GRIFFIN Part 5 - Griffins and Dragons

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Pairing: Non

Characters: Dean, Sam, Reader

Words: ~840


You managed to keep it together the rest of the day. Going through the motions like you had so many times before. You answered when questions where addressed to you, ignoring the puzzled looks the brothers exchanged.

After a while you took the Dagger, Dragon you dubbed it, out on the enclosed back porch. Pushing the furniture out of the way, you quickly stretched warming your muscles up.

After you where stretched, you picked up Dragon, experimenting with its weight. Once you were comfortable you began working with it, starting with a simple pattern dance and working up to the most complicated one you knew.

You had always loved daggers and swords, preferring them to firearms. You had gobbled up your lessons on sword and dagger skills, learning faster than your brother. The pattern daces were your favorite, allowing you to clear your head and train at the same time.

You slashed and thrust, sometimes climbing up on tables and chairs to jump back down, tucking and rolling then popping back up to thrust at an invisible enemy.

You finished your last pattern dance with a spin and thrust that brought you up centimeters away from Sam's chest. At the last second you pulled back, twisting away as Sam jumped back.

"Whoa!" he yelped.

"Sorry." you mumbled, sheathing Dragon.

"While you were ... busy. We got dinner. We weren't sure what you would like so I got you a burrito again." he offered you a foil wrapped burrito.

You looked around surprised. You hadn't noticed the sun setting.

"Thanks." you said taking it from him.

He smiled and walked back inside.

You sat on the floor to eat, ignoring how Sam and Dean would check on you every few minutes. After you finished your burrito, you lay down, Dragon next to you where you could grab it easily. Staring up at the dark sky, you sighed wishing you could see the stars again. Your eyelids drooped. You hadn't realized how tired you were till you lay down. You fought it for a minute, but gave in when your eyes closed.

After a while you felt strong arms lift you. You struggled, but stopped when you heard Sam's voice reassuring you. Relaxing against his chest you let him carry you to his bed.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

You stood in an all too familiar alley, apartments casting shadows over everything as the sun set. You heard a scream followed by shouts and a gun shot. You ran toward the noise, already knowing what you would find.

Reaching the end end of the alley, you saw the bank rising above you, the clean white pillars almost glowing in the dim light. In the square in front of the bank was a chaotic and bloody scene.

Body's where strewn around ripped up and scattered across the space. A few civilians huddled on the steps of the bank, terror in their eyes. At the bottom of the steps stood your parents, your brother, and a few of the braver of the city folk, armed with guns, swords, and anything they could get their hands on.

Drawing your shotgun with one hand and your dagger with the other you froze. Standing two feet away from the griffin was your only friend, Maggie.

You had met Maggie your first day here. Saving her from a pack of bullies that was ganging up on her quickly solidified your friendship. You had spent every day with her. Enjoying freedom for the fist time in your life.

You watched in terror, unable to move or make a sound, as you watched her approach the griffin, hand outstretched, palm flat. The griffin watched her, fascination in its eyes, waiting to see what she would do. You relaxed slightly as the griffin let her gently run her hand over its beak, closing its eyes in pleasure.

Your dad still had his gun pointed at the griffin ready to shoot.

"Maggie step back." he demanded his rifle pointed at the griffins heart.

"No, please!" Maggie screamed as he pulled the trigger. Time slowed down as you watched, helpless, as the griffin screamed, lashing out and striking Maggie in the chest. The bullet missed its mark, hitting the griffin in the shoulder,

"No!" you screamed. "No, no, no, no, no!"

The griffin screamed again, everything after that a blur as the griffin tore everyone in the square to shreds. Ignoring the griffin for now you ran to Maggie, lifting her into your lap you tried to stop the bleeding from the deep gashes in her chest. Holding her as you watched the life slowly ebb from her body.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

You woke up laying in bed, shoulders shaking with silent sobs.

A hand reached over touching your shoulder gently.

Flinching away you almost fell off the bed, before a hand grabbed you pulling you back on.

"Sorry." Sam whispered in the dark. "Are you okay?"

You let Sam pull you into an embrace, snuggling against him and letting his body heat warm you back up.

Supernatural fanfic 5/3/17 - 1/2/18Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon