Chapter 6| Kiki??

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Shiro and Keith go into the house and Adam runs up to Shiro yelling "TAKASHI YOUR BACK!" And he hugs Shiro,Keith says slightly annoyed "he was only gone for like 2 hours" Shiro smirks and says "is someone jealous cause they aren't with their boyfriend~?" Adam says "He has a boyfriend now?!" "yes!" "aww are little boy is all grown up" Keith rolls his eyes and says "I'm going to my room" Adam starts kissing Shiro as if he was going away and never come back so Keith booked it upstairs to his room he put his stuff down then turns on the t.v he looks through the channels then he finds a Spanish one and it makes him think of lance so he picks up his phone that Adam had left in his drawer and he started texting lance


Blue Boy Lance

Keith:Babe I miss you ;-;
Lance:Lol its only been like 10 mins
Keith:I know but when I was looking for something to watch on t.v a Spanish channel came on and made me think of you now I want you :'(
Lance:awwww baby your so cute I love you!
Keith:Nooooo now I want you even more
Lance:we can go somewhere tomorrow
Keith:why not now? Shiro wont mind
Lance:I'm eating dinner with my family
Keith:oh ill leave you alone now
Lance:ok Love you
Keith:Love you to
Keith sighs and puts his phone down,After a while he settles for cartoon network and watches steven universe then Shiro yells "ADAM!" "..." then he hears Adam yell "WHAT YOU WANTED ME TO DO IT!" "BUT YOU CANT JUST GO IN DRY!" now Keith knew what they were doing so he yelled "SHIRO IM GOING OUT!" "OK" Keith gets up and changes into black ripped jeans a blue shirt and Lance's jacket that he stole,Then he grabs his phone and goes to a coffee shop one of his friends use to go to he orders some coffee when a girl goes up to him and says "KEITH?!" he looks up from his phone to see a familiar face but doesn't remember her name "Its me KiKi!" "I'm sorry but I don't know you,you have the wrong person" "nu-uh I'm the girl you were forced to date then you broke up with me!" "ok?" "I was wondering if I could have a second chance?" "no" Kiki gasps and says "Why not?!" "I'm dating someone" "who?!" Keith stands up and bangs his hands on the table he says "Shut up and stop interrogating me!!" "BUT!" then a familiar voice says "oh hey babe!" Keith turns to see Lance walking towards him "hey what are you doing here?" "my family started asking me a lot of weird questions so I had to get out,you?" "uh well Shiro and Adam were doing it really loudly" "oh that's awkward-" Kiki says "Excuse me!" "huh oh whos this?" Keith says "Some annoying girl" Kiki says "IM NOT ANNOYING AND IM YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Keith says annoyed "no your not" "yes I am your mother never said you could break up with me" "SHE DOESN'T CONTROL ME WE WERE OVER A LONG TIME AGO I'D RATHER DIE THEN DATE YOU!" Lance grabs Keith's arm and says "Lets go to the arcade!" "ok" the Kiki grabs Keith's other arm and says "HE IS MINE!" Lance kisses Keith's cheek and says "oops my bad!" Keith said "uh its ok" Kiki then lets go of Keith and pushes Lance into a wall "ow!" "KEITH IS MINE!" Keith gets pissed and grabs a cup of water and pours it on Kiki she says "k-keith" "go.away." "but-" "I said go away! and keep your hands of my boyfriend!" Keith grabs Lances hand and they walk out of the coffee shop leaving Kiki standing there soaking wet and crying

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