2 0 0

Pairing: Non

Characters: Dean, Sam, Reader

Words: ~780


Dean parked the Impala in front of the museum, letting you and Sam climb out.

"You sure you got this?" he asked.

You rolled your eyes. "Dean, this is not the first time I've stolen something from a museum. Be outside the back door in a half an hour." you told him, slinging your backpack over your shoulder.

"Dean we'll be fine. Y/N is right. Don't be late." Sam added.

"All right. Try not to get caught." he ordered.

"Yes sir." You said, saluting him.

Dean grinned at you and drove off.

"Ready?" you asked Sam as you waited in line. "It wont take me long to grab the dagger, but we wont have much time once the alarm goes off, so it had better be a good distraction."

Sam nodded. You had gone over the plan several times already today. It was a simple plan, you would go in, Sam would cause a distraction, you would get the dagger you needed and slip out, meeting Dean in the back. Then you would meet Sam at the library a block away.

"Don't distract them right away I want to find the one we need first."

Sam payed the entrance fee and you walked into the museum together, grabbing a map as you walked by.

"Looks like the sword and dagger display is over there." You pointed to your left. "I'll look around and signal you when I've found the right one."

Sam nodded waiting in near the door, pretending to be reading a display while still keeping an eye on you.

You circled the room inspecting each of the daggers carefully, not entirely knowing what you where searching for.

You had circled the room twice before you found what you were looking for.

Laying on a maroon, velvet cushion, was a dagger with a jeweled hilt. Not nearly as rusted as the others in the room, it was a foot long from hilt to tip. Quickly glancing around you slid your backpack off your shoulder and set it on the floor. Grabbing your lock picks you rapidly unlocked the lock, using your body as a shield from the rest of the room. Slipping your picks back into your bag you signaled Sam, seeing him slip from the room. After a second you heard a crash followed by shouting and running feet. Smiling you cautiously opened the case. grabbing the dagger off its pillow you slid it gently into a hidden pocket in your bag, before closing and swiftly locking the display.

Throwing your bag over over your shoulder you casually walked out of the room. Stopping every now and then to look at a display you made your way to the back exit.

Dean was waiting for you right outside the door. As you climbed in you heard the first alarm sounding.

"Come on." You told Dean. "lets go before they close the gates."

You wandered the library, always staying within earshot of Dean, scanning the shelves but not really looking for anything. Wandering into the kids section you saw a little girl crying in the corner. Walking up to her you greeted her with a smile asking what was wrong.

"I can't find my mommy." she told you through her tears.

Offering her your hand you said, "I'll help you find your mom. Where did you see her last?"

The girl, Emma, led you to a part of the library not to far away. "Okay Emma." You said. "Let's look around and see if we can find her." you smiled at her. "What color is your mommy wearing?"

"Shes wearing blue." Emma said sniffing. Looking around you quickly helped Emma find her mother, who thanked you profusely.

Leaving Emma with her mom, you worked your way back to where you had left Dean, stopping just out of sight when you heard the brothers talking.

"Sam, shes only fifteen!" Dean hissed at his brother.

"Dean. She said shes been hunting almost all her life."

"I'm not going to let a teenager fight the thing that killed five hunters twice her age!"

"Dean it killed her parents." Sam stated, "You can't just stand back and let someone else fight the thing that killed your parents."

Dean sighed staring at his brother. "You don't see do you?" he asked. "If we let her fight this thing she dies."

You stepped out from behind the bookshelf. "I can't die fighting this." you said quietly. "I know exactly when I die."

Dean jumped slightly, not having seen you there before then. "How do you know when you die?" he asked harshly.

"Because five years ago, I sold my soul to save my parents."

Supernatural fanfic 5/3/17 - 1/2/18Where stories live. Discover now