Twenty five

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I stayed up all night putting my stuff away thinking about the games. I don't know much about creatures with consciousness. I know how to brake down their power levels but that's about it. And I only know of a few with consciousness. Leviathans. Pegasus. Sphinx and thunderbirds. None of which I have ever seen. But I know there are more then four. I had flipped though every single book last night to try and find anything but I got nothing. So instead I sat down and wrote a letter to both Olivia and victor. Telling them how great full I was for the information but that I wouldn't be participating in the games. How my influence over the creatures had me band from participating I told them I knew nothing about the games and my contact with those who were participating in them was limited to avoid anyone else finding out about what may be happening in the Black games. I proceeded to offer them both information about any creatures they may end up facing if they wanted the information or secrets. And then just to make sure they fell for it all I made sure to flirt with them both apologising about the way I acted and only did so because I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings especially those who have control over my life. Placing the letters in two envelopes I headed out of my room and down to the common room. I stopped walking when I saw the guys standing there waiting. It was clear they were waiting because they weren't talking to each other. And they all had interest in something else. 
"Did you take the book back?" Ian asked 
"Yeah I snuck in early this morning and took it." I said simply before Luca who was resting on my shoulder lick my neck and I shuttered "that is so gross Luca." I said wiping my neck 
"What are they?" Dante asked pointing to the letters in my hand. 
"Well if I'm correct. Each school will be told different information about the games. I have a feeling they don't know about the shoes. So that would mean Olivia wouldn't know about the terrain and victor wouldn't know about the creatures. So these are letters to them both about how I won't be participating in the games but would happily offer them help with creature knowledge. This way we will get information about what creatures we maybe up against and things like that." I said with a smile holding up the letters "be thankful this is a team games because otherwise I wouldn't tell any of you anything." I added. 
"I did find something out you might want to know." Dante said softly. 
"What?" Blake asked 
"Victors team has a human. This human's power level is over two thousand. I was able to do a small body jump this morning and went to their school. The human was able to see my spirit. Well I think he was. He was talking to something I couldn't see." Dante said softly 
"None of us are close to that level." Ian said alarmed. 
"I am." I said simply. They looked at me. "If I use my wolf my power level increases to 1800 roughly." I added. 
"You are kidding right?" Jason asked I shifted my face before the numbers began to appear on my forehead. 
"Shit." Dante said alarmed "when was the last time you checked your power level because it increased to 2030." Dante added before everything faded back. They were all a bit shaken up now 
"Must have been all the training over the holidays." I said simply knowing very well it would have been the angelic presence now. "I need to post these." I added 
"I have to post them." Blake said I looked at him he rolled his eyes "technically I'm required to read everything before anything is posted to avoid secrets being leaked out. Which means I have to send them as well. It's just my job but I'll just post them not read them." Blake said 
"Ok." I said with a shrug and handed them over to him. "I won't be in classes today either since I don't have to be so I'm going to try and get my hands on the last edition of monsterology." I said with a smile 
"What does the guy want for it?" Dante asked. 
"I was serious when said I can't say." I said with a weak smile. "And if I told any of you. You would try and stop me. So I'm trying to find another solution." I added and left the common room. I made my way downstairs and to Professor Floral's office. I knocked on the door just waiting for her to answer. 
"Come in!" She yelled out. I walked inside and looked around at her frantic mess "What do you need?" She asked trying to catch a brownie that was running muck. I have a short shadow whistle and he stopped in his tracks before she caught him and put him back in his cage. 
"So Olivia and victor have been telling me secrets about the games." I said simply 
"So you know we are all given different information so each school has a different advantage?" She asked 
"Yes. But there is one problem." I said looking at her "creatures with consciousness. I don't know anything about them except power level assessment." I said softly. 
"And what are you trying to ask me." She said. I looked down now. 
"They guy who owns the original and only copy won't sell it to me. He will only trade it to me." I said softly 
"What does he want in return?" She asked 
"My body." I whispered. "He wants rights to my body in exchange for a book." I added she gasped in horror. 
"Absolutely not!" She yelled at me 
"If I give you his name and location can you try and obtain the book. Money isn't an object. And from what I know about him. Female witches are useless to him so he won't ask that from you." I said softly 
"What does he do?" She asked 
"He's a species breeder. Likes to try and breed people to create half-breeds. He is a massive problem for the STA and they are constantly having to kill the children who escape from his land because they can't handle the conflict between the two races." I said softly. She was horrified. "He knows my body will be able to produce children without that complication which is why I made it impossible for myself to have children. I won't have a hybrid born from me because I have seen how quickly that can get ugly and how the children's need for blood starts so young." I whispered. My voice was weak. 
"How is this guy still alive?" She whispered. 
"He is untouchable because of his influence in the human world. If he ended up dead an investigation would expose the supernatural in a heartbeat." I said softly. She nodded slightly. 
"Can you take over my classes and I'll retrieve the book one way or another." She said softly. I nodded slightly and wrote down the guys names and address before I pulled the blue Diamond from my pocket and placed it down 
"40 million right there." I said softly and she gasped again. 
"You have been carrying that around with you! Do you have any idea what a blue Diamond can do!" She yelled at me 
"I know exactly what it can do. But I'm willing to make the sacrifice." I said looking at her. 
"No." She said pushing the Diamond back to me "I'll find a way to get the book. Just pay me back in money. You keep this and never let it out of your sight. Never let anyone know you have it." She added in a serious tone. I nodded and placed the Diamond on my necklace before she handed me a book. 
"What's this?" I asked 
"Lesson plan." She said with a smile "you know everything so why not just teach my classes." She said I nodded slightly before the bell rang. 
"Thank you Professor Floral." I said with a smile she nodded slightly before I left the room and made my way to the first classes. I walked in and everyone looked at me. Blake and Ian were yelling at the students to shut up and sit down and they did. 
"You said you weren't coming." Dante said looking at me 
"Actually. I'm teaching." I said everyone started laughing now. I glared at them and they shut up. "Professor Floral has gone off school grounds. For how long I do not know. And since I have completed every monsterology lesson for the year she asked me to step in and teach in her absence. So guess what. I control your grades until she gets back." I said with a smirk. They all looked worried now. I don't actually. But it's an excellent threat 
"I'm so going to be failed." Jason mumbled. 
"Good. Now that I have everyone's attention. Who knows what a Nue is?" I asked looking around no one answered me. I looked at Blake and Ian and both of them looked clueless as well "if you are both second year why do you not know?" I asked them 
"We skipped a lot of monsterology classes." Ian admitted. I just looked at them before they both sat down joining the lesson. 
"A Nue is a chimera. Part monkey part tiger part snake. Everyone open your books and search for a Nue in your book. Whoever can tell me the origin of a Nue on the next 60 seconds will receive extra marks." I said they all instantly began to serve though their books. Dante was the fastest and he got to his feet 
"There is nothing in this book about a Nue." He said I smirked now. 
"I know." I said amused. "You all brought the wrong book to the lesson. You would have all had a return letter on your beds about what books would be required for this terms lessons. I know this because I was the one who put the letters on everyone's beds. And this morning I found every single one of them in the trash unopened. This term was to focus upon Japanese creatures. You needed volume two of monsterology." I said simply. Everyone looked ashamed now before the pixies came in changing everyone's books 
"She is so mean." Someone whispered. 
"Now if you can all find the Nue in the correct books and raise your hand once you have found it. This way we know who is stupid and who is not." I said with a smile and everyone back to open their books including Blake and Ian. After a long minute everyone had raised their hands. I nodded slightly. "Now. Who wants to read out what is says about the Nue?" I asked and instantly all hands dropped. 
"I will." Dante said standing up. Of course. I thought 
"Go ahead." I said simply 
"A Nue is a chimera with a head of a monkey. Body of a raccoon dog. Tail of a snakehead and legs of a tiger. The Nue is known to bring bad luck to those who breath in the Black smoke the surrounds the Nue." Dante said reading from the book. I nodded slightly 
"Thank you Dante." I said and he gave me a smile. "But what is written isn't actually correct. The smoke that surrounds a Nue isn't dangerous. The black smoke is actually a part of the Nue because a Nue can turn itself into a black cloud to hide from humans and anyone or thing that means to bring it harm. It is true that a Nue bring misfortune. But only if you look into the eyes of the snake. For this reason you will not be coming in contact with a Nue because the misfortune can be deadly. But you are required to do research on a Nue and then write an 200 words on it." I said with a smile 
"Only two hundred. Yes!" One of the guys said excited. 
"Moving on." I said with a smile "turn to page 87 and then raise your hand." I said. Everyone did as I asked 
"What is an Enenra?" Dante asked confused. "There is no information it is blank." He added and everyone started whispering. 
"Does anyone know what an Enenra is?" I asked looking around the room. No one had any idea. "You will have until next lesson to find out what you can about an Enenra. Any questions?" I asked 
"Aren't you going to tell us anything about it?" Jewels asked alarmed. 
"No. But since everyone has a free period next you should use that time to search for information on an Enenra. If you manage to bring me any information about one you will be excused from writing an essay about an Enenra." I said with a smile "does anyone have any questions about. A Nue?" I asked no one answered me. 
"Can I borrow your books?" Blake blurted our. 
"Absolutely not." I said simply. "My personal collection of the monsterology books is not for you to use to cheat. Find your own way to get information without braking into my room." I said looking at him Ian Dante and Jason. They all nodded slightly 
"And if we do?" Jason asked Luca jumped from my shoulder growing big enough to be dangerous and growled at Jason 
"If you touch my monsterology books I'll have Luca tear you apart. Blake Ian and Dante are already away that them books are more valuable then someone else's life." I said simply. They nodded and the classes were actually terrified. "However if everyone is able to obtain one price of information about a Enenra I will display a page about Nue for you all to obtain enough information to write an essay about them." I said with a smile. 
"How valuable are these books?" One of the guys asked. He was a warlock. Male witch. 
"They are the original monsterology books. I have all but one of them in my possession. Each book is valued at a hundred million US dollars. They are all locked away in a safe that can only be opened with my blood because I don't trust anyone." I said simply before Luca left the room to go protect my room. 
"You know you just gave away the only way to open the safe." The guy said. I smiled now 
"This was the last time someone else made me bleed without my consent." I said pointing to the scares on my face. "You would literally have to beat me until I am unconscious to obtain my blood to get into the safe. Because I'll tell you now if I can still think you will not be opening that safe." I said with a smile. 
"So scary." A girl from green whispered covering her eyes from me 
"You are so adorable when you can threaten with a smile." Kitty said purring from the front row. I looked at her she still wasn't eligible to be in green. 
"I'm so thankful you aren't allowed in the Black tower." I said simply. God if she was in there she would probably be trying to get into my bed every night. 
"I didn't think you influenced worked on those of lower power level." Dante said I looked at him 
"She's a cat. She finds everything attractive." I said simply as she purred looking at me licking her lips. "Any questions about the lesson?" I asked everyone shook their heads no. 
"I have one." Ian said. I looked at him "why are you teaching about creatures some of us will never come in contact with?" He asked. 
"I'm just following the lesson plan twisting it to how it works for me. And since getting though to everyone was easy I decided to teach two lessons at once. The Enenra wasn't meant to be taught until tomorrow but if the lesson are done quickly you all get a few days off when it comes to the red and green games which is what everyone's wants to focus on them games that will happen next week and two weeks after that." I said simply 
"How long will Professor Floral be gone?" Blake asked 
"Two weeks minimum." I said simply. They all nodded and the bell ran. Everyone got up and began to leave. Blake and Ian approaches me tho so did Dante but Jason left. 
"Can we Please have information about an Enenra?" Blake asked 
"That or I brake into your safe." Ian said. 
"You need her blood." Dante said. Ian smirked now with his fangs 
"I can get it because she won't fight me." Ian said amused. I smiled now 
"You really think I would make it that easy?" I asked him he stopped smiling now. "Not only do you need my blood Ian. You have to separate the dna stands and use the right strand of DNA. Whether it be human wolf vampire or angel now." I said. They just looked at me blankly. It was a lie. I only use an illusion to hide my books behind a safe. If Dante got into my room he would see though it. 
"How do you do that?" Dante asked 
"Easily. I can break it down in my blood. I can separate my own bloods DNA and use it. What would take you 48hrs can take me 30 seconds. So no. You will not be using my books to cheat. Especially since you had to go to the whole threatening to brake into my room." I said with a smile "and you have to get past Luca who's under strict orders to let no one inside." I added. They all sighed softly looking down. 
"What about a trade?" Dante asked looking at me again I smirked now 
"Depends what are you offering me?" I asked him 
"So you would give us information if we have you something in return?" Blake asked
"Only if I like what you are offering now shoo. I have another class." I said simply. They nodded softly "use the pixies to communicate offers. You don't want other students betting you to the best information." I added with a smirked amused they nodded again and left the room. I sighed softly and sat down on the desk crossing my legs over holding my copy of the volume two monsterology. It just had the paper cover over it so no one picked up on the fact it was the original copy and neither did the guys when I had it opened to Enenra while they were standing there. The blue class made their way inside the classroom and took their seats. 
"Is that a black student." Someone whispered
"She's kind of cute." Another added I looked up when the seats were full. 
"Good morning professor Floral is off school grounds for the next two weeks and asked that I teach her glasses on monsterology. Now does everyone have the correct book? Volume two of monsterology?" I asked and everyone nodded slightly. "Perfect. The first student to stand and tell me what a Nue is will receive extra marks." I said instantly four students stood up but they hesitated now. 
"It's a chimaera-"
"Part money and tigers
"Also a snake and raccoon dog-"
"And it can brings misfortune when you breath in the black smoke it secrets from its body." I just looked at the four of them as they tried to for better them each other. I smiled now closing my book. 
"Come write your names down on this piece of paper along with your class." I said holding up a sheet of paper and they all moved down to do as I asked as I continued with my lesson

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