Witchcraft (new series) Teaser!

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I sat on the couch with Shayna, getting ready for a movie together. We weren't expecting the guys home for a few days at least, as they were out on a hunt. As we were laughing together, we heard a loud bang. Turning, we saw Sam and Dean standing just inside the doorway to the room. They were both stiff, fists balled at their sides, jaws clenching and unclenching repeatedly. They breathed heavy through their noses, levelling a heavy and narrowed glare upon us.

I blinked. "What did we do?" I whispered just loud enough for Shayna to hear, taking in their angry postures.

They didn't speak, only began taking measured steps in our direction. Dean broke to the left, Sam to the right, as they continued to approach slowly, like a predator waiting to pounce. Shayna stood slowly from the couch, forcing me behind her.

We backed up till my back was pressed against the wall. Shayna took a defensive pose as the brothers continued to come toward us.

She looked between them, unsure what was happening, but I knew something was wrong.

"Heeeey guys." she tried to speak softly. "Something wrong?" she asked, fanning her arms to the side to protect me.

"Yes something is wrong." Sam said his eyes glinting menacingly.

"Shayna." I whispered scared.

She whispered to me. "If I charge dean, I can at least shove him out of the way. As soon as I move, run and hide." She took a deep breath and as Dean was within a few feet, lunged at him with her shoulder like a linebacker.

I sprinted, adrenaline pushing me faster than I thought possible. Shooting past Sam, I raced through the door, stumbling but somehow not falling. Turning back once, I saw Shayna on the floor, Dean standing over her. Then fear kicked in and I turned and ran, hearing Sam's boots hitting the stone floor behind me.

Supernatural fanfic 5/3/17 - 1/2/18Where stories live. Discover now