Chapter 29

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Hey guys I just wanna say sorry their was so much drama in the last chapter but you'll understand why later on also the kid cutting was an Idea from my friend LupTheLich so thank you so so so much, (I've probably thanked her a thousand times already xD) But what the idea is, Is that Keith used to cut himself due to stress and finding out he was part Galra and all that bull so he had razors and Jack being to attached to girls barley pays attention to his twin Amber so she starts cutting, I'm sorry this is so long but enjoy!

Keith sits on the couch crying into his hands then he takes out his phone.

Matt:Hey, How you and Lance doin'?
Keith:Ok...Can I come over?
Matt:Somethin' happen?
Keith:Uh, You know how I haven't stopped...
Matt:Lance found out know he's pissed?
Matt:Pidge is also here so come on over!
Keith:Thanks Matt...
Matt:No problem it's what best friends are for
Keith puts his phone in his pocket then goes to Matt and Pidge's place, Once he gets there Pidge welcomes him in and they all sit on the couch, Pidge says "What happened? You look like Lance just died" Keith says "Well yall already knew I hadn't stopped...Cutting, Lance was yelling at Jack when I realized Amber was gone when we went to the bathroom...She had my razors and cut herself..." "Keith..." "Lance is pissed he ignored me and now I don't think he even wants to see me" Matt says "Well think about past experiences, This is Lance were talking about!" Pidge says "Yeah! When you didn't wanna marry him anymore what did he do?" Keith mumbles "He repurposed..." "He repurposed!" Matt smirks "Damn right he did!" Pidge says "He loves you to much to leave you!" "Damn right he does" "Matt!" "Sorry" Matt gets up and leaves then Pidge says "Go back home and wait for him to come back when he does you apologize and promise to stop cutting, And when you promise you keep that promise!" Keith nods then says "Thank you Pidge" Then he leaves.

"I'm sorry dad...and Jack" "It's ok but why did you do it?" "Jack is so worried about girls he never pays attention to me..." "Don't worry he will just don't cut yourself and don't go into your other dads things again" Jack says "Dad where is daddy?" Lance says "I think he went for a walk-" Then Keith walks in and shuts the door "Daddy!!" Amber runs over to Keith and hugs him "I'm sorry for what I did..." "I-It's ok can yall go to your room? I'll give yall a snack after I talk with Lance..." Jack and Amber go to their room then Lance says "What?" "Babe I'm sorry..." "Keith, I thought I made it clear you better stop cutting!" "You did but I've been-!" "Don't use stressed as an excuse!" "Its not!" Lance walks over to Keith and says "Yes it is! What's going on?! Am I doing something wrong?!" "Its not you Lance!" "THEN WHAT IS IT?!" "I CANT DEAL WITH THIS!" Lance sighs and says "Keith you do know you can come to me for help with anything, Right?" "I know I can Lance..." "Then why?" Keith looks down and says "It's nothing you should worry about...I'm gonna stop I'll throw out my razors" Lance hugs Keith "Dad...Daddy, Are yall mad at us?" Lance sighs "No, It's alright Keith was just having a little trouble handling things...How about we go to Disney land tomorrow?!" Keith mumbles "Babe do you think that's a good Idea" "Yeah, Go pack kids" Amber and Jack go to pack more toys then Lance picks Keith up "Last time the kids interrupted us but now I'm sure their busy" Keith laughs then Lance takes him to their bedroom.

Soon youll see why all this drama is necessary! Also just so yall know Coran is still at Altea, And another thing I might make another story soon when I do I'll tell yall what its about just incase yall wanna check it out. Cheers Loves!

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