Season One - Prologue

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A/N: This was the first part to a series I ended up abandoning before I finished. This ended up being the only part I posted from this series, but I will be posting the second part here, despite it not being completely finished and cleaned up. 


What if Sam was a girl?

Mary carried dean into the nursery, holding the child easily on her nightgown clad hip.

"Come on, let's say goodnight to your sister." She told the boy.

Walking into the room she flipped on the lights and set Dean down. Dean ran over to kiss Sam goodnight.

"'Night, Sam." He told the little girl.

Mary walked over and kissed the top of Sam's head, brushing the hair from her forehead.

"Goodnight, love." She murmured.

"Hey, Dean." John smiled from the doorway.

Dean ran to hug his dad, calling "Daddy!"

John laughed scooping up the child. "Hey, buddy. So what do you think? You think Sammy's ready to toss around a football yet?"

Dean laughed, shaking his head. "No, daddy."

John laughed again. "No."

Mary started out of the room pausing when she reached John and Dean. "You got him?"

"I got him." John smiled, hugging Dean closer. "Sweet dreams, Sam." John called softly, flipping off the lights and carrying Dean to bed.

Sam gurgled softly as the mobile over her head started turning. The clock on the wall ticked twice and stopped, and the nightlight flickered.

Mary stirred flicking on the lamp. "John?" She asked sleepily.

She reached over to find the other side of the bed empty. Climbing out of the bed she walked down the hall to check on Sam.

"John? Is he hungry?" She asked from the doorway.

"Shhh." He told her, turning his head.

"Alright." Mary smiled.

Mary started walking back down the hallway. The light by the stairs flickered. She tapped it, steadying the light.

"Hm." She hummed, frowning.

Glancing downstairs she noticed lights flickering. Walking down she saw a movie playing on the TV, John asleep on the couch.

Her eyes widened. If John is here... Mary gasped, turning and running up the stairs screaming Sam's name.

John woke abruptly when he heard a scream. "Mary?" He called, worried. He scrambled to his feet. "Mary!"

Racing upstairs he bursts through the nursery door. "Mary."

He glanced around the room. Sam was awake in her crib, cooing softly. John walked over, pushing down the side of Sam's crib.

"Hey Sammy. You ok?" A dark drop landed next to Sam's head. John reached down to touch it, two more drips falling on the back of his hand. Was that... blood?

John looked up. Mary was sprawled across the ceiling, her mouth open in shock. The front of her nightgown was stained dark red with blood.

Johns knees gave out and he collapsed next to the crib. "No! Mary!"

Dean ran down the hall wondering what was going on. "Daddy!" He called.

John grabbed Sam and shoved the girl into Dean's arms.

"Take your sister outside as fast as you can and don't look back!" He ordered. "Now, Dean, go!"

Dean wrapped his arms around the precious bundle and ran out. John turned back into the nursery. He could barely see Mary through the roaring flames. "No!" He screamed.

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