vanilla | jack

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it was break time for your older sister, janessa, who was in college. you were so excited to see her and catch up on everything going on in your life. this was her first time seeing her since you moved to los angeles and you couldn't wait to tell her about the amazing lifestyle. you sat anxiously on the sofa, awaiting her arrival. the knock on the door rang through the living room. you sprung out of your seat and ran to open the door. a smile came across your sister's face as she caught a glimpse of you. the two of you shared a tight hug. you let her in and closed the door behind you. "look at how gorgeous you are!" your sister exclaims with an enormous smile. you smiled back, letting her explore your home. "this is your place?" she asks while putting her bags down. "yeah. i want to introduce you to someone." your face lights up before calling jack down. "babe! come downstairs!" you yell from the bottom of the staircase. jack came downstairs in his sweatpants and a hoodie with his hair in a bun. "jack, this is my sister, janessa. janessa, this is my boyfriend, jack." the two smiled at each other and let out a "nice to meet you." jack returned to the spare room to play his games. "so, should we go to my room?" you ask. janessa nods her head yes. you lead her upstairs to you and jack's shared room. "this is going to sound so wrong, but jack's really hot." she blurts out once the door was propped behind the two of you. you almost gasp at her words. "what?" you ask while turning around. "he's really hot. it's a compliment." janessa repeated. you roll your eyes with a chuckle and sit on the bed. "how is he in bed?" she whispers. your face scrunches up with embarrassment. "sex with him... i mean it feels good of course but it's so..." you paused looking for the word you wanted to use. "it's really vanilla and really repetitive. he does the same thing every time we have sex." you complained with absolutely no idea that jack was behind the door, listening to every detail you had revealed to janessa about you and jack's sex life. later on that night, you were laying in bed watching tv. janessa was already asleep in the next room over. suddenly, jack storms into the room and turns the tv off. "jack what the fuck. i was watching that." you whine. he says nothing and hovers over you. "so you think i'm vanilla?" he questions with no hesitation. "jack..." you trail along before he presses his lips against yours. you take a deep breath and deepen the kiss . the moment is amazing; way more intense than usual. jack's using his delicate hands, soft lips, and his words to make you weak in the knees. you moan softly. it was getting harder and harder to contain the way you were feeling inside. jack then stops and looks you hard in the eyes. you feel a connection you have never felt before. "you've been a bad girl, princess." jack whispers lowly in your ear. you're speechless, surprised, turned on more than you've ever been before. suddenly, he grins and bites his lip. jack's eyes trail down from your lips to your neck and you groan. he starts aggressively kissing your neck, moving closer and closer to the front of your chest. teasing you right before he reaches your boobs. "let me show you who's boss." jack takes his shirt off. his toned chest is shown and your fingers run down his chest slowly. jack's chest is strong; you love the way it feels up against your body. your thoughts were interrupted when he says "put your arms up". you love how demanding he was being. "why?" you say "do it." he replies sharply. so you obey and do as told. jack steps off the bed and reaches for a box under the bed. a soft gasp leaves your lips as he grabs a pair of handcuffs. a smirk forms across your face as you get turned on at the sight of jack coming towards you with the handcuffs in his hand. "cuff me baby." you mumble. jack's head snaps up to look at you. "what was that, baby?" he asks with a smile. "cuff me to the bed, jack." you say, louder this time. he does as you asked and put the cuffs tight around your wrists. you wince at how cold they were and how tightly they were wrapped around your skin. jack kissed down your body to your waistline, slowly and teasingly pulling down your black lace panties. "ready?" he whispers. you nod your head yes. jack runs a finger up your slit and you shiver. "so wet for me already." he says through gritted teeth. "so let's get this straight, princess. you think i'm vanilla. you think sex with me is boring and the same every time. well, i never handcuff you so this already different. but today, i'm going to prove to you that i'm not fucking vanilla. i'm going to fuck you so hard you'll cry." jack states in a very determined tone as he strips completely naked. without prior warning, jack slams himself into you. you grunt loudly, arching your back and tugging the cuffs. he has no mercy and rams into you making you moan repeatedly. you know you wouldn't be able to walk for a week after this. "holy shit jack fuckkk." you whimper out as you feel your orgasm creeping up. jack dug his nails into your hips, hard. "you call this fucking vanilla?" you don't respond, breathless from how good jack was making you feel. "fucking answer me." jack demands with a grunt. "no. you're not vanilla!" you yell out. you felt your toes curling as a wave of intense pleasure hit your body. "i'm aboutta cum jack, fuck." you moan. jack doesn't let you ride your orgasm out, he had an idea. he begins to rub your clit, faster and harder than ever. a feeling you had never felt before rocks your body, making you scream. "oh god jack, yes!" you yelp as jack continues to work on you. you squirt all over his fingers with a loud moan. you pant heavily before coming down from your high. "still think i'm vanilla, y/n?" jack asks as he takes off the handcuffs from your wrists. "definitely not." you say with a giggle before kissing jack's lips softly.

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