A Date at the Aquarium.

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Characters: Castiel x Reader

Warning: fluff, a little bit of battle but nothing really

Words: 583

A/N: This is my entry for a friend's birthday challenge. The bolded words are the prompt I was given. Any mistakes are mine. 

The swords flashed in the sunlight as you dodged and struck, each time the swords met with a clang and a spark. Lunging in you caught your opponents sword on yours, twisting it out of his grasp to land a few feet away. Grinning you gently touched the tip of your sword to his chest, as he raised his hands in defeat. Hearing another angel fly up you sheathed you sword, knowing who it was before you turned around.

"Sariel I have new orders for you." Castiel said, explaining what he wanted Sariel to do. Sariel saluted Cass before nodding a farewell to you and flying off.

Brushing your hair out of your eyes you realized that Castiel was watching you. Blushing you noticed Castiel's cheeks redden.

"Cass ... would you ... I mean ..." your blush strengthened as you stumbled over your words. "I was going to go to the aquarium. Would you like to come?" you offered.

"Y/N I would love to come." taking your hand you flew together over all the heavens to the one you where looking for.

Landing outside you took a deep breath. "Petrichor." you whispered.

"hmm?" Cass asked.

"Petrichor..." you repeated. "It means the smell of the earth after rain." Cass nodded and took your hand walking inside with you.


The aquarium was mostly dark with only the staff instead of the crowds you normally saw at places like this. Walking past the museum and the gift shop you lead the way to your favorite aquariums.

You admired the octopus, watching him pose gracefully in front of you. Then you went to the turtles, and from there to the sharks. Some people found sharks scary but you admired how graceful and fierce they were.

At last you came to your favorite tank. Floating through the water, the jellyfish had always been your favorite sea animal. You watched them float around for a while before you noticed that Castiel was watching you. Looking up at him you remembered the very first time you had met, the first time you saw those blue eyes ...

The sounds of battle rang in your ears. The clash of metal on metal, and the cries of the dying pounding your ears. You charged into the midst of the battle, dodging, rolling, and stabbing. Wincing every time you killed one of you siblings. Stabbing the angel you were fighting you looked around to see if you could hep anyone. Looking around you saw Castiel fighting an angel – Nathaniel, you think. Faida, one of Lucifers angels was trying to get behind him.

"Oh no you don't." You whispered. "Hey assbut!" you shouted over the noise. "catch this!" you cried throwing you sword as she turned.

"Thanks." Castiel panted, before plunging back into the fray.

"Y/N," Cass said startling you from your thoughts. "there's something I need to tell you. A feeling I have observed when I am with you."

You looked at him, meeting his bright blue eyes, your heart pounding.

"It has taken me a while, but I have identified my feeling as love." Castiel said. "Y/N I love you."

You stared at him not quite believing him. "You love me?" you choked out.

"Yes Y/N." Castiel said with utmost certainty. "Do you love me?"

In answer you grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss. Breaking away you told him, "I love you Cass. I have since the very first time we met." then smiling you pulled him into another kiss.

Supernatural fanfic 5/3/17 - 1/2/18Where stories live. Discover now