Just the way you are

2 0 0

Pairing: Non

Characters: Jared, Jensen, Bella, reader

Words: ~1,840 (<– :o this is officially the longest thing I have written.)

Warnings: non really, slight language but nothing else I can think of.

A/N: This is my entry for Kari's 6666 challenge. My prompt was the song Just the Way You Are by Billy Joel. 


"Hey Sam." you called without looking up from the drawing you were working on.

"Hey." he said, coming over to see what you were doing.

You both looked up as Cas popped into the room.

"Where's Dean?" he asked without saying hello.

"He's in the-" you stopped as he started giggling. "Seriously guys?" you asked breaking character, mock angry, "That's the fourth take!"

"Sorry." Misha said as you fake glared at him.

Looking up at Jared you told him, "Can we please do this without you messing him up? I have homework I need to do."

"Sorry." he told you. "I forgot."

"It's fine. Lets just finish this?" you asked smiling up at him.

It took a couple more takes before you got, but finally you were released while Misha and Jensen finished a couple of their scenes.

Checking your phone you frowned when you saw their was 2 missed phone calls from your best friend, Bella. Calling her back your frown deepened when she didn't pick up.

"Hey this is Bella, leave a message after the beep."

"Hey Bella! It's Y/N. We just finished filming for the day and I was wondering how you're doing. Call me back when you get this."

Hanging up, you unlocked the door of your trailer thinking about Bella. You had been friends since preschool, hanging out together inside and outside of school. She had been the one you called first when your Grandma had died, and you had cried together at the funeral. You were the one she turned to first when her brother had jumped off the building. You had listened to her late night calls when she had fallen into depression. You had introduced her to Supernatural and Jared's Always Keep Fighting campaign. You had cheered together when you were 15, and landed a recurring role as Jane, becoming one of the youngest recurring actors on Supernatural.

Changing out of your costume you pulled on your favorite comfy dress and sat down to start on your pile of homework.

You were working on a difficult math problem when your phone rang. Checking caller ID you saw it was Bella.

"Hey Bella! I was worried about you." you told her, relief flooding you as you heard her voice.

"Hi sorry about that. How was filming?" she asked.

You talked until she had to go, promising to call again tomorrow. You hung up an idea growing in your mind.

Setting aside your work you went to find Robert.

To your surprise Robert agreed to your plan. Now you just needed Jensen, Jared, Rob and his band on board.

Jensen was fairly easy to convince and agreed almost instantly to your idea. Rob agreed, always jumping at the chance to play at cast parties.

Knocking on the door to Jared's trailer, you prepared to bargain with him to get him to agree to your idea.

To your surprise when he opened the door he had a remote in his hand. His eyes lit up when he saw you and he dragged you inside before you could protest, pushing you down on the couch, he popped a CD in, and flopped next to you.

Supernatural fanfic 5/3/17 - 1/2/18Where stories live. Discover now