Similar Pattern?

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                     "Rose, we just wanted to let you know that a crime was committed nearby with a similar pattern as William Lewis. A young woman was found bound and gagged in Warren, Pennsylvania. Covered in cigarette burns and appeared to be sexually assaulted before left for dead. Now we don't know for sure if it was him as their was no DNA on the scene and the victim is too traumatize to say who did it but.. just know we will be putting an extra patrol car on your block tonight just in case." Crystal faltered halfway through the rambling and glanced around the rather deserted station. Other then the few straggling officers busy on paperwork and Olivia whom peeked out of the office door before quickly disappearing behind it once more they were completely alone. She let out a relieved sigh and loosened up to a more hunched over posture one Cragen once used especially after a stressful day. Sharing his mannerisms and general exhaustion from having to deal with the higher ups all day. With deep purple rings under her brown eyes much alike Rose's but even darker and a general weariness with frown wrinkles appearing around the tips of her mouth and between her brows already becoming distinct against her olive skin. She leaned back against a large concrete pillar used as a divider and support for the station staring fatigued at her for a few silent moments before carrying on. "We haven't found him yet but I swear we will Rose.. It's just.." The Captain paused running a slightly calloused hand through the messy locks of curly brown hair disturbing the pony tail and pulling some from the tie causing some loose strands to flops down to the side, framing her face. She licked her thin chapped lips and seemed to be struggling for the correct words. It was a bit sad, this younger woman was tossed into the frey of the NYPD right when the drama was at a head. Rose even felt the urge to tell her exactly where William was but last minute decided it was better not. 

                      "Anyways.. Considering the detective.. Munch was his name? Left we are assigning Olivia as the new sergent. She has agreed.. and you will be on desk duty soon. We can't have you risking yourself out on the field being pregnant and all. 1 PP is already getting on my ass about it so you have about two more weeks." Rose curtly nodded not wanting to argue with the already exhausted detective deciding some desk duty wouldn't be so bad. With sore and aching ankles already maybe it would be better? Though their was an underlining feeling of stress which ached within her heart at the news of that victim.. So nearby, it could have be William. She felt a deep pain within her side and almost lurched forward but grappled a desk to stay up and shook off the cramp deciding it was just regular pregnancy pains. From all the books being showered down upon her by nosy people being in pain was completely normal with pregnancy. She settled down on the cushy office chair once again as Rollins and Olivia emerged and joined her at their own desks. A silence settled between the three women which was accompanied by an unwarranted tense atmosphere. As if their was something unspoken they were unwilling to share. The petite brunette shouldn't shake the feeling that they were hiding something. What was going on here? Another shot of anxiety rushed her body, what if they had found out about William? Surely their would be more chaos if they had... no she was being paranoid. Rose shook out her tensed muscles letting her shoulders droop down against the plush back of the office chair and sighed deeply. Hardly able to relax when Carisi, a new detective who replaced Amaro, burst through the office area and leap down the landing with an excited look on his face and his light blue eyes shimmering with passion. Finn trailed behind with an exacerbated expression. It was no secret that the more senior detectives detested the over all eccentric personality of the new guy but she loved it. He seemed to liven up the room with just his over the top entrances and eagerness. 

                 "We got it! The identity of the kid. His name is Grayson Farley." He paused glancing around as if expecting everyone to let out a collective gasp of surprise at the sudden outburst. When nothing came he looked disappointed, puffing out his light pink lips in a pouty look before straightening and regaining his posture from before. Rose searched her mind trying to sort out where the name had come up, it was strangely familiar but she just couldn't place where it had been said before. "He's the son of Tyler Farley. You know.. the owner of the Farley corporation?" This time everyone reacting, Olivia straightened suddenly more interested in the conversation while Rollins really did gasp. That company was racking in billions a year selling their advanced technology and even went public taking in millions. So the new suspect was the son of a powerful business tycoon? That would certainly complicate things. Carisi bounced from foot to foot with excitement his gray streaked hair floofed up and swept to the side also shifting with the jerky movements. It was almost adorable to see the full grown detective so excited but he was a newbie and alike her just starting out, completely unaware of the horrors that is SVU. Olivia swept up from her chair grabbing the black coat dangling off the side of it and called to the Captain announcing they would follow up on the new lead before taking Rollins with her. Now alone with both the male detectives, a complete switch up from before, Rose felt almost at ease. The once tense atmosphere evaporating as the two men joked and talked about the case or something they saw on TV earlier. She drowned out the chatter turning back to the lit up computer screen and checking the time, it was around seven at night not too late considering but she had been leaving earlier and earlier. Being pregnant just constantly zapped the energy out of you. She stood gathering up her things and turned to the boys who looked up at the noise and waved. "See y'all tomorrow. Send me a text if anything important arises." With that she left the station a bit heavy hearted with the news of the day and ready to face William. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. ((William Lewis x OOC))Where stories live. Discover now