Chapter 24

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(Ok, Guys I just want to tell yall that in this chapter and other's its gonna be like some omega verse shit if you don't know what that is all you need to know is Keith is able to get pregnant so yeah I had my friend tell me if they should have children she said yes and described them and all they are gonna be twins named Jack and Amber they are also almost identical except for their height but yeah thanks, LupTheLich)
Lance and Keith finish packing their bags once again and Lance says "So are we taking red or blue?" "Were not coming back so we should take an escape pod and land in the ocean" "Baby, We would die" Keith shrugs then grabs his bag and says "Let's go!" "Were landing on the beach near my house" "Fine" Then they go to the escape pods.
(At Earth)
Lance helps Keith get out and says "We can go to my Ma's house and I'll start looking for a job I guess" "I'll get one to..." They walks to Lance's Ma's house and go in then Lance's Ma runs up and hugs Lance "Mijo! Your back and Keith hi!" Keith waves awkwardly then Lance says "Ma it's nice to see you again me and Keith want to stay here until we get enough money to buy an apartment or house were both getting jobs so we wont be around all day" "Oh, Yeah yall can stay here" Lance pulls back from the hug and says "I'm gonna go up to my room and look for work applications" "No, You are gonna help with dinner first!" Keith says "I can after all I'm saying here I might as well help" "Alright thank you" Then her and Keith go into the kitchen while Lance goes up to his room, After a while Keith yells "LANCE GET YOUR KINKY ASS DOWN HERE!" Lance comes downstairs and says "Chill babe, Also watch your language their are children in this house who don't know what kinky means" Keith shrugs and sits next to Lance laying his head on his shoulder then Veronica says "Round 2!" Lance groans then says "Veronica me and him are married!" "Oh...Dammit Become straight!!" Keith blushes then clears his throat and starts eating his food.

After dinner Lance and Keith go to the room and Keith says "Babe" "Hmm?" "Tomorrow we need to buy sound proof foam" Lance blushes causing Keith to burst into laughter Lance says "T-That's not funny, But we can buy some tomorrow" Keith stops laughing and lays on the bed then says "Soooo, We cant fuck till tomorrow?" "Yes" Keith groans then rolls over and goes to sleep Lance lays down and cuddles with Keith then falls asleep.

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