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Four weeks passed by and not a single prank happened in retaliation. Actually, nothing remotely interesting happened during that time. Seriously, four weeks. I'm still running laps in training class. Luca is still with me, and I still use Blake's Internet every night for Netflix and Facebook. I have yet to be caught doing so. However, everyone is going home for the four-day weekend coming up. I'm not though. My parents are out of the country and I was forbidden to take Luca off academy grounds.

So instead, I planned a ton of pranks and had them approved by Professor Miles. I asked him not to let Blake know about the pranks I had planned. If Blake knew I would be staying at the academy, I'm sure he would insist on staying also. I didn't want that. I wanted to spend the four days using his Internet without leaving his room at night.

I also made some little pixie friends who happily agreed to help with my pranks. One involved filling the other towers with packing peanuts. But, since I wasn't allowed to make such a huge mess, it would be just a massive illusion. It would still be funny as hell though. Ian's commons room still smells awful. It would be completely cleaned from top to bottom during the long weekend.

I headed towards the school with Luca in tow. I had been hiding in the forest, waiting until after midday because that was when the train was scheduled to depart. Everyone had been told that the train would not be delayed for anyone. I smiled to myself, headed into the school, and made my way up to the Black tower. Heading inside, I breathed out a sigh of relief. Luca was about juvenile size and stood knee height beside me. I took off my tie and secured it around Luca's middle head. That way, I didn't have to wear it but can still get back inside the dormitories.

I squealed inside the empty tower and ran around. I ran to my room and changed into some polka dotted, black and grey pyjamas. My grey top read "Cute But Psycho, But Cute" in black writing. I pulled on my long, fluffy grey socks that are perfect for sliding across the ground. They also came up to my knees. Luca barked at my before I took my glasses off and brushed my hair back, tying it in a bun. He barked again happily. I laughed at him.

"Aren't you just adorable," I cooed and kissed all three of his noses before I grabbed my speakers. I hauled them down to the common room. Luca ran down after me while I set my speakers, plugged my iPod in, and blared my music in the room. I chose "Word Up," by Little Mix. I turned to Luca and started singing and dancing. He jumped around, moving with me while I laughed joyfully. It didn't take long for the pixies to join the party, along with some other creatures that could fly or climb in the windows. I danced around the room with everyone and just enjoyed myself. The song came to an end and changed to "Roundtable" by Lindsey Sterling. I just continued dancing around. There were no words to this song, just music. I felt myself relax and sway to the music, clearly enjoying myself.

I threw some sugar cubes in the air, and the pixies swarmed them, gathering up the cubes. I stopped to catch my breath, my face hurting from all the smiling and laughing I had done. I'll always look forwards to the long weekends where I can be alone, I thought as I grabbed some water from the fridge nearby. I took a drink from the bottle as the song changed to "Introduction" by Jax Jones.

Luca barked and I saw he had a silver tray in his mouth, a large, silver tray. I took it, looked at the tray for a moment, and then smirked. I took the tray up the stairs, before I placed it on the edge of the top step. I stepped onto the tray and looked down at Luca. He barked again, a big doggy grin on his face before I put weight on my front foot. The tray tipped, sending me sliding down the stairs. I jumped off when I realized it was going to hit the stairs opposite of me. I giggled as I looked at Luca.

"Let's go do this on the bigger stairs!" I said, jumping up and snatching the tray as he yipped at me. I opened the door and ran out with all the creatures. The only people staying at the academy during the weekend were the teachers. I was already notified that they would be remaining in the teacher quarters. I got to the first lot of stairs before placing the silver tray down and stepping on it. The pixies surrounded me and Luca got ready to run. I smiled as I put my weight on my front foot again. As I started sliding down the stairs, I inhaled some air and blew it out to change direction, turning down the next set of stairs. I got to the last flight of stairs and when I reached the bottom, I puffed some air again to come to a stop. Now, to climb back up to the top, I thought. Luca must have read my mind or saw my pondering expression because he grew just big enough for me climb on his back and run me back up the stairs. He proceeded to do so, and in less than a minute, I was back at the top. I smiled and petted him before he shrunk down to his juvenile size.

"How about some lunch first?" I suggested to him. Luca barked happily in agreement before we went back to the common room. I placed the tray down and made my way towards the cupboards. Professor Miles had enchanted the fridge and cupboard to give me what I wanted for food and drink for the weekend. That way, I didn't have to go to the dining hall alone. I pulled some meat out and put it down for Luca. I got myself a bowl of cereal and sat down to eat. I didn't waste much time eating; I wanted to have some more fun.

I had planned the next four days down to every hour until the train arrived with the rest of the students, signalling the end of the long weekend. After I finished eating, I ran upstairs to my room and grabbed my laptop. I had downloaded movies to watch offline. I connected my laptop to the 70-inch TV that hung in the common room, above the fireplace. I had asked Blake about the TV. He had told me that it was only used for the games and preceded to explain to me about the massive competition that this academy, along with three other schools participated in. He warned that these games were dangerous and weren't human friendly games. These games aren't until our third term, though. I sat down on the couch and put my feet up, getting comfortable. One of the pixies turned off the music as the movie started. Luca was curled up on the couch beside me, even though my poor baby isn't 'allowed' on the couch. Those heartless monsters! Everyone tells me to keep him off the couch, but right now no one's here to complain about it.

When I finished the movie, I got up and stretched. I yawned, looking at the time. Damn, it was later than I thought. I ran my hand through my hair after taking my hair tie out. It was getting long again. All right, now I'm bored, I thought to myself. I didn't really have the energy to do anything else though. I just headed upstairs to my room. Looking around for a moment, I grabbed my monsterology book. I headed back down to the common room, intent on doing some light reading. I rubbed my eyes as I rounded the corner and ran smack into Blake and Ian. I paused as they both stared at me. Blinking, I gave a slight groan. Great. Right now I was tired and now annoyed that I wasn't going to be alone all weekend.

"There goes my weekend," I grumbled, rubbing my face before I realized it was exposed. I quickly covered my face with my book, hiding my scars and eye. Crap. Why the hell was Ian here? He isn't allowed in here!

"Did you miss the train?" Blake asked softly to break the silence. 
"I'm going to my room," I told the two boys, ignoring Blake's question. I turned to leave as the pixies collected my things I had left in the common room. Luca ran after me as I hurried up the stairs.

"Did you miss the train?" Really, that was the best you could come up with?" I heard Ian ask sarcastically.

"Like you can talk! I didn't hear you say anything! So yes, it was the first thing to come to mind," Blake shot back. There was a small pause. "Dude, wipe your chin. You have a little drool there," Blake added as he teased his friend. I just closed my door and barricaded it before I slumped down on my bed. Those two were not what I wanted to deal with. Especially on the weekend, I thought as Luca climbed into the bed and curled up with me. I hugged him and closed my eyes before there was a knock on the door.

"Gem," I heard Blake behind the door.

"Go away," I called out and buried my head into my pillow. I was more embarrassed because of my clothes. I flushed as I remembered the two boys taking in my shorts, socks, and a shirt that was long enough to cover my shorts! They probably thought I wasn't wearing any pants!

"We won't tell anyone," Ian said behind the door. "You don't have to hide from us. It's who you are and there's nothing wrong with that."

"Just go away!" I yelled, before Luca got up. He began tugging on my blanket and growling. "Luca, cut it out," I snapped, now annoyed with him.

"Gemini? Why are you still here anyway?" Blake asked through the door.

"Because I didn't want to leave, Luca," I answered simply. "Luca cut it out!" I exclaimed again and pushed him off the bed. He hit the ground with a thud. I liked it better when he was a pup. He's been his juvenile size for a week and it's pissing me off. I looked at him on the ground because he didn't make a sound. Luca moved and looked up at me.

"Can you open the door?" Blake asked softly. Luca huffed and shook his heads.

"You're getting on my nerves, Luca" I scolded the Cerberus.

"Well, that's not nice."

I screamed and fell back off my bed when Luca turned into a guy. The door busted open and the dresser fell over as Blake and Ian charged into my room. That explains why Luca wouldn't turn back into a pup. A shifter has replaced him!

"Who the fuck are you?" Blake roared at the guy.

"Richard," Ian snapped harshly at the guy. "What the fuck do you think you're doing? Impersonating someone's familiar!" he yelled angrily. I got to my feet, looking at the guy who was smirking.

"You know that's against the rules," Blake said.

"Where's Luca?" I yelled.

"Not here," Richard said, still smirking. I approached him and punched him in the face. He hit the ground hard, blood running from a gash on his head.

"Where is he!"? I yelled.

"I'm not-"

I growled at him like an animal and he panicked, scurrying backwards.

"Where is Luca!"? I roared. 
"Dungeon," he squeaked out, terrified of me. I snatched my necktie from him before I punched him again, knocking him unconscious. I ran out of the room and sped towards the dungeon. I ran past Professor Floral and she instantly yelled at me to stop running in the halls. She followed me when I didn't listen to her. I reached the dungeon door and pulled. But it wouldn't open!

"You aren't allowed in there," Professor Floral said as she caught up with me. She was breathing heavily from exertion.

"Luca is in there!" I hurriedly explained before I kicked the door in and broke it in half. I ran inside and found my poor baby lying in the middle of the room. He was weak and lethargic. I gently picked him up and he snuggled into me.

"Why is he here?" Professor Floral questioned me.

"He was taken away and one of the shifters has been impersonating Luca," I whispered before walking out of the dungeon.

"Who?" she asked.

"Some guy named Richard," I answered angrily. She nodded and I walked away, heading back to the tower. I got to the common room and headed inside. I sank down into one of the chairs and snuggled up with Luca. He whimpered and licked the part of my face that was exposed. I just took my hair and made it fall down, covering the exposed part. I sighed softly before the door opened. Blake and Ian walked in. I didn't even give them a single glance. I just kept my attention on Luca.

"So he will be expelled," Blake said softly.

"Uh uh," I mumbled, stroking Luca's fur as he snuggled into my neck. I tucked my feet up on the couch and some pixies brought me some food for Luca.

"Why don't we just go..."? Ian turned to Blake.

"What?" Blake asked.

"She wanted to have a weekend alone, obviously. And we ruined that by walking in here," Ian told him. It was quiet now.

"Okay, but I'm going to get the XBOX and all the games first," Blake said before he headed upstairs.

"Hey, Gem," Ian spoke up.

"Don't," I said simply.


"Don't even make a comment on it, okay? I am human. What happened before wasn't me," I told him.

"Yes, it was," he muttered.

"I can channel power from people around me," I said bluntly. "I can use the strongest person around me and channel their power. Blake was stronger because he's a werewolf. So that's what happened," I finished softly.

"Wow," he whispered, surprised. Blake walked back into the common room with a large box.

"Alright," Blake announced. Silence filled the room again.

"Do you have any good games?" I changed the subject.

"Just old games," Blake answered. "Why? You interested?"

"No, just curious."

"Well, we will be in the temporary tower. If you need some company over the next four days," Ian offered.

"Don't hold your breath," I told him. "Unless your idea of fun is crashing through the hallways and disrupting the peace of the school."

"What did you have in mind?" Blake asked me.

"Maybe later. When Luca is feeling better," I said to the boys. They just nodded slightly before leaving the common room. I sat there with Luca, just keeping him company as he recovered.

Around dinnertime, Luca was doing better. However, I was really bored. Luca looked at me as we sat together. He looked like he was judging me because I had been talking his ears off about whether or not if I should ask Blake and Ian to have dinner together. But, I didn't want to give them the wrong impression, especially since they both were attracted to me. I mean, they are really cute and all. But dating is out of the question for me. Especially since I accidently killed my last boyfriend. He was a shifter, a powerful one too. But when we tried to have sex for the first time, I accidently killed him before we even got our clothes off. My natural instincts mistake sex as an attack and I hurt people. I can't even kiss someone without wanting to hurt them. So I just swore off guy's altogether. I sighed softly and got to my feet.

"Let's lighten the mood, shall we," I said grabbing the silver tray and picking Luca up. I held him in my arms before we walked outside the common room. I dropped the tray on the ground before stepping onto it. Luca's claws dug into my arms once we started sliding. All my worries melted away as I laughed, screaming as I slid down the stairs. I used my breath to change directions again as I went down the stairs. Getting to the last flight of stairs, I panicked when I saw Headmaster standing at the bottom. I inhaled air and directed it at the ground. It gave me enough lift to fly over Headmaster and land behind him, rather than crashing into him. He stopped the tray with his foot, and then picked it up. I held my breath, a little worried due to his expressionless face. Finally, he smiled before he handed me the silver tray.

"I see you're enjoying yourself," he said, chuckling.

"It's the little things," I smiled as I took the tray from him.

"I was just coming to see you, Gemini. I know you must be busy with having fun, but I wanted to ask you if you would be interested in doing some creature taming," he asked me.

"Uh...why?" I paused. "I mean...why are you asking me?" I asked him.

"You love your strange and wonderful creatures," He answered with a grin. He held his hand up to a pixie and it bit him on the finger. "Ouch," he mumbled before he placed the tip of his finger in his mouth.

"I know. But, doesn't Professor Floral do the creature taming?" I asked confusedly.

"She does. But over the past few weeks she has become very impressed by your level of knowledge with many creatures. She asked for your assistance," Headmaster stated somewhat proudly. "She's currently in the creature room, trying to tame a new addition. A kelpie, I believe," he added which made me gasp.

"You have a kelpie?" I exclaimed. My eyes widened and he smiled when he saw my excited reaction. He then nodded before holding out a key.

"To the creature room," Headmaster explained when he saw the confusion on my face. "Especially for you," he added with a grin. I couldn't help but let out a small squeal before I took the key Headmaster was offering. I was giddy with excitement! I profusely thanked him before rushing off. I slid through the hallways and around corners, utilizing my fluffy socks. I came sliding down the last hallway to the creature room, but overshot my target and slid past the door. I spun around and unlocked the door before going inside. The door locked behind me once I was inside. I secured the key on my necklace, which also held Blake's bedroom key before I looked around the room. It was massive! There was no way this was a part of the school!


I looked up towards the ceiling and saw a soaking wet Professor Floral. She was wearing some shorts and a singlet. "Come up here. Leave Luca down there, though. Put him with the other pups," she called out. I scanned the room and saw a playpen full of different baby creatures. I placed Luca down before I sprinted up to the catwalks.

"This place is amazing," I breathed out when I stood in front of the professor. She was smiling.

"Go put these on," she instructed, handing me a pile of clothes. "The kelpie isn't settling into his new home very well, so it's going to be a very wet experience," she added with a grin. When I met up with Professor Floral again I was in similar shorts and singlet she wore.

"Do you have any Sailor's Weed?" I asked her before I saw the kelpie swim past in the massive pool across from us.

"Sailor's Weed?" she asked confusedly.

"It's a type of seaweed. Purple in colour. Grows in single strips," I clarified to the puzzled professor.

"What does it do?" she questioned.

"It can help someone breathe underwater," I explained. "Makes taming underwater creatures easier," I joked.

"How do you know this?"

"Mermaids. Evil things. They tried to drown me once but a water sprite showed me the Sailor's Weed. It only grows deep in the dark, cold water though." I recounted softly. I pointed to the pool.

"May I?"

"Be my guest. But remember, kelpies are carnivores," Professor Floral cautioned.

"I know," I assured her as I took a few steps back. I watched the kelpie as it headed our way. I ran and jumped into the water, holding my breath. I grabbed hold of the kelpie's seaweed mane as it took me for a rather aggressive ride, trying to throw me off. It broke the surface of the water and I sucked in a lungful of air before the kelpie began to dive. I held on tightly and began to examine its body for injuries. I found a large fishing hook in its mouth. I carefully dislodged the hook and the kelpie began to calm down before surfacing. I rode on its back, gently stroking its neck. For those who don't know, a kelpie is a type of water horse. They can venture onto land and look like a regular horse, but not for too long. They have to return to the water.

"How did you do that?" Professor Floral asked with wide eyes as she saw me riding the kelpie. The kelpie took me to the edge of the pool and I climbed off its back. I held up the large fishing hook.

"He was upset that this was in his mouth," I said, handing the hook over before I turned back to the kelpie. "Aren't you the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," I cooed, brushing the kelp off the kelpie's face. It huffed at me and sprayed me with water and mud. Professor Floral burst out laughing at my muddy appearance.

"Kelpies eat mud and use it to ward away children," she giggled as I wiped the mud off my face. The kelpie looked like it was laughing as it moved and forth in the water.

"Very funny," I grumbled sarcastically. The kelpie sprayed me with water and mud again and laughed, as I had to wipe my face off a second time. I smirked before I flicked the mud off my hands and at the kelpie. He stopped laughing before he thrashed his head in the water. I looked at him before he sprayed the water from his mouth, giving me a nice, muddy shower, courtesy of a kelpie.

"I think he likes you," Professor Floral giggled at my expense.

"Can you hand me that life preserver, please?" I asked, pointing at the orange and white ring behind her. She handed it to me with a puzzled look. I smiled before I held up the life preserver for the kelpie to see. "Let's see if you know how to play fetch," I called out before I tossed the ring into the water. He watched it sail through the air and the moment it splashed into the water, he dove after it. I watched with an amused grin as he got the ring around his nose and swam back to us. I laughed.

"Very clever," Professor Floral mused, clearly impressed with my ingenuity.

"Good boy," I said before before grabbing a chunk of meat from a nearby bucket. I tossed it at him and he caught it in his mouth. "I think he's settled in now," I told the professor as I patted his nose. He let me pet him for a moment before he swam away.

"You definitely have a way with creatures," Professor Floral praised with a huge smile. "Come back tomorrow and I'll show everyone to you," she added. I broke into a huge smile of my own and nodded.

"I will," I assured her before I collected Luca and the rest of my belongings. I trudged through the hallways, soaking wet and covered in mud. I'll definitely need a shower, I thought. A nice, long, warm shower. I snapped out of my thoughts when Luca barked. I looked at him, then glanced up and froze. Blake and Ian just stood there gaping. I looked around, cursing when I realized my surroundings. This isn't where I was supposed to be! I had been following Luca while I was deep in my thoughts. "Luca!" I exclaimed, slightly annoyed at the mischievous Cerberus. He just barked again in response.


Blake elbowed Ian, causing Ian to stop talking.

"Why are you covered in mud?" Blake asked.

"I was helping Professor Floral with a kelpie," I mumbled. "I was heading back to my room, following Luca because I was lost in thought..." I trailed off and rubbed the back of my neck, slightly embarrassed.

"A kelpie?" Ian questioned.

"Water creature that looks like a horse," I explained.

"I know what a kelpie is. I just didn't know there was one at the school," Ian said softly.

"It's new. Professor Floral was having problems calming it down after its relocation and she asked me for help. I guess it's because she knows how creatures respond to me."

"And the mud?" Blake asked.

"The kelpie likes me so much he covered me in mud," I rolled my eyes with a slight laugh before looking at myself. "Come on, Luca. I need a shower," I glanced down as Luca barked at me and started walking.

"We were going to watch a movie later. Do you mind if we use the TV in the common room?" Blake asked.

"Go for it," I answered. "But it better be a good movie," I added as I walked away. Both of them chuckled at that last bit. I returned to my room and took a nice, hot shower, washing the mud off my body and hair. When I finished, I pulled on some pyjamas. It was a pair of long pants and a shirt that had 'Coffee is MY Lover' printed on the front. I headed downstairs in search of some scissors. Blake had kindly confiscated my kit of scissors and combs that I used to fix my hair when it gets too long. It was a skill I had to learn since the hairdresser would tell me not to cover my face up. Or they would be too mortified to touch my hair.

"Lost something?" Ian asked as he waltzed into the room. I was still searching for some scissors.

"Looking for some scissors," I responded, not looking at him. I personally didn't have a problem with my scars. It was my ghost eye that worried me. The blue eye is what creeps everybody out, in my experience. People start giving me sympathy and treating me like I'm fragile. I'm definitely not fragile. Gentle-hearted, maybe. But fragile? Nope. Ugh, who am I kidding? My heart is fragile and I'll never love anyone else ever again. But physically, I am the complete opposite of fragile.

"Don't do that," I said to him.

"Do what?" Blake asked as he joined Ian.

"Look at me like I'm fragile," I retorted as I pulled out a really sharp throwing knife from the drawer. "You'll do," I mumbled to myself.

"Who said we were?" Blake asked.

"Because everyone looks at me like I'm fragile after they see the scars on my face." I said before staring at them. "I may not like hurting people, but I have killed others before and I can look after myself. Treating me like I'm a fragile human is a waste of energy and time," I added. They both nodded slightly.

"What are you doing with that knife?" Blake asked cautiously.

"You confiscated my scissors, remember? I used those to cut my hair." I pointed to the knife in my hand. "I'm improvising. I need to cut my hair, somehow. I don't like long hair," I explained. Blake just nodded and I headed back upstairs, knife in hand and went to my bathroom. It didn't take me long to fix my hair to my preference, especially since I was only doing the front of my hair. Luca began to bark from my bedroom. I walked out of the bathroom to see Luca growling and pawing at the floor aggressively because Blake had walked in, uninvited. "Easy there, Luca," I sighed as he slowly calmed down.

"Are you coming to watch the movie?" Blake asked.

"Possibly. You guys can start without me," I answered. He nodded and left the room. I turned back to clean the mess I had made in the bathroom.

Supernatural Academy (First Year)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora