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Morning quickly flew by. Even the time for lunch seemed to just vanish. I found myself in Monsterology class, outside with the rest of the students. Professor Floral told us that morning that we would be meeting a wendigo. I wasn't really prepared to face such a creature. They liked to feast on the flesh of humans. Since I was the only human between the two classes, Blake and Ian flanked me as if to protect me. Everyone else huddled together, and somehow I ended up in front of the class. Blake was to my left, with Ian standing close to my right. The heavy footsteps of a wendigo approached us, and my stomach clenched nervously. I have never seen a wendigo before; well at least, not in person. My breath caught in my throat was the twelve-foot creature walked into the clearing. I studied the creature, taking in its appearance. Its arms were long enough to touch the ground, even when it stood on its feet. Its long fingers were dragging on the ground. Its legs were that of an elk. It wore an elk skull as armour for its head. The skull was soaked in blood, staining the creature red. Fresh blood dripped down from the wendigo's jaw. That jaw hung open as it breathed. An external rib cage covered its torso. The wendigo's skin was pulled so tight that I could see the muscles on its body. However, its arms were thin, showing the clear lack of muscle on them. But the wendigo's claws were sharp enough to easily pierce a human skull, requiring little force. I couldn't see the creature's power level because of the skull it wore on its head. If I wanted to, I could remove my glasses and use my ghost eye to see its power level. As I stared at the creature, I started to feel woozy. I realized I had been holding my breath the whole time, and sucked in a lungful of air. As the wendigo's smell reached my nose, I wanted to gag. The smell. Oh god it smelled so bad. It smelled like rotting flesh and my stomach rolled. I resisted the urge to gag, but it was difficult to say the least. Bones hung around the wendigo's waist. I looked closer. They looked like femur bones from the wendigo's many kills. 
"Gemini," Professor Floral called and I snapped my head to her. She continued. "Since you are so smart and seem to know everything about power levels, can you tell me a wendigo's power level?" Sarcasm laced the professor's voice. 
"Umm, right." I straightened myself out. " Wendigo's base power level is 1500. But that's for a standard seven foot tall wendigo," I answered the professor. She motioned for me to continue when I paused. 
"For every foot in height over seven feet, one can assume an increase in 500 power level." I gestured to the wendigo in front of me. "This wendigo is about twelve feet tall. So it would most likely have a power level of 4000." I hugged my book tightly as I finished answering Professor Floral's question. 
"Nervous?" the professor asked me, a small smile played across her lips. I shook my head. 
"Concerned." I looked her in the eye. "After yesterday, you clearly aren't worried about my personal safety. So I'm concerned you may use this wendigo to scare me into paying more attention in your class," I called her out. To me, her intentions were clear. She narrowed her eyes at me before the wendigo hunched forward and sniffed at me. It made a sound before crawling backwards, tilting its head back and forth as if a curious puppy. 
"How many creatures have you encountered?" Professor Floral questioned. 
"This is my first wendigo. The are usually locked further north in more snowy weather." I answered. She looked at me for a moment before she glanced back at the wendigo. The wendigo was making sounds that were neither scary nor threatening. If I closed my eyes, I would think the sounds were rather cute. I focused back to the professor. 
"If your intention is to scare me with creatures, it won't work." I held my hands out, palms facing up. The wendigo moved forward, sniffing my hand before it pressed its forehead against my palms. 
"Wow," Ian whispered from beside me. 
"Creatures like me because unlike people, they don't have a conscience. They can't just choose to hate me because of something I do or the way I am." Everyone listened intently. After a few moments, the wendigo moved away from me. Blood covered my hands where the wendigo had nuzzled me. Great. Ian held out a handkerchief. I looked at him before I took the cloth, cleaning my hands. 
"How do you know so much about power assessment?" Professor Floral asked curiously. 
"I was taught the Blue's class lessons," I answered. "Both of my parents attended this school as intellectuals. They taught me everything they learned during their four years here as I grew up. Especially power assessment."
"So you can assess everyone's' power levels?" the professor asked. I shrugged slightly. 
"Pretty much," I said nonchalantly. I grew bored with her questioning. I handed Ian back his now bloody handkerchief. He immediately shoved it in one of his pockets. 
"She's totally spelled them..." Someone whispered from behind me. I shifted my feet and stamped down on a vine.  A girl squealed and everyone turned to her. She had vines coming from her fingers. All but one of them quickly returned to her hand. I lifted my foot and the last vine returned to her. She rubbed it before looking away in shame. 
"Okay class! A thousand words on wendigo's by tomorrow!" Professor Floral called out. Everyone but me, groaned. 
"Is it because she showed you up again?" Dante pointed at me accusingly. 
"No. This is to make sure everyone is at Gemini's level. Not only is she the strongest in your class, but she's also the smartest. Not to mention, she is human. I suggest you all improve as quickly as you can. If you choose to stay next year, there's a good chance she will be in charge of you!" She focused on Blake. "That means you too, Blake. Since you seem to be slacking off, she has the potential to surpass you!" Blake stiffened at her remark. The wendigo walked back into the forest and she waved us off dismissively. 
"She's human! She can't be in charge!" Dante was livid. 
"Then do better than her." Professor Floral retorted. Dante straightened his back as I watched on. I suddenly felt him drastically increase his power level. 
"No human will be superior to me!" Dante roared. I looked at him critically. He was acting weird. Was he by chance afraid of me? He has no reason to feel threatened by me. So far, I had done nothing wrong to him. I was curious as to why he felt intimidated. 
"Afraid, Dante?" I asked, unable to hide my smirk. 
"Says the girl who's terrified of me!" Dante snapped. 
"Scared of you or not, I can see who you really are, Dante. And that's a murdering asshole. The way you do things is wrong. And I know better." I looked at him pointedly. "I know the fear I have of you is inflicted fear. It isn't my own fear. You did that to me because your charms don't work on me. I can see your real angelic appearance. It's really more demonic than angelic looking." I crossed my arms. He glared at me while I look on, a bored expression on my face. "Have nothing to say, Dante?" I taunted. 
"I saved your life," he argued. 
"I didn't ask you to."
I didn't think I needed permission to save someone's life," he snapped, clearly irritated. 
"I had it under control." My patience with Dante was thinning. 
"Clearly you did. Otherwise your face wouldn't have been shredded and you could've hardly stood," he snapped sarcastically. "I know exactly what you hide behind your hair, are they the scars of the damage from that attack. You have one eye missing. You've had four facial reconstructions just to resemble human again! Not to mention what had to be done to drain the werewolf venom from your blood so that it didn't kill you!" Dante seemed pleased with himself from exposing my secret. I glared daggers at him from behind my glasses. 
"You were attacked by a werewolf?" Professor Floral sounded horrified. "Headmaster said there was residual damage from an attack, but he didn't give me any details," she muttered to herself.
"Attacked? She was mauled by a werewolf!" Dante exclaimed. "She spent three years in recovery and she won't even admit how close she was to dying." That wasn't really true, but I wasn't going to correct him. No one needed to know the truth about how I recovered in only a month. My mauled eye even grew back, albeit as a ghost eye. That process felt like it only took overnight. I wasn't going to tell anyone, especially the smug angel that werewolf venom still runs in my veins. 
"Have nothing to say, Gemini?" Dante taunted me. 
"No," I replied blandly before I smiled at him. "I don't deny what happened," I added before I turned on my heel and walked away. People broke out in whispers as I put my headphones on and headed inside the academy.

I completed my wendigo essay before my next class. I even handed it to Professor Floral as I passed her the hallway. She was stunned but said nothing as she accepted the completed assignment. Maybe I will do better in my classes at this school, I mused as I walked to the training grounds. I had changed into my own training clothes, which were Long leggings and a sports bra along with the school's training top. I didn't like my legs being exposed and the shorts we were given were really short. If I kicked anything, I would be flashing the world my underwear. Plus, my legs were chafed from running laps yesterday. I needed to prevent my thighs from rubbing together. I laid down on the grass with my arms folded behind my head and listening to music. I had my eyes closed, relaxing and just enjoyed the outdoors. A shadow passed over me. I opened my eyes just in time to see Blake had walked past me without a glance. Ian followed him closely. Those two were a strange pair. Ian is a vampire and Blake is a werewolf, yet they are best friends. I know it's not unheard of, but they seemed as close as brothers. Becoming curious, I moved my headphones slightly to eavesdrop on their conversation. 
"You're a hundred percent sure she can't hear us?" Ian asked.
"With those headphones on, no." Blake responded. 
"Okay then. So what's so important?" Ian questioned his friend. 
"Can you train her?" Blake simply asked him. 
"What?" Ian was in disbelief; sure he hadn't heard Blake correctly. 
"I wouldn't ask if I didn't think it was necessary," Blake continued. "But if she's been attacked by a werewolf, she sure wouldn't trust them. So can you train her? I'll owe you one." 
"No." Ian's response was immediate. "Train her yourself," he added
"Are you seriously fucking with me, right now?" Blake sounded annoyed. 
Ian narrowed his eyes. "I like her. She's kind of cute. I don't want her to be trained by me because I'll probably go easy on her. She won't reach her full potential if I was training her." For some reason, Ian had a small smile on his face. 
"You're a jerk to her!" Blake exclaimed angrily. Ian just shrugged. 
"That was before I saw her eyes this morning. Well, one eye actually. But damn, she has beautiful eyes," Ian sighed. Awe. He sounds so lovesick. It made me want to gag. Gross. 
"You too, huh?" Blake muttered. "Well, I've seen them twice," he boasted. He had a smirk on his face. 
"That's not fair!" Ian complained. 
"Also...she slept in my bed last night!" Blake smirked, followed by a thud. A girl screamed, startling me. I sat up and removed my headphones, looking in the direction the boys had been sitting. I was stunned. The two idiots were in a fistfight. 
"Boys! That's enough!" A teacher yelled and ran over to them. Dylan and Bryan followed him. They managed to pry Ian and Blake apart, who were still lunging for each other's throats. Both had bloody fists and bloody faces, but were quickly healing from their injuries.  
"Gemini," a voice called out. I turned and saw Headmaster walking towards me. He stopped and held out his hand. "Come with me, please. There is something I need your special skill to accomplish," he quietly asked. I grabbed his hand and pulled myself to my feet. "Which specific, special skill?" I asked as I dusted off my legs. In answer, there was a strong gust of wind as Professor Floral ran out to the training field. She had her eyes trained to the sky. I followed her gaze and saw two, green dragons lowering a rather large crate onto the clearing. 
"Creature skills," Headmaster clarified and placed his arm around my shoulder. He led me towards the crate. Just as it hit the ground, it began to shake violently.
"What is it?" I asked curiously. 
"A Cerberus. Only this one's different," Headmaster explained. 
"What breed of Cerberus?" I asked excitedly. Headmaster shrugged. 
"You tell me," he replied before the wooden walls fell off the crate. Inside a steel cage sat a three-headed dog. No. Not a dog. A wolf. Normally, a Cerberus looked like a Pit-bull or Rottweiler. But this one was a straight up wolf. Blood covered the left head's mouth, clearly injured. The middle head had no eyes. The right head had a sword sticking out of its neck. The poor thing had obviously been beaten and attacked many times. Its feet had evidence of being shackled down. I couldn't help but gasp in horror. The Cerberus looked like it was in extreme pain. I sprinted to the cage, but the three heads started growling and barking at me. It was trying to run me off. I just stopped outside the cage, looking up at the wolf. I removed my glasses so it could clearly see my face. Its growls turned to whimpers and I stepped between the bars. The left head lowered down first and I ran my fingers through its matted fur. It was covered in blood. I held its head in my hands, examining its mouth. It was obvious he had lost some teeth. There was a skeleton arm lodged in the back of his teeth. I pulled it out, trying to alleviate some of its discomfort. 
"You're allowing her close to that monster?" Professor Floral yelled out incredulously. 
"You wouldn't be able to get close to it. This way, we don't have to kill the poor thing," Headmaster pointed out. I moved to the farthest right head after the left head rubbed itself against me for comfort. The right head lowered down to me and I gently stroked it. I carefully pulled the sword out of his neck and he whimpered, nuzzling his massive head against my body and accidently knocking me off balance. I laughed lightly as I got back up, looking at the middle head. I took a breath and blew it up to him. His fur ruffled and he sniffed around, cautiously lowering his head to my height. I softly took his head into my arms, petting him gently. I cooed softly as he whimpered and rubbed his head against me. 
"This is insane," Professor Floral protested. 
"Lovell," I whispered in one of the Cerberus' wolf ears. The Cerberus began to shrink down until it was no bigger than a pup. Cerberus can change their size if one knows the correct commands. Lovell. Wolf cub. I picked up the Cerberus pup in my arms before pulling my glasses back on. 
"I'm keeping him," I firmly told the Headmaster. He laughed and softly shook his head. 
"One mistake and he goes," Headmaster replied and I placed the Cerberus on my head. I had already picked out his name. Luca. Luca just laid there, all three heads slumped forward. His tail was tickling the back of my neck and all of his paws were evenly spread out so he didn't slide off. 
"Think she's scared of wolves now?" I heard Ian say to Blake. The two were glaring at each other. I ignored them as I re-joined the class. Everyone looked at me with Luca on my head. 
"Why did you take your glasses off like that?" Crystal asked me. 
"It was unfamiliar to Luca. They scared him. Plus I wanted him to see my face," I explained with a wide grin. "Isn't he the cutest thing ever, though? Look at these little tiny paws! They are just so adorable!" I gushed out and pointed to the paw that rested on the corner of my glasses. Crystal just huffed. 
"I don't like dogs," she grumbled. 
"He isn't a dog. He's a wolf. I don't care what you say; he's adorable." I stubbornly crossed my arms at her. 
"You aren't keeping that thing in the dorm room," Crystal snapped harshly. I gasped at how cold hearted she was being. 
"I dare you call him a thing!"
"You called him a thing," Crystal retorted. 
"He's mine. I'm allowed to." I glared at her while people snickered at my seemingly childish antics. 
"You have to admit, the Cerberus is kind of cute now," Ian said. 
"His name is Luca and you will use his name," I snarled, making him take a step back. I turned around. "Now, I have to run laps since I refuse to do any real training."

After classes, I went to prepare for the prank. I still had Luca on my head as I made my way to the Practical Jokes classroom. No one else was in the room but the stink bombs were in a bag along with the sealant spray. Everything was ready. The spray was a temporary six-hour indestructible sealant. Once on the windows, no one would be able to open them for the next six hours. I looked up as the classroom door opened. Blake was here. 
"Hey," he greeted. 
"Hey," I said and turned back to the stink bombs. 
"I have a question," Blake blurted out. 
"If this has anything to do with what Dante said, then no." I didn't look up to meet his gaze. 
"Okay, never mind." He came over and placed down some rope. "Actually, I'm going to ask anyways. Are you afraid of werewolves?"
"No." I answered. "The werewolf that attacked me was possessed by a demon. He wasn't in control of himself." I pulled the backpack of stink bombs and sealant over my shoulder. 
"It's not dark yet." Blake stared at me confusedly. 
"No, but everyone is in the dining hall. I have skipped dinner two nights in a row. No one will even notice my absence." I said mischievously. Then I quickly changed the subject. "Can Luca sleep in your room? Crystal already threw a fit for having him in the dorm room once already. Also, I don't want him sleeping alone in the common room." I asked hopefully. He merely looked at me. 
"Why are you asking me?" 
"Because I don't trust anyone else with my baby," I told him while patting Luca's heads. Blake chuckled.
"Sure," he said amused. My face lit up with a smile. 
"Thank you," I said before quickly leaving the room. I reached the Green tower from the rooftops of another tower along with the help of the Headmaster's Phoenix. I secured the rope to the tower. I had left Luca on the ground to keep him out of potential dangers. I rappelled down to seal all of the windows except the one to the Green's common room. I threw all the stink bombs into the room and shut the window as green smoke quickly filled the room. I sprayed the window with sealant before I slid down to the ground. The Phoenix released the rope from the tower and I gathered everything back up. I grabbed Luca and placed him on my head. I smirked to myself. I hurriedly returned all materials to the prank room. Luca and I were both starving, so we headed off for dinner. Walking into the dining hall, I made my way towards the Black table. Chatter filled the air. The Green table sat next to Red, then Blue and us. I looked down the table for an open seat, but the only place was near Blake. I rolled my eyes and made my way down to the open spot before sitting down. Blake glanced at me as I sat across from him. 
"Finally came to dinner?" Blake asked as I took Luca off my head. 
"Eh," I grunted, shrugging my shoulders. "I got hungry." I grabbed a steak from the middle of the table and cut it into three pieces. I gave a piece to each one of Luca's heads. He was sitting beside me. I then helped myself to some food and began to eat as well. I glanced up when someone sat beside me. 
"Here I was thinking you were starting to make a habit of skipping dinner," Ian joked. 
I waved my hand. "No. I just needed you to think that so you wouldn't question when I didn't show up tonight. I was busy doing the prank of the century," I smirked at him, emphasizing the prank part. Blake snickered. 
"You might want to go check on your common room," I added with a grin. Ian's eyes widened before he ran out of the dining hall. Everyone looked on as he hightailed it to his common room. A few people hurried after him. 
"I have to go see this," Blake was grinning widely as he got up. The twins along with the two girls who helped followed. I fell into step with them, Luca now in my arms. We reached the door to the Green's common room, just in time to watch Ian come running out and gagging heavily. The smell wafted out and it was putrid. The other Green students stood outside the door, none brave enough to venture into the common room. 
"You asshole! How'd you get into the tower?" Ian roared at Blake. Blake was howling with laughter. 
"We didn't," Blake managed to choke out between laughs. "Gemini climbed the outside of the tower. So we technically never went inside your tower." Blake burst into giggles. 
"Who's idea was this?" Ian demanded as he closed the door. 
"Gemini's." everyone chorused and pointed at me. 
"We made the stink bombs," the girls said. 
"We suggested sealing the windows," the twins were grinning. I just stood there with Luca in my arms. Ian just shook his head before he smiled. 
"Jesus," he breathed out, running his hand through his hair. He turned to Blake. "So, this is your prank group?" Ian asked. 
"Yep," Blake said proudly. Ian looked at me.
"You're supposed to start with small pranks," he grumbled as a smirk spread across my lips. 
"It was small," I said with a devilish grin. "Because now, you have a choice to either permanently have your windows open, or suffer in the smell. It's the prank that keeps on giving," I finished. I still had on a mischievous smile as I placed Luca back on my head. He yawned, indicating he was tired. So was I.
"You are so going to pay," Ian promised with a smirk. I just laughed before turning on my heel and walking away.

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