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The next morning after breakfast everyone went outside. The other students who were spectating this game were seated on some bleachers in their classes. I however stood there with the girls while the guys sat in the bleachers too. The snow was ankle deep so my boots were not my normal boots they were knee high boots that laced up with a beautiful black ribbon. But there was a zip on the side of the boots to make them easier to get on and off.  They were matte leather boots and very comfortable. Luca sat in my coat it was tight enough to stop him from slipping down my coat. I wore leather gloves that had fur on the inside that kept my hands warm. My sunnies were covering my eyes but my hair was back off my face. I ran my fingers though my hair looking at the Fir trees that sat around the edge of the field. They were beautiful and reminded me of Christmas. I can't wait for Christmas. The headmaster walked though the snow towards the small platform that was set up.
"Good morning students and guests. This morning we will be started the first day of the games. As some of you know as each game passes the more dangerous they become. The blue games were about intellectual. The red games will be about intelligence and strength." The headmaster said before there was a gust of wind and it picked up the snow. All at once the snow came down and reviled a cage. Inside the cage was a manticore. And he was in so much pain. Blood soaked the bottom of the cage and fresh wounds covered its side. I had to turn away because the sight of the poor creature broke my heart. "You will each take turns at taming this beast. And if or when he is tamed we will move to the next beast." The headmaster said. When he said 'beast' it felt like someone was clenching my heart. God I was going to cry. The headmaster called out the names of students in what order they were to attempt to tame the manticore. The first to go was a guy from this school and he had a whip in his hand. As soon as he unravelling the whip and flicked it back I turned away completely. I heard the whip crake and then the manticore cry out from the pain. 
"Submit!" The guy yelled out as he hit the manticore with the whip again. Luca whimpered and I held him close to me as he hid in my chest. Now I know where Luca came from. Here. My arm was touched lightly and I saw Blake's hand. He just guided me over to the seats and sat me down. I pulled the hood up on my coat and Luca crawled up to my neck with a bit of help and hid behind my neck in my hood away from the cold and everyone else. He needed the comfort of being close to me because he knows I'll protect him.
"Are you ok?" Ian asked me 
"I don't even know how to answer that." I whispered clenching my hands together. 
"If you want to leave just say so." Blake said I nodded slightly just keeping my eyes on the ground. I flinched again at the crake of the whip before shaking my head. 
"I have to go." I whispered. They nodded slightly and Blake got up taking me back into the school away from everything. "How to they allow that?" I whispered. 
"They don't. Is just this headmaster bends the rules since no one stops him." Blake said softly. "The abuse is no longer condoned but it does happen still." He added looking at me. I sighed softly 
"I'm going to hang out in the room. When this is all over come find me." I whispered. 
"Ok." He said softly before walking away and I just headed off to the room I was staying in.

Today's games finished just before lunch so I found myself at the table with the guys again eating lunch in silence. Well I was silent because I had a lot on my mind. I was pretty close to losing control today because of the way the manticore was treated and it's the only reason I left. Blake informed me that no one was able tame the manticore and I was thinking about braking into their creature room and tending to his injuries. I have already found where it was because I used the morning to search the academy for it. Getting inside it a more difficult task, which I'm going to use Wes for because he seems to be able to get though magic doors without any problems. I rubbed my neck before Wes landed on my shoulder. 
"You seem tense." He said snatching the meat off my folk 
"You think." I mumbled stabbing the chicken on my plate with my fork. I picked it up and simply held it up to Wes 
"Is it because of the way the creature was treated?" He asked. 
"Are you planning on helping it?" 
"Can I help?" He asked 
"Yes." I said again 
"Is She ok?" I heard someone ask before Blake nudged me I looked up 
"What?" I asked 
"You are talking to yourself." Kyle said simply. 
"Muttering to myself because I need my own advice sometimes." I said simply. Ian snickered. 
"You think you are so good don't you?" Kyle said 
"I know I am." I said simply stabbing the beans on my plate sticking them in my mouth. I prefer my veggies to meat and since I started drinking blood the amount of meat I eat decreased. 
"Gemini." Victor said sitting across from me. 
"What?" I mumbled rubbing my temple. 
"I spoke to my headmaster. And turns out you have been lying and you are in fact participating in the games." Victor said and this got everyone's attention. 
"What?" Olivia asked 
"Yep she had been using that fact we liked her to get information from the games." Victor said looking at her. 
"So Now I know everything about the games and I will be prepared for everything that we face." I said simply 
"Like you would be able to tame a creature with a conscious" Olivia said bluntly and I patted Wes head as he nuzzled into my face wanting more food. 
"That's the thing with them creatures. You don't tame them." I said softly handing Wes a chicken leg and he scoffed it down bone and all. "I know everything about every creature out there. Including the original creatures. I know that they cannot be killed because if they are they will just be reborn. I know they are invisible to the eyes of everyone unless they chose otherwise." I said 
"Can I have some of that beef?" Wes asked. I grabbed some of the sliced roast beef handing it to Wes.
"They would also sooner eat a person before they listen to what they have to say." I added. 
"Lamb." Wes said sniffing the air edging forward on my shoulder. 
"Careful before you fall into the food." I said before handing him a lamb chop. He took it eating it scoffing it down. 
"I'm so hungry." Wes said. "Did you eat any of that chicken?" He asked 
"No." I simply. He half hiss half gagged 
"Is He ok?" Victor asked before Wes sneezes and blew flames before of it. 
"Well there goes whatever spell was on the food." Wes said and I chuckled. "I'm going to say love spell. My love for food was amplified." Wes added. I just rolled my eyes. 
"You are talking to yourself again." Kyle said. 
"I know. I am aware of it." I said simply. 
"You owe us a secret of the games." Victor said changing the subject back to the games. 
"I owe you nothing because I did not ask either of you for information you just gave it to me so like I said. I owe you nothing." I said simply placing more beans into my mouth. 
"You are a monster." Victor said and I gave him a toothy grin.
"You have yet to see me lose my shit. And those who do see me lose my shit hardly ever live though it." I said with a smile. 
"Sadly I believe that." Jason mumbled. Tracing the scares on his cheek. 
"You three have similar scares." Kyle pointed out looking at Blake Ian and Jason. 
"She did this to me when we were dating four years ago." Jason said 
"And we got in her way making her angry." Blake said simply. 
"She almost choked the life out of me." Ian added. 
"And yet you follow her around like a lost dog." Kyle said and Dante laughed in the most sarcastic way possible. 
"She would give more attention to a lost dog then to us." Dante said leaning against his hand moving the peas around on his plate. Kyle looked at me for a moment. I saw the shadow move behind me and then I saw it move across the table. I pressed my knife against the hand of the shadow. Kyle tensed up bit he forced the shadow to keep moving. Normally someone can't see a shadow but my ghost eye sees everything. My attention was grabbed by one of the sylphs turning red. Not really wanting to remove my knife from Kyle's shadow I decided that using Nigiri was a better threat. I mouthed a few words and she went to the table and stunned the guy. But because that distracted me the shadow had managed to grab my glasses and pull them from my face. The fraction of a second I resisted left me with claw marks across my face. The moment Luca became away of the blood he became aggressive. 
"What the fuck just happened?" Blake asked he was pissed and to make it worse Ian was hungry and the moment he saw my blood I saw how difficult it was for him to control himself. 
"I'm curious what the big deal is about your eyes." Kyle said bluntly 
"If you wanted to see them all you had to do was ask." I said looking at him. Wes hissed at him before he licked the blood off my face my injuries healing instantly. I however was wearing my contacts just Incase. Kyle just looked at me
"I-I can't read you." He whispered in shock his eyes began to soften and as soon as he noticed himself beginning to soften he turned aggressive. "No one can hide anything from me so what gifts do you have to repel mine?" He snapped at me. I just smiled at him 
"I have no gift to repel you. Or any other reader. I however have great control over my own mind that I am able to chose what you can see and what you can not see." I said simply before I showed him how I see him and it scared him that much he was on his feet "you think you were being sneaky. I saw what you were doing. Your shadow can not hide from my vision." I said before looking at his arm tiling my head slightly at the large cut down it. 
"What are you?" He asked. His blood smelt really good. 
"I am human." I said with a smile. "And you should probably go get that tended to before it grows infected." I added. He was visibly trembling 
"You can't be human. You healed." He said I scratched under Wes's chin 
"See this guy here. His saliva has healing properties. And as long as I look after him he will look after me. That is the agreement we made." I said with a smile. 
"No. No human can be as strong as you are." He said panicking now. 
"That fear you are feeling right now is being inflicted into you by Dante. As soon as he brake eye contact with you. You will regain your own feelings again and your own mind. But until then you are just making yourself look like a coward." I said and he looked around the room everyone was looking at him and everyone could smell the fear he was secreting. He didn't really have a choice. He had to run away. 
"That was kind of bad ass." Wes said. 
"Well thanks to Dante. Maybe no one else will fuck with us." I said with a grin and gave Dante a smile. He was proud of himself now. 
"It was fake and as soon as everyone knows that-"
"Are you going to tell them victor?" I asked cutting them off. "I mean it is your fault we were here preventing everyone from taking advantage of the girls. And it is your companion who you can't keep controls over and is hurting your schoolmates. So who is going to believe you." I said simply he just looked at me and I smiled at him 
"You bitch." He said bluntly. 
"Of course. The best insult anyone can ever come up with. I am a bitch. And I'll own it. But at least I'm not sinister or evil." I said before getting to my feet. "Now if you excuse me. Three girls have left the dining hall and were followed." I said simply before I left the dinning hall. I made my way though the corridor and found the girls had gone into the bathroom. I headed inside and sure enough five guys had cornered them. I cleared my throat and they looked at me 
"You are outnumbered so just walk away!" One of the guy said. He was pissed off. 
"I have been instructed not to damage the school. So if you believe you stand a chance take out outside where I'll kick your ass in less then a minute." I said simply. They just looked at me before each other. They didn't speak but one of them gave a slight nod before two of them went to attack me. I sight mentally before I grabbed one guy and smashed his face into the wall before the second guy grabbed my arm. I used my free hand and hit is arm hearing a crack before I kicked him in the chest he flew back and hit the wall. I looked at the other three and they came for me without a second though I grabbed one guy by the arm and throw him into the other and they fell back into a stall. The last guy wrapped his arms around my waist pinning my arms to my side and started crushing me. I throw my feet up and kicked against the wall forcing the guy back into the other wall since the bathrooms were so small. The guy let me go because of the impact and I turned around before I clocked him in the head and he fell to the ground unconscious. I looked at the three girls from the other school and smiled at them they were small fragile looking girls. One of them had cat ears but hid them under a hat another one had this bright yellow eyes and this fluffy tail the last girl had two different colour eyes and two different skin tones. One extremely whites the other dark. She's a splitter. She can split herself into two identical people who will share the same brain. 
"Thank you." The splitter girl said softly 
"It's not a problem it is why I am here." I said softly before guiding them out of the bathroom. 
"Why are they like this?" The girl with the fluffy tail asked me 
"I do not know." I said softly. "I know some people still believe in the old ways how a female should submit to a male no matter what. I think this school still teaches that." I said softly. They nodded slightly and went back into the dinning hall. I stayed in the corridor just leaning against the wall. I'm so exhausted. And the next two days are only going to make it worse. I though. Remaining in control and not letting lose is proving more and more difficult by the hour. 
"What is so special about you?" I looked up at Kyle whose arm was in a bandage 
"I ask myself that question every day. If I knew the answer I would say. But I don't. I don't even know why people either love me or want to kill me. It's just always been like that." I said before looking back down at my shoes. "I don't think I am special. I just think I am lucky to be alive every day." I added 
"What do you mean?" He asked. I looked up at him before moving the hair off my face 
"I was almost killed by a werewolf." I said he looked horrified now. "Every day since I live like it's my last." I added 
"So you aren't afraid of death?" He asked me. 
"No. I have felt death and I'm not scared of it. And because I'm not afraid to die a lot of regular fears faded away. I don't fear anything that would get me killed. But I am afraid of things that will hurt me and I'll suffer." I said before I sighed shaking my head "you became nice you'll be affected the way victor is and the guys." I said standing up properly 
"I'm not affected." He said crossing his arms. "Your eyes mean nothing to me like that would to the other supernatural. I am human so there is no such thing as love at first sight." He said angry 
"Then why are you being nice?" I asked him he paused and began to think before he shrugged. 
"I'm impressed by the way you do things. I don't like you but I'm impressed and I want to know you secrets." He said softly I just nodded slightly. 
"My secrets will be exposed in the black games if I lose my team." I said softly before I began to walk away 
"Team? It's a team game?" He asked I looked at him "it's always marked by individual rankings. No one ever refers to it as a team because you even fight against your own school. You just gave away the secret." He said smirking. I smiled at him 
"Need I remind you the other four competitors from my school are hopelessly in love with me? As far as I am concerned they will help me in the games and they will give me whatever I want because they won't tolerate me being hurt. And I'm not going to call them my boyfriends or my friends because in the game they are my team and their job is to make sure I am the one to keep going. This was even instructed by our headmaster. The guys only task is to keep me safe and make sure I capture as many creatures as possible without harming them." I said softly and his smile fell. 
"I'll make sure they are all eliminated before you catch your first creature." He said bluntly. 
"You do that then. But you won't be able to catch me. Even if they are eliminated. I am being trained to survive without their assistance. I mean I'm small. There isn't much I can do against a big guy. So I learnt to run and fast." I said before I turned to walk away 
"Weak but fast. You'll eventually have to rest." He added 
"So will you." I said smirking to myself as I walked away to go an enjoy the snow outside.

Supernatural Academy (First Year)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora