Forty five

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I jolted up looking around. I was in the clearing of the school. I looked up as Dante approached me. He gave me a weak smile. 
"What?" I asked him
"You tied with the guys since they technically won the games but your pointed tied with the winning points." He said softly holding his hand out to me 
"So" I said softly as he helped me up off the ground. 
"The headmasters have gone off to disguise what to do to come up with a solid winner," He added. I just nodded slightly rubbing my shoulder. He took my bags off me. "Go shower. You earned it. These will be moved to your creature house." He said softly. 
"Thanks Dante." I said softly before heading off. I slowly walked towards the school feeling exhausted now. 
"So do I get to see them books?" I paused and looked at Ryker 
"Did I win?" I asked him 
"Well no but I still helped you." He said looking at me. I rolled my eyes before I ran my hand d though my hair. 
"They will be at my home after today. I have my own creature centre. All my creatures are being moved there for permanent care. If you wish to read the book you can check them out there under supervision." I said simply 
"No trust?" He asked me 
"One of them books is worth more the your life. And I have the whole collection." I said before turning and walking away from him
"Wait you are a chimera is that why you have two different coloured eyes?" He asked me 
"Question me later I need a shower." I said waving him off. I practically felt his eye roll and it sent a chill up my spin. I flipped him off when I felt him look at me again. That was followed by a laugh. Walking though the corridors I reached the stairs and looked up at them. I don't want to climb stairs. I thought. Reaching up to my mouth I placed y fingers into my mouth before I whistles. A few seconds later I could hear the thumping of Luca coming down the stairs. He got to the bottom and tackled me to the ground kicking my face. I laughed at him "Luca. Luca Stop." I said laughing hysterically as his three heads licked my face. 
"You lost." I heard Ian say. Luca stopped and I tipped my head back looking at Ian. 
"It wasn't really a choice." I said simply getting up off the ground. Ian crosses his arms as he looked at me. He was definitely angry with me. "We were still in the games! We would have helped you!" He said bluntly 
"Oh really?" I asked glaring at him. "I came to save you and Blake. And neither of you could even say thank you! You both acted like it was the worst thing I could have done. My enemies helped me more then my actual team! So what does that say Ian?" I snapped at him. 
"You were supposed to win. You didn't have to save us." Ian said bluntly. 
"Oh ok well in that case let me just go back in times and go with my original plan where I steal their supplies just so I can survive myself and I'll leave you two there!" I snapped at him before turning to get onto Luca's back. 
"Fuck off Ian." I said bluntly. "You and Blake were so concerned about winning that you forgot what my job was." I said bluntly before Luca ran up the stairs. I sighed softly as we got to the top of the tower. I went inside and Luca followed me to my room. Wes looked at me when I walked in. 
"You ok?" He asked me 
"I need a shower." I said simply. He just gave me a nod and I went to the bathroom stripping from my clothes and kicking my shoes off I got into the shower. The hot water ran over my body. I took a slow breath to relax myself but all that did was tell me how exhausted my body was. I crumbled to the ground my legs hurt I had a growing headache and I wanted to cry. I was upset because of Blake and Ian. How they didn't want my help. It hurt. They both looked at me like I was the problem. Nothing hurts more then when the people you love look at you like you are the problem. I sighed softly rubbing my eyes before any tears escaped. 
"Gemini." I heard Wes say coming into the bathroom
"I'm fine Wes." I said softly. 
"The headmaster just announced that the two team leaders are to fight to determine the winner." Wes said softly "you and Kyle will have to fight until one of you gives up or is unable to continue" he said softly. I sighed now rubbing my temple 
"When?" I asked him 
"After lunch you have two hours until the fight." He said before I heard him leave the bathroom. I sighed looking down the water running over the back of my head. I can't cry now. I need to get prepared for the fight. I rubbed my eyes but blood started dripping from my good eye. It wasn't a little big either. It was a lot of blood. I quickly got out of the shower looking in the mirror there were no injuries. I was just bleeding from my eye. I grabbed the hand towel and pressed it to my eye for a moment. 
"Wes." I called out before wrapping a towel around my body. 
"Yes?" He asked coming inside. 
"My eyes bleeding." I said looking at him before going into the bedroom. 
"Show me." He said. I moved the towel from my eye and he looked at me confused. 
"There are no injuries." He said looking at me. 
"I know." I said pressing the towel to my eye again "can you fetch Professor Floral for me please. And quickly." I asked him. 
"Of course." He said and flew off. I got up and went to go get some clothes but I stumbled a bit tripping over a box that was on the ground. That definitely didn't belong there. I thought kicking it out of the way before going to my dresser. I grabbed some underwear pulling them on. I grabbed a bra as well and for a moment while I pulled it on I had to put the towel down. Blood just seemed to pool out faster. I grabbed the towel again holding it to my eye. Digging thought my draws I found a large tee shirt and pulled it on over my head before going to sit back down again. But I tripped over that box again. I looked at it. I swear I moved that! Kneeling down to the box I opened it up to see what it was. A note rested on top of some black tissue paper. I grabbed it and opened it up. 
Now the whole world knows you are a chimera I believe it would safer if you keep these with you at all times for protection. Love mum. 
Looking inside the box I unwrapped the tissue paper before seeing my belt of knifes. The STA had these confiscated from me before I left. How did mum get them back? I could have used these before the games mum. I thought rolling my eyes picking the box up and placing it on my bed. 
"Gemini?" I heard Professor Floral call out 
"Yes." I said before she calm in and saw the blood soaked towel pressed against my face. She rushed over to me before I moved the towel from my eyes. She examined my eye by grabbing my face and pulling at the skin around my eye. 
"Good news and bad news." She said softly. "Good news I can stop the bleeding. Bad news it's going to be extremely unpleasant for you." She added. I looked at her. 
"Just do it." I said simply 
"Lay down. Wes comes hold her down." I groaned before lying back on the bed. Wes laid down pinning my arms to my side. Professor Floral had pulled out this rolled up leather pouch from her pocket that would have been magical summoner. She rolled it out beside me before looking at me 
"I would appreciate it if you don't kill me. So try and keep your abilities to a minimum." She said simply. I nodded slightly before she grabbed this eye spreader thing. I groaned almost instantly before she used that to keep my eye open. I didn't want to watch. I didn't want to know what she was going to be doing. But considering she was going to be practicing performing surgery on my eye I didn't have much of a choice. Professor Floral grabbed some tweezers that had rubber tips on them. She moved them to above my eye and I tried so hard not to look away as she lowed the tweezers down to my eye. I flinched slightly when they touched my eyeball before she pinched down on something. I cringed as she slowly began to pull back this thing film I could feel sliding all around from the back of my eye to the front as she pulled it back from my eye. I have no words to describe how unpleasant this was. Not even removing a contact lens was as bad as this right now. It was like she was peeling off a layer off my eye. The last of it came free from my eye before she moved back slightly. 
"That was so gross." I said shuttering 
"This may sting." She said before she flushed my eye with this liquid 
"Mother fucker!" I yelled. If Wes weren't holding me down I would have lashed out incredibly badly. Professor Floral laughed as she removed the eyelid spreader contraption from my eye. Instantly I squeezed my eye shut before rubbing it. "What the hell did you do?" I asked her. 
"Well you had taken damage to your eye because of Kyle and it healed but not how you thought it would." She said softly 
"I'm confused." I said rubbing my eye. She handed me a mirror and I took it and looked at myself in the mirror. I now had two blue eyes. I looked around for a moment nothing really changed with my visit. It was kind of more balanced now. But other then that it was still the same. "Oh." I said simply. 
"Anyway. Incase you don't know. You will have to fight for the winning title." She said softly. I nodded slightly. 
"I have been informed." I said softly. She nodded slightly and left the room. I sighed softly and lay down on the bed.

I laid in bed for an hour just relaxing and recovering before I had some blood and then headed downstairs in my uniform to get some food. I ran my fingers though my hair as I walked down the corridor towards the exit into the clearing. Why couldn't one of the guys do this? I thought. 
"Gemini." I stopped walking and looked around for who called my name. It was Kyle. 
"Yes?" I asked him as he approached me. 
"I'm just going to tell you right now I'm not going to go easy on you." He said crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes 
"I wouldn't expect you too." I said simply. He looked at me 
"Didn't you have a brown eye?" He asked me 
"Curiosity of you. I now have two blue eyes." I said simply. He looked at me confused now. "My eye regenerated. It changed colour." I said before walking away from me and headed outside. I looked around seeing a small circular arena set up. Well not small but it didn't cover that much area. It was maybe 30 feet across. Just a slightly raised circular platform. Bleachers surrounded the platform each set seating 100 people easy. And there were 12 of them around the platform with a large gap between the platform and the bottoms seat. I sighed softly looking up at the orbs that had surrounded the platform. So they were going to display this fight as well. I thought approaching the platform. Dante came up to me when he saw me coming. 
"You don't have to fight you know." He said softly. 
"It's ok." I said simply he looked at me concerned but said nothing to me as he looked over to where there were girls screaming. They were fussing over Kyle. I ran my fingers though my hair again. 
"Can I have my two team leaders up here please?" The headmaster called out. I moved away from Dante and headed up towards the platform. It was four feet off the ground with no stairs. I kicked off the ground with my last step floating up to the platform. I placed my feet on the platform and walked over to the headmaster before looking at Kyle. He used his shadow to get up onto the stage. I rolled my eyes before he approached us. He stood on the opposite side of the headmaster. "To determine the winner of the black games the two team leaders that tied will compete in a no rules fight until one of them can no longer fight or someone give up." The headmaster said. No rules? This could get dangerous. I thought. 
"A protective barrier will be put up around the platform for everyone else's protection." Professor Floral said as the headmaster made his way of the platform. He turned around and put his hands up so did the other two headmaster. 
"Once the barrier is sealed you may begin." My headmaster said. I saw the barrier forming and I watched it move upwards and form a dome. The second it sealed I moved out of Kyle's attack rang there was too much sunlight and he was at the disadvantage. I looked at him for a moment. I was trying to decide how I was going to beat him. 
"Fight back!" He snapped at me. I shrugged slightly and kicked off my weighted shoes before I smirked at him I moved that quickly he couldn't see me. I ended up behind him and kicked him in the back before I moved I front of him and knees him in the face. He hit the ground and I just stood there waiting for him to get up. If he was going to get up. "There is no way a standard wolf or vampire can move that fast." He said simply. I rolled my eyes 
"Except I can make myself weigh nothing and move faster," I said looking at him I moved out of rang of his shadow again. He glared at me getting to his feet. He looked at the sky for a moment and it grew darker. Someone must be doing that to help him. I thought. 
"Let me fight!" I heard my shadow yell in my head. What's the worst she does? Kill him? I thought before letting her out. Kyle stepper back looking at my shadow spreading up around the dome making it darker inside the dome. 
"What are you doing?" He yelled at me 
"You really think I am just a wolf and vampire after saying I was a chimera." I said smirking at him. "If that was it I would have said hybrid." I added. 
"No! I spent years trying to control my shade! You shouldn't be able to do this so easily!" He yelled ah me 
"Everything comes easy to me." I said amused. 
"No!" He yelled at me before his shadow rushed me. But my shadow cut him of and they started fighting. "I was not beaten my whole like to be perfect just to have someone else be better then me! I don't care who you are or how special everyone things you are. I will prove I am worthy!" He yelled at me. My shade had covered the whole inside of the dome so I knew no one would be able to see or hear us. 
"Everyone looks at me like I am a monster so don't think I have it easy!" I snapped at him. 
"You weren't made in a fucking lab and then had people look at you and say you weren't worth the effort of saving!" Kyle snapped. A lab? 
"What do you mean a lab?" I asked him 
"The fucking collector made me!" He snapped at me before ripping his shirt to show me the scare on his chest. "I was killed but turns out I was immortal!" He snapped at me. I looked at him blankly. The collector? Mum said dad had killed a baby. 
"How old are you?" I asked him. 
"Why the fuck does that matter?" He snapped at me. 
"Answer the question." I said simply. 
"19" he said simply he couldn't be? Could he? My brother? 
"I think you might be my brother." I said simply. "Or if not directly related we would be from the same batch of babies born that year." I said looking at him 
"What?" He asked me 
"I was taken from the collector because they thought I was human. Turns out if I get blood or venom from another species my body will amplify that species abilities and I can use as my own. I was his perfect creation and he doesn't know it." I said softly. He looked at me blankly now. "I'm not a hundred percent positive about it. But considering being a shade was something that was apart of me before anything else. It was just locked away with magic." I said softly before I shrugged he looked at the shadows fighting now before looking back at me. 
"And if you are right?" He asked me. 
"If you are my twin you would be the same. If you want to find out start with the blood of a species that's easy to control and work your way up from there. But remember one thing. The more you take the harder they become to control." I said softly he nodded at me before I pulled my shadow back to me. Everyone looked at us and I gave him a two finger salute "this was fun but it's not worth my time." I said simply turning to leave. 
"You give up you lose your creatures." Kyle said. I paused for a moment before I attacked him and knocked him out. The barrier fell from the platform 
"And we have our winner. Gemini" The headmaster said. I just jumped off the stage and headed off. 
"I'm done here." I said simply before heading off to go back to my room for the rest of the evening or until otherwise dragged out by force

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