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I woke up with a massive hangover. We smashed both bottles of whiskey and then we ended up raiding the teacher's secret alcohol collection and my head was pounding. The more I woke up the more I realised it wasn't just my head that was sore. My whole body hurt. Oh gods please don't say I lost control while drunk I though opening my eyes. I practically panicked and almost screamed but I didn't because I didn't want to wake Blake or Ian. And I was lying between them naked! They were naked! I panicked and carefully got up pulling my clothes on and running out of there with Luca and back to my room before anyone could see me. Getting into my room I ran to the bathroom. Jesus! I removed my clothes looking at myself dried blood trail from my lips. Evidence of Ian biting my neck. Scratching from Blake over my waist. Bruised covered my body. My legs were sore. And my sex was definitely satisfied. I sunk to the ground in the corner of the bathroom hyperventilating. I hugged myself just sitting there panicking. I had sex with both of them! Why don't I remember! Tears stung my eyes as I put my head back against the wall. What the fuck happened? I held my head as flashbacks of last night ran though my mind. Oh god. Ian had kissed me when Blake was in the shower and he walked out seeing it happening. He got angry but I said fair is fair and he could have a kiss. And things just escalated rapidly. I can't even say I didn't want it because I did. I crawled into the shower turning the cold water on and just sat under the cold water. I can't even talk to anyone about this. That would cause so many problems. And everyone already hates me because Blake and Ian like me. Jesus I would rather face the krampus then have a conversation with either of them right now. I could get away with blaming the alcohol but I think they would upset them. I touched my lips lightly. I could still taste them both. Blake tasted like butterscotch. Sweet. A little too sweet for my liking honestly. But Ian. Ian was bitter. He tasted like coffee without sugar. But together they were that right mix. I shook my head clear getting up off the ground and got out of the shower. I dried myself off then got dressed before I pulled my headphones on and left the tower in a hurry. Walking down the stairs I reached the bottom as victor was there with a couple of the guys from his school. He smiled at me and was chewing something. I took my headphones off when he spoke 
"What?" I asked him he moved closer to me 
"I said I have something for you." He said. His breath smelt of primrose. Before I could respond he spat in my eyes. That was so gross but it was also a love concoction. Chewing primrose petals and the roots combined with supernatural saliva spat directly into the eyes of someone you desire can force the feelings of love. But I was absolutely disgusted. 
"Did you just spit primrose in her eyes?" I heard Blake asked angry from behind me. 
"Of course I did. I mean. No one else was going to do it afraid it wouldn't work. But she's emotionally unstable and susceptible to love potions." Victor said sounding very proud of himself. 
"They wear off." Ian said bluntly and equally as angry. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and put my headphones back on walking away to avoid having a full-blown rage meltdown at victor. My arm was grabbed and I turned around my fist came in contact with victors face and it dropped him to the ground. I took my headphones off and looked at him again 
"Primrose only works in human." I said bluntly 
"You are human you bitch." He snapped at me holding his nose. 
"I appear human but I am not human." I said bluntly. "Not if you excuse me. I have creatures who require my attention." I said and turned on my heel pulled my headphones in and walked away trying not to run away because Ian and Blake were there. I was extremely embarrassed about last night and had absolutely no courage to look at them.

After I feet Ivory and Thurso everyone was called to the dining hall for an announcement. Clothing attire didn't matter everyone had to be in the dinning hall in 15 minutes. I walked into the dining hall and made my way to my seat sitting down. Ian and Blake were arguing with the headmaster about something before they came to sit down. I took my headphones off in fear of what they would say but they didn't say anything. And I couldn't speak so I just started eating. 
"The krampus got closer to the school." Blake said softly as Dylan Bryan Victor and Olivia sat at the end of the table of the other side of Blake and Ian. 
"What happen to your nose?" Olivia asked victor who was holding a hand towel to his still bleeding nose. 
"He got punch in the face by Gemini because he spat a Love potion in her face." Ian said smirking. Olivia looked at me now I just stuck a piece of waffle in my mouth not looking at them or even shifting my eyes from my coffee that rested in front of me. 
"She isn't that special." Olivia said offended. 
"She's a human who punched out a 879 power level vampire." Blake said simply 
"Not human." Victor mumbled like he was repeating it. Olivia was a witch. And she was very offended by my presence. Professor miles approached the table and ushered the students further down away from the advisories and me. 
"Shouldn't I move?" I asked professor miles 
"Absolutely not." He said looking at me "we need your expertise." He added walking away. I just rolled my eyes Luca growled yanking on my tie and I looked at him 
"What?" I asked him. He barked at me "ok jez sorry." I said handing him three pieces of bacon rolling my eyes at him and his attitude. 
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Victor said looking at me. I woke up right in the middle of the bed I thought taking a drink from my coffee. Right in the middle of a hot mess and memories of the devilish things Ian and Blake did to me. 
"I apologise for all the secrecy but we don't want to cause a panic." Professor Floral said from behind me. "The krampus began to hunt on school grounds. So far no one had been hurt but we have locked everyone inside the dining hall the most secure room in the academy until the krampus leave." 
"One way in one way out. You just gave her a damn buffet selection." I muttered and everyone glared at me including Blake and Ian. 
"You should learn to keep you mouth shut." Victor said 
"Excuse me but I can be a moody bitch if I wasn't to be. Especially when I have a hangover. The last thing I want right now is to be locked in a room full of people who hate me. So why don't you shut your mouth before I brake you fucking jaw." I said harshly. 
"That will be enough of that Gemini." The headmaster said softly. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my food stabbing it aggressively. "Now we need solutions to this problem. One that doesn't endanger any students." The headmaster said softly before there was a loud crash against the big wooden doors. Everyone was now frightened and on the feet. I didn't move. 
"Like I said. You just gave her a buffet selection." I said simply "it would have been better to evacuate everyone to the train and move everyone away from the school until she left." I added sticking some food in my mouth. 
"How can you be eating at a time like this?" Olivia asked her sweet innocent voice now gone and she was angry and aggressive. 
"Like this." I said picking up some food and sticking it in my mouth. "And no one cares as to what I have to say anyway." I added 
"Gemini if that thing gets in here-" 
"No." I said cutting the headmaster off getting to my feet "why should I have to be the one to save everyone when you wouldn't listen to my opinion last night and then put me under watch thinking I would go after her." I said looking at him. 
"Gemini." Ian said alarmed. Ok. I was being way more then a bitch then I wanted to be. But I was starving. I didn't have my blood this morning. The headmaster just looked at me there was another crash against the doors and the headmaster sighed. 
"Because if you don't do something we will all die." The headmaster said "the life of the school rests in your hands now after I made the mistake." The headmaster admitted. I nodded slightly. 
"If you listened to me yesterday I could have given you a solution to ride the krampus from the area without anyone getting hurt. But you automatically assumed I wanted to kill it." I said simply. "Krampus are terrified of dragons. If you brought one onto school grounds she would have run away." I added before picking up a knife off the table 
"I have a bigger sword then that little knife." Victor said because I was holding a small paring knife. It wasn't much bigger then my own hang and would inflict absolutely no damage onto a krampus. But that wasn't my intention. If I try and kill her I'll lose control because I'm so hungry. 
"Have you ever fought a krampus?" I asked him 
"No." He said 
"I have killed one so how about you just let me do what I am good at." I said bluntly he looked away from me. "I'll get her outside. But someone get a cage to the training ground strong enough to hold her. I don't feel like killing another creature." I said simply 
"I'll get onto the cage." Professor Floral said way to eager to capture a krampus now. The doors busted open and everyone screamed at the sight of the eight-foot monster that stood there soaked in blood she snatched up some people she could reach but I cut my hand before she could bite them. My blood drew her attention. Massaging my blood over my hand I held it up and she became distracted by it. And it clouded her sense. The krampus dropped her sack to the ground and I moved out of the dining hall. Walking backwards though the hallway with my hand up the krampus followed me sniffing the air. Once outside Professor Floral was there with a large cage I walked backwards into the cage and the krampus followed me inside. The door locked behind it and I slipped between the bars. I glanced at Professor Floral and she placed an enchantment around the cage before she gave me a nod. I lowered my hand before I sighed. Ok that was easy. I though and walked over to the cage. I ran my hand along the bars around the cage. The smell of my blood made her disoriented so it would prevent her for lashing out. Professor Floral handed me a towel and I cleaned my hand before some pixies came to bandage it up. 
"I think we just found our study piece." The headmaster said approaching the cage students walked outside the school to investigate what happened "I apologise to everyone for the trouble this morning. Our game piece got lose and we had trouble catching it." The headmaster said calmly to everyone. I just shook my head and walked away. From the cage and towards the school. I needed to feed. And very soon before I start reacting violently. I rubbed my throat as I climbed the stairs to the common room and headed inside. It was empty because everyone was interested in the krampus. I got to my room and opened my fridge grabbing a bag of blood. I opened it and started drinking it the blood. The taste cleared my head. I would prefer it warm but I didn't have the patience right now. I closed my eyes the taste of b positive blood was very similar to that of Ian and Blake. It was slightly sweeter. But it was extremely close. I licked my lips from the couple drops of blood that rested in them. I jumped and hide the blood behind my back wiping my mouth when the door opened. It was Ian and Blake. 
"That explains why you were moody." Ian said 
"Will you get the fuck out?" I yelled at them and they left my room instantly. I sighed softly sitting back on my bed holding my head. I just started drinking my blood again slightly quicker then before. Not really savouring the taste. Once the packet was empty I throw it into the bed and wiped my lips. But I was tiered so I lay down on my bed face first hugging my pillow. I heard the door open and then close softly 
"Are you ok Gem?" I heard Blake ask. But I didn't answer. I was still too embarrassed to talk to them. 
"Are you ignoring us?" Ian asked me. But I didn't answer again. 
"Care to explain why you are ignoring us?" Blake asked and Luca crawled onto my back and lay down in the middle of my back. They sighed softly at me ignoring them. 
"Gemini." Ian said softly. "Are you ignoring us because of last night?" Ian asked 
"You know we didn't have a choice when it came to keeping an eye on you." Blake said. Seriously that's what they think is bothering me. Blake and Ian were quiet now. 
"Well if you aren't going to talk we will leave you alone." Ian said softly. Why does that sound and feel like a threat? I thought feeling a little miserable. 
"Unless you want to talk." Blake added before I heard the door open. It closed again and I just didn't move. I yawned slightly and held the pillow close to me. I could get to sleep right now. I thought. 
"Luca move." I mumbled trying to push him off my back. He moved off me and I took my blazer off with little movement and throw it to the ground along with my tie. Still laying face down I kicked my shoes off and just lay in bed now feeling more comfortable. Luca crawled back onto my back and walked up to the back of my neck and curled up against my neck. "Luca." I said annoyed picking him up off my neck and moving him. my hangover was killing me. 
"So that just proves you aren't angry at us." Blake said and I jumped 
"What the fuck? Can I not just get some sleep?" I snapped at them both who were hiding in my room. I just laid back down closing my eyes again. I was exhausted and I didn't understand why. 
"What's wrong with you?" Ian asked 
"Incase you forgot we didn't sleep last night. So I'm fucking tiered." I said pulling the pillow over my head to hide how embarrassed I was. Being up all night isn't normally a problem for me. So I don't know why I'm so exhausted now. Could be because Ian did bite me and had some of my blood. Could be because have how intense and how long last night was could just be because my body still hurt. 
"If you are bothered by what happened then it won't happen again." Blake said softly. Yeah well I wanted it to happen again which is why I'm so angry with myself. Because I wanted it again and I hated that I wanted it. And I hated that just one of them isn't good enough.  "Neither of us planed that Anyway." He added sounding slightly embarrassed 
"Shut up." I mumbled, "I just want to go to sleep." I added. 
"Do you care if we hang around?" Ian asked 
"Whatever." I mumbled getting comfortable. J couldn't even keep my eyes open anymore. I felt the bed move on either side of me with them both lying down. 
"I do have to admit I have never tasted anyone like you before." Ian said softly from the left of me. 
"Shut up." I said bluntly I didn't want to hear about any of it. I was embarrassed by it all and definitely didn't want their opinion on it. 
"I'll agree with that. I didn't know someone could taste like they." Blake said smirking. 
"Alright you can both fuck off now." I said harshly 
"I told you she was embarrassed." Ian said chuckling. 
"Say another word I dare you." I said my voice had shifted and it was way more threatening now. Both of them shut up quickly now. "Now I'm going to sleep. If you wake me for anything less then an emergency I'll punch you both in the throat." I added 
"Understood." They said in a softer voice and I just closed my eyes drifting off to sleep.

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