GRIFFIN Part 2 - To Kill A Griffin

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Pairing: Non

Characters: Dean, Sam, Reader

Words: 518


You lay on the bed, your computer in front of you. Sighing you closed the article you were looking at.

Sam glanced at you from his laptop on the table. "You find anything?" he asked.

You shook your head. "Nothing useful."

"Me neither." Sam said shutting his laptop.

"So." you said awkwardly. "Ask me. I know you've been dying to." you told him sitting up and folding your legs under you.

"Why do you have that tattoo?" he asked.

"It's kinda funny actually." you said smiling. "When I was little, four or five I think, I started stealing stuff. I got bored in the motel room while my parents hunted. So I would wait till my older brother started playing his game and then I'd sneak out and just wander around. A couple of time I stole things. Like a candy bar, or a small game. When my parents found out I'd tell them that William, my brother, had gotten them for me. So they got me the tattoo so I couldn't lie anymore." you smiled at the memory. "I've found ways to get around it. But it's hard sometimes, not being able to lie."

Sam nodded an understanding smile on his lips.

"To be honest I thought you would ask me how I got into hunting." You told him.

"I figured you would tell me when you were ready." Sam said shrugging.

You smiled gratefully, opening your lap top to continue your research.

By the time the sun began to set you still hadn't found anything useful on how to kill the griffin.

"Is it time to eat yet?" you asked Sam hopefully.

Sam grinned. "Dean's picking up some takeout. What would you like?"

You shrugged. "Anything's fine with me."

Sam smiled and gave Dean your order. He came over to see if you had found anything yet. Scooting over on the bed you patted the mattress. Sam lay down next to you and you showed him what you had been looking at. "There's evidence that they can be killed, I just haven't found any record how. Going out on a limb here it seems like any old sword will do it if you can get close enough." You showed him what you where looking at. "It's getting close that's the problem."

You and Sam studied all that you could find until Dean got back with the food.

Keeping an eye on him you kept looking hoping to find something useful.

"Here." Dean called tossing you a burrito. You flinched but caught it easily. Closing your laptop you watched Sam and Dean as they talked and ate letting your mind wander.

Thinking out load you murmured. "What if we where looking at this wrong?"

Grabbing your laptop you pulled up a search browser and typed in 'how to kill a griffin' clicking the first link you whispered, "Naí! Yes!"

You looked up to see Sam and Dean watching you. "Care to share it with the class?" Dean asked sarcastically.

"I found how to kill it." you said. "It's just getting what we need might not be easy.

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