2 0 0

Pairing: Non

Characters: Dean, Sam, Reader, Crowley

Words: ~2,350 

Translations at the end


You woke up when Sam rolled out of bed. Sitting up, you blinked at the light coming in from the window. Grabbing cloths from your bag you retreated into the bathroom.

Quickly cleaning up and changing into your fresh cloths, you listened to the boys argue in the other room.

"What was that last night?" Dean asked.

"She was crying Dean, I was comforting her that's all." Sam defended himself.

"Really?" Dean asked not believing him. "Cause that's not what what it looked like."

"Dean!" Sam said exasperated. "She's half my age! Yes that's all it was!"

Dean scoffed. "Good."

You stepped out of the bathroom, gathering your hair into a messy bun on the top of your head.

"So. Plan?" you asked.

You discussed tactics for a half an hour, only stopping when your stomach growled loud enough for the brothers to hear.

Dean grinned. "Let's get some breakfast!" he grabbed the keys to his car, almost running out the door.

You smiled at his enthusiasm. Grabbing Dragon you clipped her to your belt, placing her where you could grab her easily. Pulling on your jacket you walked out with Sam, climbing in the backseat.

You sat in a window booth, watching people walk by while you ate and listened to the boys banter.

Excusing yourself you went to use the bathroom.

Pulling down your sleeves you walked out of the bathroom to be brutally slammed into the wall. Hands pining you in place holding you up a little off the ground. Without thinking you pulled your legs up kicking out as hard as you could. The man holding you flew across the hall, smashing into the other wall. In an instant you were on top of him Dragon pressed against his throat.

"Who are you and what do you want." you asked him your voice hard.

He grunted throwing you off. "Sorry sweetheart. Not going to be that easy." he grinned his eyes flicking black.

"Gamóto." you whispered. "today had to be the day I didn't bring the gun."

He smirked. "What's the matter? don't have your pretty boys protecting you anymore?"

You glared at him before closing your eyes, pulling forward the memory you needed.

"What? You scared?" the demon taunted.

"Sas exorkízoume, káthe akátharto pnévma," You began opening your eyes. "káthe satanikí dýnami, káthe eisvolí tou exofrenikoú antipálou,"

"What?! No!" the demon screamed.

"káthe legeóna," You continued your eyes hard. "káthe synáthroisi kai ta ierá prágmata tou diavólou. Na ypireteí tin Ekklisía. Boreí na sas exypiretísei me eiríni kai elefthería, epoménos, kataraménos drákos, kai eseís, sas zitáme, na mas akoúsete."

With your last words The demon screamed thick black smoke pouring from his mouth and dropping through the floor. Standing you retrieved Dragon from the floor. Sheathing her you turned, to find the Winchesters standing there, mouths open in shock.

"Close your mouths." you told them. "You look like fish."

"What was that?" Dean asked finding his voice.

Supernatural fanfic 5/3/17 - 1/2/18Where stories live. Discover now