Chapter 25

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Next chapter is when they find out Keith has gotten pregnant!

Keith yawns as he wakes up and sits up then looks around not seeing Lance anywhere, He rushes downstairs and sees no one "Lance?!" Then a familiar voice says "Yes?" Keith turns around and sighs "Thank god, Why did you leave?" "You didn't see? I put up the foam" "Oh" Keith walks over to the couch and sits on his lap then says "What are you watching?" "Eh, It's just a cartoon, Luis and Marco were watching it earlier so I started watching it with them but they all went out" "Oh" Keith yawns and wraps his arms around Lance's neck and rest his head on his shoulder, Lance wraps his arms around Keith's waist and says "Why don't you go to the bedroom and sleep?" Keith doesn't respond and that's when Lance notices he is sleeping, After a while Lance's family comes back and his Ma says "Hey Mijo, Why is Keith sleeping down here?" Lance shrugs and then Luis screams and Lance says "¡ Luis Cállate o me voy a la chancla! (Luis be quiet or I will get la chancla!)" Luis yells "¡ Cállate el culo o te lo diré a mama! (Shut your kinky ass up or I'll tell mum on you!)" Lance's Ma says "Luis no digas esas cosas, vete a tu cuarto ahora te castigan! (Luis do not say those things, go to your room now you are punished!)" Luis stomps his foot and says "¡ No es justo que Keith lo gritó y no se castigó! (No fair Keith said that and he didnt get punished!)" Luis runs upstairs then his Ma sighs.

Lance says "At least Keith didn't-" "Mmm...What's with all the noise?" "Or not, Go back to sleep babe" Keith stretches then Veronica says "How was your nap on Lance's comfy lap?" "It was good..." "Oh my god, Is he even awake?" Lance shrugs then kisses Keith's cheek, Keith groans then says "Take me to the room" "Why? It's day go out get some sun god knows you need it" "Babe I will bitch slap you so take me to the room" "Jeez ok" Lance picks up Keith and goes to the room, He sits Keith on the bed who curls up on it and sighs then says "Ok I'm done, Lets fuck" Lance blushes and Keith starts laughing and falls of the bed with a THUD! Lance glares at him then says "You know your risking your own sex life" "I would also be risking yours" "I can drive" "And?!" "Uh, Go to a club, Duh!" "Bitch I am your husband!" Lance helps Keith up and says "It was a joke, And with that loud of a thud your gonna cause an earth quake" "Maybe I should start losing weight" "Your fine baby, It's a joke" Lance kisses Keith then says "Now what we gonna do?" Keith shrugs then Lance says "Why don't we put this foam to good use?" THen he winks at Keith who starts blushing.

"Ok, But should we try to be quiet just for precaution?" Lance thinks for a second then says "Nah!" Then he pushes Keith onto the bed and says "Do you need prep?" Keith rolls his eyes then says "Yes I do" "Come on I've fucked you to the point where you should be fine!" Keith sighs then says "If I cant walk for a week I'm blaming it on you and your "Smart" Brain" Lance smirks "Deal!" He starts kissing Keith while getting on top of him and starts taking off both of their clothes, Once they are completely naked Lance grabs a jar off his nightstand and puts some lube on his member then lines himself up with Keith's entrance and says "Are you ready?" Keith nods and Lance pushes into Keith, Keith moans loudly then bites his bottom lip Lance says "It's ok babe, Tell me when to move" Keith nods then Lance starts sucking hickey's on his neck then Keith says "You can move" Lance smirks against Keith's skin and starts thrusting into him roughly making Keith a moaning mess, After a while Keith says "I-I'm gonna C-Cum" Lance says "Me to" Then Keith cum's on their chest while Lance did inside Keith, He pulls out of Keith and says "We should get a shower" Keith nods then they go to the bathroom.

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