GRIFFIN Part 4 - A Deal

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Pairing: Non

Characters: Dean, Sam, Reader

Words: 660

Warnings: Angst, mentions of beatings, abusive parents. I think that's all.


You stepped out from behind the bookshelf. "I can't die fighting this." you said quietly. "I know exactly when I die."

"How do you know when you die?" Dean asked harshly.

"Because four years ago, I sold my soul to save my parents."

The ride back to the motel was a long and silent one.

As soon as he got inside Dean grabbed a beer from the fridge, drinking half the bottle in one go.

Sitting on the bed as far from Dean as you could, you pulled the dagger from your bag admiring the blade, watching the sunlight play along its length. Sighing you grabbed your whetstone out, working on sharpening the blade.

You flinched, sensing someone standing within striking distance. Looking up you saw Sam and Dean watching you.

"Are you going to tell us why you did it?" Dean asked.

You looked at them seeing a hard light in their eyes. You knew they would get the story out of you one way or another.

Slowly you nodded. Taking a deep breath you began.

"Don't interrupt me or I won't be able to finish. I have to start at the beginning, or I'll forget something and it won't make any sense.

"I was born September 10 2001. The day before 9/11, but half a country away. My parents were and Rivers. I had one older brother, William, who was four years older than me. After I was born, we stayed in California for almost two years, before my parents got restless and started hunting again. I grew up much the way you guys did.

"When I was seven my parents started teaching me hunting, and I did most of the research for the hunts they went on.

"When I was nine they brought me on my first hunt. I nearly died twice.

"We weren't a perfect family. We were about as far from that as we could possibly be. My father was a mean drunk. And he was drunk more often than not. He beat me several times." You shuddered, feeling again the hard blows and strikes that had nearly killed you.

"My mother hated us. She only kept us because we were useful. As soon as we were no longer useful to her she would have just dumped us.

"My brother wasn't the nicest person to be with. He hated me. Not sure what I did, but he never liked me. He adored my father. Wanted to be just like him. He would drink and smoke as often as he could.

"I never knew anything else. I thought that was how family was. I didn't know what love was." you took a shuddering breath, tears streaming down your face.

"When I was ten and a half, my parent were driving to a hunt when they crashed. I was in the hotel room doing research when I heard. I didn't know what to do. I had no other family.

"I summoned a demon, offering my soul for my family. He agreed but only gave me five years. He said it was because there was three of them.

"last year, right after I turned fifteen, they were hunting what they thought was a werewolf. They were wrong, and the Griffin got them. I couldn't save them. Not them, not the two dozen innocent people it killed.

"The demon I made the deal with, Crowley, found me again, said he would help me. He adopted me told me he would take care of me. Help me kill the Griffin before he took me."

You sat there letting the tears fall, concentrating on your breathing, trying to ignore the memories bubbling up in your mind.

Summoning your courage, you looked up at them.

Sam watched you with an understanding and kind look. Deans green eyes had a harder, but still understanding look.

You sat in silence for a few minutes before Sam said, "Let's fight a Griffin then."

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