Half Blood

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Characters: Dean, Sam, Reader, Readers mother.

Words: 750 exactly

Warnings: angst, death of reader. I think that's everything.

A/N: I have no idea where this came from. I got this idea while brushing my teeth. so here it is. 


You where 2 when you started gymnastics.

You flipped and leaped across the floor, tumbling better than the other girls in your class.

"You should put her in Level 3." Your coach told your mother. "She'll go far your y/n."

You where 5 when you wone your first gold medal.

You grinned, the lights flashing in your eyes.

Jumping from the podium you ran to your coach.

"I know you could do it y/n!" Your coach pulled you into a tight hug.

You where 7 when you first learned that your family wasn't normal.

"Mom? Where's dad?"

Your mom's eye's widend a little. "He went out." she said lamely.

"Where? And why didn't he say goodbye?"

"y/n," You mother started. "Your father is a good man, you know that right?"

You nodded.

"Your father is diferent then your friends dads okay sweetie?"

You where 10 when you learned about the murders.

"Did you hear?" You best friend Sara asked.

"Hear what?" You looked up at her.

"Mr. Brown was found in his yard with his heart ripped out of his chest!"

"Where did you hear that?" You asked her.

"There where some FBI guys asking my dad stuff before practice today."

You where 15 and training for the olympics when you got the news.

"y/n," Your mom's voice cracked. "You need to come home."

"Mom? What happed?"

"It's your dad. He was shot."

You where 16 when you learned about your father.

"Hey mom?"


"could you tell me about dad?"

Your mother set down the towel she was drying the dishs with. "What do you want to know?"

"Why did he leave so much?"

"y/n..." Your mom took a breath. "Your dad wasn't human."

You stared at her. "Your kidding."

she shook her head. "He was a wearwolf."

You where 17 when you where killed.

You looked at the gun, inches from your head.

"Please. I've never killed anyone." You begged. "I never hurt anyone."

the man glared at you. "Your a monster," He told you. "And so was your father."

You closed your eyes, hearing a bang as the gun fired. Pain pierced your head, and then...nothing.

You where 18 when you became a ghost.

You floated behind the men, Sam and Dean, listening to their converstion.

"Dean..." Sam began.

"Sammy enough." Dean interupted him. "I heard you the first five times."

He stomped into the kitchen. You followed, watching Sam lean on the door frame.

"Does it feel cold in here to you?" He asked, rubbing his arms.

"The AC must be broken again."

You where 19 when the boys first saw you.

You trailed behind the boys listening as they argued.

"do you ever do anything besides argue and drink?" You muttered.

Sam whiped around.

"Um...Dean?" He called.

"Yeah?" Dean's voice echoed through the halls.

"I uh, I think you'd better come here."

"What?" Dean walked around the corner and stopped.

"Um, Hi?" You said staring at the two guns pointed at you.

"What are you doing here." Dean demanded.

"I'm enjoying the view." You said sarcasticly. "What do you think I'm doing?"

"I killed you." Dean whispered.

"Yeah you did." You retorted. "Any other usefull observations samrty pants?"

"Dean who is this." Sam asked lowering his gun.

"I'm a girl." You sassed. "And I happened to be half wearwolf."

"And?" Sam asked.

"He killed me." You said. "All for the crime of having the wrong father."

"Why are you here?" Dean asked.

"You don't get to yell at me for bing dead if you're the one who killed me." You glared at him. "I'm here because I have nowhere else to go."

"You shouldn't be here." Dean's hands where trembling now. "I burned your bones."

"While I'm here now aren't I?"

You where 20 when you finally left.

"Are you sure this will work?" You where nerveos your spirit trembling with nerves.

"Yeah." Dean poured the last ingreadient in the bowl.

"You don't sound sure." You comented.

"All we need to do is summen a reaper and then she'll be able to take you on." He lit the match. "ready?" He asked.

You shrugged. "As ready as I'll ever be."

He dropped the match and the dust in the bowl shot up in sparks.

A reaper with dark hair stood in front of Dean.

"Winchester." She said nodding. "y/l/n. You are ready now?"

You nodded.

She walked over to you. "Let's go then."

"Goodbye Dean." She took your hand and everything dissolved into white mist.

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