The Cold Dark Stars

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Pairing: None

Characters: Sam, The Doctor

Words: 1800 (such a nice number!)

Warnings: Fluff i think

A/N: This is for Ana′s PJO quotes challenge and Morgan and Haley's birthday challenge. Both quotes are bolded in the fic


The TARDIS fell, dropping through the atmosphere. I rushed around the console, flipping switches and pulling levers, struggling to get her under control. The TARDIS jerked to the side, sparks flying from the console.

"No! No, no, no, no, no!" I yelled, pulling myself off the ground. I grabbed the monitor, watching in horror as the surface of the earth grew closer and closer. I pushed the screen away scrambling to control the fall. I managed to pull her up, skidding across the ground and slamming into the side of a building.

Thrown from the console by the impact, my head cracked against the floor and everything went black.

Sam jerked awake when a crash echoed through the bunker. Grabbing his gun he padded softly through the halls looking for the source of the sound.

All was quiet in the dimly lit rooms.

Returning to his room he slid his shoes on. Grabbing his jacket he threw it on, grabbing his gun again and heading outside.

Trudging through the dirt and leaves, he made his way around the outside of the bunker. Half way around he came across a blue box.

He frowned. What was a british police box doing here? There wasn't one here before...

Skid marks covered the ground like it had slid several yards before fetching up against the wall.

Sam glanced around before tucking his gun into the back of his pants. Carefully he walked over to the box. Walking around it he looked it over, gently touching the painted wood.

Walking around to the front he gently pushed on the door. Pausing a second after it swung open before stepping inside.

I blinked awake when a cool breeze blew across my face, bringing with it the scent of damp earth.


A quiet gasp had me scrambling to my feet. A tall man with long brown hair stood in the open door.

"She called the TARDIS." I told him softly. He jumped looking around. I stepped from behind the console. "She can go anywhere in space or time."

"Who are you?" He asked, eyes wide.

"I'm The Doctor. I'm a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, in the Constellation of Kasterborous." I ran my hand over the console. "This is the TARDIS, that's time and relative dimension in space, she can travel any place, any time."

"It's bigger on the inside." His eyes were wide as he stepped farther into the room.

"Yup. So whaddya say?" I grinned. "Where do you want to go?"

I stuck my head out the door of the tardis, looking around. Stepping out, I heard Sam gasp as he took in the room.

"The Library of Alexandria!" I grinned, spinning a circle.

A few scholars hushed me, but I ignored them. Sam walked along the shelves, running his hand over the scrolls.

A slave boy hurried by, his arms full of scrolls. Hushed voices spoke in murmures all around us, as scholars and poets read the scrolls.

Supernatural fanfic 5/3/17 - 1/2/18Where stories live. Discover now