Panel Fun

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Characters: Esther (oc), Jensen, Rob

Words: 840

Warnings: this is straight up fluff

A/N: this one just came to me and I decided to write it for y'all. this is my first RPI. 


I walked on stage waving to the fans. As they quieted down I called, "How are y'all doing today?"

I smiled as they erupted in cheers.

"I'm guessing that's good then!" I said cheerfully. "I can't think of any stories right now so we'll just jump into questions."

I glanced at the chair in the middle of the stage. Frowning I looked it over, then sat on the floor, causing the crowd the cheer loudly yet again.

"Let's start... Over here." I pointed to the girl on my right.

"Hi." She said shyly.

"Hello." I grinned.

"I was wondering what's it like working with Jared."

"With Moose? Torture." I told her. "Especially when we have scenes with Misha." I grinned. "I think there was one scene, we must have been doing it for a half an hour Jared messed Mish up so many times."

"Thanks." She said walking back to her seat.

"Before I go on can y'all see me?" I asked.

The crowd all screamed which I took as a yes.

"Next question!" I pointed to the fan on my left.

"what do you love to do on hiatus?" He asked.

"I usually hang with the Padackles." I told him. "As an emancipated minor I don't really have much else to do."

"Thanks." He said.

The crowed cheered and I twisted around.

"Hey Jensen." I said. "You want the chair? I'm not using it."

He grinned sitting down next to me. "Nah I'll sit here. Where were we?" He asked looking at the fans on either side.

"Over here." I pointed.

"Hi." The young girl said.

"Hey." Jensen replied. I elbowed him.

"Ow!" He yelped. "What was that for?"

"My panel. I get to say hi first." I said mock glaring. "What's your question sweetie?"

"I was hoping you could sing for me?" She requested.

I stood. "I would love to sing for you. What would you like me to sing?" I asked picking up Robs guitar and strumming a few chords.

"Can you sing How far I'll go?" she said shyly.

"Sure!" I pulled my pick out from around my neck. "Hey you wanna come sing with me?"

She nodded and climbed the stairs. I handed her my mic and adjusted one of the mic stands to the right hight for me.

"You ready?" I asked her.

"I've been staring at the edge of the water" I sang

"'Long as I can remember, never really knowing why" The three of you sung together.

"See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me

And no one knows, how far it goes

If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me

One day I'll know, if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go"

Everyone joined in for the chorus.

I finished singing and high fived the girl, sitting down next to Jensen again.

"Hi." I greeted the next fan.

"Hi I was wondering what's your favorite episode?"

"My favorite is LARP and the real girl." I said. "That one was fun."

"Mine is Death's Door." Jensen told the fan.

"Thank you." He said sitting down.

I fiddled with the guitar strumming a few chords and letting Jensen greet the next fan.

He nudged me. "It's for you."

I looked up. "Sorry what's your question?" I asked.

"What was the first thing you noticed when you met Jared?"

I smiled. "I actually met Jensen first. Y'all know I started watching Supernatural long before I was invited to play the Winchesters sister. So I see him and walk over to him," Jensen grinned at the memory.

"I walk up to him and I look up at him, and the first thing out of my mouth is, 'You're a lot taller in real life.' Jensen of course thought it was hilarious." I grinned at him.

"And then I realize, if Jay is that tall, then Jar must be a skyscraper." The audience laughed.

"So Jensen starts showing me around set and we run into Jared. And I look up at him." I giggled.

"I look up at him and I say. 'You're really tall.' the boys nearly died they were laughing so hard."

"Jensen they need you for autographs." Rob stuck his head through the curtain, not at all fazed by us relaxed on the floor.

Jensen stood. "Thanks for letting me hang out with y'all!" He waved before ducking through the curtain.

"Oh and Esther?" He called to me.


"Please put my guitar away."

"Right sorry." I placed his guitar gently back on it's stand. I sat back on the floor checking the time.

"We have time for one more question." I turned to the next fan.

"Hi!" I greeted her.

"Hi." she said. "If you had to play another character on Supernatural, who would it be?"

"Charlie." I told her. "Charlie is the best. Besides Coco that is."

I stood as Rob and his band came onstage. "Thanks for hanging out y'all!" I said waving to everyone before ducking off stage.

Supernatural fanfic 5/3/17 - 1/2/18Where stories live. Discover now