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                   After about an hour of waiting William returned and stuffed something into his considerably large back pack before carefully untying her hands from the rod but keeping her wrists bound together. "Don't even think about struggling and trying to run, I'll kill you before you make it to the trees.. got it?" He hissed seemingly in a bad mood now and Rose just soundlessly nodded grinding her teeth in irritation but saying nothing, not wanting to provoke him just yet. Once being dumped into the back of the familiar van she took a deep breath and realized he hadn't retied her hands to the metal rod which allowed her free range of the back. As quietly as she could, she began to search under the tarp tensing at each crinkle of plastic but continued when he didn't turn around or got suspicious. Eventually spotting some glittering near the edge neatly tucked under a square of the carpet. Pulling it free she realized it was a pocket knife the blade sparkling dangerously in the sunlight that streamed from the front of the van. Now a normal person would have used the sharp edge to free themselves and try to get the hell out of the van but Rose was smart and thinking quickly. He had locked the van from the inside and their was no way she could unlock it unless he chose to so it was a simple game of biding her time until it was the perfect moment to strike. Besides by now the brunette detective was itching for revenge against her captor. Wanting to drive the sharpened edge so far in between his shoulder blades that the bone shattered and then continuously drive it into his chest. Sure that was a bit of a violent thought for someone who was supposed to protect and serve but for what she had been through? It was understandable. The frustration and hopelessness mingling within her was awakening something dark. Something that made her yearn for the warmth of blood against her cheeks as she took revenge for the one who had harmed her the most. However instead of it being William receiving the injuries it was a brunette man with a square jaw and stunning navy blue eyes, her father. 

                Rose shuddered pulling herself from the violent fantasy as the van pulled into a dirt road causing the gentle rumbles to become more powerful as the wheels bounced over the gritty terrain. She sat up and risked a glance out of the tinted windows to see them passing by a group of cabins pushed far back into the secluded woods. Probably lake houses for the rich or just in general people who liked to come up and had the extra money. She frowned slightly imagining a young girl who had come up to the lake for fun stumbling upon her body.. washing up the shore cold and pale. Sure it was a depressing thought but that's all she could think about at the moment. Better then to dwell on what would occur BEFORE death. The torturous activities he most likely had planned  for the days they would spend up there. From the reports it was clear he normally let the women go after toying with them but she had no doubts that this time would be different. She was an officer and not his former girlfriend, he had gone off pattern and now it was just a wild guessing game for what his impulses would lead him to do. Eventually after being tossed around for a bit, the van slowed to a stop and she felt her stomach lurch in sudden fear as the realization hit her and all the numbness slipped away. This is where she would die. Their was a sudden feeling of piercing and paralyzing terror that caused her body to slump against the van's wall and just stare at the ground unable to piece together a coherent thought just sinking into the overwhelming despair. Her breathing slowing so much it was as if she stopped altogether despite the slow rise and fall of her lungs expanding. The van door slid open and the silhouetted figure of William grabbing his back pack and tossing the strap leisurely over his shoulder appeared before he lifted her out and set her legs down to the ground. 

             They felt like jelly, the second her slender legs made contact, and her knees buckled but he managed to keep her up and walking after successfully shutting and locking the van. How he managed to do all that while supporting an 100 pound woman eludes me to this day. As she stumbled down the dirt path she caught sight of the cabin he was leading her to. It didn't look all that bad, painted a beautiful sapphire blue that had faded with age but still looked stunning against the white sandy beach. It was one story with a high roof and each window frame painted a white color to match the door and stick out against the blue. Such an adorable design it seemed odd this would be the place where a horrific crime would be committed, almost a pity. She clumsily climbed the rickety wooden steps which creaked under their weight but supported it and into the main living room. Barely having time to take in the dust covered furniture and old looking TV before being whisked into a spare bedroom and practically thrown upon the bed.  She sat up uneasily glancing at the towering male as he stalked over bag in hand like a prowling fox, ready to strike upon the little dove curled helplessly and stuck watching as the predator slowly set in. Surprisingly he did not taunt her or tease her like it said in the reports, how he would describe before hand exactly what he would do to the women and how painful it was. Instead he tied her wrists together behind her back and then tied both ankles, with duct tape, apart against each wooden rod at the end of the bed limiting most motion. The brunette flinched as he withdrew a large knife from his pocket slicing open the thin fabric of her jeans with one slice and making quick work of tearing them off. In her terror Rose forgot completely about the hidden knife which had slipped out of her waist band and was sitting under her body now just waiting to be remembered. Tears clouded her stunning pale blue eyes once again as she felt his heavy body press her down into the bed and she shut her eyes tight, listening to the soft twinkle of an unbuckling belt her whole body tensing in preparation for what was about to occur. 

Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. ((William Lewis x OOC))Where stories live. Discover now