Nothing and Everything

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Pairing: None

Characters: Sam, Dean, Reader/Oc

Words: 781

Warnings: angst?

A/N: This is for Kat's challenge. My prompt was "Yesterday I had everything, today I have nothing." which is bloded below


Yesterday I had everything, today I have nothing.

I tucked my hands in my soot filled hoodie, looking out over the water. I heard someone come stand next to me. Knowing who it was I didn't look up.

"Before you ask, I feel like crap, no there's nothing you can do, and no I don't want to talk about it."

Sam nodded, looking quietly over the waves.

"What now?" He asked after a while.

I shrugged.

"You could come and stay with me and Dean?" He offered quietly.

"I'd like to go to college, use my scholarship, but you and Dean are worried about the demons following me. What do they want me for anyway?"

Sam shook his head. "I don't know."

We fell silent again, the waves crashing around us.

"Why don't you stay with us, at least until you figure out what you want to do next." Sam murmured.

I looking up at him. He wasn't looking at me but I could see the pleading in his voice and the way he was standing.

"Ok." I agreed.

"Ok? You mean you'll come with us?"


"What are you doing?" Dean asked, poking at the wires I had spread over the library table.

"Working." I muttered, slapping his hand away.

"On what?"

"Stuff." I glared at him, hoping he'd leave me alone. He didn't.

"What kind of stuff."

"Stuff." I repeated.

"Morning." Sam said chearily, walking into the library.

"Morn' " I grunted, smacking Dean's hand away from my work yet again.

"Whatcha up to?" He asked, joining us at the table.

"I'm working!" I snapped.

"Okay!" Sam and Dean backed off, retreating a few tables away.

Sighing guiltily I returned to cleaning the wires.

"Say cheese!" I called.

Sam looked up, confused but smiling. "Where'd you get the camera?"

"It was on ebay for really cheap." I told him, smiling.

"Is that what you were doing all morning?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. Sorry for snapping at you." I said sheepishly.

"Hey it's fine. I should have seen you didn't want to talk."

I smiled, sitting down next to him. "You guys find a new hunt?"

Sam nodded. "It should just be a simple salt and burn. We'll be back in three days."

"When is anything ever simple?" I muttered at the same time as Dean.

"We'll call if it ends up more complicated than we think." Sam reassured me.

I sighed but nodded.

I sat on my bedroom floor, a handful of photos spread around me. Flipping through my portfolio, I smiled, blinking back tears. All the photos I had taken through high school was in here. Every flower, every dog, every picture of my friends. It was the only thing I saved from my house and that was because I had it with me at the time.

I couldn't stop the tears that trickled down my cheeks when I got the the photoshoot I had done with my grandma. When the fire had been set my grandmother had been in the house. She hadn't gotten out fast enough for the paramedics to save her.

My grandma had raised me since I was one. My father had run when he realized my mother was pregnant. I don't know what happened to my mother. Grandma didn't like to talk about it.

I traced the smooth curve of my grandma's cheek. Even at 80 she still looked young. I smiled remembering how stubborn she was. The clerk at the local store once described her as 'more stubborn as a donkey without they're breakfast.'


I jumped, looking up at Sam. "Geeze Sam, don't sneak up on me like that!"

He chuckled. "I didn't. You just didn't hear me and the heard of elephants come in."

He sat down next to me, looking at my pictures.

"Is that your grandma?" He asked softly.

I nodded. "She was the only family I had." I murmured. "I never knew my father and my mum dropped me off on Grandma's porch when I was one."

"I'm sorry to hear that." He said softly, his eyes sad.

I brushed my hair out of my face, looking down at the pictures. "The demons.. They didn't just take my house and clothes when they burned the house." I murmured, biting back tears. "They took my life. And... I don't know how to get that back."

Sam wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close to his side. "You have me and Dean now." He murmured. "We'll help you figure out the rest."

I turned, wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you." He whispered. "We love you."

"I-I love you too, Sam."

Yesterday I had nothing, today I have everything.

Supernatural fanfic 5/3/17 - 1/2/18Where stories live. Discover now