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I woke up to Luca jumping on me I groaned in annoyance before he shove me out of bed and I hit the ground hard. Luca jumped off the bed and landed on my back and I groaned again 
"You are a real prick when you want to be." I said looking at Luca before he started licking my face. All three of his heads licked my face making me giggle, "ok I'm up." I said getting up going to shower. I pulled my uniform on and held my shoes in hand with my stockings before I left the room. My boots tend to wake people up. Normally I don't give two fucks but I don't want particular people catching me. Aka Jason. I got downstairs to the common room with Luca beside me being quiet. I opened the door and my skin crawled. I turned around my eyes landed in Dante. 
"Sneaking out I sees." Dante said with a smirk on his lips 
"I'm not sneaking out. I have jobs to do." I said bluntly "has a problem with it take it up with Blake he knows what I'm doing at this hour." I added and ran out the common room with Luca. The pixies were waiting with that silver tray and I just smirked jumping into it Luca jumped between my feet and I held my hand out their little vines wrapped around my hand and they pulled me down the stairs and though the hallways towards the creature room. Arriving I let myself inside and grabbed two buckets. One to fill with meat and the other with different types of seaweed. I got to the top of the catwalk and took my uniform off so I was just in Well a bikini because that's what I put on under my uniform today. Just a simple black bikini. I folded my uniform up and placed them in a plastic back to avoid them getting wet. I dove into the water and it got the kelpies attention first. I caught his mane as he swam past me and encouraged him to swim like he was hunting for his food. He took a dive down deep before he swam up fast and leaped out of the water. I laughed at him before he glided over to the food tiered now. I throw him his food before the hippocampus surface. I slipped back into the water swimming up beside her. 
"How are we today beautiful." I said softly stroking her neck. She rubbed her head up against mine before she pushed me towards her back. I climbed onto her before holding onto her stem. It's the strongest of the fin spines on her head fourth spine and is made to be held onto by a rider. She started swimming but she wasn't that strong. She was still very weak but I knew that. I knew we had to build her strength back up. She took a dive down but she couldn't even dive that deep before having to surface again. When she took me back to the buckets I gave her her breakfast. While she ate that I examined her again feeling her body and feeling how weak her muscles were. I'll have to come see her at lunch again to try and get her moving around some more. I thought before climbing out of the water. I grabbed a towel drying myself off before I began to get dressed. I got everything but my stockings and boots on before the bell rang. Oh no! I have been here that long already! I ran out of the creature room with my remaining things and Luca. I sprinted though the hallways water dropped from my hair as I slipped a little bit because my feet didn't have the best of grip. A lot of students looked at me concerned because I was running so hard. I ran into the classroom and everyone looked at me. 
"Late Gemini." Professor Floral said looking at me with her arms crossed before she saw my wet hair and feet "why are you shoes not on?" She asked 
"Didn't get a chance." I said with a smile taking the sandwich that was wrapped in paper from Blake's hand making my way to my chair "I could have been another 10 minutes late if I stoped to put my shoes on before running here." I added sitting down 
"Well don't get too comfortable." She said simply I rolled my eyes and pulled on my stockings and shoes before I started eating my breakfast giving half of my sandwich to Luca who was on my lap 
"She gets away with that?" Jason asked from across the room 
"Gemini has other responsibilities of a morning and that interfere with her own breakfast hours. So as long as she remains first in the class I do not really care what she does." Professor Floral said simply. "Now everyone please follow Blake and Ian to the creature room." 
"What!" I said, "If the lesson was there why did you make me run here?" I asked 
"Because I like to torment you." She said with a smile and everyone laughed I sighed softly getting up setting Luca on my head because no one looks out for him when he walks with me. I made my way down the stairs with everyone else and outside. I need to thank Blake for my sandwich. I thought to myself as I finished eating.

Reaching the creature room everyone walked inside and looked around in awe. We were under strict rules to stay close because we would be meeting two creatures this morning. And I knew exactly which two. My two. I knew that because we were standing on the catwalk to the edge of their pool. I just stood there for a moment as everyone was lined up against the edge of the pool. I looked at Blake and he was already looking at me. I moved towards him and he smiled 
"Thanks for my breakfast." I said with a smile 
"Not a problem." He said smiling at me 
"Gemini." Professor Floral said 
"Yes?" I asked 
"Call him." She said. I grabbed the red ball from off the bucket near the pool and throw it into the water. A few seconds later the kelpie came up into the air hitting the ball up a few people gasped before he swam over to me hitting the ball across the water 
"Good boy." I said in a baby tone patting his nose and he thrashed the water because he was proud. 
"For a carnivore it's very tame." Jason spoke. I smirked slightly 
"Don't do it." Blake said bluntly from near by. 
"Kill Joy." I muttered before I whistled at the kelpie. He dove back into the water before he surfaced and sprayed a mouth of mud at Jason. I snickered now and even more when I noticed Dante was standing beside him and wore most of the mud as well "two for one. That my good boy." I said before throwing him a chunk of meat as a reward 
"Gemini." Professor Floral said looking at me 
"It's just mud." I said with a smile. She shook her head trying not to laugh. 
"Where is She?" She asked now. 
"She's not doing to well at the moment." I said softly "and I think she may be scared of the crowd." I added looking at the water. 
"Everyone back away from the edge." Professor Floral instructed. I kicked off my shoes and took my stockings off before I sat on the edge with my legs in the water. She wasn't coming up. Something must be wrong. I though. I whistled at the kelpie and he looked at me 
"Go Get her." I said. He dove down and I stood up again. Growing worried I took my blazer off and my tie. 
"Are you going to jump in?" I heard Dante say alarmed "with a kelpie in them waters?" He added I just ignored him. But the kelpie wasn't coming back. So something was wrong. I took my shirt and skirt of diving into the water swimming down as fast as I could. Nothing. They weren't anywhere. I swam deeper despite my burning lungs but I didn't care I was worried about both of them. My worry quickly progressed to my wolf and my face shifted and I was able to see well under water. I found them both deeper down and tangled in a net. I swam to them and nearby was sailors weed I eat it quickly and a lot of it before I could breath underwater. My nails sharper to claws and I began to cut them both free from the net. I freed the kelpie first and he swam away frightened. Before I began to free the hippocampus. She was scared and losing her glow again. I calmed her down and her skin glowed enough for me to see better. I got her free before I began to gather the net. It was brand new. Gaining control over my wolf again she faded back and I began to swim back up to the surface next in hand. I surfaced and throw the net onto the edge everyone looked at me horrified 
"You have been down there for five minutes!" Crystal yelled at me. 
"I'll be back." I said simply and swam back down. I found the hippocampus hiding in a little cave. She was so scared. And the netting had injured her again. I held her head close stroking her face before kissing her between her eyes. She calmed down but not by much so I allowed her to rest and went searching for the kelpie he was losing his mind swimming really fast and out of control. I caught his mane and the force actually hurt my arm this time. But I managed to pull back on him and slow him down enough to calm him down. I checked him over for injuries and he was fine just spooked. Once he was completely calm he returned to what he always does. Shows off. I swam back to the hippocampus and she looked at me before laying her head back down I ran my hand over her neck before her whole body kind of cramped up. I paused for a moment before feeling her stomach. Oh my god! She is pregnant! That is why she is so slushy and slow. How did I miss this? Probably because I'm not trained. I thought moving to straighten her out so she could lay her eggs. Hippocampus laid eggs. Kelpies give birth to one or two other kelpies. But hippocampus focus. She will lay an average of 10 eggs. And with any luck I can have them all hatch in the next 30 days but normally only 5 survive the incubation period. I just waited for her to lay her eggs and she didn't even want to leave them. I don't blame her. I kissed her head again before leaving her to defend her nest. I surfaced and pulled myself onto the edge 
"Where is She?" Professor Floral asked as Ian handed me a towel. I took it with a smile wiping my face 
"Not come up." I said simply "she won't for the next 27-34 days." I added looking at her. 
"What?" She asked confused before the kelpie surfaced up in front of me I held the towel up to protect myself from the spray of mud. I chuckled and looked at him 
"You missed." I said poking my tongue at him and he grabbed my foot and pulled me back into the water 
"How do you allow this?" I heard Dante say annoyed "kelpies are knows to eat humans." He added 
"Seriously Dante?" Blake asked "you are asking that question when she can stair down a windego with nothing but pure joy on her face?" Blake added 
"She can do what?" Jason asked alarmed. 
"You have s lot of catching up to do." Professor Floral said simple. "Gemini out of the water class is almost over." She said 
"Alright alright." I said swimming to the edge and pulling myself out. I was handed another towel and I wrapped it around myself to avoid the gazing eyes of every damn guy who practically saw me strip. I collected my clothes before going to the bathroom room in here to get dry and changed. Walking out of the bathroom in my clothes I dried my hair with the towel before throwing it into the hamper with all the other towels. I re-joined the class who was looking at a picture of a leviathan. A weight was placed on my head and I touched it. Luca. I turned around and saw Blake with a smile. I smiled at him before looking back at the picture. 
"Nice tattoos by the way." Jason said from the other side of me a smirk in his voice. Luca began to growl from my head. 
"Gemini can you brake down how to identify a leviathans power level. Since no one else can." Professor Floral said annoyed with the class 
"You can't brake down a leviathans power level because of the pure size of them they are ranked too damn high to even bother to try and identify its power level. So you can basically say if you ever look at one you are fucked." I said with a smile 
"Gemini." She said warningly. I rolled my eyes 
"A full grown leviathan had a base power level of forty five thousand. Now depending on the breed of leviathan the power abilities vary but for my point I'll talk about the one in the picture." I said simply. "A sea serpent leviathan. The sharp pointy snout says he has venom. That would be a three thousand increase. The number of raised armoured scales from the head would be five hundred increases for each scale. And for every ten feet of leviathan you can add an increase of two thousand. But since it's rather difficult to brake down the power level of a leviathan in the wild. You should basically just say you are fucked and start praying." I said with a smile. A few people snickered because I was right. I don't even know if a leviathan would like me. But I wouldn't care I'll happily die by the hands of a leviathan. 
"Thank you Gemini. The girl who never studied because she's too busy making everyone else's life hell." Professor Floral said looking at everyone. "You will have a reading assignment tonight. How to brake down someone's power level. And then tomorrow we will put it to the test until everyone gets it right!" She said angry before walking away. 
"Alright everyone out." Blake said and everyone moved towards the door leaving the creature room. I heard little squeaky noise and looked up. Pixies. They dropped my headphones and iPod and I caught them. 
"So Gemini." Jason said I just kept walking until he grabbed my arm and I turned around glaring at him "will you talk to me I'm trying to apologise ok. I'm trying to tell you I am sorry for how I treated you. For hurting you. So will you please just listen to me and not act like this because I know you are the type to ignore people." He said looking at me with pleading eyes. I looked at him before I smiled at him. 
"Really?" I asked him "you want to apologise." I said to him 
"Yes." He said softly. 
"Well how about I think about it to see if I want to hear what you have to say? And I'll get back to you about it in training this afternoon." I said with my best smile that made his expression soften. 
"Thank you." He said with a smile 
"Let me go." I said. He let my arm go and I straighten out my blazer before looking at Jason again "do you want to be my training partner? I don't have one." I said trying not to smirk. 
"Of course." He said with a smile Blake and Ian were watching us and ears dropping. 
"Then I'll talk to you after training about that apology." I said before walking away from him a smirk on my lips now. 
"You going to tell him?" I heard Blake asked Ian in a whisper 
"No are you?" Ian asked 
"No." I looked at them they had first bumped and I smirked at them when they looked at me. They smiled at me before I headed off to the next class

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