high | corbyn

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the clock which sat next to you on the nightstand read 1:47am and you were sound asleep. the pattern of your chest heaving in and out softly was suddenly interrupted when you heard a tapping at your balcony door. you opened your eyes slightly and heard the tapping once again. you raised to your feet and stepped outside onto the balcony that overlooked your backyard. your eye's glance moved down to the patio where you saw your boyfriend, corbyn standing and staring up at you. "corbyn, what the hell." you said with a half-smile while rubbing the sleepiness out of your eyes. "hi beautiful." corbyn called out from downstairs. "come down, i brought the goods." he says, lifting up a plastic bag with some weed in it. "you woke me up to ask me to smoke with you?" you grumble. "i'll be right down." you threw a hoodie over your t-shirt and slid your slippers on before rushing outside. corbyn smiled before leaning in for a hello kiss. "hi baby." you whispered with a smirk. "let me see this." you demand, taking the blunt and putting it between your lips. you take a hit before passing it to corbyn and vice-versa. you whispered sweet nothings as you got high together and enjoyed the moment of laying out in your backyard while buzzed. you then moved to the outdoor sofa, where you rested your should on corbyn's shoulder while looking up at the night sky. "corbyn." you let out. "hmm baby?" he replies, turning over to you. "i'm really horny." you say with a laugh. corbyn almost chokes and laughs. "what?" he asks, as if he had not heard what you just said. "you heard me. i said i'm really horny. you know i get horny when i'm high." you whisper seductively in corbyn's ear before climbing on top of him and pressing your lips together. almost immediately, you feel corbyn's bulge growing underneath you. mostly involuntarily, your hips grind onto corbyn's, earning a groan from him. the two of you continue to make out until corbyn breaks the kiss. "i want you to ride me baby." he pleads with puppy eyes. you smile before kissing down his neck and body. your fingers messily unbuttoned corbyn's jeans. you could barely focus since you were so high. you got high really easily, three hits and you were almost out of it. corbyn helped you and pulled his pants and boxers down. desperate to get rid of the heartbeat in your pussy from how horny you were, you lowered yourself onto corbyn's cock without hesitation. both of you groaned loudly. you groaned at how big corbyn was and how much he was stretching you out. corbyn groaned at the warm pressure your walls gave his dick. you started slowly and deeply bouncing up and down on corbyn's length. you moaned loudly when he grabbed your hips and thrusted into you, hitting your g-spot and getting you a thousand times closer to cumming. "shhh baby, your parents are right inside." corbyn says. hushes you and puts his hand over your mouth before pounding into you with zero mercy. corbyn and you always had sex, but the way he was fucking you right now was a once in a lifetime feeling. your screams were muffled by his hand as you reached your orgasm. the sensation of being high off of weed and sex was indescribable. it felt amazing. both of you panted heavily, coming down from your sex high and following by getting dressed. corbyn kissed you sweetly before sneaking back out through the backyard gate.

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