GRIFFIN Part 1 - The Youngest Hunter

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Pairing: Non

Characters: Dean, Sam, Crowley, Reader

Words: 591

A/N: This was my first (and one of my only complete) series. Please keep in mind that I wrote this over a year ago.


You crouched in the bush at the edge of the parking lot watching the two men unload their car.

"Are you sure they will help me?" you asked Crowley not taking your eyes from them.

"Absolutely." he said. "They fall for any girl with a sad story."

"This had better work." you said taking a deep breath. "I've been tracking this thing for ... what? Two months now?"

"Go." Crowley gave you gentle push. "Before they leave."

"Okay. Okay. I'm going. Bye dad."

Crowley grinned, watching you for a minute before going back to hell.

"Hey!" you called walking up to the famous Impala. "Are you the Winchester boys?"

Dean turned looking over your five foot frame. "Maybe. Depends on who's asking."

"I'm Y/N." you said. "I'm a Hunter."

Dean raised his eyebrows, not believing you.

Sam walked back wondering what was taking Dean so long. "Who's this?" he asked.

"they were not exaggerating when they said you were tall." you muttered taking a step back. "I'm Y/N." you said again.

"She says she's a Hunter." Dean told Sam.

Sam looked you over his brow creased in confusion. "Where are your parents?" he asked you.

"They died." you said bluntly. "Two months ago. I've been chasing the thing that killed them. I've finally tracked it down to here. You probably did too."

"Prove to me you're a hunter." Dean said still not believing you.

You sighed wishing you didn't have to do this in the open. "Promise you wont shoot me?" you asked not quite trusting them. When they nodded you turned lifting your shirt to revel the tattoos on your back.

"So you're a hunter." Dean said watching you as where sat in a chair.

You rolled your eyes. "Yeah. I've hunted most of my life."

"How old are you?" Dean asked.


"You're fifteen?!" Dean stared at you. "You're fifteen and you hunt." he repeated.

"It kinda runs in the family." you said.

"Okay. I need a beer." Dean grabbed one from the small fridge in the corner and taking a long drink.

"How do you kill a vampire?" He asked making you jump. "Do you stake it through the heart, or shoot it?"

"Neither." you told him automatically. "You cut their head off."

"What about werewolves?" Dean asked.

"Silver bullet. Through the heart is best, but through the head works too." you said watching Sam as he leaned on the wall.

"What is your other tattoo?" Sam asked, bringing up the question you had been waiting for.

"It's the Greek word alítheia." You explained. "It means truth. It's spelled so I can't lie even if I wanted to."

"Can I see it again?" Sam requested.

You nodded standing and taking your shirk off so he could see it properly.

"Interesting." You tensed a little as he traced the letters on your back. Noticing he withdrew his hand. "I'm sorry. I should have asked first." he said.

"It's okay." you told him pulling your shirt back on. "Are you satisfied that I'm a hunter, or are you going to ask me more questions?"

"We're done." Sam told you.

"Will you help me then?" you asked. "I know what it is. I saw it when ..." you stopped looking down so they wouldn't see the tears in your eyes. "When it got the others." you finished.

"Of course we'll help." Sam assured you. "Could you tell us what it is and we'll research how to take it down."

"It's a griffin." You said meeting his eyes. "and he's very pissed."

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