. I got above the water and made myself heavy enough to stand on top of the water. I wrapped the rope back up looking at the Gem. It had turned purple. I placed it back in my bag before looking at the woods. Wendigo. Thank god. I thought. I held my hand out and he approached me with causation before I touched the gem against him he absorbed into it and I relaxed. A shadow passed over me and when I turned around I had to look up. I couldn't breath. Leviathan. I fell to my knees looking up at him as he looked down at me. I could say anything. I couldn't even close my mouth. I had dreams of this my whole life. To be able to meet a leviathan. He had white scales covering his massive body. One of his scales would be the size of me. He had pointed Face similar to a dragon. A long sharp horn or tusk on his nose. It looked like a sword. He had four horns pointed back off his head two long one two shorter one directly underneath the long ones. He had frill spins under his jaw on either side. More spines went down the length of his back and into the water where I could not see. Only his neck was out of the water and he was about 35 feet tall. Well I could only see 35 feet of him. 
"Shot her!" Before I could react to the female voice and arrow ripped through my shoulder and I lose concentration over my density and I fell under the surface of the water. I screamed because of the pain in my shoulder. I snapped the back of the arrow off and pulled the rest off the arrow though my shoulder. My blood spilled out into the water as I held my shoulder. I looked up when I saw the girls dive into the water. Didn't they care about the leviathan! No they can't see him that's why. He's at full size only I can see him. I opened my bag and choked down two strands of sailors weed before I began to swim deeper into the water. I got down further and noticed the orb couldn't follow me past twenty feet. I was down fifty feet. I looked at my shoulder it was healed now. Must have been all that blood this morning. 
"She can't stay down their forever!" I heard Ness yell. I sighed softly before my eyes adjusted. I looked around seeing some kelpies circling my cautiously. I'll just start collecting. I thought before turning to go swim and collect the kelpies but the leviathan was behind me. 
"You can see me." He said simple. 
"Yes." I responded looking at him. 
"How? And how are you breathing under water?" He asked me angry 
"Sailors weed helps me breath under water. And I can see you because of this." I said pointing to my blue eyes. "It's called a ghost eye. I can see things no one else can see." I said softly. 
"Can you see all of us originals. And hear us?" He asked me 
"As far as I know I can" I said softly. He looked me over again. "I don't mean any harm I swear. I'm just trying to save as many creatures as possible." I said looking at him 
"There aren't many water creatures left here. Eight kelpies and myself." He said simply. 
"Please. The thunderbird Teresa gave herself over to me. I already earned the trust of Wes the dragon for fire as well." I said softly 
"Collect the kelpies" He said. I held out a gem and the kelpies swarmed me. I collected them and the Gem turned purple. I placed it back into my bag before looking at him. 
"Thank you." I said softy. 
"Come back on the last day and I'll give myself
Over." He said that me. I nodded slightly 
"Would you mind helping me back into the trees? I'm not allowed to touch the ground or I'll be eliminate." I said softly he nodded slightly before scooping me up onto his head. He swatted the girls out of the way before placing me into the trees. "Thank you." I said looking at him 
"You are welcome." He said with a nod before moving back into the water. I looked down at the girls seeing them all get eliminated because ness hit the ground. Oops. Well thank god. I thought grabbing my bag from the tree and going to hopefully find Blake and Ian

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