Last Day

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                 It was dawn now, the sun touching the tips of the horizon and causing striking colors of violet and orange to streak across the once black sky and chase away the stars providing light of it's own that far outshone their gentle sparkle. Birds began to tweet in cheerful chatter hopping away from their nests to hunt for food and enjoy the warmth of the day only disturbed by a calm but chilly breeze. The fresh scent of pine filled the air from the trees around the little motel secluded within the clumps of forest. Now someone not in Rose's position might awaken to such tranquility and feel completely relaxed and just take in the view with wonder. However the brunette did not have such the luxury that other people were afforded. Being kidnapped and tied up to a bed by a serial rapist and killer tended to make peacefulness hard to enjoy. She squirmed slightly against the ropes and let out a hiss of pain as they rubbed uncomfortably against her already red and raw pale wrists. Feeling all her muscles stiff from a night of tossing and turning unable to get into the right position and struggling with the soreness and migraine which seemed to hound her mind. Beside her the man who was the cause of all this pain slumbered peacefully. She thought back to last night when he left the room extremely late and returned seemingly cheery as he hummed and placed something back into the pack he brought along. She had been pretending to sleep at that time but with his back turn she dared to glance over and saw the glimpse of a black pistol being shoved back within. What was he doing with that gun? Obviously something not good considering he was so pleased with himself. Her mind raced for the possible answers, had he assaulted someone else staying at the motel? No impossible, their were no other cars in the driveway besides the van and some beat up light blue Prius probably belonging to the manager. If not that.. then what? Then it hit her, the manager.. William had seemed a bit displeased with the man's callous display of lust.. Had he killed him? If that was the case why wouldn't he just flaunt the murder in front of her? 

             Rose, so deep in thought, was oblivious to the shifting on the bed beside her until a pair of firm and strong arms snaked around her hips and pulled her close. "Morning dove~" Cooed William, his voice was husky and a tad deeper as he nipped at her ear with a chuckle. She tensed at his touch as it sent warmth flooding her body and shivers down her spine every inch of her now on alert. After coughing a bit to clear out the dryness of her throat, the petite woman managed to choke out a response in a raspy voice. "Let me go already.." He didn't say anything for a few moments just slipped off the side of the bed which was obvious by the weight shifting and then returned with a water bottle gripped in his fist. For a few moments she squirmed against his grip but eventually he managed to get a steady hold upon her face, straddling her hips to the bed to prevent anymore struggling and pressed the cool tip of the bottle to her lips forcing the liquid down her throat. Now some might be confused why Rose was fighting so hard to refuse the drink.. but the answer was simple. He could have put anything in that water bottle to get the upper hand. Though the cool liquid relieved the pain of a hoarse throat it wasn't enough to stave off her need for food. This evident by the soft rumbling from her stomach as it voiced it's needs. He glanced down at her for a few moments as if pondering what to do before climbing off and haphazardly throwing the bottle onto the ground. "Stay here.. I'll be back." Then stopped and laughed realizing she was tied up and couldn't really move never mind leave the area. As if this was some hilarious joke not a sick consequence of him kidnapping her. "Hm.. Don't get too comfortable either. We are going to be hitting the road soon." He sent her a wink before exiting the room in a few long strides the wooden door swinging closed from behind. 

               After a few more moments of hopeless struggling Rose allowed her body to slacken in exhaustion and pain staring up at the dully painted white ceiling which was stained and peeling in several places. How did she ended up in such a situation? She was a young SVU detective just starting out now she was captured by a dangerous criminal who was keeping her for god knows what.. Their was a sinking hopelessness that had sunk in making her want to just be consumed into the bed and just stop existing. It was an utterly crushing feeling causing her insides to twist into knots of emotional agony with the tears she had fought so hard to stay down to now bubble up and stream down her rosy cheeks. Shuddering in silent sobs of pure frustration and grief, wondering if she would ever see the ones she loved again. Would she ever see her sister walk down the aisle and eventually raise beautiful children? Would she ever find someone to love her with such a fiery passion..? Her heart ached at the thought and she peered over at the slowly rising sun taking in the sight with intense vigor, trying to memorize each little detail. For fear that this would be the last time she would experience a sunset. She shut her eyes remembering the warmth of the sun on her face as she snuggled close to her mother's slender body and gazed out at the rolling sea. How the setting sun shone so perfectly upon the water's edge with such beauty that eight year old Rose began to sob at the sight. It wouldn't be such a bad place to die.. the beach. Maybe she would request that her body be left there to wash up upon the shore where she could be at peace in the ever flowing waves. More tears sprang up blurring her vision and ruining the image of the sun rise making it look like blotches of colors. Under the warmth of the rising sun her tears dried up but their was a patchy redness around her eyes from crying. Good, she didn't want him to know she was crying. If she was going to die she wouldn't die like a coward. 

Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. ((William Lewis x OOC))Where stories live. Discover now