You Are Brave

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Characters: adopted Sister!Reader, Sam, Dean

Words: 914

Warnings: this is the Angst Ocean. depression-y stuff. I'm so sorry guys. There is a little bit of fluff at the end.

A/N: Written for a friends Wish Upon A Star Challenge. My prompt was, "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." (winnie the pooh) Which is bolded in the fic. Please Like and Reblog if you enjoyed it.


You watched your brothers fight the demons. They were good, two of the six demons were down, but it wasn't enough, they wouldn't last much longer. You sighed knowing you would be thoroughly yelled at for doing this. Tucking one of your demon knives into your waistband you stood throwing the other, hitting one of the demons in the chest and alerting the others to your presence.

"Hey you!" You called grabbing their attention.

"y/n no!" Sam yelled momentarily distracted. One of the demons took the distraction and pushed Sam up against the motel wall. You threw your other knife hitting him the back.

Stepping over a body you plucked your knife from the first demon you had killed.

"Y/n!" Dean yelled. An invisible wall slammed into you and throwing you backward.

You yelped as you smashed through the window, taking a hard fall on the concrete sidewalk outside, glass shards digging into your back.

You struggled to your feet blood dripping down your back. You heard the last demon scream. Sam must have gotten him.

Dean leaned out the remains of the window. Checking you over he frowned at the droplets of blood running down your legs and dripping on the pavement.

"Sam if your done playing with the pretty demons we need to go." Dean called.

"I'm done." Sam walked out the door the bags in his hands and tossed them in the trunk.

Silently you walked to the car and opened the door.

"y/n I'm not letting you bleed all over my baby. Sam do something about her cuts." Dean glared at you.

You rolled your eyes and gave him your best death look, but let Sam take a look at your back.

"What were you thinking y/n!" Dean burst out. "You nearly died!"

"So?" you crossed your arms wincing as it pulled the wounds on your back.

"So? So?!" Dean said his voice rising. "You almost get yourself killed and all you can say is so?!"

You threw your hands up. "What do you want me to say?" you yelled. "Why does it matter? I'm only the girl the Winchester's picked up off the street!"

"I told you we shouldn't have let her come Sam! She always messes up everything!"

Sam cleaned the last cuts on your back washing them quickly with whisky from the trunk.

"Some of these are going to need stitches." he murmured grabbing the first aid kit from the backseat. You winced as you felt the needle pick your back, feeling Sam set the stitches quickly but neatly.

Snipping the last thread he let you drop your shirt down, covering the cuts.

Dean pushed off the wall, climbing angrily into the car and shutting the door.

You sighed quietly. It was going to be a long car ride home.

Dean pulled the impala into the garage. Climbing out he grabbed his bag and walked inside without looking at you.

Sam opened your door helping you out. You gave him a small half smile, one of the one's that hide how you really feel. Walking quickly past him you hid the tears in your eyes, letting him think you would be fine.

Trotting past the bathroom you heard the water running, meaning Dean was in the shower. That gave you about an hour till he was on you again.

Slipping into your room you pulled off your now ruined shirt. Tossing it in the trash you grabbed your softest flannel and a black tank top. Throwing on the clothes you flopped on your bed wincing at the sharp pain in your back. Staring up at the ceiling you let the tears fall. The dark thoughts flooding you.

"You're not worthy to be a Winchester."

"You're just the girl they picked up off the street."

"You don't matter."

"No one would miss you if you left."

"You should just go."

"They don't care about you."

The thoughts came fast one after the other.

"Stop!" You screamed, rolling off the bed.

You slammed into the floor sharp pain flooding your side and back.

The tears pored from your eyes, little salty droplets falling on the floor.

"Leave. You don't matter."

Sobs shook your frame. "I can't do this anymore." You sobbed curling into a ball. "I can't."

You didn't how long you lay there before Sam found you. Kneeling next to you he pulled you onto his lap.

"Shhh." He whispered his hand running through your hair. "It's alright."

"No it's not!" You sobbed your body shaking.

"Hey, I've got you y/n. I'm here you're alright."

You curled tighter in his arms, letting him give you the comfort you needed.

"Sam I can't do this anymore." You whispered when your breathing evened out.

"Do what?" Sam asked quietly his arms wrapped gently around your body.

"I can't keep being second best. I can't keep being That Girl." Your voice cracked. "I can't let myself be ignored and shut down anymore."

Sam felt his heart shattering as he listed to you. How had he not seen how broken you where?

He placed a gentle finger under your chin lifting your tear streaked face to look at him.

"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." He whispered. "You aren't second best and you most certainly aren't That Girl." He whispered wiping the tears from your eyes. "You're my sister and I don't know where I'd be without you."

Supernatural fanfic 5/3/17 - 1/2/18Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum