Some Hero's Wear Beanie's

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Pairing: Non

Characters: Jared, Jensen, Reader

Words: ~1,240

Warnings: Mostly fluff, Talk of depression and suicide at the end.


You waved to the fans as you walked on stage after Jared and Jensen.

"Hello Y'all!" Jared greeted the fans who cheered loudly.

"Wow!" Jensen exclaimed. "I think they like us!" he looked at you and Jared.

You grinned. "Hello San Francisco!" you called sitting in one of the chairs and watching Jared turn his around.

"How many of you are here for the fist time?" Jensen asked. "What took you so long?" he questioned, much to the fans enjoyment.

"Do we have any good stories?" Jared asked as Jensen sat down.

"I don't know. Do we?" they looked at you.

"Why are you looking at me?" you asked. "You're the famous ones. I don't even know why I'm up here."

"Why are you up here?" Jared asked you.

"Do we know you?" Jensen teased.

"I don't know." you joked. "Maybe I should go." you started walking off the stage stopping when the fans started screaming your name. "What. What!" you asked mock annoyed. "Oh all right I'll stay." you consented returning to your seat.

"Since we are boring humans why don't we start with questions." Jensen told the crowd. "Let's start over here." he pointed to a teenage girl.

"Hi." she squeaked.

"Hi!" you greeted her warmly.

"Sorry I'm really nervous right now." she apologized.

"It's okay." you told her. "so am I."

"My question is for Jensen and Jared." she told you.

"Oh I see how it is." you said standing and walking off stage.

"Sorry." the fan said blushing.

You walked back and sat down.

"My question is what is your favorite part of being a dad?" she asked.

"Thank you for asking." he told her. "Jensen I'll let you start."

"I love carrying my sleeping kid upstairs to bed." Jensen said. "There's something about that. it's just really pleasing to me."

"I love their energy and how much they love the world and seeing new things." Jared smiled.

"Thank you." the fan told them.

"Thank you." Jared replied.

"Hello!" Jensen greeted the next fan.

"Hi. My question is for Y/N." he said. "I was wondering what it's like being the youngest actor on set."

"It's cool." you said nodding. "I've learned a lot from these guys. They're kinda like my uncles." you leaned over and gave Jensen a hug while the audience awed. "The cast is all super nice. I've met some pretty cool people." you giggled. "There's quite a lot of standing on orange crates. I'm almost a foot and a half shorter than Jared so I have to stand on a crate or two so that we're in the same frame."

"Thanks." he said stepping back.

You smiled. "Thanks for asking!"

"Hi." Jared said.

Supernatural fanfic 5/3/17 - 1/2/18Where stories live. Discover now