what they're like as boyfriends

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dating jack would include:
-him singing to you every morning and night
-fighting with him about who's outfit is better
-shoe shopping together
-being dominant in bed from time to time
-tugging on his curls as he eats you out
-spending your evenings on the beach
-him attempting to teach you how to skate, and failing
-stealing his clothes cause you love his style
-dad jokes
-booty rubs

dating zach would include:
-you having to drag him out of bed in the morning
-tickle fights that end up with you two making out
-making sure he doesn't burn down the house in an attempt to cook
-lazy day cuddles
-A BUNCH of inside jokes
-him trying to snapchat every moment with you
-hours and hours on facetime when he's on tour
-going out to get food late at night
-nonstop sexting when he's on tour
-him taking the aux all the time in the car

dating daniel would include:
-him calling you "darling" and "sweetheart"
-a lot, and i mean A LOT of love making
-him playing guitar and you singing
-cooking breakfast together
-him trying to do your makeup
-him talking about you to fans
-hand holding 24/7
-him fingering you while you made out
-cheek kisses
-him being overprotective of you

dating jonah would include:
-him spoiling you with expensive lingerie
-early morning coffee runs at cute cafes
-him teasing you everywhere at any time
-lots of jealousy on his part
-his stubble touching your soft skin when you made out
-smiling into kisses
-traveling the world together
-rough sex
-3am talks about your future wedding and kids
-having sex in the strangest places

dating corbyn would include:
-going on dates out of the blue
-silly pictures
-binging stranger things together on the weekends
-him giving you hickeys all the time
-off guard photos
-trying a bunch of exotic foods together
-facetime sex
-lazy mornings which include breakfast in bed
-hanging out with ashley and jordan all the time
-memes. a lot of memes.

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