Like hot Chocolate

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Words: ~410

A/N: Just a random dabble I felt like doing. The prompts that inspired this are "Blood is really warm, it's like drinking hot chocolate. But with more screaming." and "I live in shadows. Nobody notices me. I don't need a name." 


You smiled down at the long haired man tied to the chair, idly flipping your blade.

"Blood is... really warm," You commented. "it's like drinking hot chocolate. But with more screaming."

"Please." he begged. "You don't have to do this."

"Oh but sweetheart." You whispered as you dragged the knife down his arm. "It's so much fun." You watched the blood trickle down his arm.

Dipping your fingers into the red stream you tasted it. "hmm. Your sweet." You told him tasting more. "I am going to enjoy this"

You spun around as the door crashed to the ground. "Loods like I get dessert as well as dinner." You said looking the man over.

"Sammy?" He called.

"I'm here Dean." your captive replied.

"Dean, Dean, Dean." you shook your head. "Always the big brother. I'm not killing him. I just needed to borrow him for a bit." you held up a small vial filled with a dark read substance. "He's all yours now." You stepped out from between the brothers. Any non-human new never to get inbetween the brothers.

Dean kept his gunned trained on you as he went to release his brother. You slipped the vial into your pocket holding up you heads to show you weren't going to harm them anymore.

Dean got the ropes untied, and helped his brother to stand. They were almost out when Dean turned back. "Who are you anyway?" He asked confusion written all over his face.

"I live in shadows." you told him crossing your arms. "Nobody notices me. I don't need a name."

Dean shook his head. "What are you then?"

You let your eyes flick black. "Does it really matter in the end?" you asked. "You got what you wanted. I got what I needed for now." you blinked, your eyes returning to their normal storm gray. "We don't need to see eachother again."

Dean frowned. "Why are you letting us go?" he asked puzzled.

"Don't lok a gift horse in the mouth." you quoted. "Besides it wouldn't do me any good to have you two dead."

Dean turned to go, Sam's arm firmly over his shoulders. "Dean." you called. He turned back. You ran up to him pressing your hand to his head. "Your going to need this." you said a soft light glowing where your skin touched. "Use it well." your hand dropped and you watched him walk out with Sam.

"Goodbye." You whispered fingering the vial. "I'll see you again."

Supernatural fanfic 5/3/17 - 1/2/18Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant